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/vr/ - Retro Games

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705371 No.705371 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.705380


>> No.705389


>> No.705409

People kept quitting, deadlines kept being missed, nintendo told them to fuck off, microsoft finished the job

>> No.705410

Rare was going to shit before the acquisition anyway. Microsoft fucked up by buying what was left of them.

>> No.705420

It's not just that actually.

A large chunk of the team (mostly those responsible for GoldenEye and PD) left and made Free Radical, creators, of course, of the Timesplitters series.

Unforunately they also went to hell and have been now acquired by Crytek, who don't have a fucking clue what to do with them.

Idk OP. Creative sparks come and go. They were at the right place at the right time when they were there but they've extinguished since then, sadly. The split didn't help and neither did fucking Microsoft.

>> No.705439
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I spent many an hour playing timesplitters 2 when I was younger. Good times.

>> No.705475

they were already starting to become shit during n64 days

turds like Tooie, DK64 and Fur Day are a testament to that

>> No.705487


Tooie and DK64 being called turds?

Well I never...

>> No.705494

Tons of people in charge of their better games quit the company.
They had tons of issues with deadlines so Nintendo stopped supporting their bullshit.
Their games by the Gamecube era were getting worse and worse.

Microsoft was just the final nail since they had no idea what to do with the remaining portion of Rare.

>> No.705538

They are though. Not even the same poster.

>> No.705543
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>conker's bad fur day

>> No.705636

I think he meant shit as a character in the game. I remember some singing shit in bad fur day.

>> No.705665


>actually liking BFG

anyone who actually likes that game must have been one of those kids would press the fart buttons on Internet ads

>> No.705695
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But, who doesn't like the BFG?

>> No.705879

Microsoft had nothing to do with it.
Everything I've ever read on the subject says that Microsoft was very accommodating and gave Rare complete creative freedom. There was perhaps even less executive meddling than when they were owned by Nintendo, if you buy into the idea that Miyamoto had anything to do with Dinosaur Planet becoming Star Fox Adventures.
Rare went to shit on its own.

>> No.705942

I remember a video saying that Bad Fur Day was the cause of why Rare went to shit, but i can't find the video now.

>> No.705994

What do you mean why? They're not a company worth crying over. Their last good games were on the NES.

>> No.706003

> Their last good games were on the NES.

>> No.706010

What kind of moron shits on the Donkey Kong Country games, but would defend Snake Rattle 'n' Roll and the Wizards and Warriors games?

>> No.706332

>A large chunk of the team (mostly those responsible for GoldenEye and PD) left and made Free Radical, creators, of course, of the Timesplitters series.
That really doesn't explain anything though. Those guys were brand new to Rare and video games in general and Goldeneye was the first game most of them ever made. Perfect Dark was started by them, but it was mostly done by other people after they had already left. So unless you believe Goldeneye was Rare's only good game, their departure doesn't explain the decline.

>> No.706350

They were good, but they werent as pure and easy to pick up and play like BK.

You had to backtrack, go through levels in different ways etc.

In BK, you can beat a level the moment you enter.

BT and DK64 are still great if you're willing to put in the time to play and have wonderful presentation like graphics and music. It's just hard to sink your teeth into.

>> No.706359


DKC ain't got shit on battletoads

>> No.706368

There were BattleToads games on the SNES.

>> No.706373

>wonderful presentation like graphics and music.

and the wonderful 5 fps

>> No.706379


you mean the port?

>> No.706383

More of a remake than a port.
I mean, unless you're the kind of asshole that would call Gunstar Super Heroes a "port".

>> No.706386

battletoads in battlemaniacs and battletoads & double dragon

they aint ports

>> No.706402


But they are, there's nothing different content wise, besides shittier looking graphics and shittier sounding music

>> No.706407

Battlemaniacs is more of a sequel with less levels and Battletoads and DD is a port of the crossover game which also released on NES and Genesis.

It has the best music of course, though.

In fact, all the games have marvellous music.

OH DAVID WISE.... when will you resurface to bring us amazing music you beautiful british bastard. I crave DonkeyKongCountry2Returns.

>> No.706413
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It's almost like they were nostalgiafagging a-la rich college kids re-buying n64s.

>> No.706423

DK 64 was complete garbage. I'm glad someone else on here has the balls to say it

>> No.706446

Complete garbage?
It just has way too much collecting, to the point that an otherwise very enjoyable game is almost unbearable to play.
I'd say it's an extremely flawed game. There's great content, but you have to trudge through so much tedious bullshit to get to it that it really isn't worth it for the average person.

>> No.706453

It had the DK rap, it was beyond flawed.

>> No.706470

There are a lot of things I will tolerate on this board, but hate for the DK Rap is something I am not prepared to forgive.

Eat shit pleb.

>> No.706531
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>watermelon life-bars
>coconut guns
>black people as gorillas

Am I the only one who noticed DK64 was super racist?

>> No.706538


of all the things to hate on in DK64 the Monkey Rap is definitely not one of them

unless you're one of those super soft libertarians who've been fed political correctness all their life

>> No.706553


and Mario says Mamma Mia and likes to eat Pasta

stereotypes are not inherently racist

>> No.706556

Probably one of the most overrated developers in history were Rareware, whose popularity stems entirely from being Nintendo's main second-party company throughout the SNES and N64 eras. Rare's speciality was making poor imitations of whatever was popular at the time. Battletoads was the poor-man's Final Fight/Double Dragon, Donkey Kong Country the poor-man's Mario, Goldeneye/PD the poor man's Quake/Unreal/Half-Life, Killer Instinct was the poor man's Mortal Kombat (which was the poor man's Street Fighter II) and Banjo-Kazooie/Donkey Kong 64 the poor man's Mario 64. When the Xbox rolled around Rare were snatched up by Microsoft to a large outcry and it's generally agreed that they have gone downhill since. The joke is that they were never that good to begin with, and they only seem bad now because they're no longer being observed by desperate Nintendo fans who don't have any other options.

>> No.706574
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I don't even know where to begin explaining what is wrong with your argument.

>> No.706594

Can we single-handedly blame Rare for the death of the 3D platformer genre?

Things like Mario 64 and Crash set a pretty good precedent for the genre but their effort was ruined by a wave of 'collectathon' garbage which as far as I can tell started with Banjo-Kazooie, Tooie and DK64.

>> No.706601


he's right, most of their IPs are 2nd or 3rd rate knock offs of whatever was popular at the time, with a few exceptions like JFG

>> No.706605


it started earlier with games like Yoshi's Island

and platformers were pretty popular on PS2, with Jack and Dexter, Sly and that other duo with the robot.

>> No.706615

That can't be healthy.

>> No.706620

>not a knock-off of tomb-raider

>> No.706621
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It is when it is against black people

Check yo privilege white boy.

>> No.706624


>yoshi's island
>3D platformer

Although it is true that there are 2D platformers with collectathon gameplay. Unsurprisingly the main example of that would be DKC3.

>> No.706626


>ignoring all the 10/10 games they made as Ultimate Play The Game

>> No.706629

No, but it's dumb.

>Everyone likes watermelon
>Guns are everywhere and are an effective weapon
>Rap was at the time and is popular

>> No.706628

And yet they aren't. Most of their games are just as good, often times arguably better, than others out there.
They were similar, but they were never copies. They took good concepts, and blew them out of the water. A good example of this would be their platformers. SM64 is good, but Banjo-Kazooie is arguably a better product.

You also cannot compare Goldeneye, PD, or CBFD to much at all. Goldeneye was based off rail-shooters and some of the earliest workings of FPS stealth mechanics. PD was its spiritual successor, taking all the mechanics and whatnot, and expanding on everything. CBFD was far more than SM64 could ever dream to be, with all the varied mechanics, multiplayer, etc.

>> No.706631


are you insane? They play nothing alike

>> No.706639

I don't get retroactive Rare haters. It's like they feel like the legacies of whatever games they're nostalgiafags for are being somehow challenged by Rare's.

>> No.706640


>> No.706647

>Banjo-Kazooie is arguably a better product.

no, it only has prettier packaging, the gameplay is not even in the same league as SM64.

BK is closer to Croc than SM64

>> No.706648
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It's because Rare is popular

>> No.706657

They're both solid games, and one cannot really be called worse than the other.

>> No.706660

>CBFD was far more than SM64 could ever dream to be

so much delusion it hurts

It's actually Rare couldn't make anything that matched SM64 in terms of gameplay, so they went for juvenile edgy teens instead

>> No.706671

>They were similar, but they were never copies. They took good concepts, and blew them out of the water. A good example of this would be their platformers. SM64 is good, but Banjo-Kazooie is arguably a better product.

No, it is not arguable at all.

Mario 64 had tight, accurate controls and excellent physics, great level design and its gameplay was the natural evolution of 2D platforming into 3 dimensions.

Banjo-Kazooie had shitty physics and inaccurate platforming, tons of tacked on elements that didn't work at all (like the shooting) and worst of all, its collectathon gameplay which completely missed the point of the advancements Mario made in its jump to 3D.

There is no context in which a pile of shit like Banjo-Kazooie can be considered a better game than Mario 64.

>> No.706675

I'm not even talking about the "edgy juvenile" content, I'm talking gameplay.

It'll be a mystery for all time. Maybe they ran out of actual arguments so they're just gonna start attacking things they know most people love.

>> No.706681

There's plenty of context, it's called you're an angry individual who can continue to have his own opinions and I can continue to enjoy things.

>> No.706689

Rareware where amazing devs that could produce gold from any genre they tackled. This was due to the combination of highly talented members working under management that encouraged a good level of togetherness and friendly internal competitiveness. The members often worked very long hours and overtime. To top it all of Nintendo was always there to support them and give a tug on the reigns when needed.

>> No.706693

Didn't Nintendo actually cut their funding for Goldeneye, resulting them in getting no money for a while, or am I thinking of something else entirely?

>> No.706701

>I'm talking gameplay

then they're not really in the same category, because platforming elements sucked ass in BFD. Half the time you were shooting things at 5 fps. The rest of the time you were running around doing some point and click adventure grade bullshit, trying to trigger next event.

>> No.706714


It's because I used to like Rare too until faglords like you appeared and started shitting on related games that I liked.

>> No.706715
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If they're not in the same category, stop comparing the two. Every single person that claims to hate Rare can never come up with a good reason why they suck other than "their games were similar to other games" and "CBFD was immature".

That's aside from the tidal wave of >opinions.

>> No.706719


Opinions imply subjectivity.

'Banjo-Kazooie's physics were sloppy and inaccurate which is unacceptable in a genre based around precision platforming' is as much of an opinion as 'this car is shitty because the brakes don't work' is an opinion.

You are free to enjoy whatever you like but you also need to realise that statements of quality can be and often are wrong and that reasoning out these statements is part of debate.

>> No.706723


I didn't even make the comparison, I straight out shat all over it

>> No.706728

"The physics weren't the same as this other thing I like so it sucking is fact".

You straight out had opinions everywhere under the guise of being something else.

>> No.706738

I don't understand how someone can deride CBFD as being 'immature' and then change the topic to how great Leisure Suit Larry is.

But I keep seeing it happen.

>> No.706742

>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

>> No.706747

>muh physics mufugga
>ignores music, graphics, level design, mission/goal variety

>> No.706748

>You straight out had opinions everywhere under the guise of being something else.

don't backpedal on me fucker, the only ones constantly making comparisons to other games are Rare fans. Everythime you slimy fuckers talk about BK or what have you, you always have an urge to shit on Mario games or some other game Rare decided to mangle

>> No.706751

Who even cares? His opinion on the physics is terrible anyway. BK has perfect physics and a much better camera than SM64.

>> No.706759

You need comparisons to draw to, and the closer the comparison the better. The only good platformer that the most people know on the N64 is SM64 so it's the best comparison, and I'm sorry, but it's not the perfect little flower most people make it out to be.
I'm not saying anything Rare has done has been perfect, but I'm not gonna think SM64 was perfect, either.

>> No.706762

Oh look, exactly what I was talking about

I think this whole mess might have started with the fake DKC Miyamoto quote (you know the one.) Nintendo fans believed they heard the call of their pope and went on a crusade.


>> No.706773


>gameplay focused on hover-jumps to compensate for sluggish and inaccurate platforming
>perfect physics

Stay deluded, pleb.


None of the incredible feats in this video would be possible in a shovelware platformer like Banjo. Oh well, I guess not every game can have the near-flawless mechanics of Mario 64.

>> No.706778

>CBFD was far more than SM64 could ever dream to be
I love that game but damn, man. Not only are you comparing completly different games, you are also overrating CBFD really fucking hard.

>> No.706783


I agree with you and I still think you're an asshole.

>> No.706785

No, that's true.

>> No.706789

>I think this whole mess might have started with the fake DKC Miyamoto quote (you know the one.) Nintendo fans believed they heard the call of their pope and went on a crusade.

Is it really so hard to believe that people even back then though DKC was shit? I was around 9 and got bored to tears of it.

>> No.706791

>poor-man's Final Fight/Double Dragon
Are you retarded?
BattleToads is barely a beat 'em up at all past the first level.
Did you just never get that far?

>> No.706792

If you suck that dick any harder, you're bound to pull a muscle.

Someone needs to offset the people like the other guy I quoted, who somehow believe SM64 is the hottest shit since tits.

>> No.706797

None of you ever seem to be able to articulate why it's so shit outside of "graphics aged badly" "leaps of faith" (Which aren't actually in the game) "too many collectibles" (When there are about as many as any 2D Mario platformer) and the favorite go-to vague buzzword "clunky."

>> No.706810

Mario 64
>stars are the natural evolution of the end-of-level exits in 2D platformers, which is why picking them up ends the level. Collecting them isn't the goal, beating their challenges is, with the stars being the metric to represent your progress. Each star restructures the level in a specific way tailored to that challenge. There's 120 total and you need a fraction of them to beat the game.

>Jiggies are junk scattered all over the levels for you to collect and collecting them is the goal itself. Most don't even come from completing challenges, they're just scattered across the level for you to find to pad out the already glacially slow pacing of the game. They do nothing interesting to the level design as you can pick them all up in one run of the level. You need 90% of them to beat the game (as well as collecting several other types of junk).

Could Rare have missed the point any harder?

Oh wait, they did. In Donkey Kong 64.

>> No.706812

> believe SM64 is the hottest shit since tits.

In comparison to BK, and many other platformers it is pretty hot shit.

>> No.706818

And Tooie, which was a step in the right direction and 20 steps in a very wrong one.

>> No.706820

Or maybe they wanted to make their own game because they knew that if they did the same thing as SM64 that game would forever be known as "that ripoff of SM64".


Get over yourself.

I disagree. I like both games, but I don't think one is notably better than the other.

>> No.706827

>Or maybe they wanted to make their own game because they knew that if they did the same thing as SM64 that game would forever be known as "that ripoff of SM64".

But it already is considered that.

>> No.706828

Only by people like those in this thread who are clamoring all over SM64's dick and take personal, autistic offense over people who don't share their opinions.

>> No.706834

Apparently not on here.

>> No.706842

>stars are the natural evolution of the end-of-level exits in 2D platformers
No they aren't.
Something like Crash Bandicoot or Rayman 2 is the obvious progression from 2D to 3D.

I don't understand how you can go from:
>tons of levels, obstacle-course-like design, emphasis is on overcoming challenges while getting from A to B
>few levels, open design, emphasis is on exploring and finding B.
and call that "natural evolution".
What the fuck sense is that supposed to make?

>> No.706846

Tooie is a masterpiece. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

DK64 was fun, it was just a disaster looking back.

>> No.706849


>> No.706852

This man gets it.

>> No.706871



The clunky feel is because of graphical style, where you can't precisely distinguish where the ledges end or begin, same with enemies. leading to many annoying death, leading to feeling of leaps of faith, thanks to Rare placing many collectibles in hard to reach areas.

Does it all hang together now or are you going to continue playing ignorant?

>> No.706887


>games that rehash the gameplay of 2D games, but with 3D graphics
>'obvious progression'

Everyone get a load of this dipshit.

>> No.706891


oh, you're one those people who can't function in nonelinear games, thanks for ruining it for the rest of us

the only real difference is that the challenges are smashed together in a single level, instead of having 20 small segmented samey environments like in Galaxy

>> No.706937

>games with totally different gameplay altogether
>'natural evolution'

Everyone get a load of this dipshit.

>oh, you're one those people who can't function in nonelinear games
I never said nonlinear was worse than linear, or vice versa. Don't put words in my mouth.
It's just different. You CANNOT call it a "natural evolution" without looking like a retard.

>the only real difference is that the challenges are smashed together in a single level
If you cannot see the difference between between surviving a series of obstacles and set-pieces, and finding 5 secrets/collecting 8 red coins/collecting 100 coins/pounding Chomp's stake 3 times/etc. then I don't know what to tell you.
I'm not sure you'd be smart enough to even read what I'd tell you, so it would hardly matter anyway.

>> No.706973

>finding 5 secrets/collecting 8 red coins/collecting 100 coins/pounding Chomp's stake 3 times/etc. then I don't know what to tell you.

those are the goals, not how you achieve them. Entirely skippable as well,

If you'd look past the first 3 stages which are easy as fuck anyways and are meant to be tutorials for the player to get used to the controls, then you'd see that it is the natural progression, it's most pronounced in the Bowser Stages, Shifting Sand Land, Lava level, Tick Tock Clock, Rainbow Ride, The mountain, the underground level.

The all have their share of obstacles to overcome before getting the star

>> No.706996


>2D platformer becomes 3D
>no longer possible to represent the end of the level with an exit due to being able to explore in three dimensions
>choose to represent the stage exit with a star awarded for completing a challenge, that immediately ends the level when you acquire it

How is this not a natural evolution? Especially compared to BK which forced the player to backtrack to the entrance to leave the level because Rare were too stupid to understand the evolution of game design.

>> No.707016

Maybe giving you the freedom to do everything a level had to offer in one go instead of forcing you to pointlessly exit and re-enter the same level over and over again each time you accomplish something was an improvement, ever think of that?

>> No.707023

How many times are we going to have the same, tired old thread?

>> No.707028

Well when your entire topic of discussion is tired old things you tend to get tired old discussions.

>> No.707052

its true that it can be hard to tell exactly where to jump on enemies to kill them and such, but i find you get used to that within like 2 levels

>> No.707054

ya that's what I liked about Banjo Kazooie, you can get everything in one go, with one of two jiggies being an exception because you have to go to Freezeezy Peak or Gobi's Desert first in order to get all of the jiggies in the other.

>> No.707061

The DKC games were always incredibly mediocre platformers that only got attention for their pre-rendered graphics.

>> No.707082

The Bowser stages are entirely linear obstacle courses, like Rayman 2, or Crash Bandicoot. If SM64 was entirely levels like that, it would not be a collect-a-thon.

I'm just not seeing your point with the other levels. There's often a handful of simple obstacles concentrated in one tiny area where some star is, but the emphasis is still largely on figuring out what to do or where to go, or even puzzle solving.
It's just not comparable to a typical level in your typical 2D platformer.

>no longer possible to represent the end of the level with an exit due to being able to explore in three dimensions
>choose to represent the stage exit with a star awarded for completing a challenge, that immediately ends the level when you acquire it
What the fuck are you talking about?
Mario has ALWAYS ended his levels by touching some object in the 2D games, whether that object be a flagpole, some bird head mask thing on the wall, a box that cycles through items, an item chest, some Koopa Kid's magic wand, a goal post... thing, or a ring of... flowers, if you collected the flowers...
There's NEVER been some abstract, could-only-be-represented-in-2D, "exit".

>> No.707093
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Do you have a single argument to back that opinion up?

>> No.707104

The DKC games are incredibly well made and incredibly generic platformers.
It's definitely top tier stuff, it's just nothing you haven't seen before.

>> No.707106

Is there a good 3D platformer out there that is about as hard as 2D ones?

>> No.707113

Which "2D ones" do you mean?

>> No.707117

Medievil and maximo?

>> No.707120

Glover. Glover is hard.

>> No.707126 [DELETED] 

>pointlessly exit and re-enter the same level over and over again

It was never the 'same' level.

>> No.707132

I guess you could take SMB3 as average difficulty.

>> No.707127

along with the cool and inventive graphics at the time we got
>responsive controls
>new shit as you progress
>great soundtrack
>new enemies as you progress
>steady increase in difficulty

Back then, the only people that didnt like the game were people who never got to play them and were bitter about hearing all about it on the playground or park, so they talk shit because they can't add anything to the convo.

>> No.707142


It was never the 'same' level.


Yeah, because you could walk past the flagpole or goal post, right?

The end of level markers in Mario were just an abstract representation of the player having reached the far right of the level.

>> No.707146

>It was never the 'same' level.
Sometimes they would alter the level slightly for specific stars, but hardly anything substantial. Most starts you could easily get regardless of which star you actually selected.

>> No.707173

>people actually defending Fetch Quest: The Platformer

It's 2013 guys. We're adults now, we can afford to buy multiple systems. We don't need to be held hostage by Rare's mediocre shovelware because our parents bought us an N64 instead of a PSX.

>> No.707174

>The end of level markers in Mario were just an abstract representation of the player having reached the far right of the level
I'm not seeing your point.

Are you saying they couldn't have something like, say, a pipe at the end of a linear level, because it was a 3D game?

>> No.707178
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by the end of the N64's life Rare games had started out doing nintendo games in sales. With rare releasing 3x as many games an Nintendo a year something had to be done.

Microsoft did not but Rare. Rare was sold

>> No.707191

It's 2013 now dude. It's time to move on and troll about newer games.
Here, I've even found the proper place to do just that for you: >>>/v/

>> No.707192

>Microsoft did not but Rare. Rare was sold
By Rare.

>> No.707218

Huh? Those are 3D action games with bits of platforming in them, they'd suck as pure platformers. The platinum relic challenges in Crash Bandicoot 3 are the greatest examples of difficult and FUN platforming in 3D I've encountered.

>> No.707220

I am surprised CBFD was brought up and yet the thread still goes on. I have never seen a thread NOT get derailed and crashed once it has been mentioned.

>> No.707242


No, Nintendo sold their majority share of the company, severing their 2nd party status

>> No.707267

No, Rare sold their 51% of their stock to MS and Nintendo sold theirs afterwords, presumably because they had no interest in owning 49% of a company that was Microsoft's.

>> No.707408

>mfw all this Mario 64 vs. DK64/BK/CBFD fighting when they don't even realize the only worthwhile '90s 3D platformer was Spyro series

lel, Nintendofags

>> No.707446

>implying Rayman 2 wasn't the best, followed by the Crash Bandicoot series and Rocket: Robot on Wheels

>> No.707905

>>A large chunk of the team (mostly those responsible for GoldenEye and PD) left and made Free Radical, creators, of course, of the Timesplitters series.
This is a half-truth. Only four members from the original 9 left to form Free Radical. Lead designer Martin Hollis left Rareware 18 months into PD's development to work on the Gamecube. Free Radical are not that closely related to Rareware - and the parts that are - mostly come from the GE team. Rareware had several teams, remember. One working on the series which became Banjo, one working on Conker, and the GE\PD team.

>> No.708282


No. That is totally assbackwards. The Stampers themselves said in an interview that with Nintendo they had complete creative control. Grant Kirkhope and Chris Seavor have gone on record saying that Microsoft changed the structure of the company a ton.

>> No.708554

>ever good

shitty dynamite headdy clone at best

>> No.708580

Whatever nerd. Dynamite Headdy is just a Plok clone anyway.

>> No.708597

Rayman was never good.

>> No.708607

Gentlemen, let us be at peace with the death of Rare and enjoy the creations they left behind.

Here we have Rare's sublime rendition of "Ow My Balls!"


>> No.708645

>Rayman 2
>Rayman Origins
>not some of the best platformers ever made
Best I can give you is a 0/10 though.

>> No.709580

you replied, nigger. he deserves at least a 2 'cause you seemed fairy buttmad about it.

>> No.711280

>deus ex

Fuck man, we need a thread about that shit.

>> No.711318


Best times.

>> No.711368
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>> No.711407

10/10. Is going to get everyone buttmad.

>> No.711417

0/10 try harder

>> No.711458

I love almost everything Rare has ever produced, but I will never be able to understand the appeal of their collectathon platformers for the N64.
DK64 in particular was the biggest fucking chore on the planet. I don't mind collecting jiggies/golden bananas/whatever, since they're just a marker for completing a mission, but stuff like the colored bananas, blueprints, banana fairies, medals, music notes and jinjos just took the concept way too far. They are some of the most tedious games I've ever played.

>> No.711702

Because people in Rare are jew and instead of sticking with Nintendo where they had a great partnership they decided to sell out themselved to Microsoft. At least we got Kameo - Elements of Power for Xbox360, their last, great game.

>> No.711724

CBFD isnt about collecting. You have to pick up the money but thats it.

>> No.711726
File: 52 KB, 700x306, gfs_2539_2_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best Battletoads game.

>> No.715264

>jet force gemini
>not good

>> No.715269
File: 75 KB, 1142x391, maxpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

special taito triple wide edition

>> No.715305

Eh, personally I didn't like JFG, I the constant backtracking and controls put me off.

>> No.717689

>or normal
I lol'd

>> No.717702
File: 109 KB, 500x370, human_nature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking out
Across the nighttime
The city winks a sleepless eye
Hear her voice
Shake my window
Sweet seducing sighs

Get me out
Into the nighttime
Four walls won't hold me tonight
If this town
Is just an apple
Then let me take a bite

If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do it that way
If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why does he do me that way

Reaching out
To touch a stranger
Electric eyes are everywhere
See that girl
She knows I'm watching
She likes the way I stare

If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why does he do me that way

I like livin' this way
I like lovin' this way

(That way) Why why
(That way) Why why

Looking out
Across the morning
Where the city's heart begins to beat
Reaching out
I touch her shoulder
I'm dreaming of the street

If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why, does he do me that way
If they say,
Why, why, tell 'em that it's human nature
Why, why does he do me that way

>> No.718084

So many hours spent trying to 100% it back then.

I'll still boot it up on pcsx2 just to snipe watermelons out the hands of monkeys

>> No.718107

Have you even played BFD? It's not even a collectathon.

Not even close, it's more of a point-A to point-B platformer, where the money you have to get is just at point-B. And half the time, your immediate goal isn't money, it's kicking the ass of some yokel, or shooting mass produced nazi teddy bears.

>> No.718268
File: 1.02 MB, 4000x3568, squall_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never particularly found anything Rare made to be of acceptable quality except maybe Snake Rattle 'n' Roll and DKC and even those are thoroughly mediocre. That said I did enjoy the concepts of Wizards and Warriors even if they were terrible games. It seems everybody has a boner for this company due to the DKC series and Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, all of which I never enjoyed (console FPS games never did it for me and Perfect Dark was just an expansion pack tech demo). Whatever floats your boat I guess.

>> No.718281

>Perfect Dark was just an expansion pack tech demo

>fully fleshed out single player mode, detailed multiplayer mode that took Goldeneye's simple winning formula and improved on it, basically the middle ground between Goldeneye and Timesplitters

>tech demo

Fuck off. You may as well call any graphically impressive game a 'tech demo'.

>> No.718295

lol what a bitch nigger

>> No.718303

Anybody that says Donkey Kong Country is "generic" or "mediocre" never got a 102% in DKC2.

>> No.718313


the first game is actually pretty generic (but still fun). Its a by-the-numbers platformer that does absolutely nothing new aside from having a cool tag mechanic. DKC2 is fantastic, DKC3 is a middle ground between the two (the only thing i don't really like about DKC3 is the aesthetics...boring dock levels, boring forest levels, boring mill levels, boring mountain levels as opposed to DKC2's amazingly vibrant, varied locales)

>> No.718327

Regarding aesthetics, I think the enemy design in that game was a bit lacking too bar one or two exceptions. I'm still of the opinion that they should have kept with the pirate theme for the Kremlings, but eh.
And I'm sorry, but you don't get rid of the fucking Zingers. Fuck that shit. Fuck Buzz.

>> No.718339


the enemy design in DKC3 is just so non-threatening, everything just looks far too goofy and harmless.

>> No.718353

Careful with all that edge, you might cut yourself.