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7079373 No.7079373 [Reply] [Original]

Just beat this game. What is your opinion on it?

>> No.7079384

Good game.

>> No.7079428
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>just beat the game
>asks us our opinions on it without giving own opinion
i dunno, lol

>> No.7079491
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I get to abou the 4th or 5th dark world every coupleof years and just never finish it, C+

>> No.7079668

Ignoring the downgrades from previous Zelda games, it was an okay experience.

>> No.7079740

Super overrated by nostalgiafags. Almost every 2D game after it is better including the handheld ones.

>> No.7079752

so whats your rating for the game?

>> No.7079840

Thats all its good for, one playthrough, it has 0 replayability.

>> No.7079843

Not sure what snesfags see in it, but I'm sure it's the only game like it they played.

>> No.7079849

it's good one time around but i wont go back and play it again

>> No.7079884

I get the same feels for it. I'd rather play Zelda 2 and Link's Awakening if I ever go back to playing Zelda games again. I have it on switch but haven't played that console since spring break.

>> No.7079890

randomizer though

>> No.7080048

Based game that makes contrarians seethe.

>> No.7080065

I got to the third dungeon and got bored. I only played it in 2020 and by the time I played it, I was too spoiled by modern game mechanics, that I found LTTP to be too archaic.

I wish I played it when I was a kid in the 90s

>> No.7080078
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its a great game

>> No.7080083

Love it, it's a real adventure. I especially love the Mode 7 map.

>> No.7080084

it's better than the handheld games if only because of the higher resolution and the large scrolling rooms

>> No.7080085
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what's your opinion?
what makes you say that?
which downgrades in your opinion?
what makes it overrated?
why not?
what do you like about Zelda 2 and Link's Awakening the most?
what makes it archaic?
why do you like the most about it?

>> No.7080089

I think when a game is really good, these people play it a whole bunch until it becomes boring and then bitch about it.

>> No.7080091

i played this shit in like 2004 on emulators

it's always weird when I'm accused of nostalgia for shit that wasn't of my time

>> No.7080092

The most overrated zelda game.

>> No.7080093

Same happened to me with CVIV. After some abstaining, I start to enjoy it again.

>> No.7080095


Tbh mate I'm not sure. I think it was the sheer level of "You just have to explore the world and find stuff out", that's so non-prevelant in todays games. Nowadays, there's so much QOL (For better or worse) with quest markers, or telling you what to do next, or even giving you a rough idea where to go. I think the straw that broke the camels back was when I had to go to the library to get that magnifying glass off the shelf.

Don't get me wrong, Link's Awakening is my fave Zelda game ever, but I also played it when I was 9. Nowadays, I've been spoilt by QOL that to go back to something as open ended as LTTP was too much of a leap back.

I'm sure the game is phenomenal, but I guess you had to be there.

>> No.7080102

Never played it when I was a kid so the nostalgia is not there, but it's very good. I prefer Link's Awakening though.

>> No.7080104
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>why do you like the most about it?
I like the big (for its time) world, and all the fantasy elements. The gameplay is simple but makes me use my big boy brain to solve puzzles.

>> No.7080106


best zelda game. it's all downhill from there.

>> No.7080157

>muh graphics
lmao no. That has never been a selling point of any game and if you think it is then you should unironically off yourself
>what makes it overrated?
First off nice mass spam. That being said the fact that it's '''fans'''' claim it's the best zelda ever or even in the top 5. It's not.
2004 was 16 years ago, anon. Plenty of time for you to have nostalgia for it. Nostalgia doesn't JUST mean that you played it when it first came out and that's it. I have plenty of nostalgia for FF5 but I still played it on an emulator as a kid

>> No.7080171

It's the best game of all time.

>> No.7080172

I love this game. Always had fun exploring the map, finding secrets, talking to NPCs, and doing the dungeons. The combat was especially fun and the music and aesthetic is great.

I don't see what about it is overrated, its an excellent Zelda game, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't like Majora's Mask more.

>> No.7080178

>First off nice mass spam. That being said the fact that it's '''fans'''' claim it's the best zelda ever or even in the top 5. It's not.

Give some reasons for why it's not, and list 5 zelda games better than it to you.

>> No.7080191

Oracle games are both better, Every 3D minus Skyward Sword is better, Minish Cap is better, LA is better, Zelda 1 and 2 are both better.

>> No.7080192

Good game but it set a template for Zelda games that really got run into the ground over the following years.

The idea of exploring an overworld full of secrets, NPCs and discrete interactions, while venturing into separate "dungeons" for the main gameplay challenges, is very reminiscent of a Dragon Quest. It's no surprise that Zelda games were considered JRPGs by most publications at the time.

What makes Zelda difference is that lack of level/stat systems, which makes things much faster and also more elastic; the player isn't restricted from certain areas by enemies that are simply unbeatable at their current strength level. So that adds a certain degree of non-linearity to the series, and this is what made the original Zelda so wild and naturalistic.

The problem is that with each subsequent entry, starting with ALttP, Nintendo focused more and more on story, perhaps because that's what the (stupid) fanbase always wanted. Only recently has the mainstream begun to accept that maybe video games don't need elaborate storylines to be good, and even then it's an uphill battle.

The more cinematic and narrative-focused Zelda games became, the more elasticity they lost, until they reached the logical endpoint of Skyward Sword, which stops you for another tutorial every five minutes. Breath of the Wild was a hard reset for the series, and a return to the series roots.

However in ALttP there is still enough abstraction and player freedom to make for a fun game that feels relatively "open," despite the clear signs of a series that would begin to weaken itself with each successive entry, for the sake of pleasing lowest-common-denominator consumers and reviewers who just wanted an "epic story."

>> No.7080194

Zelda 1 already established literally everything you said.

>> No.7080196

why are they better?

>> No.7080197


Zelda 1 isn't nearly as cinematic, story-centric, or railroady as ALttP.

>> No.7080206

It also isn't as good.

>> No.7080213

More fun.
Neither is link to the past. Also I'm really fucking tired of people saying that a game with a story and cool visuals is a flaw. All it is is importing criticism from later generations and stuff like Last of Us into old games despite said old games still very much being gameplay centric
It's better

>> No.7080216

Zelda 1 is a good game but the controls are stiff and the overworld is boring.

>> No.7080217

>Also I'm really fucking tired of people saying that a game with a story and cool visuals is a flaw.

That's not what I'm saying. The problems with the Zelda didn't really become "problems" until later in the series life. But ALttP was the first entry to misinterpret the original's appeal, which is the possibility of getting completely "lost."

>> No.7080225

That's not just addressed to you, I see people calling shit like FF 4 and 6 movie games which is completely ridiculous.
Also no zelda game is crazy story centric besides Skyward Sword which is rightly called out the worst Zelda game by far and it's obvious by Breath of the Wild that the series is still focusing first and foremost on gameplay (despite what you may think of that game by itself I don't know how you could say in good faith that gameplay isn't the focus of it) even if it decides to add more of an actual cast with the various games.

>> No.7080228

>which downgrades in your opinion?
It no longer being open-world is of course a massive downgrade, but also combat having no real edge to it, and dungeons being messy vertical stacks instead of having a neat metroidvania style minimap.

>> No.7080238


A game can contain narrative elements without being railroady or overtly cinematic. There's environmental storytelling, player-directed interactions, non-linear cutscene order, etc. All of which are employed by BotW.

It's true that people are going too far in their backlash against "movie games" sometimes. But overall, it's a good thing that we're moving past the "all worthwhile video games need a heavily involved story" mindset.

>> No.7080245

See this is what I'm talking about. A game being liner is not a flaw and neither is having cool visuals. The fact that you think either are flaws and not just different options that you can take show that you've fallen for the 'cutscenes bad' mindset.

>> No.7080256


Linear storytelling is antithetical to video games as a medium. If you want to tell a story you may as well do it through an adventure game or visual novel, which minimizes player interactivity.

Again, a game can have interesting themes, characters, settings, atmosphere, and so on, but cutscenes are just about the laziest way of telling a story though an interactive medium.

>> No.7080258

>Linear storytelling is antithetical to video games as a medium
Like I said, you're retarded and fell for the memes. A video game in no way needs to be non-liner. if anything being liner is a huge boone to multiple games as it allows an actual increase in difficulty and required skill. So unless you can actually explain why every liner game ever made sucks and isn't a REAL video game, fuck off.

>> No.7080269


There is a lot of space between "completely open-world" and "completely linear." A game like Monster Hunter, where the story takes a back seat to player-motivated progression, allows for linear improvement and higher stakes (more threatening monsters, etc) without relying heavily on cutscenes or narration. You still feel like you're interacting with a fully-realized world which directs its artistic resources towards the most important aspects: the monsters and their environments.

When a game relies too heavily on an involved story, it has to limit player choice in terms of how they want to proceed and at what pace. There will be bottlenecks and moments where the player is arbitrarily prevented from advancing, and the game has to "break" its own rules because otherwise the narrative wouldn't make sense. Arbitrarily closed-off areas, characters whose behavior/power is inconsistent between cutscenes and gameplay, actions that the player can perform in-game which make zero sense in-narrative (such as attacking allies/innocent NPCs), etc.

The greater the divide between a game's gameplay and narrative sections, the more a game is being stretched in two opposite directions. The ultimate result is a placid "middle-ground" which most games have found themselves in, a sort of "action-adventure with RPG elements" that has become the FPS game of this decade. Boring, predictable, and lowbrow.

>> No.7080273

>When a game relies too heavily on an involved story, it has to limit player choice in terms of how they want to proceed and at what pace. There will be bottlenecks and moments where the player is arbitrarily prevented from advancing, and the game has to "break" its own rules because otherwise the narrative wouldn't make sense. Arbitrarily closed-off areas, characters whose behavior/power is inconsistent between cutscenes and gameplay, actions that the player can perform in-game which make zero sense in-narrative (such as attacking allies/innocent NPCs), etc.
>The greater the divide between a game's gameplay and narrative sections, the more a game is being stretched in two opposite directions. The ultimate result is a placid "middle-ground" which most games have found themselves in, a sort of "action-adventure with RPG elements" that has become the FPS game of this decade. Boring, predictable, and lowbrow.
This has nothing to do with rather a game is liner or not and more to do with pacing issues and a separation between cut scene power and in game power.
Explain how something like Mario 1 is bad because it's liner and would be better if it wasn't or stop trying to push a bunch of unrelated issues under one single term

>> No.7080289


>Explain how something like Mario 1 is bad because it's liner

?? SMB1 isn't linear. You're free to use each level as your playground and interact with its various elements in different ways. Just because a game isn't "completely open-world" doesn't mean it's "completely linear". We're talking about narrative btw, not structure.

>> No.7080351

>?? SMB1 isn't linear.
lmao what the fuck? Do you even know what words mean? Fuck outta here with your bullshit and goal post moving.
Saga sucks btw

>> No.7080446

>Plenty of time for you to have nostalgia for it
you can't say it's nostalgia for having not played newer games

>> No.7080450

>why not?
because I've played it. It's not even like Super Metroid where there's fun in learning hacks to get items early or w/e. I've gotten everything in the game once and I have no desire to go back to it.

I like the game mechanics and I'd play a hack, but the hacks aren't very good.

>> No.7080485


I agree totally with this.

The first part of the game is exciting and things happen so fast... But once it's all " Collect these 8..." There isn't anything in between to really keep the hype up.

>> No.7080515

I liked both light and dark worlds.

>> No.7080710

god this place is infested by zoomers

>> No.7080817

My fave zelda. Takashi Tezuka was fucking unmatched.

>> No.7080904

>But once it's all " Collect these 8..." There isn't anything in between to really keep the hype up.
Hype is the gameplay
Story is an excuse

>> No.7080971

It's great. I had never played an SNES era game in my life before this one and it honestly felt very well made and appealing to me, even though I grew up playing mostly modern 3d games.

>> No.7081020

>I see people calling shit like FF 4 and 6 movie games which is completely ridiculous.
They were though, you absolute fucking moron. They have way more in common with FF7 than the three NES/FC titles. 'Cutscenes' as they're now known were pretty much invented with FF4. Never before that did you have to sit through multiple minutes of text boxes and sprites prancing around the screen.

>> No.7081025

How is your image related to the topic of this thread?

>> No.7081027

its my favorite zelda

>> No.7081481

Minish Cap's one big failure is that it's so fucking short, there's 6 dungeons.
I don't even mind the Kinstones.

>> No.7081541

It's okay. It's like a Metroidvania but with a top down view.

>> No.7081556

I can't tell if you're just trolling or completely ignorant about the history of video games.

>> No.7081592


>> No.7081598

Literally only good when its randomizer. I cannot actually bring myself to play the base game anymore.

>> No.7081652

Never played it, is it good?

>> No.7081731

It's pretty good, the template from which almost every Zelda game since has taken it's cues.
The most honest way I could describe it is prototype Ocarina of Time. The set up is the same, collect the three tokens of the Gods, then retrieve the Master Sword and save the Sages in a world turned to hell. OoT just has the Time Travel twist and an actual story.

>> No.7081734

best zelda by far
exploring areas that felt unique, best dungeons, easily the best bosses, best inventory, what else do i even need to say

>> No.7082330

>, best dungeons, easily the best bosses, best inventory,
What a joke.

>> No.7082616

Best Zelda game, you could pick up and play back then.

Tried to play Twilight Princess a few years ago. I worked the night shift so I’d play an hour after work. Took me three days to get the sword. Them I find out I need a nunchuk. No nunchuck, dog ate the nunchaku. Can’t go out and buy a new nanchuk at 4 in the morning. That’s as far as I got in Twilight Princess.

>> No.7082645

This is the correct answer

>> No.7082652

You’d think they’d use the triforce to resurrect the dead more often

>> No.7082663

That's not really the games fault that you don't have a nunchuck. You know you can buy things online these days?

>> No.7082712

An extremely competent, yet painfully dull game

>> No.7083420

name better

>> No.7083441
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What do you think my opinion on said game is, fellow teenager?

>> No.7083481

I think the 4 direction movement for combat sucks ass, it desperately needs a shield button like LA/the oracles because so many enemies have projectiles or range weapons(like the spiked club throwers), and having to see those fucking crystal cutscenes every time you beat a dark world dungeon is really annoying. The artstyle is kinda ugly too

>> No.7083482

SNES Fag here.

Nostalgia aside, I would argue that it's probably the one game that actually influenced later games in the Zelda Franchise. Depending on how you look at it too some would actually say it took what was great about the first one and took it a step up from what that did instead of trying to do another experiment like Zelda 2.

Would I say that, later 2D games were better? Depends on the game. Personally I feel like a Link between Worlds did a better job improving on certain aspects of the game and Link's Awakening did a pretty amazing job in it's own right. However those are the only two games I have an opinion on.

IF THERE IS ANY SAVING GRACE that this would have over other Zelda games however is that it's not nearly as overhyped as OoT or Majora's Mask. And that's saying alot given how many gamers argue over which of those two games are better.

>> No.7083492

>lmao no. That has never been a selling point of any game

You're fooling yourself if graphics weren't a selling point of any game back in the 90's. Sega tried to outdo nintendo with genesis, then it went vice versa with nintendo on sega, then it became a total shit storm between companies and devs.

Nice troll post but not good enough.

>> No.7084996

Last played on Switch snes library. I get to the green swamp place and just kinda get bored

>> No.7085539

If smb1 isn't linear then neither are any Zelda games.

>> No.7085550

Play the gamecube version

>> No.7087645

>some would actually say it took what was great about the first one and took it a step up
More like threw all those things down the stairs

>> No.7087657

It is not Jet Set Willy on a Speccy