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7088679 No.7088679 [Reply] [Original]

Ever play it /vr/?

>> No.7088698

A Duke Nuke 'Em/Tomb Raider mashup is about the only thing that could same the Duke franchise at this point, but I don't think the character would be allowed to be himself in today's political climate. In the 90s such a mashup would have yielded some lewd jokes at Lara's expense, no doubt, but no way they could get away with that now.

>> No.7088814

it was my first introduction to Duke and I really liked it. shame I only had the demo

>> No.7088863
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The controls are stiff even for a Tomb Raider clone, the levels are maze-y, and you need to memorize the enemy placements if you don't want to lose tons of health.


>> No.7088954

Huge amount of guns, more than in any other Duke Nukem game.

>> No.7089030

Had it and Land of the Babes as a kid. Didn't get very far without cheats but I still enjoyed them a lot. The music/atmosphere was so good and Duke's new quips were fun.

>> No.7089135

Stabbing Westward seemed a bit out of place for Duke Nukem, still a dope song for a dope intro.

>> No.7089149


>> No.7089158

It was supposed to have an entire different theme, but they changed for whatever reason

This was the original theme

>> No.7089330

It kind of sucks dick

>> No.7089581

Didn't like it when I turned it on for the first time, but recently revisited it and it was pretty rad. Land of the Babes sucks though.
Such a shame that nu-3DR didn't remaster or at least release the source code for Time to Kill before they got sued by Randy for the remains of the DN rights that they had.

>> No.7090137

More thematically-fitting song but now that I hear it I think I prefer Stabbing Westward lol

>> No.7090214

thanks this is helpful.

>> No.7090242

i liked it but not land of the babes

>> No.7090348

I bought this game from a pawn shop in 2004, it was passable so I just kept playing Duke 3D instead.

>> No.7090393

desu they kinda suck. Shoulda done something like zero hour on ps1. THAT was a Duke game

>> No.7092249

Pretty nice although Stabbing Westward is far more 90s

>> No.7092253

Had it, enjoyed the campaign, lots of tomb raider fun wrapped in dukes unique aesthetic, enjoyed the 2 player deathmatches with my bros.

It would be wrong to call this a bad game.

>> No.7092319

It's not terrible by any means, it was an enjoyable game when it came out. It's been years so I forget, did this game come out when the DualShock was standard or are the camera controls wonky like most pre dual-stick third person shooters?

>> No.7092554

It's modeled after tomb raider's control style but there is a way to get it to flow decently with strafing and forward movement. One of the problems is you can't run along walls so you'll get stopped by them if you collide perpendicularly with them. That said combat can be really fun and chunky, even if simple. The auto aim is generous enough that taking on large amounts of bad guys can be a good time. Plus the weapons are solid.

It's not amazing, janky and unpolished but there's still some good stuff in there. The levels are stand out too, surprisingly good and expansive. Obviously these have tomb raider stylings to them but at the same time dip a bit into duke's exploration, flow and secrets. The very first area with the strip club, optional apartments, plain in sight secrets flows really nicely.

>> No.7092598

Zero Hour was better

>> No.7092603

Best Duke Nukem title right after Duke 3D imo

>> No.7093521
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>> No.7093801


>> No.7093861

Shooting is awful and erratic, difficulty is random and unbalanced.

>> No.7093926

this is the best duke game after duke 3d

>> No.7093993

git gud
Had a blast with this game as young lad. Still replay it a few times a year and it's still FUN.

>> No.7094095


>> No.7094116

It was out of bit for Mortal Kombat too, but the movie still used it.
Then they refused to have their songs put on the soundtrack (which went triple platinum) and the band folded some years later.

>> No.7094147

sorta relevant to this thread. what's the best way to play Duke Nukem 3D? I've been wanting to play it again for a long time.

I only ever played it on the Sega Saturn when I was a kid.

>> No.7094150


>> No.7094153

>Duke Nuke 'Em
It's Duke Nukem you fucking homo

>> No.7094178
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Duke Nuke Them

>> No.7094495

see >>7094183