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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 314 KB, 1223x688, 00RAREGAMES-02-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7076268 No.7076268 [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about the influx of card, comic, etc. collectors flooding and shitting up the retro video game market? There's no coming back from this point. Rich assholes who don't care about video games will be buying up all of the good quality games.

>> No.7076273

I got some pretty good box protectors because of it. Your fault for waiting too long to buy these. Ps2 and xbox original games are really cheap now if you still want to collect.

>> No.7076274

I have my stash. The vault isn't opening until I'm 90 years old on Antiques Road Show.

>> No.7076319

I like how everyone wants to blame outsiders. What happened is that people your age finally got their hands on disposable income and decided to buy shit they always wanted.

Buy a flash cart, emulate, or pony up the cash. These are your choices.

>> No.7076335

You could have been the poor asshole who bought and sat on games then sold to rich assholes.

>> No.7076341

roms are free and most games are dumped so i dont really care

>> No.7076358

It's both.

>> No.7076376

I don't care. let them waste their time and money, I'll just continue emulating

>> No.7076595

Anything that drives prices up is good in my book. I've been "collecting" for ages but only really got into hoarding about 15 years ago. I used to buy meme games 3 for a buck and they're now $25-$50/each. Some of the rarer things I own are worth 100x what I paid. I only spent about $10k so if I sold it all I'd make barely enough to buy a decent sports car. We need prices to go up at least another 5x.

>> No.7076597

Only valid for America. They're too dumb to configure an emulator

>> No.7076612

Realistically, what would happen if you went to a con and broke these cases open and ripped the boxes open at these faggots booths?

>> No.7076659

What shocks me is how much of a deficit of knowledge it displays in the people doing this. They keep paying idiotic amounts for, and permasealing, some of the most well-trod and unremarkable games on earth.
There are some exceptions but its seems that these big money speculators don't have the knowledge to know when a game is truly rare.

>> No.7076871
File: 38 KB, 540x405, 1349907353bobbyhill-540x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care since the market will eventually crash again and this shit will go for cheap. Retro game stuff always goes up but i wouldn't be surprised if it turns into an atari situation where the games go down in price because the boomers bought their shit. It's already happening to the NES, just give it a decade and the other shit will go down too meanwhile "newer" retro stuff like the PS1 and the Saturn will go up. It depends on what generation has the most disposable income to spend on this shit.

It also doesn't help that even younger generations are into get rich quick schemes where they try to take "old" and "retro" stuff and try to sell it for like, 10x its value. It already happened to basketball cards and Pokemon cards. There's fucking mainstream youtubers trying to open up pokemon base one sets and making the price skyrocket since 14 year olds and 30 year old man children trying to get a """""side hustle""""" eat that shit up and take out loans to buy a repackaged based 1 booster pack for $1000. I wouldn't be surprised if that shit happened to video games.

OP, you gotta realize its not the late 2000s anymore. You can't just go and buy a shit ton of old video game stuff for cheap at a flea market like you could in like, 2008. Almost everyone has the internet in their pocket and
shit like ebay and retro game shops make it easier for people with disposable income and a nostalgia problem to buy this shit up. It's a whole new ball game.

Yeah PS2 and xbox stuff are still cheap if you're into these consoles. Might wanna buy the shit you want while you can cause it could rise in price in a couple of years.

PS1 stuff rn is still fairly cheap, and while saturn can get a bit pricey its not as bad as nintendo shit, thats just a lost cause at this point.

>> No.7077014

>There's no coming back from this point.
It's been this bad for at least 9 years now.

>> No.7077023

You'd get sued for the value of the destroyed items.

>> No.7077038

Imagine all the money that went into 'preserving' a trash game like Contra Force.

>> No.7077239

Blood from a stone.

>> No.7077265

The WATA/Heritage pipeline is bullshit. I'd wager a lot of the "sales" are between the very same people whose entire goal is to inflate the market, many with ties to WATA and/or Heritage Auctions.

>> No.7077910

That is exactly what is happening in many cases. It's bullshit

>> No.7077919

>I like how everyone wants to blame outsiders. What happened is that people your age finally got their hands on disposable income and decided to buy shit they always wanted.
this is probably most of it. since i met my savings goal in the bank account i've been buying stacks of ps2 games like a crazy person

>> No.7077928

It's all money laundering. Clean hundreds of thousands by spending it on rare pristine video games.

>> No.7078009

This is unrelated and maybe I'll make a thread about it someday but that really should have been an SNES game. It has solid mechanics and good ideas but the slowdown makes me want to play literally any other contra game.

>> No.7079119

>Your parents get sued for the value of the destroyed items

>> No.7080629

It's exactly this. Why do you think these "collectors" preserve shit like >>7077038
They don't care about these games and use it so they can make their dirty money clean

>> No.7080643

That's why retro gamers are better off buying flash carts and ever drives.

>> No.7080646

This 10/10

>> No.7080647

buy flash carts

>> No.7080652

oh and if you want shelf decorations get repro boxes