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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7020225 No.7020225 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled around the Dark Souls of the board’s debates about the retro PS2, what’s my opinion on the ZX Spectrum’s “retro feel” that epitomized the kino scotformer into a willyvania, many years before the purple-skyed Mario Madness according to Jeremy Parish?

>> No.7020231

it's shit and parish never said that

>> No.7020235

Gonna post in this SOULful thread. What I'm in for?

>> No.7020241

Why is it shit, Retrogamer magazine hyped it up

>> No.7020243

try playing any of the fucking games
they're all better on c64
also retrogamer is a /uk/ magazine focused on uk boomers of course they'd hype it up

>> No.7020280

>what’s my opinion on the ZX Spectrum’s “retro feel” that epitomized the kino scotformer into a willyvania, many years before the purple-skyed Mario Madness according to Jeremy Parish?
I don't know, what is your opinion?
Die tripnigger

>> No.7020891

It has international readership. It has for years. You don't know what you're talking about. Oh, and die, namefagger.

>> No.7020919

retrogamer is a uk magazine and it caters primarily to the uk market, faggot

>> No.7021014

Are you saying UK games have shit taste? lol

>> No.7021027

Hurr-durr. No one would buy it if it didn't have international appeal. Obviously ZX Spectrum hatred is limited to this retarded board. You're a dumb fuck.

>> No.7021041

it's not limited, you can play the games on an emulator to find out they're shit, ESPECIALLY compared with the zx's main competitor, the c64
as well as if you want ORIGINAL HARDWARE it's a bitch and a half to get it working in the USA while the chad C64 can play anything from any country

>> No.7021127


>> No.7021129
File: 79 KB, 602x499, 1395900284165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7021142

is this a tranny or a typical british white woman

>> No.7021151

>this is a 9/10 in Britain

>> No.7021190
File: 443 KB, 320x180, -KH9a5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Kim Justice, formerly Kimble Justice.

>> No.7021218


>"...Now here we see the zed ecks spectrum enthusiast in his natural habitat. An involuntarily celibate species, its sheer mass and proclivity for producing strange mating calls make it an inconsequential contribution to its ecosystem."
>"We can all only hope, to never become in any way similar to this genetic failure."

>> No.7021263

>the ZX Spectrum’s “retro feel” that epitomized the kino scotformer into a willyvania, many years before the purple-skyed Mario Madness according to Jeremy Parish
GPT-3, you're not old enough to be posting here. Go Markov Chain somewhere else.

>> No.7022490

And yet, the magazine still has international readership. You've not presented a cogent argument. Why even bother posting a response, brainlet?

>> No.7022496

Hollywood is an industry infatuated with good looks. Bongs dominate lead roles in TV and movies. Explain?

>> No.7022848

eat donkey dong op

>> No.7023404

Famitsu has international readership too, that doesn't change the fact that it's a Japanese magazine oriented towards Japanese people.
Spectrum games are God awful surrealistic anti games and I pity any bonger who had to play them. Even the game that keeps getting shilled on this board, Jet Set Willy, controls badly and was filled with bugs to the point that it couldn't be completed (at least not the cassette version, which is the version I have reason to believe most bongers played)

>> No.7024810

>Famitsu has international readership too, that doesn't change the fact that it's a Japanese magazine oriented towards Japanese people.
This has nothing to do with the argument. This entire fucking board is littered with Jap shit. You're not doing yourself any favours by pointing this out, you mongoloid.
>Spectrum games are God awful surrealistic anti games
>when subjective opinion is reality
>I pity any bonger who had to play them
Funny, because we didn't care. You nearly destroyed your industry through sheer incompetence. Our industry thrived. We suffered no crash. Are you saying that the average burger was brighter than the average bong, because if you are, then stop now, because I can't take you seriously. At all. We had the best burger games to compliment what we already had here. That's why we didn't suffer a crash. Pretty much consistently decent games kept us afloat while you almost sunk. History has shown that to be irrefutable, no matter how loud you fucktards autistically screech.
>Even the game that keeps getting shilled on this board, Jet Set Willy, controls badly and was filled with bugs to the point that it couldn't be completed
I see you're not in on the joke. What a surprise. Moron. And stop acting like there are no burger games with crippling bugs. Talk about intellectual (HAHAHAHA!) dishonesty.
Seethe and cope, no-argument fag.

>> No.7024890

Western games journalism is cancer, there are no good zed ecks spectrum games, and you people couldn't afford video games which is why you all swapped tapes on the playground.
You seem mad about this. Really, cripplingly mad that the ZX Spectrum sucks and everyone knows it.

>> No.7025376

>ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64
Welcome to the realm of shitty ports.

>> No.7025584

Yes, keep on screeching, autizmo. Keeping vomiting the same revisionist history crap until you're blue in the face. Keep repeating the same tired shit to the point of ad nauseam. You mad? So sad. I'm glad. Your box art is dog shit, you're a desperate little retard - and you almost sank your industry through sheer spastication. Project! Cope! Seethe! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.7025670

looks like John from Digital Foundry

>> No.7025684
File: 193 KB, 624x468, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not purple enough.

>> No.7026109

unironically luv me speccy. Such a charming system. Simple. As.

>> No.7026223

middle left is top tier and you can't prove me wrong

>> No.7026247

I have a composite input into my LCD, so I can tell you the real colors.

>> No.7026248

>Spectrum games are God awful surrealistic anti games


>> No.7026260 [DELETED] 

I have to wonder what demented mind could conceive of this game let alone want to play it.

>> No.7026739

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7026747

>retro PS2
I know you're trying to imply it isn't, but it is. It's 20 years old today, anon.

>> No.7027535

Peruse the thread and seethe, faggot.

>> No.7028034

... Were you having a stroke or something?

>> No.7028213

Is this your way of telling me you got BTFO'd? Keep deflecting, piss-ant. It's hilarious.

>> No.7028270

Why were you rambling about boxart?
Anyway, 1984 was great for me vidya wise, I got lots of games for cheap and a C64. What did you get, Speccyfag? Were you able to get even one Coleco game?