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/vr/ - Retro Games

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700314 No.700314 [Reply] [Original]

Earthbound finally came on virtual console!!! Will you buy it? (if you don't know what earthbound is its an awesome game. play it)

>> No.700328

>Virtual Console
Might as well emulate it if you don't own the original cartridge.

>> No.700331

>if you don't know what earthbound is its an awesome game. play it

Welcome to /vr/, I see that you're new here.

>> No.700332

i want to support the creators in some way. they deserve it

>> No.700336

What >>700332 said. Don't be a dick.

>> No.700343


Most of the people who worked on Earthbound will not see a cent from your purchase. That being said I plan on getting the VC version because I don't own the cart and I'm scared that if I play on an emulator, the rom will be pirated and I'll get that message before Giygas and my save will be erased.

>> No.700353

that was a rather cruel way of piracy prevention wan't it? giving you hope to finish one of the if not best SNES/jrpg ever

>> No.700350

That only happens due to a checksum failure, you literally have to force that in modern emulators.

>> No.700356


You'll have to talk to me without the magical computer-speak. What is a checksum failure and why wouldn't a ROM of earthbound trigger it?

>> No.700375

Should I play Mother 1 1before Mother 2?

>> No.700378

Only old emulators trigger this. Even the latest versions of ZSnes don't trigger it.

>> No.700382

Basically modern emulators won't succumb to the same issues that older ones did.

Unless you're using something that hasn't been updated in quite some time, you shouldn't experience any issues with the game.

>> No.700386
File: 154 KB, 592x333, {3ABF6E62-FE0D-4614-9BCC-D186EF869A8C}09092011_Falling_Stocks_DL_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will happen to my earthbound investments!?

>> No.700403

play it in any order you want! the story is simple but good

>> No.700406

you invested in earthbound?
captcha: madyrum ness

>> No.701553
File: 60 KB, 800x473, 1347340815639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will you buy it?
I don't have a WiiU, I have already played it on an emulator, and I thought it was mediocre.

So no.

>> No.701559

>Will you buy it?

>> No.701708 [DELETED] 

Whoooooaaaa there. Slooooowwww down beaner.

>> No.701728

I've never purchased it before and I'm uncertain, but I hope it sells well so as to validate all those Miiverse complaints. Not so much for the sake of Earthbound itself, but so that Nintendo understands the idea of "We please Miiverse fans, we profit."

>> No.701735
File: 30 KB, 300x254, AutismTheMusical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on an official release date.

>> No.701745


I mean, what's the point? If you had never heard of Earthbound before and don't really play old games then whatever I guess.

>> No.701970

Just like they deserve their money so many other games which were never ported from arcades to consoles, games from companies which are closed now and no other companies have the copyrights for these games, games which were never released in the english language and buying games from other regions is illegal...

>> No.702016
File: 52 KB, 533x400, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't know what earthbound is its an awesome game

>> No.703481

Why did people even bother responding again?

>> No.703485

>one of the if not best SNES/jrpg ever

>> No.703486


>> No.703503

It was a problem with the old emulators.

Now, you would actually have to use a cheat code to trigger the save destruction thing.

>> No.703509

So are carts super cheap now?

>> No.703512

Yeah totally

>> No.703514

Oh, a retardation general. Cool.

>> No.703515

>Will you buy it?

I would, but I don't have a Wii U and Nintendo sure as hell won't start updating the Wii's VC after about 5 years of drought.

>> No.703518

Go back to your mediocre animu games, then.

>> No.703517

You realize no one who worked on it will see a cent of your money, right? Most of the people who worked on Earthbound aren't even at Nintendo anymore.

>> No.703536


>> No.703539


>> No.704092
File: 47 KB, 265x265, 1368957554591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what games you are trying to refer to.

>> No.704163


>> No.704181

So, is it actually released now? And does anyone know if it's available on Wii?

>> No.704228

M-Maybe if everyone buys it Nintendo will see there's interest in Earthbound and they'll make a new one!

>> No.704272

If Nintendo makes a Mother game without Itoi's involvement, it'll end up being the best Nintendo RPG ever.

If Itoi's involved, he'll shove even more trite hippie shit and ruin the thing completely. Just look what he did to Mother 3.

>> No.704398
File: 64 KB, 450x693, claus_lucas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mother 3

>> No.704501

u wot m8

>> No.704803

Only if you enjoy retro Dragon Quest-y RPGs, otherwise skip straight to Earthbound.

If you do get Mother 1, use the GBA re-release, because it's a bit more balanced in general, especially with the (entirely optional) Easy Ring. I would reiterate that you're better off playing Earthbound and Mother 3 first, but it's your choice in the end.


>> No.704853

I don't know what is worse: the elitist Mother fanbase or the arrogant haters which they hate anything is popular or with a loud fanbase (like in Mothers' case).

>> No.704903


Both, just remember not all Mother fans are elitists, in fact releasing a professional english patch (instead of "no fuck off, learn moon if you wanna play my precious nippon game") for free speaks very good about the fanbase, I think.
What matters is the positive aspects of a fanbase, not its bad ones. Arrogant, elitists and immature fanboys are there in every fanbase.
I am a Mother fan, but I'm not an elitist, I got into the series late, in 2009, I don't own the Earthbound cart and don't plan to, I think the price is ridiculous, but I must say Mother fans have always been kind to me whenever I asked for information or generally wanted to discuss the game, I also remember the time the english patch was released, but I hadn't played the game then just yet, but /v/ was still fun as fuck, nobody trolling, akin to Japan Time, everyone was just having fun and enjoying it together, one of those strange situations that almost never happen.
Then more and more people started with the hipster thing and the overrated thing and, while I CAN understand that you may roll your eyes when you see the same people discussing the same game over and over again (happens to me with many games), you don't need to go to that thread and insult the people.

>> No.704925


I hated Mother fans, for the most part. I used to think you fags were the shittiest fanbase to exist(this is before MLP and Homestuck, for contextual sake).

So yeah, I could you could say I used to be an arrogant hater, but I've simmered down.

The real kicker: I loved Earthbound and grew up with it. I just couldn't stand how elitist the fanbase was. These were people who thought they were BETTER than other people just for liking and playing an "obscure" game.

But again, I've simmered down. I realize that there are diamonds in the rough and I shouldn't be a dick right off the bat. I should wait until they start acting like a complete tool first.

>> No.704934

Is Nintendo really only putting this on the Wii U virtual console and not on the original Wii or 3DS?

Bitch move.

>> No.704961


Wii U only man.

It's a smart bitch move.

>> No.704967


That's a shame. I would of got it on my 3DS if the price was $5 or less. A mobile version of the game would be nice and actually worthy for that price range without having to use some modified handheld with an emulator, since I do bring my 3DS with me a great deal.

>> No.704975


>earthbound 3D version
>battle backgrounds and PK/PSI powers are in 3D

it will never happen

>> No.704986


I know...