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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7024543 No.7024543 [Reply] [Original]

Is this game still good nowadays or has it aged too much?

If not, what are some good adventure/puzzle games that haven't?

>> No.7024630

Whether any specific point-and-click game is good, depends a lot on personal tastes.
Some games are made with an ethos that a "good" game is a "hard" game.
Other games are designed in more of a way that you're just looking for a trigger to advance the story.

Myst is usually considered to be "hard".
Something like Day of the Tentacle is probably nearer to the other end of the spectrum in that you mostly follow the story.

>> No.7024680

Yes, it's very good but only if you're high IQ. Riven is even better.

>> No.7024687

The Neverhood!

>> No.7024701

I recently played the talos principle and its made me want more games that actually require thought

>> No.7024706

Have you played portal? The second one is probably GOAT insofar as puzzle games.

>> No.7024764

Some P&C Adventure games I really liked:
Broken Sword 1 and 2
Full Throttle
Longest Journey 1
Still Life
A Vampyre Story

>> No.7024831
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>mfw you didn't bring the page

>> No.7025812
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Nigga please

>> No.7025918

Myst a shit

>> No.7025928

Try Return to Zork

>> No.7026078

I played through Myst for the first time a couple years ago. I thought it was very playable. There's no inventory or much NPC interaction, so it feel minimalistic, and aged well as a result.

>> No.7026189

I enjoyed the early 2000s remake.

Anybody else ever wander around in the online game? I think the servers are still up and the game is free. We could all go fuck around on there together.

>> No.7027353

what version of myst should I play? Should I just wait for the VR version coming out?

>> No.7027390

I'm going to ignore the fact that you're a retard by even claiming that games can 'age' and point out that it's a puzzle game and thus immune to what your dumbass brain thinks aging is

>> No.7027406

Obtuse hints and shit puzzle solutions can age a game poorly. Myst in particular had that god-awful tuning puzzle to get to the Selenetic Age

>> No.7027414

I tried to play this like a decade ago and it was real fucking rough. Ignoring the quicktime bullshit, there's really not enough pictures/scenes to navigate and it's hard to keep track of where you are.

>> No.7027416

Not him, but games absolutely do age. I don't think Myst did, but the most obvious example is unintuitive controls by modern standards.
It also happens to games that eschew interesting art direction in the name of pure realism.

>> No.7027420

>but games absolutely do age.
lol okay, brainlet

>> No.7027429
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Original Mac edition: Came out in 1993. Runs on a hypercard stack, has 8-bit color and the original quicktime videos.

Original windows release: Mostly the same as the Mac, except screen transitions aren't as nice, and some looping sounds and music is a bit shorter to save on memory.

Masterpiece edition: 24-bit color, some slightly higher bitrate on the videos, so there's no banding and dithering. Sound is slightly better outside of dialogue.

Realmyst: It's the whole game but in real time 3D. Has lighting and weather changes in some ages, which can change the mood quite a bit. Also has a "bonus" age when you beat the game, with some easter eggs. There's an updated version called Realmyst Masterpiece Edition that changes the engine to Unity and retextures a lot of it.

In my opinion, the best version to play is probably the original masterpiece edition. The vibe of the original mac or windows versions is unreal for me, but setting up an old PC or configuring the emulator would be a total pain. Realmyst changes too much, and loses the atmosphere -- the stillness of the original game adds to the surreal and lonely feeling the game has.

I'm not really sold on the VR versions graphics. It looks nice, but all the detail and realistic shaders makes it harder for me to suspend disbelief.

>> No.7027431
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You sound like an old man in denial.
Everything ages, because audiences are exposed to more and more things influenced by those that came before.
A film that used to terrify audiences to the point of making them stand up from their seats and hurry towards the exit, is now seen only as a curiosity, and might even be found humorous.
That's age. It's the same thing that happens to washed up actors when they age, but the actors can play different characters. The works cannot reinvent themselves.
There are very, VERY few works that can truly be called timeless.

>> No.7027434

If you know the final solution to the fireplace puzzle, Myst can be beaten in like 5 minutes or less.

>has Myst aged

Holy shit. Yes, of course it has. Its literally ancient, from the pre-rendered blocks, to the animations and even the actual puzzles themselves. That's not to say say a new player couldn't find enjoyment in it, but my goodness this is such a bizarre post.

>> No.7027441

tldr: the game is still good, and holds up despite aging imo.
Beat this game for the first time this year. It was a lot of fun and I had a notepad full of scribbles to help me remember things. The puzzles weren't horribly challenging but were rewarding. I'd say play the original, not the 3d remakes because the remakes make it so hard to find the interactable stuff, even though the pathing makes more sense.

>> No.7027506
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Myst is alright, but I honestly view it as the "tutorial" to Riven, which is a fantastic game. The atmosphere of Myst is really nice though, I definitely have to give it that.

>> No.7027521

I'm really getting into PC Adventure games recently. They scratch a real itch I have cause they're so aesthetically pleasing and comfy sometimes, and usually have solid puzzles and logic challenges. Shame they're effectively a dead genre.

>> No.7027925

>i sound like a baby in denial

>> No.7028396

Myst puzzles aren't too bad, I beat it with no guides. Riven I gave up on.

>> No.7028483
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Yes sirree, if there's one genre that is 100% immune to aging, it's definitely puzzle games.

>> No.7029630

My man!
Will have to check out those last two...

>> No.7029654

>responding with bait

Goldeneye for the N64 is, IMO, the best example of proof that games can age badly.

>> No.7029669
File: 32 KB, 312x445, MYST3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about Myst 3 on ps2 roflmao

>> No.7029732

>There's an updated version called Realmyst Masterpiece Edition that changes the engine to Unity and retextures a lot of it.
It also adds a new control method that tries to replicate the original hypercard gameplay.

>> No.7031525

dunno don't care lol

>> No.7031548

>Is this game still good nowadays or has it aged too much?
I'm going to have to play the series again and find out. I loved Myst back in the day... and Riven, and Exile. There was something magical about the immersive world, the characters, and having environmental rather than inventory puzzles. Took some getting used to, as I came to it from Infocom and LucasArts-type adventures on the Amiga.

>> No.7032802

>the opinion of a baby in denial means anything