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/vr/ - Retro Games

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702753 No.702753 [Reply] [Original]

ITT, times where your supposedly awesome skills in retro games were shown to be a farce.

>cousin decides to host a Japanese foreign exchange student
>fairly fun guy to be around
>ask him if he likes the vidya
>he says a little
>we ask if he wants to play Mario Kart 64
>consider ourselves to be good at it
>"oh, I love that game!"
>ask him if he's any good
>a little, he claims
>start a match on Wario Stadium
>fucker is glitching through the walls and finding shortcuts I never even knew were possible
>wipes the fucking floor with us no matter the stage or character
>mfw realizing the power of grorious Nippon

>> No.702785
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>Diablo II, playing circa 2000, only 10 years old
>Think I'm hot shit, beaten the game with almost every class
>Decide to play on bnet for the first time
>People are doing "Boss runs" and discovering cow levels
>I never played past normal and didn't discover 70% of the enjoyment of the game
>mfw I play to this day and I've still never found that elusive Zod rune

>> No.703852
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>>mfw I play to this day and I've still never found that elusive Zod rune
No? All you need is 38,376,412 baal drops to guarantee one. Or use the singleplayer/open/ladder combos
Protip: It was meant to be a grind/tradefest for playing on bnet, none of the drop rates for anything special were meant to be gained in singleplayer really. It was designed that way.
So if there were 4 million people playing it as of 2001 says the sales, if everyone did 10 baal runs, a zod rune would get thrown into the community lot. If 11 million people were playing For every 4 baal runs everyone did, 1 zod rune would pop into the community somewhere. And over time if everyone did 100 baal runs at least, then there would be around 460 zod runes floating around to be traded.
460 for 11 million people.
Don't feel bad.

>> No.703862

>play the shit out of One Must Fall 2097
>Decide to test it online, after years and years of single player, can shit on every AI character at the highest difficulty
>Go on dedicated forum full of bros
>try out a match against one
>get my ass handed to me
>shocked because I thoght I knew everything about it


>be kid
>play Quake
>feel like a pro
>receive internet
>try Quakeworld

>> No.703897

The only okay example I have of that is playing less skills being a farce and lack of additional skills. Coming from duke3D keyboard only and still holding my own against mouse players, jumped in Q2... No mouse, middle of the pack. It's not even that I was rocked hard but that I recognized that I wasn't going to do as well and would keep getting caught in situations where vertical aiming was needed. Enter learning to use mouse. And then I got better. It's always been an uphill battle and I never expected to be the best, but I always stepped up up ranks until I more or less hit my ceiling where I'm never going to compete well in things like defrag or pull or consistent absurd trick jumps. I'd say my limit would be roughly two standard deviations from average, roughly in the 97.7% percentile area. That sounds high, but it's really not. It takes some bullshit to get higher than that. It means I can shit stomp most people, but a considerable amount of players can still shitstomp me.
Seeing meager abilities as a farce might be more of an instantaneous blow, seeing your limit, sucks.

>> No.703913
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Got a sort of similar story...

>2003 or so?
>Borrow Diablo II:Battle Chest Edition from a friend after he did everything he wanted to do
>Choose Barbarian run about just having fun, mostly soloing.
>Friend on AIM asks me what I'm up to
>Tell him I'm leveling in Diablo II
>"OH SHIT! Come to the West Coast Server, we'll group up!"
>"But I'm level 8!"
>"Dude, seriously, forget that, come to the West Coast Server"'
>"Fuck it, ok."
>Dude has a level 89 Sorceress, with the best gear she can have
>"Ok, keep up."
>He and a group power level me through a dungeon, they are mowing down the monsters
>I jump up 18 levels by the time it's over
>He then does Mephisto runs and grabs me a full set of King's Armor, I have 400% Defense, and the best two handed sword for my class until like level 35
>All kinds of strength runs, and just boss ass shit.
>Now level 25 or so, can solo entire dungeons alone
>Can beat the shit out of anybody in a duel, but assassins give me trouble
>A friend of my friend hears about the badass newbie
>Offers a duel
>He's another Barbarian around my level
>Gives me Battle Orders at the start of the Duel to be a bro
>The proceeds to slap my shit with throwing axes, and poison and I can't even land a single hit
>Duel ends in about 2 minutes, he gets a flawless victory
>"WHAT THE FUCK did you hit me with?!?!"
>He brings up trade screen, shows the best throwing ax in the game, and the best poison

Those Diablo players got creative with some builds.

>> No.704045

So your friend powerleveled you on your first time playing starting at level 8? What a douche.

>> No.704402

> be every game i've ever played
> think i'm getting good
> check skills on youtube
> nope

>> No.704427



>> No.706995

parrying an entire super is and now forever will be stupidly easy

>> No.707056

>Super Mario RPG
>Right at the beginning
>Just beat Bowser. We're both falling.
>Dad's friend is over
>Hit A to advance the dialogue
>Mario jumps and hits Bowser as he swipes with his claws
>Dad's friend says nice moves
>Instead of explaining it I just say "thanks"

I've kept this shameful secret for so long.

It feels good to finally get it off my back.

>> No.707115

>get Super Smash Bros.
>play against the CPU continuously until I can beat Level 9s
>think I'm hot shit
>go over to a friend's house, expecting to dominate
>keep getting pounded by really strong attacks I didn't even know you could do
>get my shit completely pushed in
>later on, discover Smash Attacks

Funny thing is, years later I dedicated myself to learning all the advanced Melee techniques like Wavedashing, L-canceling, etc. until they all became second nature. Meanwhile, my friend never bothered to learn any of that and just jumps a lot and throws very precise attacks. We go pretty even.

>> No.708168

Yeah, I didn't lose much. And since I had never played Diablo II, I didn't know about Mephisto runs or anything like that. My experience with Diablo II was short, but probably the most memorable out of my online MMORPG games.

I got powerleveled by a friend right away, got to see some end-game content VERY early, got to have fun just wrecking shit, and had some really memorable duels.

I thanked him several times for his help, and he made it a great experience.

>> No.708307

>Invite friend over who's super into modern games
>"I only know a few secrets to Legend of Zelda OP"
>Thinking I know them all show him my skill
>Dies about 7 hearts deep, three dungeons cleared at like 20 minutes ish
>He starts like counting the fucking enemies he's killed for some drop bullshit
>MFW he completes the game in a little over half an hour without dying once
>Slap Mega Man X into SNES
>He beats the game in no time flat without dying
>Slap in Mario 2 (The so called "Lost levels") Switching back to NES
>Blast through first 3 worlds, die
>He beats the game, died once

>> No.708327

Look how well it turned out.

>> No.708363

>play starcraft online

>> No.709060
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Dude must get mad pussy

>> No.709075

invite him over again to play super ghouls n ghosts

>> No.709967

>One Must Fall 2097

Also, where is this "dedicated forum full of bros" you speak of? I want to play online vs other people.

>> No.710152

ITT: Victims of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

>> No.711170

>ITT: Victims of socialization and the internet

>> No.711186

I used to think I was good at Super Street Fighter II because I was able to beat M. Bison on the highest difficulty without using any continues. Playing my first versus match against my cousin taught me that I'm a piece of shit scrub.

I know 3 people who utilize smash attacks. Everyone else I've played SSB games with will just spam B moves the entire time. I felt guilty every time I used advanced techniques in SSBM against them.

>> No.711193

I've never really thought I was really good at video games... I just like playing them.

I got decent at fighters and my neighborhood friends would hold small "comps" which were more like parties, but I was never really good enough to play against an actually good player.

This eventually evolved into me ignoring the online gaming scene altogether.

>> No.711208


>That guy who uses Kirby's up/down B smash all the time

There's always been that motherfucker everywhere. Fuck him.

>> No.711214

Ee-yah, Aen!

>> No.711239

Ha, Zod rune. Chump change.
Remember me?

inb4 Gheed's and SoJ

>> No.711241

I didn't own SSB. My buddy did. As a consequence, I virtually never played against the computer. It was all 4 way free for alls against 3 other people 24/7. And we played the SHIT out of that game for YEARS! Like, every fucking day. I'm not fucking with you here.

Tons of times I bump into guys like that who think they're really good at SSB. I pick Fox and wreck their candy asses without breaking a sweat.

>> No.711242
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Forgot pic