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File: 1.25 MB, 767x1079, SilentHill3Boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7027606 No.7027606 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Silent Hill 3 and I genuinely don't get why some people prefer it to the first two. The enemies are less interesting and more annoying and the story is just fucking dreadfully paced. There's like 3 moments where someone has the chance to kill Claudia and just... doesn't for no reason other than to elongate the plot.
Heather can't be the only reason people like this one, can she?

>> No.7027614

>Heather can't be the only reason people like this one, can she?
It kinda is? Silent Hill 3 is indeed kind of a let down compared to 2, but it still manages to be an all time masterpiece with Heather alone.

>> No.7027617

It's amazing what a good waifu will do to the perception of a fame

>> No.7027737
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Dont care, still my favorite

>> No.7027740

Hey, out of the 3? Heather still is my favorite protagonist

>> No.7027753

yeah it s pretty much heather and i dont know how they couldve bounced back they couldnt have made SH2v2 bcus people would be expecting it i think thats why they went the safe route and made sh3

>> No.7027779

Official ranking of the Team Silent SH games:

1 > 2 > 4 > 3

>> No.7027795

>It's amazing what a good waifu will do to the perception of a fame
But heather is awful.

>> No.7027798
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Based and truthpilled.

>> No.7027834

Man, why tf did Konami outsource SH to shitty western pigs.

>> No.7027843

It's pretty technically amazing not just for the PS2, but for 2003 in general. Perhaps a superficial thing, but for a game that sells atmosphere so much the models and locales really sell it. That said the plot and monsters are far less creepy and substantial than 2.

>> No.7027848

What more do you need? Why isn't Heather enough for you?

What the fuck is wrong with you, you sick freak? Hasn't she suffered enough? Do you enjoy this? Is it good for you? Because you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

>> No.7027870

>The enemies are less interesting
Lmao. They aren’t as cool in 2 where they each represent some sorta symbolic thing but they are way better in every other aspect. More variety, more of threat and interesting designs.
> and more annoying
Do SH2 fags really? If you want enemies you hit once and instantly die like in 2, just play it on easy.
>and the story is just fucking dreadfully paced. There's like 3 moments where someone has the chance to kill Claudia and just... doesn't for no reason other than to elongate the plot.
I’ll give you that 3’s story isn’t as artful as 2 but the plot is just fine. You can poke holes in 2 story too. Why doesn’t James just apologize to Laura so she’ll let him out of the room? Why does James say stupid shit he’ll know just piss off eddy?
> Heather can't be the only reason people like this one, can she?
She a big reason. Heather is the only silent hill protagonist with character from the original 3. James and Harry just sorta exist.

>> No.7028058

it's better than the disappointing drama movie known as SH2
SH3 returned the roots of survival horror we've seen in the first game

>> No.7028084

>I’ll give you that 3’s story isn’t as artful as 2
SH3 plot and the symbolism behind it is much more deep and complex than the drama shit of 2
SH2 symbolism is literally ''muh James sexual frustration'' while in 3 the symbolism is based on interesting mythologies and occult
also 1 and 3 plot are original concepts while 2 ripped off some cheesy European drama movie from the 80's

>> No.7028595

3's biggest weakness is it doesn't feel different enough from the first two games. The whole gameplay formula became so simplified that there was almost no exploration, and the other world thing became so predictable that it felt like, 'alright we're doing this again I suppose'. 3 has an excellent cast, excellent music, great environmental design, and a good plot, but it still doesn't match up to the first two.

>> No.7028623


Because the west was a bigger market and they thought that western developers could make a game more appealing to a western audience. I don't know why exes think like this. Just make a good game and people will most likely buy it.

>> No.7028628

God, I wish Team Silent made at least 1 more game before being dismantled by Konami

>> No.7028676

As far as the story goes, consider 1 and 3 chronological, with 2 being a separate, mostly unrelated story.

>> No.7028680

It's hard for me to understand the complaints between the games. I've never played Silent Hill for gameplay, so I don't really care about that. I get that each game isn't perfect, they have flaws, but each game has something it does very well, or something it does in a unique way, and even if it isn't perfect, it's still something hard to find and almost never replicated. I've never played a game where like Silent Hill 3, you get extra details and thoughts of a character's personality just through examining things in the game world. In the game there's a room where there's a cigarette, you can examine the cigarette, and Heather will give some dialogue and mention how she quit smoking. There's a lot of character building just in a small detail like this. Heather has began smoking, then she decided to stop, all in one dialogue. That tells a ton about her, just in a few lines of text. SH1, 2, and 3 all are chockful of unique assets, all of which if you take the time you can meticulously look at and just try to see where its from or if its a reference to something, many times it is. If you're playing Silent Hill merely as a game you are going to be disappointed. If instead you are the type of person who can get immersed in a world and enjoy an oppressive and dark atmosphere with lots of dread, someone who goes slowly and really takes their time, you will really enjoy it.

>> No.7028712

Silent Hill 3 has no surprises for its entire duration. Some people say that Heather being the daughter of Harry Mason is the twist but that is such a contrived type of twist that revolves around an arbitrary lack of information, like not knowing who Heather is heading home to. And it's not even a surprise because if you go into SH3 knowing it's a direct sequel to Silent Hill 1 you already know who her Dad is because there's only 3 people in the entire Silent Hill "universe" so who the fuck else would it be? Who is the only "Dad" in the entire Silent Hill (narrative) world? It certainly wouldn't be some shock that her Dad is apparently some Dad we never knew so by the very fact that it's apparently a secret that already eliminates all other possibilities. Once we've figured out who Heather is we already know what the plot of the game is. Claudia comes up to Heather to tell Heather the plot of the game and tells her she's the mother of God and the rest of the game is playing out the plot that Claudia tells us at the beginning. There's very little mystery to this game and it's also mechanically derivative as well. SH3 is still a very enjoyable game despite all this and also plays very good, but it's like the Die Hard II of Silent Hill, it's almost a complete retread of the conflict of the first game. The most interesting narrative thing about it is how it clarifies the events of Silent Hill 1 in plain non-broken English. It's still good for Silent Hill fans but it's the most derivative game Team Silent made.

>> No.7028743


This is the only game ever that has terrified me till I was trembling with that amusement park intro

>> No.7028757

Uhh well it actually was a surprise on release, saying "Well if you go into it knowing it's a direct sequel, there's no surprise!". Okay? They didn't know it was a direct sequel. Here's a direct quote from an interview.

>CVG: You've been careful to keep the storyline close to your chests, but can you give us an idea of how it fits into the Silent Hill universe?
>Owaku: Well, to answer your question, there's certainly a connection between all three Silent Hill games, however we believe it would be better for the player to found out for themselves how they are connected.

>Once we've figured out who Heather is we already know what the plot of the game is.

We don't, but if it was true, it doesn't even matter. We get the opportunity to get into the mind of Alessa. It's a new point of view. Even if you remove the fact that it wasn't a surprise, the surprise isn't "the point". It's not like Shattered Memories where the surprise is a pretty pivotal point to the plot. Even Silent Hill 2, it isn't a surprise at all that James killed Mary unless you just aren't listening to the story or you played it as a kid which is excusable. This is just such a lame complaint, what a sorry point of criticism. Withholding information from the player is not at all an arbitrary lack of information. It's a serious, legitimate way to tell a story. Sorry dude but your criticism is kinda weak here.

>> No.7028886
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Anyone have any clue how to get this to run correctly on PCSX2? I played 2 and 3 with no problem but I'm having really bad flickering and cutscene overlay issues.

>> No.7028897

lmao'ing at your life.

>> No.7028924

> there's a room where there's a cigarette, you can examine the cigarette, and Heather will give some dialogue and mention how she quit smoking. There's a lot of character building just in a small detail like this
That’s what I love about SH3 the most. You really do get to know Heather from tiny little throw away lines. Harry and James weren’t terrible but they didn’t have enough there. James is a little better than Harry with his interactions with other characters but it’s never too much. You honestly know more about Maria at the end of SH2 than James.

>> No.7028956

>The enemies are less interesting
No? Personally I find 2 the most boring with only Phead and the legs being any interesting.
>and more annoying
You mean because they could actually pose a threat and aren't complete and utter pushovers like 2's enemies?

>> No.7029024

Doesn't waste your time as much as the others.
Better music.
No pretentious emotional story.
No obtuse ending conditions for an acceptable ending.
More realistic protagonist.
Better environments.
Better music.

>> No.7029143
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I played the first game recently for the first time and good God, the atmosphere is top notch.
I honestly did not appreciate the rest of the series nearly as much as this game. The PS1's dirty-ass gritty textures and jittery models did wonders for the creepiness, and the actually low render distance made the fog feel natural.
If I had a PS1 as a teenager I bet this shit would've fucked me up.

>> No.7029236

how the fuck does 3 not waste your time as much as the others? The entire first half of the game with the exception of maybe the mall is just filler.

>> No.7029328
File: 1.82 MB, 1080x1488, Screenshot_20201027-001821~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one

>> No.7029374

Not part of any canon, it's a spinoff of the first game.

>> No.7029382

> doesn't waste your time
> no pretentious emotional story

l'ing my a all the way o

>> No.7029547
File: 250 KB, 860x860, 1592866175008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who played the first three games for the first time this year,
It's a decent spooky game with some cool moments here and there, horror-wise anyway. Seriously, the hospital was fucking great. It really made up for the fact that they reused a fuckton of assets from 2, something which soured me a lot. also I guess It has some great visuals for the time, which to be honest are probably the highlight of the entire game. Just what kind of black magic was Konami playing with back in the day? I can only imagine what you guys thought of this game back when it came out, it must have blown your fucking minds.

all in all I can't lie, and I'm afraid your concerns might be correct OP.
I wouldn't care much for it if it weren't for Heather. i love her so much
The game just kinda failed to make an impact on me. Sure I felt really bad for Heather, but as far as atmosphere and depression kino goes, I'm sticking with the first two games.

>> No.7029598

why did you skip The Room

>> No.7029645

Cause it's dogshit

>> No.7029824

My pic said the 3 "main" canons.
Shattered Memories is just a standalone game and not part of them. You might go and say that it's after the first game's bad ending, but it actually isn't, it's just inspired by it, the Harry of that world looks completely different from the one in the original game even when he was shown in that very ending.

>> No.7029828

>ripped off some cheesy European drama movie from the 80's
It actually was inspired by this russian novel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_and_Punishment

>> No.7029975

>how the fuck does 3 not waste your time as much as the others?
you waste 20 minutes in silent hill 2 walking and shit until something interesting happens

>> No.7029980

your mom is dogshit

>> No.7030262

Just play the PC port dude.

>> No.7030264

What a joke. SH4 is one of the best in the series. Your loss man.

>> No.7030269
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>SH4 is one of the best in the series.

>> No.7030369
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Harry runs like hes gotta poo relly bad

>> No.7030383

fucking kek, i always thought the way he ran was kinda off

>> No.7030402

Name one thing scarier than having to shit with no toilets around

>> No.7030414

>The game just kinda failed to make an impact on me.
Same. It started off strong and then just kind of slowly went downhill. I think a lot of it is because the game was originally going to have a different story and the team was forced to make a sequel to 1 with a large number of them not having their heart in doing that.

>> No.7030428

Silent Hill 3 was nextgen+ for the time

>> No.7030537

yes it is you faggot
it may not be #1 but at least it's better than the drama trash of SH2

>> No.7030539

the town is literally empty he can just shit in the street like an Indian and no one will notice him

>> No.7030574
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>but at least it's better than the drama trash of SH2

>> No.7030583

>loli pics
i always had a feeling SH2 fags were degenerate weebs
oh and since your only reply is an anime pic then your opinion is discarded

>> No.7030587
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>getting butthurt over anime reaction images

>> No.7030596

SH4 is better than 2
now run along child back to fapping on your loli hantai

>> No.7030597
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>SH4 is better than 2

>> No.7030619

I unironically think his animations look better than James's. Also the proportions on James's model look super off.

>> No.7030729
File: 74 KB, 1155x692, 1603594867224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a minor animation detail in the game which I always found memorable. When you run up towards a door without opening it, Harry comes to a full stop and actually puts up his arms against it. I remember the first time this happened it scared the fuck out of me, not only because it's loud but it also makes the controller vibrate.

Sadly this never returned for the sequels.
Literally removed 1% of SOUL.

>> No.7030748

actually, are you ready for something stupid?
That detail IS in Silent Hill 2. But only on Hard Mode. Because realism makes the game harder. Or something.

>> No.7030757


SH1 > 2 > 3 = 4 > Origins > SM = Homecoming > Downpour

BoM and Arcade are pretty good, but not SH games

>> No.7030875

Oh damn, I loved that, that really was Soul. It also made running away from enemies feel a little more frantic if I couldn't turn Harry around enough.

>> No.7030984
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Say that to my face kiddo

>> No.7031647

Heather isn't likable per se, but she has the most reasonable reaction to loss and horror of any SH protagonist. She's definitely a better and more pitiable protagonist than flat murderous horny James. Sh3 is aesthetically great. It doesn't have any mindblowing twists but I don't mind the phalic/fetus themed monsters. Valtiel is underrated.

2 is still better for its Lynchian weirdness, hidden details and open ending/replicability but 3 is still great. Personally, I don't find the cult shit and characters in 1, 3 and 4, scary at all. The Cult Shit and The Alessa story is too literal. I don't even get what the point of Vincent was.

>> No.7031667
File: 37 KB, 352x450, penn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never played Silent Hill for gameplay, so I don't really care about that.
It's a videogame, sonny jim. Thanks for getting that out early in the text, really saved me the trouble of reading the whole post.

>> No.7031682

>he didn't unlock the Shit ending
>he didn't see Harry wake up from his hallucinations to a sunny day in a normal town surrounded by people at the exact moment the shit leaves his ass
>he doesn't know that Silent Hill has supernatural effects that lure you to it and makes you take a dump in public

>> No.7031716

Are Silent Hill threads common on this board? Or is it just because of Halloween. I love Silent Hill but I'm practically never on this board

>> No.7031720

the silent hill controls and gameplay are simple, clunky and outdated as shit. It's not good or scary anymore. People playing the games now ought to go in knowing that. The only timeless and decent aspect of the gameplay is strategy and puzzles. Are you really playing Silent hill because you love mashing the X key next to a monster in a dark hallway?

>> No.7031742

why konami didn't give SH1 the REmake treatment on PS2?

>> No.7031794

It's kinda common but survival horror is definitely being discussed more because of Halloween. I'm on a binge myself.

>> No.7031919

because Konami didn't want to make the same mistake of Capcom ruining it's first big horror game
REtrash was terrible

>> No.7032061

Most people loved REmake, dumb contrarian.

>> No.7032063

seething RE4 apologist is seething

>> No.7032610
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is hard mode worth it? I've heard it just makes the enemies tankier but also changes a couple of things, like puzzles and item placements.
While I really enjoyed the games, I felt like the actual survival horror gameplay in them was a bit lacking.

>> No.7032691


It's good. It really did feel like it was meant to be played just by adding enough enemies to pose some threat.

Still, once you get past the school it's still pretty easy. It's weird how the hardest part is the very first level just because the grabbers are the hardest enemy. I guess not having the hammer also is a big part of it.

>> No.7032846

no hammer run it is, then

>> No.7033231

Never gonna stop

>> No.7033367

>I don't even get what the point of Vincent was.
Just showing how some "religious" people are only in it for the money? You get to read some documents about how he's brought in so much money for the cult and he says he's not particularly interested in changing things like Claudia is.

I suppose you could say everything except for 2 has less mysteriousness to it but I thought it always had enough interesting psychological stuff to never feel like a bore. I never focused too much on the cult while playing and still appreciated its other themes, not sure why that's such a major thing to talk about when the other games still have so much going on.

>> No.7033382

The cult filters add-riddled mongoloids who just want muh heckin sad spookerino!!!
Not that 2 is bad for shifting the focus away from the cult, but the cult has always been the core of SH

>> No.7033410

>Most people loved REmake
yeah that's why it sold only 2 copies wen it was released lmao
the game was a failure it made Capcom change the entire formula of the series and thus RE4 was born
rent free

>> No.7033454

REmake and RE0 got approximately 0 marketing if I recall

>> No.7034209

Yeah, Hard difficulty is balanced. It's the only difficulty that allows Silent Hill to be qualified as a "game".

>> No.7034931

It tears me apart anon

>> No.7035536

having to shit and the only toilet around has a key item in it that you need to grab, so you have to then stick your arm through twice as much shit to retrieve it

>> No.7035543
File: 432 KB, 1280x1852, 009_Silent_Hill_4_The_Room_Official_Guide_Complete_Edition_009[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is Jeffrey Epstein in Silent hill 4?

>> No.7035857

I miss the mid 2000s bros

>> No.7035858

Waifufags get a boner from Heather

>> No.7036106

SH3 is my favorite Silent Hill. Closers are my favorite enemy. I think Heather is the most relatable character in gaming. The story being a direct sequel doesn't have as much mystique as 1 or 2, but there is enough in it to discover nuance in Claudia and Vincent's intentions.

>> No.7036532

What was the narrative significance of the Seal of Metatron being useless at the end of the game? What was that trying to convey? It just feels weird for the game to have an entire section of the game dedicated to a thing that "doesn't actually do anything".

>> No.7036547

Predictive programming.

>> No.7036774

everything that occurred in the game was an effected by Heather mind powers
Heather believed that the seal of Metatron was useless to the very end calling it a piece of junk that's why tit didn't work like Vincent believed

>> No.7036776

Honestly they’re all bad

>> No.7036871

Silent Hill 4 is dogshit

>> No.7038313

makes me sad but yeah. great idea but dear god the execution is awful.

>> No.7038730

>because you love mashing the X key next to a monster in a dark hallway
Do you play games because you love pushing buttons in response to a picture on your screen?
Here's your free (You).

>> No.7039295

I have an October tradition of playing through a silent Hill game very year, beat 3 last year, and I loved it so much wanted to start 4 right after(Thank God I didn't, fuck that game. Great plot but godawful gameplay) Honestly it's the scariest out of the series for me with the fact that Heather is an actual character with reactions to what's going on in comparison to the other three protags, and I enjoyed the symbolism in 3 more than 2 and 4 desu.

>> No.7039319

4 really gets way too much hate.

>> No.7039325

4 filters comfyfags because it's actually a dreadful game both in atmosphere and gameplay mechanics. it is the best horror game out of the four first silent hill titles or at least closely tied with 1.

>> No.7039334

SH3 was the first SH game I played which might warp things but I honestly found it more replayable then either SH1 or SH2 and especially SH4.

>> No.7039391

Some of the dread is successfully communicated through the gameplay in 4 but by the second half of the game the primary emotion is not fear or dread but tedium and boredom.

>> No.7039392

It's short, linear nature does work in it's favor which means there's less down time while playing it which makes it feel less like a slog to replay like a lot of story oriented games.

>> No.7039394

Seems to be the one that's the most speedran too which makes sense.

>> No.7039396

Dealing with Eilean is such a pain. They really make you work and pray to RNGesus for that true good ending.

>> No.7039398

Sometimes a game having a lot of "dead space" can make it harder to want to go back to it. It's why SH2 is something that can only be played once in a while because so much of it is ambient mood setting with it's long treks with nothing going on. Short linear games have that advantage over longer ones and people sometimes don't appreciate that. It's also why Resident Evil 3 is my favorite of the classic Resident Evils because despite being the most linear it has the least amount of dead time where you just travel back and forth across empty rooms which always made it harder to replay the first two REs frequently.

>> No.7039530

Cope, 4cuck.

>> No.7040197

seethe 2fag
4 will always be the pinnacle of survival horror genre
now go back to playing your depressing drama movie

>> No.7040258

It started out strong and had a lot of good ideas, but it just gets too repetitive as you get farther into the game for it to really be as great as it could've been. 1 is my favorite and I was really enjoying 4 until the repetition picked up. Even the apartment hauntings which started out great began to feel like a repetitive chore. I think it had better overall enemy design than 2 or 3 though, at least mechanically. Some people seem to hate the ghosts but I liked that they forced you to avoid enemies again like you had to do more in 1.

>> No.7040307

To show the contradictions of religious faith. You're in a quest to find something that is sacred to others and this actually useless to you.

Also fuck that shitty youtube video about how 3 is bad because it's not a 2deep4u exploration of rape and bs like 2 tried to be. It's one of the few games that explores both religion and womanhood in a compelling way. The stained glass in the church alone is deeper than 2's tired melodrama.

It's actually a nearly straight adaptation of an opera called die tote stadt, with the original additions being Angela and Eddie's story.

>> No.7040328

>die tote stadt
>the wife is literally named Marie

>> No.7040365

>It's actually a nearly straight adaptation of an opera called die tote stadt, with the original additions being Angela and Eddie's story.
That's actually wrong, the game's story was actually inspired from this novel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_and_Punishment

>> No.7040383

When did James plot to kill a pawnbroker for money? I must have missed that cutscene.

Google die tote stadt, even the names of the mary and maria characters are similar.

>> No.7040396

>"The story was conceived by CGI director Takayoshi Sato who based it on the novel Crime and Punishment, with individual members of the team collaborating on the actual scenario."

>> No.7040407

What the devs claim =/= the truth.

Also Sato didn't even write the story according to the game's own credits as far as I know. He just did the prerendered cutscene CGI.

>> No.7040412
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Just like how Resident Evil was only inspired by the completely different but owned by the same company Sweet Home and not clearly a ripoff of Alone in the Dark, eh?

>> No.7040416


>> No.7040432

>game about a widower who meets a sexualized version of his late wife and ends up killing her amidst hallucinations and alienation from everybody else not based on an opera about a widower who meets a sexualized version of his late wife and ends up killing her amidst hallucinations and alienation from everybody, but instead on a novel about a poor guy who plots to kill some random for money
Lol k

>> No.7040436

To be fair James never actually kills Maria until the very end of the game

>> No.7040446

Opera James also kills "Marietta" during the last act.

>> No.7040449

Yeah well SHUT UP!
But pretty fair.