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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 518x313, cdrom2_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7063378 No.7063378 [Reply] [Original]

This platform literally only has one worthwhile game {Rondo of Blood}.

>> No.7063475

is it a good game?

>> No.7063482


>> No.7063484

seriously, if you're a fan of the PC engine, fuck you. there's nothing good on that thing, any game worth a shit for your chinky little two button meme console got ported to a better platform that actually had games
>muh Bonk
>muh animu puzzle game
>muh VNs
>muh 80s space shooter
kill yourselves

>> No.7063492

Why are you so mad?

>> No.7063526

OP is a faggot

>> No.7063543

How digusting . They made it look just like the sega cd.

>> No.7063548

I think it predates the Sega CD, or was this bait?

>> No.7063551

Dragon's Trap and Final Match Tennis are really good too

>> No.7063560

The PC Engine CD was released way before the Sega CD, it was also a million times better.

>> No.7063643

>called pc engine
>is a console not a pc

>> No.7063726
File: 173 KB, 342x337, bonked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot. Now and forever, until the end of time.

>> No.7063815

yet another stealth recommendation thread

>> No.7063874
File: 301 KB, 593x782, Johnny Turbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7063896

Man, I fucking love the PC Engine.

>> No.7063975

>This poorfag literally only has one thing he's butthurt over {jk he superassmad about all the dadtoys}

>> No.7063984

Sega cd has no games

>> No.7063986

Why do I have games for it then?

>> No.7064018

Because you're a baby bandwagoner shovelware slut?

>> No.7064021

bet you're like those fags that buy an msx just to play metal gear

you forgot the other pc engine games that /v/ likes to parrot over and over

>Ys IV
>Bomberman 94

once in a blue moon, someone might mention soldier blade

>> No.7064025

What's that supposed to mean? I own and play the games I know since my childhood.

>> No.7064068

What exactly do you get out of punching down like this? It's already a massive underdog here in the angloworld since virtually none of us grew up with it.

>> No.7064214 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 598x711, CD7356C9-B565-4690-A7C0-463807363731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punching down

Literally kill yourself

>> No.7064216

Getting a lot of mileage out of that image, aren't we?

>> No.7064241
File: 207 KB, 500x600, bloody-wolf-cover.cover_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Bloody Wolf
It's a great game

>> No.7064260

Unfortunately it represents a pretty large cross section of Weimerica

>> No.7064479 [DELETED] 

kek I'm not a libcuck, but I guess they do abuse that phrase when talking about niggers or women even though they've essentially been turned into untouchable gods.

>> No.7064594

It means you're a fool and tool and a low IQ larper

>> No.7064645

Definitely a console for elitist snobs within video game collecting since nobody has played most of it. But I have to admit some fascination with the catalogue since I've only played stuff that was ported to genesis and snes. Nobody had a turbografx where I grew up. I literally never heard about it until a few years ago. And I like a good shooter. If I was rich I'd do the terraonion thing but I don't have that kind of money to drop

>> No.7064652

OP is a fucking retard, but I'm kind of on the fence about its reputation as a machine for shooters. I think it wins in terms of pure numbers of good ones, but any time it goes head to head, the Genesis version wrecks it.

>> No.7064669

At this point liking shooters has become a meme so I'd say you're correct about it's reputation being inflated. But it's got plenty I haven't played. I've never been a big platformer fan so I wouldn't get much out of half the catalogue. I would like to try neutopia though since i love zelda.

>> No.7064710

ys book 1 and 2

>> No.7064741

PC Engine CD is based, actually
>Ys games
>Valis games
>Beyond Shadowgate
>Dungeon Explorer II
>Gate of Thunder
your guy lost, /pol/ refugee

>> No.7064746 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 382x640, 91B4C0BC-94AB-4752-9B56-51F033A07E51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my guy

I don’t live in America bitch there’s a planet outside of you. Also your never ending election season changes nothing, you’re still a massive strip mall filled with rioting niggers.

>> No.7065054

>Nobody had a turbografx where I grew up.
Because you're growing up in backwater shithole.and are a baby bandwagoner. No bandwagoner over the age of 10 who's not a retarded poorfag doesn't own a PCE/TG. No adult who likes vidya doesn't own at least one.

>> No.7065090

>said worthwhile game is even better on SNES and PSP

>> No.7065112

beyond shadow gate is gay, ugly and unintuitive, but it made me laugh how you can die from talking to an old woman telling you such a long pointless story that you turn into a skeleton

>> No.7065116

Rondo of blood, space shooters and the list goes on

>> No.7065252

>>Definitely a console for elitist snobs within video game collecting since nobody has played most of it.

>> No.7065257

These are my favourites

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Gate of Thunder
Lords of Thunder
Seirei Senshi Spriggan
YS 1-2
Soldier Blade
Super Star Soldier
Bloody Wolf
Magical Chase
Galaga '88
Air Zonk
Legendary Axe
Neo Nectaris
Gradius 2
Rayxanber 3
Last Alert
Devil Crash

>> No.7065271

Nice way to shill Rondo of Blood you dummy

>> No.7065272

>+50% shooters

>> No.7065274

Yes its the best machine for shmups, any other insightful comments you wanna make?

>> No.7065318

Yeah, and?

>> No.7065321

wtf I love the PC Engine now

>> No.7065332

New Adventure Island is maybe the best Adventure Island, and Mesopotamia is really unique.

>> No.7065697
File: 35 KB, 609x406, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7065704

Rondo of Blood, the list could go on...

>> No.7065708

>New Adventure Island is maybe the best Adventure Island
I don't think it's better than 2 or 3, but it is a very good sort of reimagining of the original AI with an incredibly much easier difficulty, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since the original is very hard ass. I remember I beat New the first time I played it, don't think I died too many times, if any.

>> No.7065950

Then emulate. Problem solved, cheap cunt.

>> No.7065954

The best

>> No.7065986

did you guys know Mike Matei own Sapphire

>> No.7065993

yeah and he's shit at it

>> No.7066001
File: 121 KB, 512x509, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gomola speed

>> No.7066395

That's why I like it. Something about most of the later games never quite did it for me. The pacing or the level design is subtly off or something, I don't know. New really feels like a direct sequel to the original.

>> No.7066435

ginga fukei densetsu sapphire

>> No.7066456

Winds of Thunder

>> No.7066465

yeah but you don't own it do you?

>> No.7066470

Jiheishou Sentai Jarpigger

>> No.7067394

>New Adventure Island is maybe the best Adventure Island,

agree, aside from Adventure Island 4

not enough platformers on your list