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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7062125 No.7062125 [Reply] [Original]

Which is your favorite and why?

>> No.7062408

I've only ever played 2, so I can't really share an opinion. I'll say my favorite mech in vanilla 2 is the probably the Warhawk, although the Warhammer is a close second.

>> No.7062684

Mechwarrior 2, but probably just because of Nostalgia. It came with my first PC, and was one of the few games I had at the time, so I played the shit out of it.

>> No.7062702

Loved the customization. Piloting acted like it should. Felt like being in a giant heavy machine. Picked through the levels looking for tricks and strategies. Spent a lot of time seeing how far I could get in the narrative with as small as mech as possible. Spent time tweaking to get as much firepower as I could in each class while still getting at least enough speed that I could evade missiles. Enjoyed multi-player with my brother.

It made me sad when the destroyed the franchise with 4. I liked 3 so much, that I went through the effort to pick up 4 on the day of release. It was the only time in my life I went through that kind of trouble for a game. Then I got in to play 4, and it was such garbage. It was nothing but a twitchy shooter for kids with a robot theme. Nothing had mass anymore. The mech lab was like a cheap fisher price toy for babies; Half the game was just not there. I uninstalled 4 that very day, and never looked back.

>> No.7062850


2 for me as well. Came with my PowerVR card and it felt just right. 3 and 4 just didn't feel the same but Mechwarrior Online recaptured that feeling.

>> No.7062859
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>> No.7062953

It's crazy how well Mechwarrior 2 holds up despite being a textureless 3D game with no floating point math that predates other games like Quake.

>> No.7063032

It's cool but it really doesn't hold up. It's fairly miserable to play today if you didn't grow up with it.

>> No.7063062

The keys can be rebound to WASD just fine so that isn't true at all.

>> No.7063068

>3 and 4 just didn't feel the same but Mechwarrior Online recaptured that feeling.

>> No.7063075
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, MechWarrior 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say 2 and 3 as well, especially 3 still looks good today.
That said, I didn't find 4 to be a bad game at all.

>> No.7063465
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>> No.7063712

Thoughts on Pirate Moon? The lack of briefings killed it for me

>> No.7063757
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By the memories: probably 2 because of Netmech back in the day. Played it quite a lot with friends this way. Also the minimalistic and stylized look of the software rendered version aged nicely imo; the 3D accelerated versions looks a bit dated and washed out in comparison.

Next is definitely 3, even when you can feel they had to cut some corners to make the release date, but it just plays and feels nice. More mech games like this with salvaging and management would be nice.

>> No.7063774
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>t. pleb without proper gear

I still use the SB controller a lot via xbox>PC adapter and its own drivers

>> No.7063795

2 and 3. Got 4 when it came out but it didn't click with me. Maybe there will be a proper 5 one day.

>> No.7063809

JADE EAGLE BROS WW@? I love the textureless look of the original MW2 (although I don't hate the later textured rereleases like some purist do). My family didn't own a computer that could play either MW2 or the later MW3, so I always had to go over to my friend's house where we would take turns playing for hours. My favorite "mechwarrior" game is probably the original HeavyGear, which used the same engine as MW2 titanium edition.

I remember being so very disappointed with this game, the fact that a first person view wasn't included was criminal. MechAssault 2 was a fun game to play with friends at least. I can't believe microsoft abandoned the IP after that.

>> No.7063832

Having more is nice, but there is no denying that the briefings are invaluable, at least the first time in an area.

>> No.7063895

What's the best version of MW2 Mercenaries to play? Apparently the 1.1 patch is buggy as hell.

>> No.7063915

It was a scourge of the day when game companies were bought out by big corporations and then the games get homogenized.

>> No.7063947

It always annoys me MW2 never gets any credit from "gamer historians" when talking about the history of PC gaming. Everyone goes straight to Quake like it invented 3d but MW2 was the true first game people went out of their way to get graphics cards for. From a historical context Quake has a bigger impact, but to never even get a mention makes me a bit annoyed. Its like claiming the Model T was the first car

>> No.7063989
File: 565 KB, 1400x1955, MechWarrio2Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gamer historians
>don't know shit
What a shocking revelation.
Quake was indeed more influential simply because the simulator genre became less popular and then disappeared altogether, but MechWarrior 2 was on the cover of pretty much every magazine on the planet and initially even sold way more than Quake.

>> No.7064019
File: 23 KB, 258x273, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point? Quake full came out a year after MW2. Of course there are MW2 related covers in a time when no one knew or gave a wet fart about Q1

>> No.7064028

Look at that cover more closely. It says 1997 Quake had already been out for months

>> No.7064030

that's the console port retard...

>> No.7064031

Doesn't change the fact that the DOS version of MW2 predates Q1 by a year.

>> No.7064047

Mechwarrior 2 Mercs is my favorite. I fucking LOVE Mechwarrior 2, but its biggest issue is its linearity. Mercs has more choices to make, and also the progression it forces you into, and the fact you have to buy all your mechs and parts, makes you more careful and thoughtful about your builds.
Not to mention that 8x machine guns in MW2 is broke as fuck and will handle most missions just fine. 2 damage a bullet times 8 machine guns, firing a bullet probably once every half second is no joke.

>> No.7064053

Isn't Mercs broken as fuck? Like with entire features not working?

>> No.7064054

depends on the version you play afaik

>> No.7064062

So what's the correct version to play?

>> No.7064063

>simulator genre
I just wanted to respond to this particular word because its so amazing how much simulator stuff there is in Mechwarrior 2 compared to every other Mechwarrior game there is. You can do overhead satellite view, weapon view, missile cam view, you can jettison your ammo in case you're afraid of an explosion (much more useful in Mechwarrior 2 Mercs due to lack of CASE on most mechs), the ability to control jump jets in 9 directions (so you can stake around like one of those Japanese anime mechs), etc.
If you actually take the time to note down all the details in Mechwarrior 2, you'll find so much that later installments in the series got rid of. It really did try to be like a simulator, instead of an action-sim dressing in sim clothing.

>> No.7064071

Always play the DOS version. Windows 95 of ANY Mechwarrior 2 game is crap and hard to run on modern machines.
Then when you do get the DOS version, get the 1024x768 mod from Mech2.net or other places (link: https://www.reddit.com/r/mechwarrior/comments/bb5260/mechwarrior_231stcgblmercs_widescreen_mod_msdos/).).
One that thing that often catches people is how you are supposed to mount the .cue and .bin files. If you do it wrong, you won't have any music. Here's how you do it correctly from DOSBOX:
imgmount d "C:\MECH2\mech2.cue" -t iso -fs iso
mount c "C:\MECH2"

>> No.7064074

Anyone else like to try weird strategies? Stuff like filling a tiny mech with just flamethrowers, alpha striking a huge foe, then trying to escape before the explosion gets you too?

>> No.7064076

Are you able to run Mercenaries at 1024x768? I get some serious FPS drop on that one with the textures and shadows but it runs fine at 640x480.

>> No.7064081

Well then I'm already playing the "correct" version. Thanks anyway.

>> No.7064094

In your DOSBOX conf, what are your cylces set to? I use these settings:

Flamers can work on smaller mechs, but they're kind of a bitch to use. The other issue is that slot for slot, machine guns are just way too good comparatively, since each shot does 2 damage (which is what it is in the tabletop, but extrapolating that into real time is a bad idea) PER SHOT, and has a fire rate of like fucking 4 rounds per second or something.
My go to build in Mech 2 is a Timberwolf, 2 LRM 20s, 4 MLAS, and 4 Machine Guns. Pretty much a good all rounder that can handle anything.

>> No.7064112

Yeah same
using 64-bit DOSBox Staging to get slightly better performance

>> No.7064136 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on MechWarrior 5?

>> No.7064143

whats your point?

>> No.7064147

Good but also bad

>> No.7064149

Obviously unfinished, and very lacking in general. The mechs feel great, the sound is awesome, but the lack of hand written missions shows, and the AI is generally awful. The main issue is how spawning works, wherein enemies have a tendency to spawn just in your blind spot and very close to you.
Mods can fix a lot of these issues, but that just makes it more clear that PGI did a rush job.

>> No.7064151

Is it better than MW4 at least?

>> No.7064160

I think the IP rights are in the hands of Harebrained Schemes, a bunch of SJW hacks

>> No.7064163

No, I would say it definitely is not. MW4 actually has a storyline, and if you throw in the mech paks becomes so much more.
If you haven't played MW5 yet, I recommend pirating it and trying it out just to see for yourself. You quickly find out what it is, and just how shallow it really is.

>> No.7064165
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, MechWarrior5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your point? Quake full came out a year after MW2
That anon is right, and ignoring MW2 is retarded because it was a massive success and everyone was talking about it at the time.
Yeah, in fact the major gripe that many had against MW4 was that if got rid of some of this stuff.
No, it's worse. It's mostly as >>7064149 says. It's pretty much MechWarrior Online with an offline bot mode.
The spawn, even if fixed by mods, is still dreadful as there is no planning whatsoever, since enemies only arrive during the mission in random places. That said, it's not the completely horrible unplayable game many make it out to be.

>> No.7064167

>MW4 actually has a storyline
based on Battletech, MW5 not having a storyline is a plus

>> No.7064178
File: 74 KB, 418x556, MechWarrior 5 Origins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is that technically there is, but it's awful and barely there. Written briefings would have been better, but briefings are a thing of the past.
Which is actually funny, since they released a prequel novel for MechWarrior 5 which is honestly one of the best written piece of Battletech media I have read. I wonder if they kept the same author for the game. https://mw5mercs.com/novellas

>> No.7064258

Trash...and that after watching hours of footage

>> No.7064262


>> No.7064263

Its very clear with MW5 that PGI basically got through the basic systems and then realized that making fully fledged games is hard and ended up running out of budget. Its pretty obvious too because PGI's current team is mostly experienced with MWO, so they haven't had to make a game with a story, real AI that's worth writing home about, and compelling scenarios that make you question your build choices. Instead we got AI horde mode insta-spawn stuff. When the gameplay feels good, it feels really good, the main issue is the repetitiveness and the lack of depth to it.

>> No.7064268

Still assblasted you wasted money on that garbage?!

>> No.7064781
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How about Mechwarrior's forgotten copycat (by the original Mechwarrior devs)?

>> No.7064891
File: 24 KB, 288x336, Heavygear_activision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about Mechwarrior's forgotten copycat (by the original Mechwarrior devs)
Cool game, a bitch to get running properly though.

>> No.7065165

I'm assblasted about having to read /v/ tier ESL posts on /vr/.

>> No.7065218

Definitely in full assblaster mode

>> No.7065764
File: 78 KB, 660x960, Bait (big version).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after watching hours of footage

>> No.7065796

You're right. The gameplay isn't enough for "a few hours", it's way too repetitive

>> No.7065824

>watching video
Look, I even agree with you, but you cannot judge the gameplay from the watching a video. And if really watched "hours of footage" of a repetitive game then you really have some issue.

>> No.7065828

How many double heatsinks is considered adequate in Mechwarrior 2?

>> No.7065847

paired with what weapons on what planet?

>> No.7065851

I almost always go with PPCs, LRMs, and MPLAS but I want to try making a jumpjet mech which means I need less weight.

>> No.7065856
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I just want a proper MW5 with real missions, not some randomized single player bot matches

>> No.7065858

>you can't say this movie is shit based on the trailer, you need to watch the whole thing!
>you can't say this meal made of fried turds is bad you need to taste it!
>you can't say this car handle like shit after seeing footage of it crash and reports of it being recalled because of safety hazards, you need to drive it yourself!
Also MW5 isn't retro >>>/v/

>> No.7065863

Eh... cool as PPCs look, I never used them in MW2. Too heavy, projectiles too slow, generate too much heat. Drop them in favor of jump jets and a better reactor if you want a mobile/fast play style so bad.

>> No.7065871

Try the Marauder IIC base preset with 3 PPCs and group fire them. Any well placed shot will fuck the enemy up.

>> No.7065890

It also brings you close to a shutdown. If not then the next salvo will.
I'm more for packing in a few ER lasers.

>> No.7065908

I never played it until like 5 years ago and it's solid. It plays perfectly fine with the default keyboard controls. You'd probably complain about Phantasy Star Online, too.

>> No.7065932

I remember a mission in MW2 where I came upon a shutdown mech from behind. Cheeky cunt was trying to get the jump on me by being off radar, but I snuck around and lit him up. Fun times.

>> No.7065995
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Opinions on Mechcommander? What about MegaMek or Titans of Steel Warring Suns?

>> No.7066004

MegaMek is awesome, I play a campaign through MekHQ with friends where the GM manages our outfit and characters and all of us connect through MegaMek for battles. It's also 20 years old and still getting updates at this point.

>> No.7066223

Fun times were had.

>> No.7066259



>> No.7066264

god tier OST

>> No.7066372

Don't we all?
The only true thing you said is that MW5 is not retro. But yeah, keep watching youtubers instead of actually playing games, that's a hobby for zoomers.
>Opinions on Mechcommander?
I loved it.

>> No.7067663

Depends on the planet. But really, you can have as many heatsinks as you want, but a hot world is still a hot world. This is coming from someone who has experimented with mechs that had around 25-26 double-heat sinks on certain missions, and that still didn't prevent overheating.

ER Large Lasers are generally better than PPC's in my opinion. Not as slow or as easy to see coming, quicker fire rate, and less weight and criticals taken up. Much more useful up close as well because with PPC's you have to take into consideration splash damage. The only downsides are they have nowhere near the range PPC's have and they can potentially generate more heat if you're not careful. PPC's can also raise an enemy's internal heat, though not as much as flamers and inferno missiles from the expansions. LRM's are better than both for long range, however.

>> No.7067783
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I love the Timber Wolf.

>> No.7067841

which one looks the best /vr/?

>> No.7067852


>> No.7068016

The software version. The accelerated versions all have glitches or strange quirks in their optics. They are also limited in max. resolution.

>> No.7068892
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Back when everything was a Saturday morning cartoon with a toy line.

>> No.7069321
File: 9 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is the untextured version way more aesthetic than the Win95 version with garbage textures?
It has this nice Interstate 76 vibe to it.

>> No.7069327
File: 109 KB, 640x480, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but MW2 Mercs' textures look better than the godawful early 3D accelerated ones.

>> No.7069351

Crispy. But that's an extreme example.
This one looks fantastic.

>> No.7069383

That's with infared vision, normally it looks like >>7063465

>> No.7069431

>It has this nice Interstate 76 vibe to it.
It's the same engine. And yes, no textures can be better than bad textures.

>> No.7069583
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>> No.7069626


>> No.7069629

isn;t MWO pseudo pay to win since you can't get any of the bigger stronger mechs without paying money?

>> No.7069647

>you throw in the mech paks becomes so much more.
The expansion paks were lame and all the new mechs eventually got coded into Mercs, but you can't use them unless you installed the expansion paks. Probably one of the earliest "DLCs".

>> No.7069657

Cool animes. Too bad it looks like it got canned. Would love to see a clanner POV anime.

>> No.7069687

You can get them with grinding but fuck that shit.

>> No.7070167

It's Jade Falcon, surat.
Also, Mechcommander 1 is the best game set in the Battletech universe, followed by MW2 Mercenaries.

>> No.7070423

4 because of the arena. Bought a cheapo stick and just dicked around in the arena for hours.

>> No.7070432

You meant 4: Mercs. The first MW4 was about totally linear with a Davion shit plot. But yeah, it was hilarious that I could beat the light division using only a Flea and machine guns. The AI can circle-strafe but they never make full use of long-ranged weapons and just charge you all the time.

>> No.7070551

Using any glide wrapper defies any resolution limitations.

>> No.7070582

Is their an easy way to rebind keys or invert the mouse's vertical axis in MW2?

>> No.7070616

LMAO, I wish someone could hack apart MW2 to fix its glitches. I pause the game to go do something else and when I come back, my mech's heat gauge was so high that it blew up after auto-shutdown. Also somehow caused an ammo explosion despite having accidentally jettisoning the ammo of the only missle weapon I had earlier...

>> No.7070627

For me it's a tossup between MW3 and MW2: Mercenaries.
MW4 was a letdown.
The only redeeming feature of MW4: Mercenaries was Duncan Fisher.

>> No.7070830


mechcommander 2 is one of my favorite games. way better than the battletech 2018 game.

>> No.7070837


will HG2 run on dosbox?

>> No.7070879

HG2 is a Win95 game.
So probably not.
Probably better off trying to use a VM.

>> No.7071325

Yes, someone did the work for you already.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0lBN6eu2IQ Check the description of this video for a gamekey.map and input.map as well as three images showing what the controls are bound to, keep in mind that it doesn't show what the jumpjet controls are which are still the default INS, HOME, END, DEL, PGUP, PGDWN. For Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries, some of the keybinds are different so you can use this gamekey.map I set up. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773604230152847401/775978700377161768/GAMEKEY.MAP

Remember all these keybinds are in plaintext so you can tweak it yourself as well and remember to back up your old keybinds.

>> No.7071332

>first MW4 was a totally linear Davion shit plot.

>> No.7071337

>via xbox>PC adapter and its own drivers
that works???

>> No.7072269

Anyone here able to run MW2 Mercs in 1024x768?

>> No.7072373

My favorite too

>> No.7073075

Also for some reason in MW2 Mercs some of my sounds don't play in the heat of battle.

>> No.7073086
File: 114 KB, 800x973, 28685-heavy-gear-ii-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, HG2 is a Windows 98 game which is why it's a pain in the ass to get running.
Install with patch:
You could try these in getting it to run.

>> No.7074254

Yeah, ES2 is a bitch to run nowadays indeed. But i remember having tons of fun with it, especially with flying missions - the game felt like it

>> No.7074259

What are your thoughts on Starsiege?

>> No.7074263

Never played it, sadly. All i had was a russian pirate "compilation" CD with RIPs without music or cutscenes, barely even working properly. Starsiege didn't even run.

>> No.7074431

My wish is that the entire combined autism of this board could patch the Win95 port with a kernel update.
since its a DLL issue

>> No.7074502

>the entire combined autism of this board
I don't know, it's always been an extremely popular game, if it's still such a bitch to run I believe there must be some really complicated issues.

>> No.7074507

I was actually looking around for contemporary reviews of MW2 mercs in case any of them had DOSbox configs and a bunch of reviews shit on it in favor of games like MW4 mercs

>> No.7074526

Mech2's only issue is the MW2SHELL.DLL not being patched, Zeus from nglide checked that, its the only thing needed to make it work
Heavy gear 1 has no issues because the game fixed that out of the box.
I76 had a patch that fixed that and the game works on modern machines too

>> No.7074735

i76 is still kind of a pain to run properly
hg1 uses the same engine?

>> No.7074745

Both games uses the same engine, it was activision using it after Mechwarrior was given to Microprose

>> No.7074749

>Heavy gear 1 has no issues because the game fixed that out of the box.
Does it? I never managed to get it to run properly with the 1.2 patch.
>i76 is still kind of a pain to run properly
It's even on GOG. Last time I tried it ran pretty fine.
>hg1 uses the same engine?
Yeah, at least it is some derivation of the MW2 Mercenaries engine.

>> No.7074794

I was aware that i76 used the same one as mw2 did but didn't know hg1 was also done with it

>It's even on GOG. Last time I tried it ran pretty fine.
in my experience straight install of the GOG version barely works and when you get into the game it runs like ass and is buggy as fuck
last time I played it I spent hours for looking the version of dgvoodoo that would work for me and allow me to run the game in 3dfx/glide which actually works
after I found it the game did run pretty well

>> No.7074798
File: 2.68 MB, 1768x992, Heavy_gear Screenshot 2020.11.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70XcTUpYFSk use dgvoodoo2 and reshade