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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 200x280, kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
709398 No.709398[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are collections of retro games allowed in /vr/?

I honestly don't know why this game isn't selling, the only game collection I've played better than this one was Sonic Jam.

>> No.709410

Kirby not angry enough on cover.

>> No.709448
File: 221 KB, 692x552, 1321982061115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't exist in Yurop

Fuck everything.

>> No.709460
File: 137 KB, 200x280, AmericanEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this?

>> No.709467

Needs that smile turned upside down. Some pussy and ass stickers and dancing snoop dogs.

>> No.709470
File: 50 KB, 733x416, american kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.709473
File: 33 KB, 178x250, kirb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope i could do justic

>> No.709482
File: 66 KB, 198x280, MurricaKirbyFUCKYEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step it up senpai

>> No.709524

the reason is the same as always

kirby always suffered prejudice

>> No.709529
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Being a yuropean nintendo enthousiast is suffering.

>> No.709535
File: 70 KB, 644x777, Best update ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's oppressing kirby? Is it cis males?

>> No.709556

To be fair it is 6 old games and they want like $60 where I live. I think Megaman X Collection is a very good collection and I only paid $30 new for it. I would buy it if it were maybe $40 and I still cared about Wii

>> No.709573

Megaman Anniversary was better IMO. You got ten games and a bunch of bonus content. Hell the console exclusive content was a neat idea too. Except one glaring flaw. They fucked the button layout.

>> No.709575

>friend brags he got this
>'hey it's region free dumbass'
>puts in wii
>disk shatters
>wii is destroyed

>same thing happens with jp paper mario and us wii!

>> No.709581

Sonic Mega Collection is a great one just for the menu music

>> No.709602

I just got mine two days ago for $30. I saw it new somewhere for $40. Not sure who's charging $60 for it..

>> No.709606

>disk shatters
>wii is destroyed

I imagined this as if the wii was specifically designed with a steel tooth grinder to mash disks and spit the shards out and then self destruct.

>> No.709624

I was thinking it spins so fast trying to read it that the inertia becomes more than the design can handle.
...does this actually happen?

>> No.709629
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>> No.709641

i think it's the wii trying to play the disk as a gamecube one (which rotate the other way) so maybe it starts as a normal disk but then goes into 'cube mode and tears itself apart.

i understand why this'd happen with paper mario as it was originally a cube game and maybe leftover code is accessed but with kirby? maybe it's just a random error

>removing the 'cube mode is why those newer wii minis are cheaper, one way disk spiners

>> No.709651

>They fucked the button layout.
Yeah, Gamecube version seriously dropped the ball there.

>> No.709656
File: 32 KB, 639x479, american_Kirby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.709673
File: 31 KB, 355x500, 41PJFXuyjZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collections like this one were a great way for me to play a lot of games I once missed out on. I didn't have a Genesis as a kid so the two Sonic collections on GameCube were fantastic to me. I never had any of the Mega Man games either so the Mega Man Anniversary and X collections were perfect as well. Of course now I've played a hell of a lot of games in the Kirby series but I still picked up Dream Collection as a collector's item. Well done collection too. I still need to beat Dream Land 2 though. Dream Land 3 is my favorite.

Pic related, the laziest goddamn collection for anything ever. It reeks of 30 minutes of effort in total and in general is a real shame. Nothing like dumping one SNES rom onto a Wii disc and calling it a day.

>> No.709674

wait that's a real thing?

>> No.709705

Been out since September (JP/US only though)

>> No.709796
File: 61 KB, 299x275, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been meaning to buy it
>but I already own Superstar Ultra, 3DS Adventure, VC Superstar, VC Dreamland, and VC Dreamland 3

>will likely buy it anyway.

>> No.709809
File: 2.77 MB, 1500x2100, 1367886393442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step it up op

>> No.709857
File: 34 KB, 330x495, 20265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shame this will never get localized.

It has Famicom DQ 1, 2, 3 and Super Famicom versions of I&II and III remakes, 6 games.
Would have been nice if NOA decided to release it since we never got the remakes officially, but whatever.

>> No.709902

>kirby's 20th anal dispensary
my sides

>> No.710030
File: 157 KB, 640x1121, 927484_66366_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to get this and the Capcom arcade ones, I've pretty much played none of the games before

>> No.710091

NOA rarely does anything cool when it comes to importing. It would have been nice, but there are higher chances of the Earth exploding on Christmas 2013.

>> No.710101

Because Ninty isn't promoting it, retro collections rarely do well, and the people who would be most interested in buying this can also easily access the roms and emulators needed to play the games for free on a variety of platforms.

>> No.710109

Homebrew Channel, man.

>> No.710245
File: 267 KB, 1280x960, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought it a while back along with The Last Story. I collect Wii games so Kirby was a no brainer.

Kinda off topic, but I think Nintendo should've rode the Wii out a little longer before rushing out that WiiU abomination. So many good games will never see our shores :/ I was stoked for Captain Rainbow.

>> No.710249

>but I think Nintendo should've rode the Wii out a little longer before rushing out that WiiU abomination
the WiiU is fine but I agree they should've done a nice last push of Wii games

>> No.710289

Both systems are far from great, but Ninty needed a new console. The Wii lost steam and scared away third-parties long ago, and Wii U looks like it'll do the same.

... But, that's not retro gaming, so I'll stop.

Sonic Jam was a great retro collection, I prefer remakes, though. Like the Phantasy Star 2 remake on the PS2.

>> No.710342

It didn't even come out in the UK

>> No.710508

There's so much wrong with this collection, and it sold much much better than Kirby's did. Not only is it, as you said, just a SNES rom on a disc, but that's literally it. No menu, no history, no clips or images of previous games, nothing.

The worst part is that it was supposed to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original Super Mario Bros. So why isn't this the original SMB then? It's not celebrating the anniversary of All Stars, so why is it there?

>> No.710618

Nintendo's transistions between consoles have never been smooth since the SNES-N64 era.
N64-GameCube saw massive droughts in games, same with GameCube-Wii.
Nintendo Handhelds on the other hand have been very graceful, mostly because of backward compatibility and large market shares.

>> No.710687

>Megaman Anniversary was better IMO.

I have to disagree. Even though it offered a great value at the time, it felt slapped together at points. The extras kinda sucked, and not being able to remap buttons was pretty lame too.

The MMX collection was handled much better since it was actually done in-house and not farmed out to some random western studio like the previous collection.

>> No.710703

>Americlaps hurr durr
Fuck off to /v/ please, this thread is already derailed

>> No.712465

>no history, no clips or images of previous games, nothing

That's what the collector's book is for. It details a lot about the history and includes some of the original artwork. I would've liked more concept art in it, but it's still okay for what it is. Though I do agree on the disc thing with you. I wish they had beefed it up more. I was really hoping they'd add Super Mario World as well.

>> No.713870

Yeah, the Dream Collection bundle is amazing. It definetly made me realize how much Nintendo ripped everyone off with that All-Stars port.

>> No.713871

I heard the MMX collection has slowdowns though
Best Megaman Collection is the Zero one on the DS

>> No.713872

Why would you want it in the first place? All-Stars is shit