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/vr/ - Retro Games

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7008245 No.7008245 [Reply] [Original]

RPG or otherwise similar in any way

>> No.7008267

Arena and Daggerfall

>> No.7008278

Stryfe, Kings Field series

>> No.7008396 [DELETED] 

Better than Doom.

>> No.7008550

king field and shadow tower

>> No.7008807

Arx Fatalis (use Arx Libertatis). Literally inspired by it.

>> No.7008865

All of the above, Wizardry series (sort of)

>> No.7009138
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>> No.7009139

This. It was suppose to be UU3 but Arkane didn't want to make a devil's bargain with EA. The dialogue is basically non-existent though and it mostly focuses on exploring all the weird locations.
Underworld Acendant went even further in this direction but also took inspiration for Dark Messiah being very heavy physics based (breaking environments, burning entire buildings down, skills are more utility based than numbers). Too bad they had to use the shit ass Unity engine, so the controlling is still ass even after years of patching. Could've been a fun game to dick around in with all the weird shit they added, even if the story/questing is fucking horrible.

>> No.7009191

the list is missing King Field's 3 Pilot Style

>> No.7009192

>Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Patrician. The original gamebooks were also great

>> No.7009550

System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex, Arx Fatalis, Dishonored, nuPrey are its descendants. King's Field series is this but fun, sorry I just think this shit is rough.

>> No.7009682

How do you get King's Field on PC? It looks great but impossible to find legally.

>> No.7009689

That's because they were PS1 and PS2 games. You'll need to emulate.

>> No.7009695

Emulate my man

>> No.7009745

Bro, I bought that on Steam and it didn't run on Windows 10. It was only like 2 bucks so I didn't care, but I legit wanted to play it.

>> No.7009748 [DELETED] 

There was a weird Wizardry spin off like that which you should add to that

>> No.7009753

Use Arx Libertalis like he said you fucking idiot

>> No.7009756 [DELETED] 
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This thing absolutely raped my 486 DX33 back in the day.

>> No.7009758

fuck is that

>> No.7009765

Nvm you'd literally die within a minute. Too dumb.

>> No.7009780

Stonekeep by interplay

>> No.7009792

Sure you aren't the dumb one?

>> No.7009807
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Holy fuck the not retro guys were right.

>> No.7009815

Dude who fucking cares?

>> No.7009838


>> No.7009887

I'm sure God doesn't give a fuck about whether you download a 20-30 year old game. Doubly so when the only people selling it had fuck-all to do with the game. Triply so when you're not given a legal option anyway.

>> No.7009891

>Triply so when you're not given a legal option anyway.
I don't have a legal option of buying meth either.

>> No.7009906

>King's Field legally
Impossible anon

>> No.7009908

And if you really wanted meth you'd buy it, stop being a pussy. But only beta faggots want to play King's Field anyway so it doesn't surprise me you'd be like this.

>> No.7009919

Just shut the fuck up. Fuck god, and fuck you. Do you wanna play the game, or don't you? Just leave.

>> No.7009924

based. Render unto caesar

>> No.7010016 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 785x1000, 088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just shut the fuck up. Fuck god, and fuck you. Do you wanna play the game, or don't you? Just leave.

>> No.7010146
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It's called Sword of Moonlight.

>> No.7010161

It's illegal to use anymore.

>> No.7010431

they ripped off Dungeon Master so try that

>> No.7010659

Where do you get that?

>> No.7010876

System Shock?

>> No.7011067

My dad works at Fromsoft and says it's fine.

>> No.7012708

the snes port is suppose to be really good so play that on higan, bsnes, or snes9x.

>> No.7012836

absurd, dungeon master was like a wizardry clone, nothing like uw

>> No.7012876

somebody please post the article where the devs said during development that they were all jockeying for time to play Dungeon Master

>> No.7012882

>Amulets and Armor
Man, this right here. Underrated as fuck.