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7058679 No.7058679 [Reply] [Original]

1. Why does Link have Pink Hair?
2. Why does he turn into a bunny in the Dark World again?

>> No.7058701

1. The myth that his hair is pink because of color limitation isn't true. It's because it contrasts better.
2. No idea why Link becomes a rabbit. I'm not entirely sure what the point of it was at all.

>> No.7058704

1. Contrast
2. Personality

>> No.7058706

Rabbits are gay, Link is gay. Dont need to be a genius to figure it out.

>> No.7058716
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>I really wanted to create a striking distinction between what Link normally looks like, so I wanted to create that severe distinction in his looks,” he responded. “If I think of sort of a fantastic dream world, one of the first things I think about are rabbits.

>> No.7058724


Contrast and shows that he is a sexy little elf whore who is always ready to suck cock for some rupees.

>> No.7058736
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Furthermore, why doesn't he wear pants?
I mean I don't blame him, I wouldn't either. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.7058764

he's a tranny

>> No.7058787

The rabbit represents guidance to another world/dimension. Thus terms like "rabbit hole"

>> No.7058853

i want to live in a world where a person having pink hair is actually fanciful and not associated with any current fashion.
i can only vaguely taste it in my faintest childhood memory of 80s cartoons about barbarians and magicians.

>> No.7058869

Because you don't wear pants with a tunic.

>> No.7058876

Why doesn't everybody wear tunics, then? Kid Link's in OoT looked max comfy. Not so much when he puts on tights under them, though.

>> No.7058882
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this is the worst 4chan word

>> No.7058928

Not even close.
Have sex, incel tranny autist soiboy cukerooni doo, seethe more.
And that's only half of them.

>> No.7058946

In this context though, it is the best word.

>> No.7059115
File: 205 KB, 800x841, d1eb50d255f40fc494fc4fa434609b3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck bunny Link's "rabbit hole"

>> No.7059135

based coomer

>> No.7059141
File: 455 KB, 510x649, vapor1518383698894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true, fellow 4chan ay-non, and i must say, reading your post was oddly satisfying. getting chill af inspo vibez rn. such a comfy, wholesome thread. /vr/ is nice board xD

>> No.7059142

this but unironically

>> No.7059146

this but ironically

>> No.7059282

He turns into a rabbit because they put thought on the world change mechanic, any other dev team would have done something retarded like turning him into a wolf because that's cool but they decided to turn him into a bunny to show how different the dark world is and how its a different world rather than just an evil version

>> No.7059296

>Rabbits are gay
Imagine what it would mean to "breed like rabbits" if this were true

>> No.7059303

>comfy is a 4chan word

>> No.7059321

This little piece of crap is obsessed with sex and is not very confident. He dyes his hair pink to look more feminine or possibly transvestite in hopes of boosting his sexual market value. He doubts that he can attract attention with regular hair. He transforms into a rabbit because he's obsessed with fucking "like a rabbit", as the saying goes.

>> No.7059638

You Winnie the Pooh motherfucker, put on a pair of pants right NOW

>> No.7059642

kinda like how gay is a you word

>> No.7059657

where and how can i get a gf(?) like this?

>> No.7059674


>> No.7059750

Imagine how fun it would be to pick him up in rabbit form and cuddle and kiss him.

>> No.7061413


>> No.7061531


>> No.7062401

Anything with the -oomer suffix. Fucking almost worst than rage faces in 2012 at this stage

>> No.7062621

> 1. Why does Link have Pink Hair?
Because he's a faggot

> 2. Why does he turn into a bunny in the Dark World again?
Because he's a furry

>> No.7062629

gay ass niggas

>> No.7062631

Why not?
Because he's pure of heart

>> No.7063374

I think that's the actual answer. IIRC the Triforce takes out the true nature of it bearers hearts so that's why Ganon turned the Dark World into a bizarre and grim land and like is transformed into a rabbit.

>> No.7063447

Yeah you actually meet a few people who are transformed into monsters and it's made pretty obvious that the more mean / evil they were the more monstrous they became while the nicer folks ended up all weak looking. Hence the guy kicking around the ball guy or whatever it was the first time you visited and why Link is just a cute pink bunny,

>> No.7063513

who gives a fuck

gay elf is trash

>> No.7063662
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easy access

>> No.7063676

Yeah, it shows he's so pure that if he got the triforce, he'd wish for happiness and prosperity for all of Hyrule, even for people he only met briefly

>> No.7063692
File: 59 KB, 400x350, tumblr_oziwj3qjr71w9sdqlo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he smells like strawberries?

>> No.7063698


his hair does

>> No.7063751


>> No.7064313

So he can easily be passed around the Zoras and other various humanoid lifeforms throughout Hyrule. Duh.

>> No.7064346

And that's mainly thanks to Alice in Wonderland, of course. >>7058716

>> No.7064350

I feel the same way. Not just pink hair, but blue, green, etc. It's time for heterosexuals to reclaim colorfulness.

>> No.7064403

For my dick.
For my dick.

>> No.7065679
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>> No.7065703


>> No.7065726

For what reason

>> No.7066207

Why's he so darned cute?

>> No.7066212

made for BGC (Big Ganon Cock)

>> No.7066219
File: 56 KB, 480x640, 1393723752182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sToP EnjOYinG tHiNGs!!!@#$ REEEEEE

>> No.7067535

So true!


>> No.7067545
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1595367187894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7067547

1. Dragonball
2. The magic revealed his true nature. Link is a kindhearted, curious kid, and not a monster.

>> No.7067936

wtf? bread doesnt smell that good

>> No.7067940

He's a sissy femboy

Go right ahead breeder, no ones stopping you. Except maybe your fear of standing out from the other heteros

>> No.7068187


>> No.7068261

Depends on the bread. Hideous, industrial-made white bread doesn't.

>> No.7069763

they all smell the same you weirdo

>> No.7069982
File: 299 KB, 1073x1600, pandanloaf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try pandan bread.
smells so nice.

>> No.7070092

>green bread


>> No.7070094

it's mixed with pandan leaf.

>> No.7070097
File: 1001 KB, 2816x2112, dscn0210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never see food mixed with vegetables?
like vegetable noodles?

>> No.7070098
File: 104 KB, 500x500, the-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bread mixed with leafs

>> No.7070101
File: 37 KB, 751x532, green_mochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breads, noodles, mocchis, name it.
we mix the dough with vegetables.

>> No.7071047


>> No.7072613

He turns into a little faggot because he is one.

>> No.7072892
