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7087587 No.7087587 [Reply] [Original]

GMDX yay or nay?

Just started playing this shit, my laptop will not be able to run Cyberpunk 2007 so this is all I get this christmas.

>> No.7087593

Just play Jet Set Willy on a Speccy.

>> No.7087615



Vanilla will always be the "true" experience, but imo GMDX cleans it up nicely without much/any soul reduction.

Never EVER play Revision, Revision is strictly for niggers and faggots.

>> No.7087618

Yeah,I was checking out videos of that and it looks like shit. I aint touching it.

>> No.7087628
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They were proud of this shit. Look with your fucking eyeballs at that. This had an official endorsement from Square.

>> No.7087630

>playing old video games


>> No.7087636

^ No board deserves bait that weak.

>> No.7087639



>> No.7087660


Based and redpilled

Take off the rose tinted glass, boomer.

>> No.7087671

nice bait boomer

>> No.7087687

are they trying to make them look more like Nicolas Cage?

>> No.7087689

>6th gen won't kill the board they said

>who cares its retro anyway they said

>> No.7087692

sometimes when I fart I like to spread my asshole with my fingers and then sniff them afterwards

>> No.7087745
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>> No.7087793

Nay. The only good things are that the environments are more fleshed out (download Helios Texture Overhaul for bith better models and environments) and that the shotty and assault rifle are viable without sinking all your points into them. Otherwise, it takes everything fun about OG DX and nerfs it cuz fuck fun
>get an ability that can heal yourself?
>fuck you it now takes longer
>big ass intimidating security bots that make you work for your shit?
>nah, have some rinky dink little shitbots
>pistol w/ lazer sight too accurate?
>fuck you, you're playing CS:GO now with RNG bullets, even if you max out
Again, they went out of their way to make it unfun. >>7087615 is correct. Revision is trash beyond environment details, but like I said, get the Helios Textures

>> No.7088180

That Helios texture overhaul looks like shit.

>> No.7088274

GMDX is shit.

>> No.7088398

you can disable that, those models are not even made for revision
why nobody does better models?

>> No.7088413

Deus Ex is not original.

>> No.7088490
File: 924 KB, 1280x720, Deus Ex 16_11_2020 23_24_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I was turned off by the graphics but it grows on you quickly, the level of detail feels just right to each area.

>> No.7088491

Check my guide on recommended renderers and launchers. GMDX is shit.


>> No.7088803
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GMDX is the greatest mod ever made for a video game. I fucking promise you. The changes to AI and deeper RPG choice is awesome. If you like hardcore realistic immersion. It gets pretty difficult later on since NPCs are on even footing.

>> No.7088804

is this true? what changes to its RPG elements are the most important?

>> No.7088818

Do your own research you should look into everything the mod changes its not for new players. It can be very difficult even for the oldest veterans. You should play most games vanilla first playthrough. Deus Ex is so good you'll definitely want to replay it at some point. I do every year.

>> No.7088851

>gmdx is shit
I like a lot of the new level additions.

>> No.7088873

>about to play a game for 1st time
>"sHoUlD i PlAy WiTh 300 MoDs???????"
zoomers were a mistake

>> No.7088876

>yay or nay
Fuck you. Do you even know English? It's yea or nay.

>> No.7088880

vanilla deus ex is like this, if you explore enough you'll never be out of resources and a lot of skills have no need to be mastered for optimal gameplay, in short it's more of a game about doing whatever you want in regards to how you achieve objectives, it's very hard to get stuck on the game, you don't need to min-max to get to the end, even if playing on the hardest dificulty

now GMDX is a beast even on easier dificulties because there's less resources everywhere, skills cost more to level up and the AI is much, much smarter than vanilla, so confrontations are harder and more costly to your resources in short it trades player freedom for deterministic gameplay, some closets won't open unless you're a master at lockpicking, some computers won't be hackable if you're not a master hacker, and some crowded areas filled with enemies will be very dificult to traverse if you don't have any fighting or sneaking skills, you can't master all the skills in one playthrough, so either you get really creative with the game's mechanics if you want to explore every single thing, or you just accept your flaws and move on and leave that area that looks full of goodies to be explored on another playthrough with a different build

>> No.7088929

Not even niggers and faggots play Revision; only jannies do.

>> No.7088931

Why are you on /vr/?

>> No.7088942

Cybernetic pig, please. You are not as great as you think you are.

>> No.7089058

Can you explain what you don't like about revision apart from the textures? I'm currently playing through it after last playing the original about 18 years ago and I am enjoying it so far. Haven't got much to compare to though. I get the feeling the hatred towards it is mainly because we are on 4chan and people here hate everything

>> No.7089210

>shit new level design
>conflicting visual design
>dx hr content
>ruins hong kong completely
It's complete and utter shit, fuck you.

>> No.7089301

Revision is the best way to play DX, GMDXtrannies can seethe and dilate.

>> No.7089352

Is it possible to install GMDX/Revision graphical updates only and leave all the rest vanilla?

>> No.7089361

>reeee Revision is garbage because of muh slightly different level design
>GDMX good!!!! (despite completely altering the game to the point it's barely Deus Ex anymore, taking away player freedom with shitloads of artificial difficulty bullshit)

>> No.7089368

Dude Sex.

>> No.7089609

Can't say I've noticed much to be honest, not that I can remember everything in detail from playing vanilla back in the day. Haven't got to Hong Kong yet but I remember loving that section. The HD textures don't look as bad as everyone is saying, they don't look like what has been posted here. I quite like the hidden collectables too, especially giving extra stat boosts

>> No.7089615

Oh and the remixed music is cool too!

>> No.7090535

>people actually defending revision
What year is it?

>> No.7090831

Out of curiosity, how come Revision got an official Steam release instead of GMDX?

>> No.7090839

Is it possible to install only the cosmetic shit of GMDX and leaving gameplay untouched?

>> No.7091762

Revision is significantly older

>> No.7091773

The GMDX dev is a rpgcodex user.

>> No.7092424

2020, in this year people have opinions which differ from yours

>> No.7092445

revision devs shilled it to Square-Enix pre-release

>> No.7092448

wow, I can't even... a far-right lunatic made the mod????? GMDX IS CANCELLED

>> No.7093746

redpill me on rpgcodex. Is GMDX perhaps more based than I could possibly imagine?

>> No.7093765

nothing, RPGCodex is one of the few gaming communities that haven't surrendered to the SJW mob. They're pretty based

>> No.7094904


>> No.7094917

I had a fucking blast with it 20 years ago. Probably holds up. I remember you had lots of choice in how to play or it seemed like it for the time. I remember it having good immersion for its time too

>> No.7094979

Oops i didn’t even read OPs entire post don’t mind me moving along

>> No.7095062
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>Trying GMDX for the first time
>Hard, but I'm sure it will get better as I get more stuff
>Pick up a box of shotgun shells, model literally shows the six or more shells inside
>Only contains one or two shells
Yeah, I think I'm sticking with Shifter, excess skill points be damned. There's challenge in the name of realism, and then there's just being an ass.

>> No.7095290

I'm currently in my first play through and I'm using upscaled textures and the DX11 rendered for UE1. I'm having really weird stuttering when looking around (especially when new assets get loaded in).
Anyone know what could be the cause of this? I'm running this game on a relatively modern system as well. OpenGL runs fine but misses the DX effects/features.

>> No.7095387

GMDX is the ultimate pursuit of realism.

>> No.7095391

Play Shifter mod to gain XP and random lootz like a real RPG!

>> No.7095395

OP begging for a new computer SAGE

>> No.7095470

I think there's some custom GMDX build out there that removes bullshit like ammo starvation, while keeping the actual improvements.

>> No.7096086

I like this one, it still has a little bit of GMDX retardation but most of it is ironed out

>> No.7096115


>> No.7096175
File: 929 KB, 1280x720, Deus Ex 18_11_2020 22_26_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything looked fine until Hong Kong why is this shit so dark.

>> No.7097976

Press F12 and take an aspirin

>> No.7098038

Thanks for the link, next time I play Deus Ex I'll try it out. I don't even hate GMDX as a whole, the ammo situation was just really off-putting.

>> No.7098078

gmdx's author is a dumb fuck who is holier than thou and makes mods "too complicated for you to understand how they work." Avoid

>> No.7098567

What is hard to understand? Seriously

>> No.7098724

Nay, try Shifter. GMDX it better for second playthroughs.

>> No.7098728

You didn't install the Unreal Engine renderer and launcher like >>7088491 said. The vanilla game is darker because of a Windows 10 problem.

>> No.7098783
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For me it's vanilla with Deus Ex Launcher. GMDX removes too much soul


>> No.7098853

Which version? 9 and 10 are pretty different. I played through 9 and had to iron out some issues mid game in NY when you're on the run so that kinda sucked, but seemed like a neat new way to play otherwise. Never tried 10 but it's been a few years. Though I'm tempted to play through GOTY vanilla since I just built a boomer computer, dunno if GMDX would shit the bed on a Pentium 4.

>> No.7098870

A find a lot of mods of old games are strangely reliant on storage performance and really benefit from an SSD. Even shit like Doom mods. Do you have one, and do you have realtime antivirus services disabled?

>> No.7098871

Also in the deusex ini you can find cache options, like how much memory and whether to precache, under the renderer you're using's settings.

>> No.7099740

it's his claim, not mine.

long story short he made a GDMX but for unreal 1, and he got absolutely thrashed by the unreal 1 community for destructively overwriting original unreal 1 content in addition to shipping an expansion pack only file that wouldn't work in the base game. he claimed that this was a non issue "if you understood how the mod works", given that the people posting against these changes have been modding unreal 1 since 1998 it was a pretty ballsy (and stupid) move.

shipping that said expansion file could also possibly break installs of unreal depending on what version you were on.

the best part is all he had to do was rename the maps and change one string in the end teleporter on each map and he wouldn't have destructively overwritten unreal 1 content, broken online multiplayer, etc.

the other hilarious thing is he changed how dodging works for some reason, i guess he didn't like it despite literally no one ever complaining about it to my knowledge.

>> No.7099746

try toggling OneXBlending if your render device has it

>> No.7099934

Didn't know V10 existed. Looked it up and it seems fanmade is it the same quality? Seems like something to avoid

>> No.7099936

Nothing wrong with GMDX. It's a damn good mod for the fact that it makes tranq darts not dogshit and actually viable for stealth.

>> No.7099956
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>this entire thread

>> No.7099974
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Okay. You tell me which lighting is canon.

>> No.7099995

I have several physical copies of Deus Ex

>> No.7100096

He just sounds like a hardworking mod developer who learned a lot from his past creation and made a masterpiece with GMDX

>> No.7100209

They didn't learn shit when it breaks your install and utterly refuses to change map filenames and a single teleporter in each map

>> No.7100259

Software renderer, in 640x480 and minimum details. As the developers intended.

>> No.7100301
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heh nothin personell kid but 320x240 is the only resolution ill ever use

>> No.7101096
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, deus_ex___the_invisible_hand_by_officialmesky_d9a44ff-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reflections
>as the developers intended

>> No.7101148

For me it's pentium III with a voodoo 3 2000, 128MB of ram, with a soundblaster that can do EAX

>> No.7101274
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I upgraded to pic related after my third playthrough and holy shit it was a change

>> No.7101628

Yeah I have it on a SSD, I even tried to put the game on a RamDisk, which should be at least twice as fast, but that only helped slightly. Cache is set to 2024.
Only possibility for the game to run smoothly is if i set "PreCache" to true in the config, but that makes loading time absurdly long and opening the main menu takes several seconds because of that for some reason.

I guess I just have to assume that the engine has its problems loading assets that are to big in file size. (because of the upscaled texures) As running the game in OpenGL kind off disables these high res textures, which makes the game run perfect again.
Thanks for your help though.

>> No.7101860

I played revision with the vanilla models and sounds just for newgame+, arena mode, and cheats. did i fuck up? I played about half of gmdx before my save got corrupted which made me switch

>> No.7101912

GMDX 9 Official
GMDX 10 Community

>> No.7101920

I got bored in like 30 minutes

got bored after like 3 minutes actually, but I held out for another 27 in case it got better

it didn't

>> No.7102151

Have you tried it on d3d9 or opengl render from https://www.cwdohnal.com/utglr/? I've never understood why people use d3d11 renderer for u1 and deus ex. I see more complaints about them than anything, but it could just be that I know that d3d9 and opengl generally work so why change what I'm doing?

for what it's worth unreal engine 1's rendering pipeline was essentially designed for software mode because video card standards didn't really exist until after 1998. The engine itself calculates all of the lighting before it gets sent to the renderer, among other things that normally would be handled by the GPU.

>> No.7102309

Glad this masterpiece is such a good pleb filter too

>> No.7102854

Ive always wanted a big box edition

>> No.7102970

gmdx v9 is a fan made mod as well...

>> No.7103003

are you referring to "Unreal Evolution" ?

any link to some drama regarding it?

>> No.7103023

opengl seems the closest, but the reflection should be much stronger

>> No.7103036
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Revision turned half of the levels into Human Revolution

>> No.7103049

I forgot to add that you also shouldn't go above 15 fps to be true to the original.
>soundblaster that can do EAX
A true patrician.

>> No.7103181

took me a bit but I found it buried in the oldunreal mods forum
Just keep that no other mod release in the history of unreal broke online multiplayer