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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7068414 No.7068414 [Reply] [Original]

what does /vr/ think of Shadow the Hedgehog? (the game)

>> No.7068417

Never played it but I know for sure the story is a good direction for sonic, because it's so off it's actually very funny

>> No.7068467

It's worse than 06. I could write an essay on how offensively fucking bad this game is, without even bringing up the premise and story.

>> No.7068485

this andsonic the hedgehog (the game) are things i'd love to play for once

>> No.7068510

Sonic 06 is one of those shitty games that's a load of fun to play with friends.

>> No.7068597

It's actually fun. Don't see why it got so much hate.

>> No.7068817

What's wrong with it? It looks like it plays like Sonic Heroes

>> No.7068878

It plays worse. It controls like dogshit on ice. The level design is awful, the physics are awful, every thing about the way it plays is dreadfully unfun, and the developers made every wrong game design choice you can possibly make. Most of the objective-based missions that don't involve merely getting to some point in the level require you to destroy a bunch of something or kill a bunch of something else, completely throwing off the pacing of the gameplay when you have to look for where those things are hidden. It's designed around this good vs evil choice system but regardless of your alignment you still get attacked by both sets of enemies, so there's no motivation not to kill them even if they're on your side. The hero ability, chaos control, is entirely useless for 99% of hero missions because it just takes you farther into the level when you're most likely doing a mission where you have to take out specific enemies or do something that the ability would skip over.

>> No.7069834
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Sunset Overdrive should have been Shadow the Hedgehog.

Sonic Unleashed shouldn't exist, we should have got Knuckle Adventure.

>> No.7069871

What about Shadow the Hedgehog (the hedgehog)?

>> No.7069886
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For me, it's the toilet seat gun

>> No.7069912

It was one of those games I had fun with when I was 11 but wouldn't touch now. Still find it funny how they made someone give a name to all 300-some combinations of cutscenes

>> No.7069915
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Reminds me of picrel.

>> No.7069937 [DELETED] 

Should be played only on Xbox.

>> No.7069991

GC version is better than xbox. xbox version obv runs better than the ps2 but the ps2 has 2 player and dual audio like the GC version

with that all said, this game is a wretched, putrid piece of garbage. an absolute turd like this anon said >>7068878 , but even thats just an overview. almost every moment of the game, unintentionally funny swearing animals notwithstanding, is a painful slog. in the span of a single year, this game and the horrifically unfinished sonic "06"are the one-two punch that made sonic the hedgehog into a joke franchise.

>> No.7071562
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I think he's unironically cool.

>> No.7071728

The core experience is trash, but the multiplayer was funny as hell, because you're basically ice skating with uncontrollable guns. I had a good time playing it with some friends

>> No.7072234


This marked the exact moment in time where Sega became irreparable, milking their franchise with a black hedgehog toting a gun. did he listen to rap by any chance?
you can't really hate on the weirdos who draw pregnant Sonic with a horse cock when Sega themselves whores out the IP like they did with Shadow.

>> No.7072328

It actually follows the lore of Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 quite well, unless you consider that off too

>> No.7072338

Not really, having a consistent story is cool, I just think the tone and dialogue doesn't feel right for a Sonic game
Then again, they were already foreshadowing this atmosphere with the adventure games anyway

>> No.7072345

Ah.. yeah, I get you completely.

>> No.7072346

I played Heroes and this back to back and it's honestly better than Heroes. It JUST manages to scrape a 3/10 for me whereas Heroes is a firm 2/10. That's on a normal distribution (bell curve) type rating system so both are awful.

>> No.7072465

Fun game. People blew things out of proportions because of the guns. It's edgy, but that alone doesn't necessarily make it a bad game.
With the exception of Mania, I had more fun playing Shadow than any other Sonic game since SA2.

>> No.7072621
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>> No.7072638


>> No.7072652

Not good, but not as bad as people say. People that say the edginess of it is unfitting forget that SA2 has heavy implications and plot relevance of the murder of a child. The gameplay isn't good, but it's not far below average either. It's definitely a weird game for the series but Heroes' "LET'S SHOW THAT CREEP THE REAL SUPERPOWER OF TEAMWORK" tone was way less fitting for what the series had established with the Adventure games than Shadow ever was

>> No.7073138

it was a good game that filtered a LOT of redditors.

>> No.7074435

Absolute fucking cringe garbage.

>> No.7074523

If you like this game, you'd probably like 06 as well.

>> No.7074528


It's like Sega hired a drooling 10 year old and asked him to create the perfect Sonic game.

>durrrr he has a gun!
>blblbl he rides a cool motohcycle blblbl
>He has a very dark and edgy past, and supah powahs!!

And back then I thought Sega couldn't sink any lower than they did with long legged basketball player Sonic and his human pals.

>> No.7074549

All I want is a shadow may cry game.

>> No.7074614

I think this was the first bad game I've ever played, up until then I didn't play many games, it felt like a fever dream unlocking a car and trying to drive it, it was like it was made of paper and the handling felt like it was digital, either you turn all the way or you don't turn at all

>> No.7074720
File: 143 KB, 1864x600, CHADowRedPill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unironically kino. The guns are fun and switch up the gameplay from Sonic's, the ten endings allow for more build up of your skills and allow for shittons more playtime, the story has a loveable nu 2000s edgy, bite to it, and the chaos powers are awesome.

The only thing this game should get criticized for is how it turned Shadow into the meme that he is today, but overall, this game is fucking great and I still replay it every now and then.

Take the CHADow redpill bros, and NEVER TURN BACK NEVER TURN BACK

>> No.7074740 [DELETED] 

Allowing the 6th gen here was a mistake.

>> No.7074751

Sega got high off toad balls and saw a gun on the street, the rest is history

>> No.7074757

haven't played it but it's probably a good game, with shitty branding

>> No.7074829

>Be Sega
>Create Sonic
>"You know what Sonic needs?"
>"A human girlfriend and a band?"
>"Nonononoooo, he needs to have a dark evil version of himself!"
>"Robot Sonic it is!"
>Not good enough..
>"Mecha Robot Sonic Mark 2 it is!"
>"Not good enough"
>"Evil pinkish/red Hedgehog who turns out isn't actually evil but still bothers Sonic?"
>"Not good enough"
>"Dark Hedgehog who's a motorcycle riding gun totin' clone badass with a dark tragic past?"

>> No.7075675


>> No.7075679

thanks arin hansen for your unfunny analysis

>> No.7075710

Sonic would have been way better today if this character was never created

>> No.7075718

>It's like Sega hired a drooling 10 year old and asked him to create the perfect Sonic game.
They probably did. This was peak cool in 2005 with alot of 14 year olds.


>> No.7075739

pure autism
anyone who thinks that the 2010's are the most satirical decade is underage
The only reason these old Sonic games are memorable is because of the camp and how janky they are

>> No.7075740

He's not a clone, dumbass
He's half alien, half hedgehog

>> No.7075786

The story and edginess are honestly the last of this game's problems.

>> No.7075792

Not retro

>> No.7075816

The person who made those shitty posts are underage and shame on you for saving them. Also kill yourself for such a cringe post.

>> No.7075834

Sonic Team wanted to see the success of Jak 2 but made an embarrassing mess instead

>> No.7075874

>the ten endings allow for more build up of your skills and allow for shittons more playtime
To be fair it's not really the endings, it's moreso the massive amount of levels and different paths to get to each one. There's a lot more cutscene variety considering each one has an opening and three ending cutscenes, where as the endings have you going against one of three bosses and the endings themselves are just Shadow going THIS IS WHO I AM while standing above one of three characters

>> No.7075970


oh yeah right, that's a lot worse.

>> No.7076026

I think I don't want to see this garbage on /vr/.

>> No.7076303

Shit, the evidence I needed to understand the sega I knew was far long gone.
Heroes already damaged sonic reputation, this was the coup de grace.

>> No.7076308

Not retro

>> No.7076390

I have some bad news for you, my friend

>> No.7076394
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>Sonic Unleashed shouldn't exist

>> No.7076517

I thought it was funny that the black sonic had a gun

>> No.7076547

Knuckles ins't allowed his own game after Chaotix happened

>> No.7076768

>This poster is buzzword! And buzzword buzzword buzzword! You should kill yourself for making such a buzzword post!
No faggot. This game is genuinely alright and the fact that you can't suspend your disbelief for anything shows that you're a cynical retarded adult.

>> No.7076783

>2010s are the most satirical decade
Never once said that tardy. Try reading the post again.

>> No.7076829

>this obsession with irony and this insisting on not taking anything seriously bullshit has to have been the worst trend to plague the 2010's

>> No.7076923

Thats not saying that 2010s was the most satirical decade you retard. Lmao.

>> No.7077264

It's a joke that this post hates the Avengers making jokes, because Shadow is like the Nolan Batman movies: using a cartoon character for children to tell a melodramatic story full of darkness to give the pretention of it being something worth an adult's time. Happy bright unserious shit for kids and chuuni melodramatic shit for kids are two sides of the same coin. They're both dumb.

>> No.7078258

So games like Mother 3 would be retarded under your own logic then? Because that game is given nonstop praise.

>> No.7078297

Mother 3 isn't happy bouncy constant jokes, and isn't chuuni dark edge. Its presentation is more nuanced and capable of ambiguity, and written by someone intending to tell that kind of nuanced story rather than someone intending to make the next part in a successful franchise for children. Maturity is a continuum, and M3 is closer down the line than fucking Shadow the Hedgehog. Hopefully someone who likes M3 would have the taste to start seeking more complex media, but I have no hope for the person saying that Sonic Adventure 2 is great storytelling.

>> No.7078319

The only thing that Sonic Adventure 2 suffered from was a bad dub. The games always had a hint of dark edge since Sonic 3.

>> No.7078332

If your bar for nuanced storytelling is Sonic 3, then considering SA2 "beautiful and touching" makes perfect sense.

>> No.7078336

Sonic 3s Japanese game manual has the entire chaos genocide story.

>> No.7078372

the game itself had more replay value than 06 because multiple branching path lead to various ending

>> No.7078391

I wouldn't consider a game to have "replay value" if it's so incredibly bad that I never want to play it again.

>> No.7078437

Imagine Sonic Adventure 2 but it's only Sonic levels and nothing to change the pace up. Vehicles and weapons are actually fun to use and the multiple paths a la Star Fox 64 make you replay the game.
It's alright but nothing special, if you liked the sonic levels of SA1 and 2 then nothing wrong with this game.

>> No.7078497

I would not say that a story about an empire of bad echidnas who tried to kill a bunch of blue babies in order to steal magic emeralds and were wiped out by the angry water monster who was upset at these bad guy baby killers is an example of nuanced storytelling, no.

>> No.7078765

Consider suicide.

>> No.7078789

>The game itself
It ran like crap on my ps2
>that image
an autistic guy stalked me and my gf

>> No.7078973

I've only played it a little but having stages be about more than just getting to the end feels satisfying for a character who is about more than speed.

>> No.7079095
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