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7071536 No.7071536 [Reply] [Original]

It will always tickle me pink that the best classic Beat Em Up was not an arcade game, but a console exclusive

>> No.7071540

Theyre called belt scrollers tho

>> No.7071557

why wouldn't it be? console games have to be deeper to justify the purchase cost.

>> No.7071582

It is bemusing to me because archetypically, console versions of arcade games are considered inferior, and because Beat Em Ups were a genre of gaming designed for arcades. It is funny to be, some form of irony.

>> No.7071596

It doesnt really take any different approach than arcade-based titles or tweak the genre in any way though. It's simply significantly easier

>> No.7071639

>tickle me pink
that just means being gay
just say you're gay next time

>> No.7071649

CoNsOle ExCluSiVE


>> No.7071765

>Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
>The Punisher
>Captain Commando

>> No.7071779 [DELETED] 

learn how to 1cc arcade bmups and you'll never be able to go back to shites of rage and will see all its abysmal flaws, the only thing good about it is the music. It's clunky, overlong, eats inputs on higher modes, has absolutely no balancing so they just chucked lives at you like candy to get around it on higher difficulties, and teaches you bad habits whilst starving you of having to learn proper skills which are necessary to 1cc arcade bmups. It's passable by console standards and nothing more, can't hold a candle to the top 15 arcade bmups.

>> No.7071790

I'll agree that spamming your special move gets really, really annoying pretty quick. I don't bother with it anymore until the last 3 stages when shit gets a bit too crazy.

>> No.7071803

This thread was made just to bait this loser into posting this for the millionth time.

>> No.7071820

Looks exactly the same as the mega drive version.

>> No.7071826

Lol I heard about him
Care to post your Mania clear of SoR2 mr pro?

>> No.7071828

It is. That's like a PlayChoice-type machine but better implemented, as the coins buy you lives in-game and not just time

>> No.7071850

Belt brawlers' core audience, like in most non competitive arcade games, was casual and semi-casual players that were willing to invest a bunch of quarters in every session, often in co-op modes and not necessarily with the intention of beating the game. That's who the games were designed for: people who were willing to lose and retry. So the design didn't need that much focus on usability and a satisfying learning curve like home system games did, just making them stimulating and fun enough to play even while still overwhelming for regular players.

1cc autists are an inevitably generated but minor sub-audience made of people willing to invest enough time and money to "learn" the game.

>> No.7071906 [DELETED] 

t. retarded american kid

>> No.7071909

have yours checked sweetheart

>> No.7071932

Beat em ups like shoot em ups are a trash genre that is thankfully dead.
May they never come back and may their fans seethe eternally.

>> No.7071934 [DELETED] 

>replies to pasta

>> No.7071959

Dark Souls is a beat em up

>> No.7072012

Why? I see the scrolling, but where's the belt?

>> No.7072058

Rookie choice. That's not even the best game in that series.

>> No.7072441

Based jarpigist

>> No.7072458

SoR4 is much better than the old ones, but not better than peak Capcom

>> No.7072478

Little Japanese men are inside the machine running on the belt when it's time to scroll the screen. That's why they're also called walky-punchys and jab n joggers.

>> No.7073301

nobody calls them that. it's a forced meme

>> No.7073303

Naw bro the best beat em up is Xmen.

>> No.7073304

no one actually likes dark souls its a meme

>> No.7073307

Australia-kun, please. Am I going to have to add the word belt to my list of filtered words?

>> No.7074923

??? What with the latest ???

Prior to that 2 was the best. Any body that still hasn't played the last release will day 2 is the best.

2, 1, 3...

Same as.... golden axe

>> No.7074925

I agree. I play this more than any other beat-em up.