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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7093965 No.7093965 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually really fun

>> No.7093976
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...on Opposite Day

>> No.7094047


>> No.7094094

I only played it once and it was a shallow, forgettable experience for me because all I did was run and warp to the end of levels. Whenever Eggman, Dr Claw, or one of Sonic's friends tried telling me to stop and do something I'd just say "fuck off." I do remember the ending very clearly and it was very apt considering my actions, it made me laugh.

"I'm Shadow The Hedgehog. I do what I want, no one tells me what to do. This is WHO I AM!"

Yep, that's my Shadow! I really don't remember any of the levels that well. There were enemies and THINGS to stop and look at, but I just ran through it all and I didn't ever feel like stopping to do those things.

>> No.7094104

gotta go quickly

>> No.7094110


>> No.7094490

It's like a looser Heroes if that was possible.

>> No.7095000 [DELETED] 

Dumb nigger frogposter

>> No.7095015

Allowing 6th Gen to this board was a mistake.

>> No.7095042
File: 1.71 MB, 200x174, 1598398962880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shit is retro now
fucking hell

>> No.7095057

It'd be a much better game if you weren't forced to play Westopolis 10 times to complete it. Having to play levels multiple times really hurt it.

>> No.7095096

Still trying, I see.
Nope, shit game for stupid edgy kids.

>> No.7096975


The soundtrack is the only good thing about it.

>> No.7097392

This post reminded me life sucks

>> No.7097395

It sure is. It's better on Xbox though.

>> No.7098850


>> No.7098858

It has potential to be one of the best 3D Sonic games but the shitty physics ruin it entirely. Game plays as badly as Sonic Heroes.

>> No.7098978

This game. Isn't it a very good exemple of a soulfull game that is also bad at the same time?

>> No.7099124

Well, how does it feel to play games like a faggot?

>> No.7099129

>muh edginess

Only faggots let the story get in the way of gameplay kino.

>> No.7099183

The only thing this game deserves criticism for is making Shadow into the meme that he is today.

Other than that, the game is actually fun.

>> No.7099187

the neutral path is ok-ish. the game really starts to shit up the room once you try to go for all the endings though, which the game expects you to do

>> No.7099209

Shadow's ending paths were like the different team playthroughs padding of Heroes but 5x worse.

>> No.7099342

It's the best bad Sonic game. It has a great soundtrack, cool level tropes, funny and iconic "writing", and branching progression. It's fuckloads better than Heroes.

>> No.7099357

you know that sonic hasn't been good since genesis

>> No.7099382

That's not true. I did enjoy Sonic Adventure 1, 2, Generations, Mania, etc.

>> No.7099536



>> No.7099550

Too much copy pasted level design for a game that already expects you to play through it a thousand times.
Also they fucking ruined the E-102/Eggman style gun. It's slow as shit, has limited lock-on, and doesn't OHKO anything but the weakest enemies. All the other guns feel even worse.

>> No.7099692
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What is /vr/'s HONEST opinion on seeing shit like this knowing its Sonic related? How did you feeling seeing this back in 2005, boomers?

>> No.7099953

I remember getting it for Christmas and thought it was meh. Was like "WOAAAH" at first since the characters said stuff like damn and crap lol. I remember getting like two of the endings then getting bored with it.

>> No.7099962

"oh wow sonic dies in this one. neat."
even at 9 years old i expected too much of this game

>> No.7099963

It's a good time capsule of early 2000s/late 90s edginess like Invader Zim or Ren & Stimpy

>> No.7099967

It's actually really cringe

>> No.7099975

>didn't even quote correctly
Lmao the kino was existed since its reception.

>> No.7099984

I didn't really think anything of it, it was just another Sonic game to me. The Sonic franchise had already fallen enough by this point that it didn't feel like a big deal.

>> No.7099985

If you are going to use a buzzword, at least say "ludo" which actually refers to games.

>> No.7100368

5/10 game. You also had to be there as a kid to really enjoy it.

>> No.7100385

you're the reason why Shadow is boring and tame in nu-Sonic
why can't we get the same narrative we had since Battle and 06? the edgy meme is fucking stupid

>> No.7100501

I never had the patience to unlock the true final stage as a kid. I went back recently and used cheats to unlock it, and even putting in that much effort felt like a waste of time. Shit stage and shit final boss.

>> No.7100569
File: 65 KB, 600x804, 447px-Manlytears3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I had so much fun with it

I actually teared up when Shadow said "Goodbye forever, Shadow the Hedgehog" and then Never Turn Back kicks in

Fuck yeah, what a send off

>> No.7100608

>Sonic Adventure
Pretty awful compared to what was on other systems at the time, like compare it to Spyro or Banjo Kazooie games

>> No.7101350

Now that you mention it, Sonic Adventure was really a good game.

>> No.7101428

Shadow is still edgy as always wtf you talking about

>> No.7102083

Has anyone tried this hack? https://github.com/ShadowTheHedgehogHacking/ShdTH-Reloaded

>> No.7102105

Sonic Adventure is way more fun for me than Spyro, Banjor Kazooie and Super Mario 64. I like those games, but Sonic Team managed to do a better 3D platformer, at least in my opinion.

>> No.7102306
File: 277 KB, 750x1012, EnterCHADow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vague list of complaints that don't have any actual substance to them
>Vague complaint about having to play levels over even though every mainstream Sonic game made you do the same thing up until that point, only with this game it was actually fun.
>B-but e-edgy
>S-shitty physics but I don't list any examples!

I played this game when I was a kid, and I liked it. I genuinely don't know where all the hatred comes from, except for ruining Shadow's character. Other than that, the gameplay is genuinely kino, and it appears all the people here who hate it are only parroting /v/ or any random e-celeb that hates Sonic. You can tell by all their complaints having no actual substance. They're sheep who can't decide what they like or dislike because they either didn't play the game or didn't think enough about it. It's a kino game, go fuck yourselves.


>> No.7102570

you want people to write their thesis on why its bad when the only reason you like it is cause you grew up with it

>> No.7102601

I've never seen such a huge amount of cope over a shitty video game

>> No.7102661
File: 178 KB, 347x633, 1786475-sonic_hgds__1_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only reason you like it is because you grew up with it.

I like it, because it's a fun platformer with great controls, shittons of playtime and has fun gimmicks that differentiate it from just your average Sonic game. Non linear levels are a huge plus, and the guns help to make Shadow different from Sonic, aside from the huge difference with the chaos powers they already gave him.

I got through this game even with the supposedly "Shitty and slippery" controls without whining or complaining, but if this is seriously a problem for you, then maybe you shouldn't be playing video games.

If you have any actual legit criticisms other than parroting the same vague bullshit, please drop them here.

>> No.7102686

>If you have any actual legit criticisms other than parroting the same vague bullshit, please drop them here.

Okay here goes.

For the record, I liked it as a kid too but that was because I was a stupid dumb kid who didn't have the capability of objectively judging a game's quality by the content rather than the brand name. Playing it as an adult is just an absolute chore. There are very few levels I would actually consider to be fun. It's only fun when it feels like Sonic Adventure 2, which is about 25% of the time. The other 75% your momentum is completely killed because you have to kill a bunch of enemies, solve some basic as fuck puzzle, search around for the five level macguffins, or sit for a full minute while the game takes you on an on rails section where you can basically put down the controller and wait for it to be over. There's too much goddamn start and stop gameplay. It's like it took all the worst aspects of Sonic Heroes (boring combat, levels that go on for way too long, stop and start gameplay, hell even the terrible bosses) and tried to slap it on top of Sonic Adventure gameplay. The level design contributes to this. Sure there will be the occasional stretch of high speed Sonic gameplay and platforming, but you can be sure that it will be cut off by "kill all these enemies to advance to the next section" or some other shit. Almost every level plays out like this. That's not even considering the missions if you're looking to actually get a good/bad ending instead of the neutral one. It's all generic "kill/find x amount of things" missions. The bosses sucked too. I can't even remember a single one outside of the final story boss, which wasn't terrible but it certainly was no Finalhazard from SA2.

The gameplay isn't kino, it's basic as fuck. The game is mediocre at best. You're allowed to enjoy it, but don't try to act like people like it because it's well made. It's not. It's a turd.

The music is fantastic though, I'll give it that.

>> No.7102723

Also, the gunplay was boring as shit and not intuitive at all. Killing enemies feels like a chore that gets in the way of the actually fun gameplay

>> No.7102732


>> No.7102739

I seem to remember if you plugged in a second controller you could control the hero character for that level. Can someone confirm this? I vaguely remember fucking around as Maria

>> No.7102741

>For the record, I liked it as a kid too but that was because I was a stupid dumb kid who didn't have the capability of objectively judging a game's quality by the content rather than the brand name.
Funny, because I played this game around the time where every Youtuber and their mom was calling this game shit and I still liked it and had a good time.
>The other 75% your momentum is completely killed because you have to kill a bunch of enemies, solve some basic as fuck puzzle, search around for the five level macguffins, or sit for a full minute while the game takes you on an on rails section where you can basically put down the controller and wait for it to be over

None of that kills your momentum and is in fact still fast paced even when those sections do come up. I never had an issue. Even while searching for magcuffins and solving puzzles you're still allowed to enjoy the fast paced gameplay.

>That's not even considering the missions if you're looking to actually get a good/bad ending instead of the neutral one. It's all generic "kill/find x amount of things" missions
Once again, if you have the mentality past the age of four, it shouldn't take you that long to get through all of them, and even during this, it's fun to search around levels and go fast.

>The bosses sucked too
Purely subjective

>The game is mediocre at best
I'd dare say it's the best 3D Sonic game, and no amount of e-celeb parroting will change that.

Why are anti shadow fags so aggressive and smug? What did he ever do to you?

>> No.7102750

Killing shit with guns is fun gameplay. Speeding around and shooting shit is awesome.

>> No.7102752

Sorry, I thought I was talking to someone who wasn't a complete retard. You sound like a sperg. Cope.

>> No.7102758

>Sorry, I thought I was talking to someone who wasn't a complete retard. You sound like a sperg. Cope.
>Resorting to adhoms and forced memes as soon as they can't counter

Enter CHADow.

>> No.7102761

>Resorting to adhoms and forced memes as soon as they can't counter

Isn't that exactly what you did when you said "Why are anti shadow fags so aggressive and smug? What did he ever do to you?"

>> No.7102773
File: 1.50 MB, 498x468, 6672e2c23fc2ec9d755b45a813f636b5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An adhom is not addressing your points and insulting you instead. I addressed your points, and THEN insulted you. That's the exact opposite of an adhom.

Anti Shadow fags don't even know the basics of logical fallacies. This is why Shadow fans like me, kek at your inferiority.

>> No.7102776

Alright, this is hilarious. Nice bait.

>> No.7102784
File: 1.80 MB, 500x347, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now resorts to thinking that every post is bait in order to cope with their stupidity.
Dear god, the cringe is killing me.

>> No.7102821


>> No.7102916

why do other third person shooters get a pass but this one doesnt? I genuenly dont get it, if it was a different IP people would just call it a 7/10 casual game for the ps2

>> No.7103676

At its worst, Shadow is a solid platformer with enough fun to keep hardcore Sonic fans in one place for a few days. At its best, it's an engaging gameplay experience that isn't jaded by its otherwise glaring storyline-related setbacks.

>> No.7104785

It has better bosses than heroes.

>> No.7104790


>> No.7105059

You had one job.

>> No.7105096

Game has bad controls, bad level design, and an awful story with bad characters. So obviously contrarians have to try and rehabilitate it’s reputation.

>> No.7105101

Every person who I've talked to about it remembers it fondly despite its faults. Sounds more like a you problem.

>> No.7105109

the game is shit in term of story and lore continuity but the main core of evil vs good where you have a bunch of multiple branching level that end up to multiple ending is better than anything sonic forces has done.

>> No.7105147

I grew up playing it too anon. Going back its still fun. Is it a master piece? No. But very games come close. Its fun, and the spooky levels are fun.

>> No.7105152

Maybe in everyone your trailer park where it’s the only game you could afford, but it’s a bad game.

>> No.7105541

You're speaking like you grew up in one, kek

>> No.7105549

not him but everyone i knew growing up who liked shadow were the weird meth kids lol

>> No.7105556

>Vague list of complaints that don't have any actual substance to them
I'm not complaining. I accept that I "played it wrong." I just played it how I wanted to, which was going fast

>> No.7106049


>> No.7106828

Why do I keep seeing this thread? Is it just the new contrarian thing?

>> No.7106882

read the sticky, this is a zoomer board now

>> No.7107006


>> No.7107128

>Muh contrarian boogeyman
No fuckhead. I've loved this game for years despite all it's faults.

>> No.7107169

And here I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7107189

Cope harder faggot. Plenty of people remember this game fondly.

>> No.7107196

Oh, I'm perfectly fine knowing that plenty of people have shit taste. But you seem quite upset.

>> No.7107212

>Shit taste
Prove to me that this isn't the best 3D Sonic game right now.

>> No.7107223

plenty of people also remember shitting in their diaper fondly. so much they still do it. and those people are in the same fandom as sonic fags

and it isnt an indicator of quality by any means

>> No.7107571

This game is flawed, but it's actually fun atleast.
06 in the otherhand...