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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 300x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7015735 No.7015735 [Reply] [Original]

What was even the point of this garbage?

>> No.7015736

I'm gonna say the S word.

>> No.7015742
File: 21 KB, 640x366, stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it

>> No.7015753

Saving data, displaying critical information during a game, and playing games on the go, zoomlet.

>> No.7015756

In multipler games like, it could give you information that you wouldn't want the other players to see. Like when you're selecting a football play, or picking a team for a fighting game.

As for Chao raising, Tamagochi were a huge fucking thing back in the day.

>> No.7015948

I'm so sick of these autistic zoomers judging game systems they're never player

>> No.7015953


I'm sick of zoomers on 4chan in general.... SCREECH

>> No.7015956

You could trade things on it with other people like pokemon.

>> No.7015973
File: 176 KB, 1200x1776, 1200px-Sony-PocketStation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was even the point of this garbage?

>> No.7015976
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>selecting a football play you didn't want your opponent to see
Because devs had never been able to address this before

>> No.7015983
File: 198 KB, 863x460, Sonic-Shuffle-Sega-Dreamcast-VMU-Screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And keeping your hand hidden from your in Sonic Shuffle

>> No.7015992

You're essentially making the argument that the wii wasn't stupid because so many devs shoehorned in some wagglan function

>> No.7016000

false equivalency

>> No.7016002

Based trips of truth
This is actually the first I've ever seen of this, did that function as a memory card too?

>> No.7016006
File: 243 KB, 1968x1476, pets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As for Chao raising, Tamagochi were a huge fucking thing back in the day.

Yeah, the Tamagatchi/ Virtual Pets crazy was still big in the late 90's while the Dreamcast was in Development. Sega thought they were being clever, by trying to jump on that band wagon. The VMU still functions as a memory card. You can plug it into another VMU memory card and swap data. But Sonic Adventure showed that Sega wanted to do the Virtual pet thing with the Chao Garden in Sonic Adventure.

>> No.7016012
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>You can plug it into another VMU memory card and swap data

>> No.7016087

That was the most useful thing. I stole my friend's Soul Calibur saves this way.

>> No.7016113

You were obviously too poor to own one.

>> No.7016131

Google it zoomie

>> No.7016672

>did that function as a memory card too?
Yes. It fully worked as a normal memory card, but supported games would recognize it and enable saving apps for it. Even PS2 and PS3 recognize it and have unique icons for it.

>> No.7016778

Dude this is a blue board

>> No.7016796

pure FILTH

>> No.7016807


>> No.7016848
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>> No.7016868

This was created to regulate the overpopulation of CR2032 batteries.

>> No.7016912

Seems to me the point was to have a little gadget with an LCD like Sony did for their console. I don't know if it was intended to be shit from the beginning or if compromises were made but I distinctly remember sitting down with developers in early 99 who were totally convinced that this was going to be a full blown tiny Pocket PC running Windows CE. I don't know if they were deluded or deceived but the end result was a barely usable turn. A real shame considering what it could have been but Sega fucked it up at every opportunity, from hardware, to software, to application.

>> No.7016973

VMU is soulful as fuck.

>> No.7017010
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They stole that from Nano Pets/Fighters.

>> No.7018629

It made sense back in 1998 when Tomagatchi and Digimon were still popular. That's what it was supposed to be, persistent virtual-pet-like minigames that could interact with games on your Dreamcast in interesting ways.

Battery life doomed it even more than being part of Dreamcast did though, I did a Sonic Adventure playthrough a couple years ago where I tried to take the Chao seriously and carried my VMU with me everywhere I went and I realized that a fresh pair of CR-2032s only lasts about a day in this thing.

>> No.7018812

Minigames for Saga Frontier 2 and pet raising for Legend of Mana.

>> No.7018827

>Battery life doomed it even more than being part of Dreamcast did though, I did a Sonic Adventure playthrough a couple years ago where I tried to take the Chao seriously and carried my VMU with me everywhere I went and I realized that a fresh pair of CR-2032s only lasts about a day in this thing.

Yup. The battery life of the VMU was a disaster. The VMU's still work and saves do not get erased when the batteries die. The batteries are only there to operate the VMU when it is unplugged from a controller.

>> No.7019093

apparently in Japan you could plug these into arcade machines to load up data

>> No.7019097

...to play?

>> No.7019130

Which was first nano fighters or digimon?

>> No.7019146

FFVIII used it too for that chocobo mini game

>> No.7019149

the fucking japanese version of marvel vs. capcom 2 has multiple currencies you need to unlock everything. one is earned the way you normally earn them in the western version, one is earned by playing on an arcade cab, and one is earned by playing online. the only complete saves i've seen for the game are clearly hacked so maybe it even filtered japanese people.
the japanese PS2 version is spared arcade points but still has the online ones. the xbox hueg version didn't have online multiplayer, so you'd have to play that version if you wanted to unlock things like in a normal goddamn game.

>> No.7019247

Surely there's a market for an Analogue or other VMU-clone that doesn't suck.
Looking at the list of mods it has available, many Dreamcast owners clearly don't mind spending hundreds on their consoles.

>> No.7019764

If it didn't suck it wouldn't be a clone, would it. It would be a pale imitation.

>> No.7019796

Is it? The hardware had some dumb gimmick so devs did *something* with it.

>> No.7019915


I don;t think there is a single VMU game that does that. The closest game I can think of is Chao Adventure 1 and 2. Which have the feature to breed Chao when combining them. I think you can also make them fight too. I known in PowerStone 2, you could connect the VMU's to trade items unlocked in the game.

>> No.7019921
File: 20 KB, 299x273, 1188_ngplinkcable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these things.

Snk made them for SEGA. You could also connect a Neo Geo Pocket to the Dreamcast.

>> No.7019942


>> No.7019953
File: 12 KB, 260x194, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Train your chao, you dense piece of shit.

>> No.7019957


Don;t forget about the Chao mating ritual by connecting two VMU's together:


>> No.7020367

>pocket size diskdrive that you can access and clone without a computer
OP is a rotten piece of shit

>> No.7020370

eternal arcadia had a minigame in which you could get items or something like that

>> No.7020992 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7021004
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>> No.7021020

I have this. It's a shame they never got to do anything cool with this idea like the Gamecube's gba connector got.

>> No.7021026

Venus were based also because in the Resident Evil games, it displayed your health status. It's not much but I appreciate love and care and devs paying attention to hardware.

>> No.7021097 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7021102
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>> No.7021271

Sadly both sega and snk went third party at the same year

>> No.7021730
File: 52 KB, 798x529, com uma foto bonita assim ate parece ser um video game novo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think the PocketStation is cute and I'm glad I own one

>> No.7021769
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No worries lads, I'm just fucking around. I love all of the above, especially VMU games.

>> No.7021790

They sound like idiots. A pocket PC like that would inflate the price by an inconceivable amount of money in 1999, and for what? The idea is so unrealistic it's not even worth thinking about.

>> No.7021797

>Dancing on a poll, in swimsuit, for any political party, then twerking

Ya, that is dumb as fuck

>> No.7021806

I love the idea but back in the day I thought my VMU had a defect or something because the battery didn't recharge. Nope, it was designed to eat batteries.

>> No.7021812

>not dumb

>> No.7021816

These things beep too fucking loud!
Maybe it's the sound of SOUL.

>> No.7022093

Sega almost purchased snk

Shame they were prevented. I'd prefer a sega snk over a Chink owned snk.

>> No.7022104

>Nope, it was designed to eat batteries.
Well it didn't recharge batteries but it also didn't eat batteries. Battery life was really good on them and only used when the unit was plugged out of the dreamcast.

>> No.7022218

Considering that a full blown PPC with 16M of RAM, touch screen, CF slot, etc cost <$300 it's not unrealistic. The Pocketstation, which was nearly a year old when the DC was released, had a CPU capable of running CE and was only lacking in RAM. Given that Ram cost a few bucks a MB in 1999 and CE needs 2 Sega should have been able to shit out a basic CE based VMU for a similar price.Given that it's public knowledge that Sega initially planned on including CE with the console and the fact that the VMU is clearly a clusterfuck thrown together by someone who didn't understand the hardware I have no reason to doubt that the original VMU concept was much different than the turd we were given.

>> No.7022273

>Considering that a full blown PPC with 16M of RAM, touch screen, CF slot, etc cost <$300 it's not unrealistic. The Pocketstation, which was nearly a year old when the DC was released, had a CPU capable of running CE and was only lacking in RAM.
> The VMU has 128KB of flash memory, but by default 28KB is reserved for system use leaving 100KB for data storage.
According to Wikipedia the VMU only has 28KB available to it. The Game Boy Colour has 32 kiB RAM; 16 kiB VRAM, which came out in 1998. The VMU also has a 48x32 display.

But I could have seen this thing having a touch screen in early concepts. It would have made sense, as it could have added some virtual buttons to the DC pad. Some games did use it to display stats, health, and other things. But I can;t think of any games that uses it as a map? I remember MDK2 having pixel art versions of the characters display on the screen, and Soul Calibur does the same thing. Some games would just play a couple logos.

>> No.7022318

Just because the microcontroller in the pocketstation was an ARM architecture doesn't mean it was close to capable running fucking windows CE.

>> No.7022389

>The Pocketstation, which was nearly a year old when the DC was release

> Dreamcast: July 30, 1998 - Japan
> Pocketstation: January 23, 1999 - Japan

The Dreamcast did it first. But the Pocketstation was a completly different beast from the VMU. The VMU was meant to be packaged with systems and sold as the default memory card. So, it uses a cheap 8-bit CPU. The PocketStation is much more interesting with its ARM7T 32 bit RISC.

>> No.7022471

Now I know who I'm voting for

>> No.7022483

Back in the day when I could look down and see Claire's health status on the controller, that shit was so cash

>> No.7022505
File: 341 KB, 640x480, Shadow Man 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember back in 2000, I loved the logos, character art, hidden displays, etc., that I would see in my VMU display while playing games.
I kinda miss those days.

>> No.7022747

A touch screen wasn't a requirements for CE. More memory is the main thing missing.

Take your meds and a class in reading comprehensions zoomie. A 33mhz or whatever Arm7 with a few megs of RAM would be perfectly capable of running early versions of CE, especially with such a tiny screen. Just because you weren't alive when <50mhz monochrome CE machines were a thing doesn't mean they didn't exist.

>The Dreamcast did it first
You're right. I was thinking of the burger release date of the console. That makes more sense as Sony may have had time to see what a shitshow the VMU was and do it right. What doesn't make sense is that Sega released a poorly designed turd ahead of the console. WTF were they thinking? "We're Sega. How can we fuck this up?"

>> No.7022842
File: 396 KB, 1200x1600, goodzilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What doesn't make sense is that Sega released a poorly designed turd ahead of the console.

The Dreamcast actually launched in November of 1998. But Sega released a special "Godzilla" edition of the VMU in July of 1998. Months before the release of the Dreamcast. The "Goodzilla edition", which was based on the 1998 Roland Emmerich Godzilla also comes with a mini game packaged on the system.

>> No.7022906

To squeal at you for batteries every time you turn your console on.

>> No.7024429

How did it work in that game? Can't tell from the image

>> No.7025767


>> No.7026761

>what did the googlebaby mean by this?

>> No.7027098

It looks like you push Y, B, or A to select your option. Presumably the screen doesn't give any indication of which button you pushed.

>> No.7027175
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The only negative thing about them.

>> No.7027476

Women in the Republican Party are always hot and sexy.

t.Seething Leftist Cuck who is stuck fucking a fat ugly bitch who cheats on him with black guys.

Amy Coney Barret certainly proved she's not dumb. She didn't need a note of things to read off of.

I have a friend who is obsessed with Godzilla, he would definitely want that VMU.

>> No.7027489

The pointer functionality of the Wii was actually really good and enhanced a lot of games though.

>> No.7027583

I fucking hate women so much.

>> No.7027808

You're either a faggot or a MGTOW incel.

>> No.7027949

American women*

Women from Eastern Europe and East Asia are still non-degenerate and traditional.

>> No.7028241

>>what did the googlebaby mean by this?

There was a Godzilla themed VMU that was released in Japan months before the release of the Dreamcast console. The Godzilla VMU was a licensed tie-in for that 1998 Hollywood Godzilla movie that was directed by Roland Emmerich (same person that made Independence Day). The Godzilla VMU also has a mini game on it.

>> No.7029638


>> No.7029652


>> No.7029791
File: 46 KB, 389x386, 1603763039264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 100KB of storage
>downloading stuff to the VMU takes up a massive chunk of it.
I hope they were planning a new higher-storage VMU before the Dreamcast ended.

>> No.7029815
File: 226 KB, 500x375, 72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw SA2's Chao Garden eats your entire VMU

>> No.7029820

>haha he must be zoom zoomadome, zoomer of the zoomsdale zoomadome!
Ok chudcel

>> No.7029830


>> No.7031271

I would use them more if they could charge from the damn controller.

>> No.7031383
File: 40 KB, 270x376, 1601564259090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I remember when I first got my Dreamcast

>> No.7031412
File: 2.52 MB, 1500x2220, Sony-PocketStation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget PocketStation

>> No.7031569

To wake up your parents when you try to sneak a quick round of Soul Calibur when you should be sleeping.

Thought about installing a GDEMU but then I wouldn't get the whirrrs(soul).

>> No.7031648

Fuck off. I'm a boomer and I didn't know this shit. Do you seriously think everyone has an extensive knowledge of DC trinkets? It wasn't like he was saying some ScotttheWoz level bullshit about PlaySoulCaliberwithFishingController!

>> No.7032153

To make money

>> No.7032158
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>> No.7032342

>based on the 1998 Roland Emmerich Godzilla
>The Godzilla VMU was a licensed tie-in for that 1998 Hollywood Godzilla movie that was directed by Roland Emmerich
you're an idiot

>> No.7032354

>you're an idiot


>> No.7032516

> My friends and I in highschool would build our own custom THPS2 parks and bring our VMUs to school and trade them with one another

It was the coolest shit ever, bros

>> No.7032814

>I'm a boomer
looks legit. lamo

>> No.7033257

To be soulful.
