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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 90 KB, 640x449, marblezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7023832 No.7023832 [Reply] [Original]

*filters the unassuming zoomer*

>> No.7023859

Why are we starting a war with people younger than us?


>> No.7023884

Boomer go back to aarp

>> No.7023917

>Had trouble getting past the 2nd zones in all the classic Sonics, aside from CD: (Marble Zone, Chemical Plant, Hydrocity, Flying Battery)
Yep checks out

>> No.7023939

At what point did this zoomer/boomer shit start?
Remember when we were all anon and newfags got called out on being newfags and we weren't so caught up how old you are it was all for teh lulz and niggering the captcha and people lurked before posting and contributing something fresh actually meant something?

>> No.7023965

but the game is hard tho i can't get past the marble zone

>> No.7023970

normies and tribalism go hand in hand
ironic of me to say that

>> No.7023975

"Elitism" and "gatekeeping" became taboo.

>> No.7024006

it happened for the same reason any fad happens on 4chan. It got attention when people posted it--lots of replies and posts. So the attention seekers learned to use it more.

>> No.7024029

i think every zoomer who plays sonic 1 is just as aware of marble as green hill

it really is disingenuous to act like its as good as the latter though. even if you know how to skip the boring parts its still a much more linear set of acts than anything before or after in the game

>> No.7024113

Zoomer/boomer is effectively just newfag/oldfag, most people started browsing the site in their teens.

Niggering the captcha, for instance, makes me think you're a complete fucking newfag, because you were browsing /b/ when the fucking captcha hit. But who knows these days, coming to 4chan in 2012 probably means you're a "boomer" in the eyes of half the literal children here today.

The younger generation has always been reviled by their elders, but nowhere is the effect more pronounced than in the digital age. While there are probably still some 20-25 year olds here who had a "traditional" childhood of being kicked out of the house, having water fights, and building treehouses and secret bases in the woods, most of these kids either come from poor/strict households, or third world countries.

The cultural divide between people who spent their formative years online, and those who didn't, is massive.

>> No.7024182

>be zoomer
>finally completes it after my 8 year old self failed to after 10 years
>feel good about self
>proceeds through spring yard zone
>turn off my genesis and go to sleep.

>> No.7024195


>> No.7024198

I am a zoomer and i legit dont know how to pass this level.

Its too hard. Also chemical plant zone is like impossible to me, were games harder in the 90s?

>> No.7024204

I don’t get it. The game is not difficult.

>> No.7025687

I never beat the first castle of super mario 1.

>> No.7025718
File: 114 KB, 616x443, 1536341333794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember it started with the "30-year old boomer" meme and then 30+ year olds got butthurt and responded with "zoomer".

>> No.7025730
File: 132 KB, 600x452, zoomerboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then 30+ year olds got butthurt and responded with "zoomer".
More like the zoomer character was a friendly banter response and zoomers took it personal.
I also like how zoomer sounds like summer.

>> No.7025759
File: 74 KB, 640x447, peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That 41 year old Peepeepoopoomer

>> No.7025781

zoomer girls are sweet and lovely.
zoomer guys are sheltered and weak
t. have a zoomer wife and a zoomer brother in law.

>> No.7025817

Marble Zone isn't the filter. Labyrinth Zone is.

>> No.7025823
File: 2.86 MB, 768x432, zoomers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At what point did this zoomer/boomer shit start?
Right about the time zoomers decided they wanted to be the video game equivalent of those kiddos who leave "My music sucks! I was born in the wrong generation!" comments on every music video made before 1986. If this wasn't bad enough, they started coming here to larp because it's an anonymous environment. And, like every lie told repeatedly, a lot of them started to actually believe that they were born in the seventies and grew up around this stuff when it was new. They didn't, and their interest isn't actually in old video games, it's in retrofetishism and collecting plastic in the hopes of fitting in and impressing their parents and/or peers with how mature and sophisticated they are for liking old crap. My generation had these, too. Kids obsessed with either the "Rat Pack" or "Sha Na Na", fetishizing some version of the 1950s that only existed in their minds.

Their "hot takes" on the eighties, whether vidya or culture, are often comically wrong and the obvious result of someone who had the benefit of growing up after the time in question and being able to look at it from the outside of the bubble. Comically wrong becomes absolutely fucking hilarious when they're parroting something they saw on Youtube, or trying to defend it when it inevitably gets called out as horseshit.

Really, throwing around the term "zoomer" is nothing more than a gentle reminder that they're larping when they get too carried away.

>> No.7025824

Yeah but labyrinth would filter boomer kids back in the day too, it's a legit filter zone that's meant to teach kids to be patient. It's reasonable.
The hate zoomers get for Marble is bonkers.

>> No.7025891

The jumping in sonic games is a little weird compared to its contemporaries, and that throws some folks off.
Also, Sonic having no save system and limited lives vs. Mario makes it tougher than other mascot platformers.

>> No.7025902

The problem zoomers have with Sonic isn't the jumping, it's the fact they're not all rollercoaster-style levels and actually have some platforming.
Also Sonic 1 has the level select code.

>> No.7025924

That was never my issue though, being an earlier millennifaggot.
Jumping platform to platform in Sonic 1 and 2 feels much more dangerous than in something like Mega Man or Mario or Adv. Island. It unnerves me more, upping the difficulty.
My only real complaint with the games though is that limited lives shit. When you beat a zone, that should be a continue point, if you're gonna cheap out on a battery save system.
Even Ghouls n Ghosts and Castlevanias have continues. And they're harder than Sonic games.

>> No.7026676

Not that anon, but thinking about the captcha is making me remember when I first started lurking this site, the board I was on was being spammed to hell and back with some weird adult ads for some site I don't really remember anymore. This was before the spam that caused the captcha to be implemented.

>> No.7027174

This has unironically been me since I got my genesis 26 years ago. I still enjoy the classic Sonic games, I just suck.

>> No.7027482

wtf how do you get stuck in Chemical Plant?

>> No.7027562

me in the back

>> No.7027664

The portion over the water where if you fall you end up back at the rotating stairs part straight up filtered me for 20 years, and to this day still usually takes me a few tries. And the boss is a pain in the ass because I can’t into bouncing.

>> No.7027714

>I also like how zoomer sounds like summer.
Anon, I...

>> No.7027752

Man I don't know if people are just inventing trolls at this stage. There are two ways you can cross on those boards - you can walk at precisely the right time or you can jump from one to the other. It takes a few tries for sure but it's no Nintendo hard part by any stretch.

>> No.7027765

heh, you played yourself, newfag