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7017371 No.7017371 [Reply] [Original]

What would have officially utilized the PS1 parallel port? Could it be a RAM expansion like Saturn or N64 have?

>> No.7017379

Probably too slow for RAM. Might gave been feasible to have an external hard drive, or modem, or vibrating flight seat.

>> No.7017385

It's fast enough for ram, homebrew proved it.

>> No.7017390

printer, scanner, internet modem, basically the parallel port stuff that you had on PC

>> No.7017404

VCD card

>> No.7017481

It's not fast enough for RAM. Namco was trying to use it for a RAM expansion for Tekken 3, then dropped the idea because it was too slow.

>> No.7017491
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CD addon

>> No.7017497

Wasn't there a PS1 link cable using the port that only got used for like one game?

>> No.7017498

raid 0 cd-rom
imagine the loading speed

>> No.7017502

Loading large files about double speed. Seek time a bit slower than normal.

>> No.7017503

Link cable uses a completely different port and is much well-supported.

>> No.7017691

It's technically fast enough for RAM, but it would have addressed at only 8-bits wide. So we're talking transfer rates of 16 MB/sec. If used for that purpose I think only certain types of games could have taken advantage of it.

>> No.7017713

Although I suppose if you used SRAM or a higher speed RAM you could double the transfer speed. Certainly would have helped Sony stay competitive had Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 with better hardware like 8MB RAM or the like. Turns out they didn't need to and the PSX's architecture was forward thinking enough to last to 2000.

>> No.7017781

I think it was mostly used for VCDs. It was a popular format in ASia before DVDs took over.

>> No.7018278

VCD cards for the PS1 that utilized the parallel port already exists, but they're so unofficial they effectively double as a cheat cartridge.

>> No.7018345
File: 71 KB, 640x495, playstation_scph-5903_video_cd_029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly it seems like the official VCD PS1 doesn't actually use the parallel port at all

>> No.7018585

Wonder why they would need it, the game was basically arcade perfect as-is.

>> No.7018842

Would be cool to have online play though it for some homebrew game

>> No.7018853

I do find that daughter board really charming. I have to look into it more some day.

>> No.7019181

You're crazy, go look at side by side comparisons. The arcade has more complex character models, better textures, less warping, and better floors and backgrounds.

>> No.7019185

I really thought it was a LAN port that just never got utilized

>> No.7019494

They would've probably used it for better quality models or fully 3d backgrounds. Character models in the arcade version had more complex hand models with all five fingers if you want more specifics.

>> No.7019838

nocash says it makes bootleg copies harder to boot too because non-legit, NTSC-J discs are treated as VCD discs based on the way the board works.

>> No.7020323

Sony has always been obsessed with having their consoles be taken as more than for playing games, but as serious machines capable of serious work. That is why the PS3 was married to the cell and pushed the concept of PS3 super computer farms to the US military. It's so normalfags can feel empowered to talk about the playstation in public without the "for children" stigma of nintendo consoles. Now, what the parallel port on the PS1 would be used for is unknown.

>> No.7020372

Already proven false.

>> No.7020460


>> No.7020465

you could link many games into lan on the other port, like c&c

>> No.7020498

Connecting two consoles via a proprietary cable is not "LAN" you fucking retard

>> No.7020530

they are networked somehow in the local area, what more do you want

>> No.7020613

It's called system link, and what I want is for you to go back

>> No.7020617

What exactly do you think the distinction is between LAN and System Link?

>> No.7020626

Well, first off, the whole "network" thing is a pretty big difference.

>> No.7020630

Out of genuine curiosity, could you provide a link? I'd like to know more about it honestly.

>> No.7020904

Ram expansion has been shown to be possible, so Sony might have had that in mind. They could also have been thinking about a modem, or they might not really have had any solid ideas for it and just slapped it on there as a way to futureproof the system in case some hot new thing came along and their hardware wasn't up to the job.

When it became obvious that the N64 wasn't going to destroy them, and the only use the parallel port was really seeing was cheat cartridges that facilitated piracy, Sony scrapped it.

>> No.7021224

You have no evidence to prove this is false, yet there are many articles from the era that say Namco was thinking about it.

>> No.7021247

network just means connect 2 or more different machines together so they can comunicate with each other. The method doesn't matter.

>> No.7021384

>typical PSX hand

>> No.7021464


You're right


You, on the other hand, are wrong and suck cocks

>> No.7021570

If anything it was dropped due to costs.

>> No.7022372
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It would've been coll to hace some sort of a temporary cache storage to improve loading times on games, like HDDs helped in 6th and 7th generation games.

>> No.7022382

Stop typing with your penis.

>> No.7022593
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>> No.7022668

In a practical sense- it's not fast enough for any real projects. Can you use it as RAM? Sure, but making it worth the cost of production and integrating it into your other projects? So sure some homebrew dev has worked in RAM through the parallel port but it isn't nearly fast enough to actually push any meaningful amount of data through.

>> No.7022692

Yes, it is.

>> No.7022719

oh that's cool, I would have loved this as a lad. My buddy had a Super Gameboy and it was great.

>> No.7022769

Isn't this thing a buggy piece of shit that doesn't even have sound?

>> No.7022778

I had one for n64, and yes, this is correct. The store my dad bought mine from deliberately turned the sound off on the display unit to trick us which is a fucking rotten move.