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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7055394 No.7055394 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite game genre, and why is it your favorite?

>> No.7055404

RPGs because of feeling of progression and in the often amazing stories that gets me to care about the characters.

>> No.7055406
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Ngl, it's probably platformers (2D mostly but 3D ones can be ok). For me that genre can strike the perfect balance of complexity and stimulation: not too involved so you can relax playing them but not too shallow either so you CAN get the satisfaction of clearing actual challenges.

>> No.7055419

Is arcade a genre? Top 5 in no particular order would be racers, vs fighters, bmups, shmups, and puzzles.

>> No.7055421

Any particular reason you like those genres, or why you like 'arcadey' sorts of games in general?

>> No.7055428

because I'm smart

>> No.7055436

I like just being able to hop in out of something. I like platformers and there’s a handful I always come back to, but i suck at precision movement and timing and get fed up with them too easily. I know this should also filter me on vs fighters racing and shmups but I have more patience with those for whatever reason.

>> No.7055443
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Three way tie between platformers, shmups and rhythm games. If a platformer ever has a shmup or rhythm section I'm pretty happy.

>> No.7055471

What would you say you like about them?

>> No.7055483

I like platforming and collecting things, I like being a ship and shooting things and I like pressing buttons to a song. It's nothing really that deep.

>> No.7055490

I like RPGs with an arcadey bent. PSO, Monster Hunter, Dungeon Explorer, Dragon's Crown, etc. I like the idea of a game I can put in a bit of work every while playing with others if I choose to. And I like games that still have a "mechanical skill" aspect to them instead of being entirely about tactics.

For similar reasons I like roguelikes such as Shiren the Wanderer and Chocobo's Dungeon. You can do a run every day and each time you learn something new or get a little better. It's like an arcade game, except arcade games are really short and often kind of unfair.

>> No.7055498

puzzle games
it satisfies my 'tism

>> No.7055517

Willynicians. I enjoy the non-linear, open ended exploration and the sense of character progression you get via upgrades and collectibles.

>> No.7055525

I'll bite, what's a Willynician?

>> No.7055526

same reason for me. i love mastering the momentum and physics in the games.

>> No.7055536
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itano circus-like.

>> No.7055562

Never mind, it's apparently another stupid synonym for 'Metroidvania', possibly with slightly more emphasis on the kind you find on the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.7056181

Platformers, because I like the challenge presented in them and exploiting the controls to their fullest

>> No.7056227
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It's split between fighters and roguelikes. Both offer a lot of tension as well as interesting decisions to make. Fighters take it in a fast-paced player vs player competitive direction that relies on reflexes and mind games trying to out think your opponent.

Roguelikes are slower paced and turn based but the odds are usually stacked against you abd though each move might take time they're all important. Winning requires strategy and knowing how to use the random elements at your disposal to win despite the odds.

I love many many games and genres, but those two take the cake for me.

>> No.7057204
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Strategy games, especially Real-Time, even when I suck at micro.
I like that you can do a lot of things at once and how the games vary; there's historically accurate and completely fictional games, games with fantasy settings or futuristic ones... there'sa lot to choose from.

>> No.7057212

It's a pity that the genre is almost fucking dead.

>> No.7057227
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Side scrolling adventures (Zelda II, Metroid, Battle of Olympus, Wonder Boy series, Legacy of The Wizard, Ys III, etc) mixes the exploration of adventure and RPG's with the gameplay of Platformers.

>> No.7057258

I don't actually play video games, I just get into arguments about them online

>> No.7057276

>I'm going to hurt you by smothering you with my muff while I wrap my legs around the back of your head and throw you to the ground

>> No.7057516
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Jist imagine the smell.

>> No.7057724

Oi cunt
The Jet set willy reference I get, where does the nicians come from?

>> No.7057728

Conceptualize the aroma.

>> No.7057730

Some game called Technician Ted, apparently.

>> No.7058957


>> No.7059352

Visual novels and Romantic Quiz games
To get the false illusion that i can have a gf

>> No.7060617
