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7047563 No.7047563 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the origin of using "boss" to describe the strongest enemy at the end of a game or level?

>> No.7047567

Things that make you go hmm

>> No.7047568
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Kung fu movies

>> No.7047569


>> No.7047576

I always called them "the last guy" or " the guy at the end."

>> No.7047580

Established by zoomers in early 10s, just like "DOS-roms", "scotformers" and associated bullshit. The correct term has always been "mayor"

>> No.7047604

it came from dnd originally, referring to a "boss" as in the boss of a mine who was the original boss in terms of tabletop and videogames.

>> No.7047607

thats just stupid. you expect me to believe someone like a Dr. Willy or Mother Brain or Mike Tyson was not only capable of mounting a mayoral campaign, but also won?

>> No.7047646

In beat'em ups like Final Fight and Streets of Rage, you're usually fighting against some kind of evil organization and the boss is literally the boss of the thugs if you've been beating up. It's just the obvious thing to call them.

>> No.7047723
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>> No.7047767

I recall using the term boss frequently back in the 90s. Why join the discussion, when you have no idea what you're talking about?

>> No.7047784

Why does Larry comment on all of his videos?

>> No.7047790

Or it was a term already well-established in the eighties, but you wouldn't know anything about that would ya, little fella?

>> No.7047801

You can actually feel the seething jealously radiating from his posts over the internet.

>> No.7047803

its a smart thing to do since it gets more viewers to comment which increases your engagement metric which boosts you in the algorithm

>> No.7047807

>>7047803 (me)
oh shit nm. thought you meant he commented on his own vids

>> No.7047809

person making this thread, why do you keep pushing for this guy to constantly be seen and mentioned?

>> No.7047815

>I recall
Yeah, wrongly

>> No.7047841

Pretty much this. When I was a kid in the 90s thats how we called then. Wonder when the transition to 'boss' took place.

>> No.7047854

Before you were born, apparently.

>> No.7047858

Nobody used the term "boss" to describe the end of level big guy, it was always "The Master"

>> No.7047864

>i'm so tired of all these larpers larping just like i larp
>they think they know the 80s but they don't
>they just fucking don't!
>kingzoomer89 on youtube told me how it really was, but these fags all think he's wrong
>i'll just parrot whatever he told me again only this time i'll couch it with some blatantly retarded shit so if i get called out i can just claim it was trolling and they're just not in on the dank jokey meemays we like to post here on our online clubhouse 4chan!
>i'm a genius! zoom zoom!
It never gets any better on this board, does it?

>> No.7047879

Seethe boomer.

>> No.7047883

>kids r00l grownups dr00l!

>> No.7047891

No-one talks like this anymore old man

>> No.7047968

your mum does when I pound her pussy

>> No.7047976

My mum is 67.

>> No.7047987

>calling anon an old man when his own mother is a literal geriatric
Did she have you when she was 50?
Anyway the older the berry the sweeter the juice

>> No.7048502

Which would imply that you're at least in your mid thirties. And you're posting this kind of shit to children on an anime website at your age? The fuck?

>> No.7048554

This is an 18+ site bucko