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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 211 KB, 1400x1400, GameWatchSuperMarioBros_photo_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7081550 No.7081550 [Reply] [Original]

buy a Mario Game and Watch. Extremely comfy form factor, respectable battery life, and so niche IGN won't even cover it. They are respectable to play in public, with an almost art deco aesthetic.

>> No.7081578

>and so niche IGN won't even cover it
They rated it a 9/10.

>> No.7081580
File: 64 KB, 800x450, MegaMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self respect
>on 4chan

U w0t? be a pro and play vmu chao adventure ya chump

>> No.7081582

Does /vr/ let me down such that you can't appreciate we got Mario 2, in it's original 8bit, ported at last? I detect no input lag and have been at it for hours. Now that it's hacked you can expect to emulate all your oldies soon enough.

I'm not thrilled about the serial bar across the back. Just rip it off unless you intend to pawn it. In terms of fashion, I must say it's quite glorious. At a tier of effay competing with the Game Boy Micro. This is the device you would expect John Galt to pull out his Burberry.

Exactly as advertized: three games and a clock. No bells and whistles. Pretty much a minimalist emulator save for a hidden puzzle within the clock screen.

>> No.7081590
File: 8 KB, 302x167, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respectable hm ok

>> No.7081595
File: 46 KB, 501x681, 1600068419384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks real comfortable to hold....

>> No.7081610

I assure you it is. You rest your fingers on the back of it not on the top corners like an imbecile.

>> No.7081615

I'll stick with my Vita for portable emulation, thanks.

>> No.7081620

G&W are maximum consoomer bait. Fuck off.

>> No.7081640
File: 244 KB, 752x1097, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have some self respect

>> No.7081717

Every normal person will think you're just a manchild playing a Gameboy and the people who know what it is will laugh at you for buying it. Save yourself the embarrassment and use it as a clock on your nintendweeb shelf next to your lego mario kit

>> No.7081735

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

>> No.7082006

I bought one cause I needed a watch.

>> No.7082105

thanks /vr/ wordsmith

>> No.7082116

It's an overpriced piece of shit and you know it.

>> No.7082124
File: 164 KB, 1160x1156, retroid-pocket-2-insta-1160x1156[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, anyone have one of these? opinions? how are they? I ordered a while back because I've always wanted a pocket-emulation-machine, and for the price I hoped this would be it, but it hasn't shipped yet.

otherwise, what's some good fun engaging retro games to play on it, up through Playstation/Dreamcast era, my first thought is advance wars 2

>> No.7082309

>plays 1 game
>that I already own and have beaten a million times and isn't even that fun

hard pass

>> No.7082313

Dpad in wrong place for retro. It’s retarded.

>> No.7082352 [DELETED] 

I've been using N64oid and all work 99.5% perfect. Can run Episode 1 Racer without a sweat, shockingly. As for PSX, Silent Hill runs beautifully and that's all I care about.

Contains AM2R.

>> No.7082394

Get yourself this instead.

Cheaper and better battery life.

>> No.7082402

Wasn't mario 2 included in mario all stars twice already?

>> No.7082724

not with the original graphics

>> No.7082779

SMB3 would be more interesting, can't really be bothered with the first SMB

>> No.7082787

U can beat SMB in around 10mins. Good for a system with a tiny screen.

>> No.7082834


>> No.7082841
File: 953 KB, 1358x1284, 1592691786123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7082926
File: 821 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2020-11-16-00-25-02-299_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone had it opened up and found that it's a STM32 with 1Mbit on-chip ROM,8Mbit SPI flash and 8Mbit on-chip RAM.

They even decrypted the SPI flash and replaced the SMB1 ROM.

The USB is not connected to CPU at all and one must program the SPI flash directly.

>> No.7082948

>Software emulation lag
No thanks

>> No.7082973

Oh my god stop shilling this piece of shit here

>> No.7083082

Honestly I probably would have if it had an alarm. Why the fuck they left that out is beyond me.

>> No.7083094

posting in bait thread

>> No.7083191

shit it doesn't have an alarm clock feature? what a waste.

>> No.7083929

We got the original Japanese SMB2 on Wii VC too.

>> No.7084039 [DELETED] 

>no famicom smb2

>> No.7084094

Switch online too

>> No.7084403

They should have included more Game & Watch games in this, at least all the single screen ones.

>> No.7084413

I bought three. Two to gift, one to keep. I thought they were going to be scalped like crazy but seems they have plenty of stock.

>> No.7084502

3 games bro, might want to actually look at the product before making a decision.

>> No.7084528

I hope the scalpers seethe

>> No.7084597

The only other person who would recognize it would be fellow neckbeards who would smile and tip their fedora at you.

>> No.7084793

Don't, phone controllers are all shit and their dpads SUCK.

>> No.7084946

Some of them are decent, and you could use a USB OTG connector and a phone clip for your USB gamepad if that's not good enough. Gamepad quality isn't my primary concern when it comes to handheld gaming, personally. It's something I do to kill time, not to play competitively. I have a laptop for that purpose.

>> No.7085064

>mah serial number
jesus I hate collectorfags

>> No.7085092

I dont either but the whole point is that you can skip on buying and hacking say, a 3DS or a Vita and have much better results.

>> No.7085157

Their outdated hardware and high price relative to chinese/refurbished phones are just not worth it though. They're still over $200. I wouldn't buy either unless I wanted to play 3ds or vita games. Also with bluetooth or OTG, you'd actually have more freedom in choosing your gamepad. Added to that, I'm pretty damn sure 3DS and vitas won't end up in landfills, unlike phones. Repurposing old phones reduces e-waste.

>> No.7085306

I'm so sick if second analogue sticks on handhelds that cannot handle PS2, it really negatively impacts your ability to use the face buttons. I took it out of my rg350 and it's way better, now.

>> No.7085482

How sustainable is Ninty's business model? Obviously there will always be child gamers. But apart from that they seem to depend on insane products like the OP, or "new" weak consoles with gimmicks for the most manchild and retrogressive gamers conceivable. They've almost completely abandoned the vanguard of gaming, there was that many years developed AAA Zelda (BOTW) and they patronise PlatinumGames still (delaying their inevitable absorption into the general market and raising the melee standard) but otherwise nothing. The whole platform seems to require customer loyalty from the most frivolous of minds (children and seniles). Seems risky, but they're pulling it off.

>> No.7085703

I wonder about this too, and most of my Switch games are 3rd party so Nintendo's really slipping up it seems. They can't keep nostalgiabaiting forever.

>> No.7085769

I kind of want to get this as a gift to someone but I don’t know if they’ll be that interested.

It really should have included the entire SMB NES family. Then I wouldn’t have any doubts.

>> No.7086806

It's a good year for gift giving. I'm sure they'd appreciate you thinking of them.

>> No.7088651

>They are respectable to play in public
lol no but I don't care I'd do it anyway.

>> No.7088663

Still reading IGN, unironically

>> No.7088680
File: 117 KB, 500x747, 1539484519172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean to tell me I can purchase this Collectible handheld Nintendo system that includes playable versions of the original Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels, a Mario version of Game & Watch: Ball, and more? With a Classic-style + Control Pad that gives me the original controls I remember from the 1980s I can use to stomp Goombas and dive down warp pipes! It also includes an Old-school two-player style lets you pass the system to a friend so everyone gets their shot at saving Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom, and a Digital clock which features Mario-inspired surprises across 35 animations!

Wow! I need to respect myself by purchasing this amazing, never-before-seen product!

>> No.7088720

What wrong with flashing SPI directly?

>> No.7088737

>what wrong with reading comprehension?

>> No.7088981

>This is the device you would expect John Galt to pull out his Burberry
god why is 4chan so fucking gay and right-wing

>> No.7089060

real talk: will i be able to resell this at 4x the price in under 5 years?

>> No.7089064

go back, chud

>> No.7089185
File: 185 KB, 1276x1356, SEGAvsNintendo .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
