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7090323 No.7090323 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao imagine actually paying for the Warrior 64, its literal dogshit

>> No.7090329

I thought he was given them for free to review

>> No.7090336

He was but anons here actually purchased it.

>> No.7090362

Never trust individuals who pose with Ibanez guitars in the background

>> No.7090367

Or by someone who forgot on some of his videos, that he was still wearing trace amounts of lipstick. Yes, that guy is a drag queen.

>> No.7090378

ibanez guitars are good

>> No.7090386

isn't it quite cheaper than a used n64?
also, how does it work? is it FPGA emulation?

>> No.7090394

I wanna see lmao

>> No.7090402

I didn't save the videos or take screencaps, but they're not removed. He's clueless. Just, for fun, keep your eyes peeled. I used to hate-watch a few of his uploads, but that didn't last long, he's too boring, stupid, and cringey. He and his friends think they're slick by manipulating prices too. Looking at you, John Riggs. YOU fucked local prices.

>> No.7090412
File: 123 KB, 967x675, Screenshot 2020-11-17 160724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to clean your games before inserting them into your brand new warrior 64!

>> No.7090419

Sandpaper haha
I bet the Windex anons would love that idea.

>> No.7090434

Its fine if its fine grit and you don't press down super hard like a retard

>> No.7090435

No, it is not fine, unless "fine" is breaking your games' contacts. They are not supposed to be scratched or have abrasives used on them.

>> No.7090440

>FPGA(Faggotry Pedophilia Gayest Activation)
FPGA is pure faggotry. No thanks.

>> No.7090445

might wanna open a dictionary.
>i meant "figuratively" literally, you're being so retarded
Does that really sound better, to you?

>> No.7090449

>my additional hardware isn't emulation even though it is therefore it's the best

>> No.7090459

You're retarded. It doesn't destroy the games it works.

>> No.7090464
File: 8 KB, 276x490, 31vf+pSd3dL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use an artist's electric eraser by Staedtler, it works. I don't think they make anymore.

>> No.7090473

I hate MJR, but a broken clock is right twice a day, it's a dogshit product sold by scam artists. If there are anons that actually bought one of these, what mental gymnastics are you using to justify your purchase?

it's just a plastic case you put your own N64 inside of with some wires to solder their shitty HDMI port. The video quality is what you would find with the lowest quality HDMI cords you can get. It's actually worse than composite video.

They made claims that it was on par with the Ultra HDMI, which is an expensive and difficult mod to do on your own, and their excuse was that they never actually used an N64 with the Ultra HDMI mod. They said that they're going to make another kickstarter in the future to release a veersion with better video quality lmao.

>> No.7090484

>They made claims that it was on par with the Ultra HDMI, which is an expensive and difficult mod to do on your own, and their excuse was that they never actually used an N64 with the Ultra HDMI mod
What the actual fuck? How do you make a claim your product is on the same level as a similar specific product and then when called out on it being BS say "Oh well we never actually used one before so we didn't know it was so much better." Unbelievable. Do they really expect people to buy that lame ass excuse?

>> No.7090498

it only "works" because you're literally shaving off any oxidation and gold from the top layer that is a DIRECT RESULT from any previous shaving that's been done. You're just stuck in cycle of sanding your games every few months until there's nothing left of the contacts. Enjoy your games while they last

>> No.7090508

bummer, so you need to own a 64 before buying one of these? I thought it was a clone.

>> No.7090519

They're from Hong-Kong?

>> No.7090532

it's the bitfunx/kaico people isn't it?

>> No.7090537

>They are not supposed to be scratched or have abrasives used on them.
Then why are they designed to slide across spring loaded metal contacts?

Sandpaper works fine at removing oxidation. Sure, if you're fucking retarded, you can take off the whole trace and kill your cart. But most people aren't that dumb, and abrasives work fine.

>> No.7090543

I think they said something like an N64 with the Ultra HDMI mod was unavailable or some bullshit like that. I mean, they could probably have even compared their own product with a youtube video.

>> No.7090548

>youtuber who doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about makes a smug face while telling you a poorly informed opinion and acting like it is fact

Normalfags ruined the internet.

>> No.7090552

Nope. On top of that, the shell also looks slapped together.

>> No.7090559

>sliding across metal is just like sandpaper!
Found the drooling Neandergamer.

>Sandpaper works fine at removing oxidation
hahaha no.

>> No.7090565

kek kek a fucking autobot.

>> No.7090583

Go slide some metal over your wrists and let me know how abrasive it is, faggot.

>> No.7090586

people use ultra fine grit sandpaper on car paint and cd/dvd, it's not a problem, stops being autistic.
but an eraser is enough.

>> No.7090595

>flesh is metal
Look, you're an asshole who knows nothing about retro video games, just leave.

>> No.7090787

>But most people aren't that dumb
something only a dumb person that sand papers their games would say

>> No.7090807

FPGA is still emulation

>> No.7090924

>I hate MJR, but a broken clock is right twice a day, it's a dogshit product sold by scam artists. If there are anons that actually bought one of these, what mental gymnastics are you using to justify your purchase?
I didn't buy it but this is the most wrong MJR has ever been.

A scam - really? A "scam" would be like if they were selling it for $300 - they're selling it for $150. Their profit margin is pretty slim for the work they do.

>The video quality is what you would find with the lowest quality HDMI cords you can get. It's actually worse than composite video.
This isn't true and I'm pretty certain you just invented it. The HDMI port delivers high quality RGB. RGB is available on N64 but not trivial to get, that's why people get RGB mods. It's an RGB mod and does it well which people who have actually reviewed and use it say. I don't know where you got that idea, I think you just decided you wanted to hate on something and here it was. You're worse than MJR.

>> No.7090934

E-celeb faggotry belongs on /v/, fuck off.

>> No.7090938
File: 177 KB, 499x626, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The HDMI port delivers high quality RGB
How delusional can you be? It's literally an internal version of this cable lmao

>> No.7090943

$150 for a bunch of chink crap!

>> No.7090947

Warrior 64 shill detected. Your product is shit bro. You're a snake oil merchant

>> No.7090948

this is funny should recommend people do this to their cpu pins for the lols

>> No.7090968

So what would one use to clean the pins?

>> No.7090976

Go to ebay and find out how much it is for an RGB modded N64. Minus extra controller, minus case, minus cable and HDMI out, minus soldering and the rest of the work.

>> No.7091018

rule of thumb is you blow on them and never touch them. Why are your pins on your hardware becoming dirty anyway?

>> No.7091024

Max delusion. HDMI =/= RGB
You will be sorely disappointed with your product.

>> No.7091120

Clearly you're retarded because the HDMI cable will carry RGB quality video, noone said it was native HD output.

You know the original output is still there, you can use that if you prefer. They just gave the HDMI output as an option because some people requested it. Use it if you want to use a HDTV, it'll be better than plugging component into a HDTV. That's not the main product, it is still reasonably priced if you're playing on just a CRT. Why not actually learn something about a product before you talk bullshit about it.


>> No.7091164

It's not RGB modded you fucking idiot, it's literally tapping into the composite signal. You couldn't make it look worse if you tried.

>> No.7091180

The N64 doesn't support RGB natively. You need to mod it to do so, and then on top of that you need to mod it to output a digital signal over HDMI

>Why not actually learn something about a product before you talk bullshit about it.
Certified moron

>> No.7091257

>The N64 doesn't support RGB natively. You need to mod it to do so, and then on top of that you need to mod it to output a digital signal over HDMI
Yeah and that's what they did do. Let's be clear about this - the Warrior 64 is modded for RGB. Every N64 produces RGB natively and you can tap that off, it isn't a difficult and involved mod like the UltraHDMI one is. I don't know why you think it's not RGB modded.

Look at the comment made by Nico07 here on this article, he looks like he knows what he's talking about right? I would find a more authoritative source but I can't be bothered for something so simple that everyone knows.


>> No.7091302

I was wrong about the RGB, but this solution still produces worse video quality than a cheap hyperkin box.

>> No.7091307
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>> No.7091665
File: 69 KB, 1176x350, Ein3h3gWsAEiMLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol the cat was out of the bag before review units of your shit were ever sent out.
You guys are just a re-branded LevelHike, which everybody already knows is chick-shit

Btw, was this you, you idiot?

>> No.7091674

Why the edgelord design? Original N64 has perfectly good aesthetics.

>> No.7091675

It is literal dogshit, it's not figurative

>> No.7091676

Good bye hooooorrrsseeesss

>> No.7091740

It's funny that you hyper-focus on RGB when I didn't even mention it. Yes, the mod uses an RGB signal from the N64, but the quality is so atrocious, you would actually get better results with a $20 cable from Hyperkin like this: >>7090938

Piss on the case too, keep the controller though.

>> No.7091767

I have no affiliation with the makers of this product and I probably won't get one just because I already have a N64 and CRT and really like the original design. However it's a nice product undeserving of this bullshit just because MJR had something stuck up his ass. Disliking a product =/= scam.

>> No.7091784
File: 220 KB, 1200x900, CndK_tPUsAALqDZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image right here is everything, and I do mean everything, wrong with the modern retrogame hobby.
>a YouTube video
>hosted by somebody whose videos drive up prices
>using ecelebrity and sex and other things irrelevant to the games themselves to drive interest
>showing off some super rare product owned by somebody who personally knows (or likely doesn't care) jack shit about it beyond MUH R@RE
...Well, I guess it is missing WATA and Heritage Auctions.

>> No.7091796

she's always been the cutest.

>> No.7091809

>. However it's a nice product
It isn't though. Fucking youtubers aside, it was known this thing was a farce PRIOR to youtubers getting ahold of it.

>> No.7091821

Metal Jesus is such a fag lol he's only being honest because he didn't get paid

>> No.7091836
File: 1.21 MB, 992x1024, 1532932251648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wish you had a bunch of mindless suckups sending you free shit that you barely even acknowledge

>> No.7091867

Why do people send ecelebs shit? I'll never get it. Half the time they don't even seem to give a shit.

>> No.7091871

shouldn't she be in school? where is her parents?

>> No.7091875

All his comments are like "oh man look how honest MJR is", "he even got this for free and he didn't bullshit us about it, he told it as it was such a rad guy tells it as it is, someone we can really trust!" - it's literally $150 from a company he never expects to send him anything again. He's made several times that now from the video alone, nevermind his "reputation" boost all those cucks are falling for.

>> No.7091892

Imagine simping not for some ethot you jerk off to, but to some middle aged dude who makes money by making low effort videos while simultaneously fucking up the market of the hobby you're interested in.

>> No.7091895

they probably hope that their favorite eceleb will review or showcase their special things. They can see their toy in the background or they hear their name and the dopamine kicks in.

>> No.7091902

>not stock with 4MB expansion

wtf are they even doing

>> No.7092002

yo if you want to know just how stupid this motherfucker is, watch his Xbox Series X backwards compatibility video. this dumbfuck claims the xbox controller triggers stick when playing "arcadey" back compat games, but they don't do it with other games. the triggers don't have anything in them that would make them behave differently based on the game you play. there's no haptic shit, there's no nothing. jesus, I didn't think he could top his review of a PS2 running FMB and OPL where he said that it overclocks the damn ps2 and could be harmful.

how the fuck does someone know this little about the 1 thing he makes a living on. jesus christ this nigga

>> No.7092061

>>Go to ebay and find out how much it is for an RGB modded N64
My N64 was 40 bucks, and the RGB mod cost me a whopping 15 bucks and 2 minutes with a soldering iron. And the picture I get out of my N64 is miles better than this shitshow.

>> No.7092284

"it overclocks the ps2" lmao

he just knows that the more people use their ps2's the smart person way, the less consoomers there are to snap up PS2 HIDDEN GEMS on ebay

>> No.7092484

what someone does in private is their own business.

oxidation? kind of hard to keep oxygen off them.

holy fuckin based

>> No.7092493

I remember watching random Game Grumps videos, and most of them started with
>this game was sent to us by *12 different names*
They didn’t even bother to pronounce the names correctly, and sometimes they made fun of the names. I bet their fans rubbed their little clitoris dicks regardless.

>> No.7092547

imagine him without his beard lmao

>> No.7092552

Why are “””nerdy””” women always so fucking disgusting?

>> No.7092626

thinking john riggs or any of these people has any kind of global price influence is some pretty compelling evidence that you should be on antipsychotics my friend

>> No.7092635

all these youtube channels are comfy as hell
like i dont think you're gonna learn anything super informative about hardware and MJR's "hidden gems" are a joke but they're still great to throw on in the background.
this >>7090412 is from MadLittlePixel who does better content if you actually want to scope stuff out potentially buy or mod

>> No.7092949
File: 103 KB, 453x453, 57E73314-BEF6-4EF8-8321-5AE28C5836D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orange on this console is totally rad maaan :O But you’re right other than that it’s pretty shit haha :D Anyways recommend me some Hidden Gems ;) bro YEAAAH dundundundauuuauuuuupowwwwwwwdunn this is some real Heavy Metal shit dude fuckin yeah!!!!!

>> No.7092990

>My N64 was 40 bucks,
When, five years ago? Since covid prices have been going way up. Try checking ebay now, don't forget to look at the shipping price, and don't give me this "ebay prices" shit because ebay is a free and open market that usually has the lowest online prices, not trying to rob some dude at a flea market that doesn't know what he has.
>and the RGB mod cost me a whopping 15 bucks and 2 minutes with a soldering iron
Pretty sure you could barely open and close the N64 in that time and that's if you're hurrying. You also forgot to include the controller they put in with it - that's going for $26.29 before shipping on ebay right now and was apparently higher at one point.

>> No.7093056

>electric eraser
you can buy them on amazon

>> No.7093475

>ebay is a free and open market that usually has the lowest online prices
this fucking guy

>> No.7093484
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>> No.7093487

Listen, faggot. He's a local and when things were open he got store owners to price things his way because they're cuck idiots who thrall to a youtube "celebrity" and he even talked up his underage daughter's sexuality to sell video games. He's scum. Like you.

>> No.7093494

>what someone does in private is their own business.
A business open to the public is not private, John.

>> No.7093503

I did always think Ibanez guitars were soulless and uninspired.

>> No.7093605

even before covid, ebay was known for high prices, what the fuck is this revisionism?

>> No.7093687
File: 299 KB, 1100x650, APtKcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.7093703

He's got a daughter that he forced into some videos, some of which plainly use her body to sell his wares.
Don't be angry at me for what he placed willingly onto the Internet, and like I said, he's a local (in state anyway) and he fucks up prices because store owners think he's a celebrity.

>> No.7093768

>He's got a daughter that he forced into some videos, some of which plainly use her body to sell his wares.
you mean he asked his kid to be in one of his videos, and because you're an insecure pedophile you imagine the absolute worst?
>he fucks up prices because store owners think he's a celebrity
I hate it when my local youtube retro gaming celebrity goes into the game store with otherwise very low prices and gives games the old Caesar thumbs-up.

take your meds.

>> No.7093780

haha John, you're so triggered, hence your need to respond. You pressured her, we all saw it.
What you do with prices is also wrong, you and the asshole shop owners who want to screw over their customers just so they can suck some e-celeb off and get kickbacks.

>> No.7093809

I get a Q-tip, dip it in rubbing alcohol and rub them gently with that. Worked for my Rumble Pak which I got for free because they assumed it was broken.

>> No.7093878

>current age 49
why does a 50 year old guy dress like a teenager and surround himself with plastic toys

>> No.7093889

you got me
we will continue to sex up those videos and let those prices climb
there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.7093905

Nobody is going to believe anyone could be retarded enough they think videogames are made of plastic, just not a realistic troll.

>> No.7094065

>larping as a fat retard is winning

>> No.7094080

That comment made me raise the price another $50, pray i don't have to raise it further.

>> No.7094119

not my SNESorinos!

>> No.7094251

easy bro, you got scammed, it's sad, but, everydody one day got too.
it's a nice case and controller so you didn't lost everthing.

>> No.7094872

>no chin

>> No.7094883

John Riggs is a colossal faggot but he didn’t fuck up prices here

>> No.7095381

ibanez are solid. b.c.rich are soulless

>> No.7095397


>> No.7095787
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>it's a troll™
Is that the excuse you use for being a big loser baby.