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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7077406 No.7077406 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this company's achievements so highly exaggerated in importance compared to other companies'?

>> No.7077409

Because they stopped the video game crash and are the oldest vidya company that's still standing.

>> No.7077412

Ok youtuber.

>> No.7077446

>he gives you an answer
>ok youtuber

why make this thread if youre not actually interested in hearing why or having a discussion? did you just want some validation for your stupidity?

>> No.7077454

The game crash didn't even happen.

>> No.7077463


>> No.7077473

even when other companies did something first they did it so poorly they ought to just be erased from history

>> No.7077493

It only happened in NA.

>> No.7077498

Because of bing bing wahooo

>> No.7077515

Nintendo fans are in a cult. They're thankfully a minority but they have a very vocal presence on the Internet. Depending on where you go you'll be around either a ton of them (4chan, twitter) or just some of them (gamefags, neofag, retardera.) This usually makes it easy for them to create echo chambers so dissenting voices get a ton of counter-conformism.

Nintendo fans are like PC gamers however, in that they're the only ones I've seen attempt to gaslight over not liking their games. I think this is really weird. If I don't like god of war I get told to try Devil May Cry instead. If I don't like Sonic I get told to try Gunstar Heroes instead. If I don't like Wind Waker I simply didn't get it, got filtered or need to play it again until I do like it.

The result of their impact isn't that more people like Nintendo games, it's just that they get to drown out discussion of non-nintendo games.

>> No.7077523

Jet Set Willy saved video games, actually.

>> No.7077526

i'm inclined to agree, without SMB nintendo would just be a footnote

>> No.7077528

Winners write history. The fact that they won though is still uncontestable though the many seething contrarian replies that this thread will feature will try to argue even that

>> No.7077530
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>Nintendo fans are in a cult.

>> No.7077534
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>If a game hadn't revolutioned and influenced the industry, the company that made it wouldn't be considered revolutionary and influential
What an amazingly thought-out thesis

>> No.7077547

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.7077549

Here comes the cult

>> No.7077559
File: 953 KB, 1358x1284, 1590142973624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all advertising
>Because they stopped the video game crash
you live in fantasy land.
>why make this thread if youre not actually interested in hearing why or having a discussion?
how do you continue having a discussion when you're wrong? arguing with you history revisionists is a waste of time. you know nothing about history. you just make shit up as you go. it's quite pathetic.
they're right, zoomyzoomzoom. that anon was probably born in the 80s and can remember how nintendo was seen as the device for children and retards that only had a handful of titles that made that console what it is.

>> No.7077603

Too obvious and very low effort. I will reward you with a pity (You) however.

>> No.7077615

>lives in your head rent free

>> No.7077617

Because they where actually successful with them.
Same reason Apple gets credit for things they didn't do.
Now stop overthinking it and enjoy your hoby

>> No.7077624

cry harder, zoomyzoomzoom. maybe try and create another thread full of fantasy tales and compulsive lying? we'll come to that thread as well to shit all over you.

>> No.7077629

because they are the oldest company still surviving and history is written by the winners. also they do make good first party games (most of the time)

>> No.7077705

Outside of Mario and Zelda, most of their games on NES were shovelware. You can't deny this.

>> No.7077735

>zoom zoom

>> No.7077737

I wouldn't know, my first console was an SNES

>> No.7077825

most games, period, were shovelware

>> No.7078254

which one should be?
the only contenders could be konami or rockstar

>> No.7078272

>ITT: seething 40 year old sega widows

>> No.7078280

Sony assraped them 3 out of 4 times, and on both of their 2 retro tries.

>> No.7078283

nintendo is the only major-player video game hardware/software company that ONLY focuses on video games and thus are the center of gamer-related identity politics

>> No.7078298

They're not /thread

>> No.7078306


>> No.7078312

Name one that isn't gyromite or stack up.

>> No.7078326

yeah but sony had no presence in the video game industry before the PS1

>> No.7078330

(cntd) i forgot they designed the sound chip for the SNES or something but like, they aren't a company that people in the 80s and early 90s associated with video games

>> No.7078395
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Did Nintendo even influence anything aside from side scrolling platformer games and D-pad? Richard Garriott alone left more legacy in the video game industry to this very day than the whole nintendo company. Nintendo's only good console that really left its competitors in the dust was the first gameboy. Personally I don't understand what made nintendo stand above others.

Nintendo created more rabid autistic fans than any video game company in history has ever did I guess. Creating a cult image is the only thing nintendo is great at. Repackaging what others were already doing to make it more accessible to 5 year olds. Appealing to children with their excellent marketing. That's Nintendo's only true achievement.

>> No.7078410

Sony made video games mainstream instead of just being electronic children's toys. They have influenced gaming as a whole more in the 5 generations that they've been around than Nintendo did in the two pre-PS1 generations. Nintendo never grew past the electronic toymaker stage, that's why they've become the sidepiece/gimmick brand since the 5th gen.

>> No.7078417

Because their games stood the test of time unlike your oi me speccy bullshit. Seethe more, Britbong. Seethe eternally.

>> No.7078421

You’re the one who seems angry OCD kun

>> No.7078434


>> No.7078445

Not true, most games after Nintendo came on the scene are decent. If you load up a random SNES game it likely won't be shovelware. Just because you don't have the time to play average old games =/= they must all be shovelware.

>> No.7078447

Because they've produced more great games than any other company. Konami and Capcom are close. Who do you think deserves more praise?

>> No.7078482

I think Nintendo could have been as big as Disney if they didn't make as many blunders. Just wait until the switch fad is over and Nintendo will be out of the mainstream once again. Nintendo used to be pretty much at the top of the game industry and now they are nowhere near, consider that even Bethesda and Activision and what they were in 90's and now they could probably rival Nintendo. If Nintendo is so good they why don't they even make a console.

I think its because in 1994 and 1995 snes has lots of great game releases so people keep thinking that the same will happen again sometime because they always play those same roms.

>> No.7078507


>> No.7078513


>> No.7078542

Oe like if you don't think OoT is the literal greatest game of all time, you're a massive fucking fag, a revisionist or you're lying.

Nintendo fans have their opinions and that's fine, but what's not is that they cling to them so completely and them try to force them on everyone else too.

>> No.7078634

>ocarina of time was the FIRST game to do Z-targeting, and here's what rockstar games guy said about it.
I think ocarina took that idea from this really popular game by another company, it basically did the same thing
>t-that's different ocarina was still first even if that game is 3 years older
these patterns are everywhere, aren't they?

>> No.7078689

\>a ton of them
4chan is firmly snoy territory. Nintoddlers are definitely a minority here, Mario 64 and Sunshine threads are more memes than actual discussion of the games

>> No.7078690

>4chan is firmly snoy territory
your use of snoy is proof enough that this is not the case.

>> No.7078710

Konami and Capcom, and Namco and Sega too for that matter

>> No.7078714

Because they had the single greatest run of any game company ever. No other company can compare with Nintendo's output from the NES to the Gamecube. The reason they cause so much controversy now is that they've been running on fumes for the past 10-15 years. This split their fanbase into two different groups - 1. Those who have accepted that Nintendo is past their prime and moved on or just play their old games on emulators and 2. The ones who cling harder and harder to the shreds of their former greatness and desperately defend anything nu-Nintendo shits out. The latter group is subconsciously trying to convince themselves that Nintendo is still good, so that they never have to grow up and accept that their childhood has passed. It's a coping mechanism. That's where the phenomenon of Nintendo's rabid fanbase comes from. Most of those types of fans are in the 25-40 age group whose childhoods fell right in Nintendo's golden age and was never able to admit when Nintendo had gone downhill.

>> No.7078717

Go the fuck back. Now.

>> No.7078718

>No other company can compare with Nintendo's output from the NES to the Gamecube.
The PS1 and PS2 say hello.

>> No.7078725

I said company, not console. Most of the PS2's biggest games were made by third parties. Konami, Rockstar, Capcom, and Square Enix carried the PS2. The only noteworth games Sony themselves made for it were God of War and Ico/SOTC. Nintendo on the other hand carried their own consoles in a way no other company ever has.

>> No.7078727

>holding onto the delusion that 95% of 4chan users dont also post on reddit

>> No.7078728

Konami's early stuff was good, but they lost it during the transition to 3d. Had it not been for Kojima, they would have gone out of business a long time ago. Also, Capcom shits all over Nintendo. They wish they could be that good.

>> No.7078740

I don't see how this topic is limited to retro video games.

>> No.7078768

Well you should have clarified you were talking about first party output in which case you are correct. But Sony's retro first-party lineup is no slouch either.
>Konami, Rockstar, Capcom, and Square Enix carried the PS2.
And Namco, and Sega, and Tecmo, and EA, and Atlus, and so on and so forth. Sony was the third-party king, and those are ultimately what makes or breaks consoles.
>The only noteworth games Sony themselves made for it were God of War and Ico/SOTC.
And Twisted Metal Black, and Dark Cloud, and Jak, and Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper, and Ape Escape.

>> No.7079020

Reggie left the company

>> No.7079112

Because they make baby consoles and all the faggots you listen to are babies. Even the 40yo ones.

>> No.7079134

>cry harder, zoomyzoomzoom
Christ, this board was better before /v/ invaded.

>> No.7079205

Sony brought normie trash into console gaming, and helped make console gaming into gimped-PC social network gaming, and sucked the big-one with their hilarious PS3 fuckups to the point where the company had to be sold to western finance to pay denbts. Sony is no longer Sony. Now they're Hollywood's/NYC's little casting couch bitch, sucking Weinstein dicks.
Nintendo is still Nintendo and NoJ still controls the company with an iron fist, and they basically print money. They have recovered several times from botched HW releases because of their ability to print money, and they print money by focusing on their product(videogames) rather than focusing on selling online services and multimedia.

Microsoft does the same shit with their office/commercial products, as every single office on earth uses MS software. Their Xbox division is a tiny part of their overall machine.
Likewise Sony USED to print money with their top-quality consumer and commercial electronics, but then they let westerners in their movie/entertainment sector begin controlling the company, and thus $598 US DORRARS and the PSN hack happened and fucked em.
Sega made a similar mistake in the 90s, by allowing a bunch of greedy-shit westerners control the company, driving it into the ground.

>> No.7079748

Nintendo has never made an influential game, ever. We all know that the Last of Us was the first video game

>> No.7079893

>Outside of Mario and Zelda, most of their games on NES were shovelware.
That's true for every console tho

>> No.7079902
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>Nintendo has never made an influential game, ever.

>> No.7080319

>me big man. been here many summer.
zoom zoom

>> No.7080556

> And Twisted Metal Black, and Dark Cloud, and Jak, and Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper, and Ape Escape.
All of which are completely dead and forgotten with the exception of Ratchet. You're kidding yourself if you think people aren't talking mostly about third party games when they say the PS2 had a great library. Sony's first party output was pathetic back then.