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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 126 KB, 640x480, ROTT07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7084395 No.7084395 [Reply] [Original]

Why havent you played the best FPS of the 90s, Rise of the Triad, yet anon?

ROTT had many features later picked up by the BUILD engine: Bullet hole marks in walls, destroyable objects (Tables, lights, etc), breakable glass, thumbnail pictures in the saved games, and adjustable, password-protected violence settings. It was the first "clone" that a had look up \ look down ability.

The engine could handle pretty big levels too: up to sixteen stories high and an area of one million sq. feet.

ROTT also had things the BUILD games didn't have like parallaxing skies, fog, boulders, real lights that illuminate walls (that you can shoot to make the room get darker), ricocheting bullets, touchplates, and gas grates. If you didn't have a gas mask, you were toast. It also had a 180 turn key.

ROTT was the first game that let you fall off ledges and die. If you weren't careful jumping around you could fly off the edge of a cliff. And of course, there where the famous jumpads. They where like mini-trampolines that hurtled you 5 stories in the air. Once in the air you could maneuver yourself around and do all sorts of weird stuff. Aerial battles often got pretty crazy. Jump pads were used to jump over obstacles, walls, other players, to get weapons and items… they're all over (and yes, enemies could use them).

>> No.7084490

>Bullet hole marks in walls
Zero Tolerance did it first
>destroyable objects (Tables, lights, etc)
What are barrels
>breakable glass
Who cares
>thumbnail pictures in the saved games
Influential gimmick I guess
>adjustable, password-protected violence settings
>It was the first "clone" that a had look up \ look down ability.
Marathon had it first, and unlike in ROTT, it actually mattered because it had real aiming.
>The engine could handle pretty big levels too: up to sixteen stories high and an area of one million sq. feet.
And only squares
>ROTT was the first game that let you fall off ledges and die. If you weren't careful jumping around you could fly off the edge of a cliff.
>And of course, there where the famous jumpads. They where like mini-trampolines that hurtled you 5 stories in the air. Once in the air you could maneuver yourself around and do all sorts of weird stuff.

>> No.7084492
File: 31 KB, 468x350, The Wizard - Jimmy-468x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we doing this thread again?

>> No.7084768

Marathon came out literally the same day ROTT did

>> No.7085806

>ROTT had many features later picked up by the BUILD engine:

Do you have any actual proof or is these just assumptions?

Work on the Build engine started before ROTT's release; see timeline here


>> No.7085812

Here is one

>added wall sprites
>september 20 1994

those are your bullet holes, 3 months before ROTT's shareware release.

Granted it's possible KS would have seen a dev version of ROTT but it's unlikely.

>> No.7085887


>04/24/1994: Added "fake" LOOKING UP & DOWN after discovering that it wasn't too difficult to shift the screen up & down. 3 days later, the same effect mysteriously appears in Apogee's other game that they were working on at the time, ROTT. What a coincidence!

>> No.7085920

Someone thinks they're a fucking comedian. I'm pretty sure they're also behind a few other "repeat" threads we've had recently.

>> No.7086119
File: 78 KB, 988x577, 🤔.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hol up. That gun looks suspiciously familiar.

>> No.7086141

They almost switched to BUILD, yes Ken saw their stuff and they his, they worked at Apogee.

>> No.7086818


>> No.7086926

wow their just coppeid from d00m wtf????????????????????????????