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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 252 KB, 738x738, Castlevania_-_Aria_of_Sorrow_-_(EU)_-_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7065960 No.7065960 [Reply] [Original]

What makes this game so special exactly? It just seems like another low-budget SOTN rehash, except now with "groovy" (cringe) music, character designs and story.

>> No.7065963

A zoom, zoom, a zoom zoom zoom
A zoom zoom zoom ala zoom zoom zoom

>> No.7065972

What makes any other Castlevania special?

>> No.7065978

There's 8 Castlevania threads on this board including yours. You're a fuckin' faggot.

>> No.7065990 [DELETED] 

Because it's more fun to play than SotN and doesn't outstay it's welcome, while giving way more options to play with.
The low-budget SotN rehash is Harmony of Dissonance.

>> No.7066015

So? This is a different game

>> No.7066112
File: 15 KB, 480x360, kinovania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7066114

AoS has a lot of soul, literally.

>> No.7066119

what makes any game special is yourself... and you fail at it with this one.

>> No.7066128
File: 56 KB, 704x540, 1568817029514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music has melody
>music has soul
>music is catchy
>music is video-gamey
>omg cringe you can't shake your ass to this at all!

>> No.7066276

the more the merrier

>> No.7066398

Because it has SOULs

>> No.7066410

>>omg cringe you can't shake your ass to this at all!
Are you autistic? The whole reason AoS sounds cringe is because it's dancey/groovier. Sounds like Persona at times. It's inappropriate for Castlevania. Foreshadowing the jarpig sissification to come

>> No.7066565

Posting Lain just proves his point.

>> No.7066717

>implying lain posting is bad
>trans living in head for free
>being the jarpig poster on top of this

>> No.7066745

Why are you projecting trans stuff into this thread when no one mentioned it? Are you going through some issues IRL?

>> No.7066753

I found that game super boring and didn't even finish but it has the best Clock tower music of any Castlevania

>> No.7066769

It's fun as hell to play and the soul system was a welcome shake-up of the SOTN formula. Not to mention pretty decent music and graphics for the system.

>> No.7066785

Better than having those shitty Doom threads when those psycho incels have their cancerous general up all the time.

>> No.7066809

Keep us out of this, you guys have your own retards shitting the place up

>> No.7066879

Why would you complain about this when that autistic "gus" shmup thread is always there

>> No.7067040

I only see 1 thread for Castlevania. This is Aria of Sorrow

>> No.7067838

Classic games have almost tactical level design.

>> No.7067926

most the comments here are about how many castlevania threads rather than the actual thread

what make for me favorite mertroidvania castlevania is that it has deepend on problem solving to even slove how easy the metroidvania games are , here you can use your mind to turn enemy into joke than just slash and wait like in sotn , this game also has unique senario and story and have really great atmosphere which can create moments that warm your heart , also the world here intersting

>> No.7067948

I didn't bring up trans posting the other faggot that has it in his head for free, meaning no one brought it up yet he always has them on his mind as an issue, brought it up.


>> No.7067951

In case you still don't get it he used the word "sissification" to imply trans and jrpgs and such go hand in hand and that this jrpg tier castlevania is for males that want to be more feminine. He has long hair and no beard and hates anime, hence him being the 'jarpig' poster. He's trying to coin a negative sounding word for people that like anime. He should fuck off of 4chan, of which has always liked dickgirls/futa and anime and traps and etc.


The only reason he/you are not banned is because low traffic boards are not lucrative enough to warrant range bans.

He could bitch about feminism in the netkike original castlevania and I'd be on his side but he's the jarpig poster trying to shit on all things 4chan for the sake of trolling. That's not actually what 4chan is made for but plenty think it is and only come here to shit it up.

>> No.7067953

>and hates anime
I meant Soma has no hair on the face and long hair on his head and the jarpig poster hates essentially nice things.

>> No.7067954

You are right, expect that all also applies to SOTN

>> No.7067958

This is your brain on Igashit, especially Aria or Dawn.

>> No.7067960

No, you were literally the first person to bring up trans anything. But it does sound like you are going through issues, so most here will understand why you vented like that, even if it was off topic

>> No.7067963

sotn was nice as a novelty but the level design was bad (especially in the inverted castle) and the balancing was horrendous so the bosses weren't fun to fight at all. aos is missing a lot of the cool novelty stuff from sotn but it's actually fun to play. Good exploration and good boss fights (on hard mode).

>> No.7067964

Okay, not everyone you disagree with is the same person. But like I said >>7067960 I'm sure the rest of us can be understanding of why you're venting like this.

Why don't you play a Sorrow game for a bit? You might feel better from that.

>> No.7067965

What's with all of the Castlevania posts? There's at least seven threads with Castlevania. CRT general's picture has Castlevania on the TV. Underrated games pic is the same thing. What's going on?

>> No.7067968

What? I only see one thread for the Castlevania game.

>> No.7068128

>t. his favorite game is circle of the nigger

>> No.7068193
File: 23 KB, 259x385, retarded_dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soul system was pretty neat and at the time and a breath of fresh air after the previous gba game. It was also a unique take on the Dracula story with some pretty good characters. The only Dracula stories set in the future at the time was gay ass shit like Dracula 3000

>> No.7068480

Normalfaggots hijacked vampires when twilight came out and faggots on places like 4chan hate being conformists so they deliberately spam the threads to make people slowly hate vampire shit. Basically.

You cannot refute this.

>not everyone is the same
>lemme repeat my post
uh.... are you telling me to not tell people off for using spam like jarpig, because if so, go fuck yourself

>why dontcha play a game?
I am too poor to buy glasses and am lonely so naturally on breaks I talk to people on 4chan, though they're all normalfaggots so I have to remind them to stop procrastination of their suicide.
>>projection anon XD
I'd rather be a serial killer, thanks.
>>we/I made ya mad, just as planned XDDDDD
You're still retarded though.

Also hard games are so tiring. I'm playing wonderproject j2 and getting mad at her stupid.exe. Even my games are retards. But not reflex oriented and it's a 'comfy' game. I might have to switch to Golden Sun or something though but random battles eventually piss me off and I don't want to wear out my fav jrpgs.

>> No.7068490

The soul system makes every playthrough different if you aren't grinding for them, which I can appreciate.

>> No.7068974

Why would you even do more than one play through when there are endless similar games still to play?

>> No.7070076

>Why can't you enjoy a different food every time you eat? What kind of loser eats the same meal twice in one life?

Fucking autists. Sometimes, when people enjoy something, they want to enjoy it again later. And that poster you responded to was right.

Moving the topic time to 2007 was a mistake.

>> No.7070124 [DELETED] 

You're not wrong overall though.

>> No.7070186

You admitted that it hadn't been jarpig-sissified yet. That's why it was a good game. Castlevania hadn't gone full retard yet. Harmony of Dissonance and Circle of Moon were also great games. Yes they weren't as good as Castlevania Symphony of the Night, but they weren't trying to be and they did their own thing. Based soundtrack, solid level design, excellent control and gameplay. They're superb action/side-scroller games by GBA standards, on par with Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion.

>> No.7070252

>What makes this game so special exactly?
Nothing? You're right that it's pretty generic - Igavania was a mistake.

>> No.7070297

Igavanias have a hard time striking the proper balance between hubs and level design. SotN areas make good hubs but are barely levels. Dawn of Sorrow makes for decent levels but they're poor hubs, absolute chore to backtrack through certain parts. Aria got it right.

>> No.7070331

That poster looks pretty neat actually. I could imagine some version of that movie concept potentially being good. Vampires in space aren't really much stupider than having vampires to begin with.

>> No.7070361

was this the first game that made it cannon that the belmont family moved to japan and racemixed it up?

>> No.7070449

>belmont family moved to japan and racemixed it up
the hell you talking about retard? Belmont was just a sex tourist in Japan at the game

>> No.7070714

Wasn't the soul-system a collectathon feature, at a time when they really should have instead been refining the level design and difficulty to match the classics?

>> No.7070769

Soma is a belmont?

>> No.7070778

>Implying you can't shake your ass to this

>> No.7070783

the level design was fine

as for difficulty, castlevania games all became retarded easy once they made the controls fluid, that's why they turned into grindfest collectathons, to give the illusion of difficulty through time investment

>> No.7071685

>What makes this game so special exactly?

It has soul


>> No.7071692

The "play once, throw away, move on to the next game" mentality is a modern gamer mentality.

In other words, go back to /v/

>> No.7071695

Who is the schizofag who made 8 fucking castlevania threads instead of using the catalog?

>> No.7071887

There is only 1 thread for the game Castlevania though.

>> No.7071980

There's fucking twelve of them now.
What the fuck?

>> No.7072068

The real thing that's bad about this game is the lazy level design and the crappy looking art direction.