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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 178 KB, 443x248, Dialupimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7022354 No.7022354 [Reply] [Original]

One thing I don't see spoken about enough is websites for old video games. Specifically during the 6th generation websites for new releases were especially common. ITT share some experiences about learning about games through the internet and try and talk about old game websites that aren't around anymore. Doesn't have to be official either. For example it could be a site like this
this is an old SM64 walkthrough website that seems to be as old as the game itself.
I was surprised to find this little gem just lying about.
Believe it or not, the old Japanese website for Sonic Mega Collection Plus is still up and running.

>> No.7022454

I liked old fansites for video games that had hints, tips, and walkthroughs.

I used to go to a lot of harvest moon websites to observe cute girls to marry and find out what their favorite gifts are. Also other things like farming tips, holiday dates, special heart events, etc. Was an important part of the series experience for me. Now we just have wikis.

Also did the same for chao breeding in Sonic Adventure 2. They had some pretty in depth guides, especially how to get special chao.

>> No.7022781

>old fansites
Maximum Kino is a simple HTML fansite for the game you're playing. Where every link uses an icon that's a sprite from the game, has red, blue, or white text, and a black background. I miss these so much.

>> No.7023579

Here's an official SNK site from the PS2 era that is still online:


Also a Metal Slug 5 site from 2003:


>> No.7024619

do any niche fan sites from the 90s 2000s even exist anymore

>> No.7026565

One of the first websites I ever went to was some guy and his brother who made a fansite with a walkthrough for Donkey Kong Country 3. I printed the whole thing and that was like my bible for the next 6 months

>> No.7026575
File: 690 KB, 1455x874, Screenshot_20201026-032838_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American DragonBall fan, I used to find this site incredibly interesting. DragonBall games... for the NES and SNES? Amazing! His comment about the Genesis/MD game sounding like the characters were speaking through a kazoo really stuck with me and colors my interpretation of Genesis sound quality moreso than the robot farts meme.
The creator apparently still has it up.

>> No.7027736

They're out there, although most aren't being updated anymore.

blast from the fucking past man, I used to obsess over those games and wish I could play them.

>> No.7028269 [DELETED] 

**Reminder that tripod and angelfire are still around.**

>> No.7028278

Reminder that tripod and angelfire are still around.

>> No.7028319

A lot of old games had super high tech sites which made use of Shockwave, which is now dead so you'll never be able to experience it again.

That said:

Ridge Racer Type 4

>> No.7028330

I probably have to credit old DB games (and the Famicom Disk System) for sparking my interest in import game collecting in the early 00s.

>> No.7028334

no one cares

>> No.7028351

I remember a site called emulazone where the default language was Spanish. Unlike literally 99% of websites advertizing roms back then they weren't just bait for Russian porn websites. They had an amazinng selection of roms all the way up to 4th gen (and this was 1999 or 2000 when 4th gen was still being fairly current), all of the best games. You know how rom websites won't have certain Nintendo roms since about 2004? This website had every one and it was on the open web. Not only that but they had nice pictures and excellent descriptions of almost every console. I learned about consoles like Turbografx and Amiga for the first time there and even stuff I never knew about for example the SNES. This was before you had places like Wikipedia, and also the articles weren't that long like a Wikipedia article, but it was just nice.

snesorama.us was also pretty great of course that was a lot more recent and mainstream and I have no doubt lots of people here knew well. Had a thriving forum and great games descriptions and ways to find the best rated games iirc.

Dreamcast had shittons of official game websites but they were mostly just quickly put together gimmicks so they could put that you could go online with the game.

Gamefaqs mostly ended the whole personal websites for games thing and honestly it was probably for the best.

>> No.7028361
File: 98 KB, 672x325, RevisedDungeonHeader2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurt Kalata's Castlevania page (The Castlevania Dungeon) and Contra page (Contra HQ) were probably the best resources for the games online back in the day. These were his first sites way before he started Hardcore Gaming 101.

There are still archived versions of the original sites up:

>> No.7029158

>honestly it was probably for the best.

>> No.7029627

snesorama.us was my go-to for dreamcast games in 2010. once it was gone i just downloaded the DCRES complete pack torrent.

>> No.7030268

There was this old German Diablo II website, called the D2 network. It shut down long ago and one of the funniest bits died even way before the website got deleted, because the admins apparently gave little to no shit.

There was a section that was all about Diablo 2 uniques, where you could click on every single one and see all the comments the community made over the years. Shit was hilarious, every single goddamn unique had long debates and flamewars about its usefulness, as well as guides. And then one day after a server crash, that entire section got erased and there were no backups and the people behind it were like "lol this was important to people?". That's when I stopped visiting that site.

>> No.7030325

Because it was all then in one place and that made things a lot more efficient.

>> No.7030502

Well I just went digging to post the old Hyrule The Legend of Zelda site archive and found this:

>> No.7030639

Only zoomers have website nostalgia

>> No.7031626


I used to be obsessed with the Perfect Dark Mysteries section as a kid. Will is actually still around on the internet, but he's a tremendous asshat. Actually he always was.

>> No.7031673

Looking up Fire Pro Wrestling: Six Man Scramble EDIT "recipes" and wishing I wasn't poor and navigating slow ass, half loading angelfire sites for the fatalities/overkills in Eternal Champions on Sega CD.

>> No.7031680

neocities has a few good ones, although nothing will ever be as good as the golden age of personal websites.

Crystallis for NES and GBC:

>> No.7032191

really? i could have sworn they vanished years back. what websites are good? I have forgotten all of them.

>> No.7032234

dcemulation.org is still going and the forum is still getting some posts. It's changed from a css style to a wiki format now though. Not sure if this is really what OP had in mind as it was css from the start not 1995 style website. Still kind of fascinating the communities built up in these places:


>> No.7032793

That's because you're on the wrong board.
>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means games not websites where people talked about them.

>> No.7032984

stfu faggot

http://mmhp.net still exists and is very unchanged from what it was

same for https://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/kombat_pavilion.html

both are still updated every once in a while

>> No.7033309

There are websites still up that are older than any zoomer.

>> No.7033315

i feel you.
i miss it so much, i'd legit sacrifice modern tech just to have that back.

>> No.7034073

Your retarded redditot "argument" is, as you zoomies say, "not an argument"

>> No.7034191

Meme speaking retard. Leave the internet.

>> No.7034742

>not an argument
I use it to cannibal troll crypto scammers.

>> No.7034842

got banned from gran turismo forums for close to no reason while other posters in the mods circlejerk did the same thing to me but 10x worse

fuck you famine you miserable fucking cunt

>> No.7035267


I can't believe that mmhp is still updated.

>> No.7035467
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>> No.7035475
File: 12 KB, 150x100, undercon3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I help contribute to a website that compiles links like this, so thanks for the thread it's pretty useful.
Here's what I have
>Rockstar maintains the original webpages for most of their games
>Nintendo of Japan does the same, even Mother 3's N64 webpage used to be online until recently
>Not strictly video game related, it is a flash based website from the developers of LSD Dream Emulator and Chu-Teng
If anyone is missing that "old web" feel, I highly recommend checking out neocities.org

>> No.7035504

There were some real cowboy mods in those places. They thought they were kings. I think that's a big part of why specific website forums (and by extension the websites they were on) has gotten so small - shitty, shitty moderators, especially ones that banned or suspended people. Man I could go on and on about all the ridiculous bans I've had, not just videogame forums of course. I look at some of those website forums now and I can't help feel a bit of glee in how they're nearly all fucking dead. Nowadays they're a lot less strict as they are begging for people to post there but it's far too late now.

>> No.7035584

I had similar experiences with power tripping mods, but I still wish those types of forums would return. As independent sites they developed their own culture, layouts, and injokes/memes. Now everything is on Discord and Reddit where the power tripping and general userbase is even worse, plus your data is also being sold off by them

>> No.7036970
File: 511 KB, 1024x768, thug_wp_03_1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to grab official wallpapers from old game websites, they're usually only 1024x768 or smaller but that's fine for an old computer with a CRT.
i remember the PC port of THUG used this as an installer background and it came out after the console versions, i wonder if someone working on it just downloaded the wallpaper from the website to use.

>> No.7036975


>> No.7037314

>I had similar experiences with power tripping mods
Ah. So you've been here more than a few weeks.

>> No.7037786
File: 5 KB, 120x90, vidgames_scroll_120x90.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In regards to some of these old official webpages still being online, is it a case of some old server being left alone? Or is this stuff being brought over whenever they update their infrastructure? I'm not an IT guy so I dont know how any of that works

>> No.7039826

is wayback machine broken for very old websites? i cant get anything when trying this link


i figure it would be a browser compatibility,anyone with a similar experience?

>> No.7039861

Without looking I can say the scraper could get tripped up by things like cross domain iframes, where it wouldn't scrape everything needed to actually display the site. Or it would scrape shit but links wouldn't get converted properly necessitating you manually downloading both websites and piecing shit together (or just giving up). Another thing that can happen is absolute file paths not getting converted properly, same thing with having to download everything and fix it yourself. Generally shit got scraped, it's just the links that are broken. Old pages can still be displayed just fine last I checked, unless it is using some weird proprietary IE shit that never caught on, or browser plugins like Shockwave, Flash, etc. That could be hit or miss, you would need to install the plugin for the compatible browser to see if it got scraped properly. Apparently Flash is forbidden to reinstall by Microsoft now, so if it's Flash that could be difficult. Those are the only things I can think of that I've seen throughout the years using the Wayback Machine.

>> No.7039879
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, bestdreams.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario was invited by Princess Daisy to her castle to have cake together. When Mario arrived, he
>If he real
Hahaha! Its the only thing my mind says while reading the beginning, Thanks for this soulful post, Websites like these are called "Deadsites" if it has not been said ITT before.

DinosaurDraculacom has reviews on /tv/ related sites like Deep Blue Sea if you are interested in that.

>> No.7039880

good lord, the absolute state of this board. go back to /v/

>> No.7039883

Sorry for doubleposting but there is security on the website says Google, Imagine somebody keeping this up, Awesome!

>> No.7040281
File: 29 KB, 350x140, cliffhanger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of old Blizzard games still have their sites archived with PRO TIPS, old tournament stuff, and bonus maps.

>> No.7040759


>> No.7040779

anyone remember the Nintendo Old Skool?

>> No.7041640



















>> No.7041971

Man I would browse that website ad nausea. I think I learned to emulate just to fuck around with some of those games.

>> No.7041974
File: 261 KB, 200x308, Magical-Drop-Bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7042186

Something interesting I noticed while checking out some of the n64 links, on the Super Mario 64 page, alongside the standard yellow, red, and blue coins that are actually found in game, there's a fourth officially recolored green coin render. Wonder if it was designed specifically as a web asset or if green coins possibly had any degree of importance. We saw in the leaks back in July Nintendo is no stranger to reusing previously cut ideas like the stomp move from Super Donkey reappearing as Mario Maker's stiletto so maybe green coins in 64 could have worked like they do in 3D world where you did a small platforming challenge, collecting the green coins along the way and got a star by the end of it. This is all speculation, and I doubt any of it's true, but it's interesting to think about stuff like this that appeared only in internet promo material, like the Mario 64 renders with photoshopped on sunglasses that were used for Mario Sunshine.

>> No.7042201

This is a Doom map Maker's site from at least 20 years ago. He's still active on Doomworld forums, which are retro themselves.

>> No.7042219

Holy crap, Superpope! I was just thinking about him the other day. I still have some of his old songs saved in a folder somewhere, jams I downloaded like eons ago like Gyromix and Pride of the Saiyajin and weird experimental stuff like Mexican Space Program. Those were the days.