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6993798 No.6993798 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Gameboy ports that went above and beyond like this game?

>> No.6993808

OP here, port probably isn't the right word. Adaptation rather.

>> No.6993810

The Rare Donkey Kong Land games, depending on how you view them

>> No.6993849

Ninja Gaiden Shadow
Kung Fu Master
Balloon Kid
Bionic Commando

Is GBC allowed?
If so. Dragon's Lair

>> No.6993856

The GB version of Lock n Chase is fantastic

>> No.6993859

Super Mario Bros Deluxe

>> No.6993862

>Donkey Kong land
completely forgot about that game’s existence

>> No.6993876

Game Boy has a lot of oddities in terms of this kind of thing. I mean... what is Donkey Kong? A remake? A reimagining? A reboot? A port? Donkey Kong Land seems more obvious as a 'port' but it's also not the same levels in the same order and the game is overall very different. There was also plenty of things like the aforementioned Lock 'n Chase that's essentially a sequel with the same name and promoted as a portable version. Weird shit.
Game Boy didn't have that many straight up ports now that I think about it. Porting from NES directly isn't great because of resolution differences. Some arcade games got direct ports. Besides that, I don't know. A lot of games basically had to be remade entirely to play on Game Boy.

>> No.6994101


It's a full-blown remake 2bh, but done with such class and skill that not even contrarians would talk shit about it

>> No.6994138

This, fantastic port although the GB aspect ratio makes some of the lost levels absolutely impossible without knowing them inside out already.

>> No.6994516

The King of Fighters 95

>> No.6994993

Is this a troll thread? Have none of you ever played this game?

>> No.6995471

Even six year old me thought the multiple death animations were mind blowing

>> No.6995475

Donkey Kong Land is a new DKC game for gameboy. It not a port at all.

>> No.6996842

This is unarguably one of the top five GB games. It's also not a port.

>> No.6996847

Oof dk94 is amazing. I only found out about it a couple years ago.

>> No.6996908

It's like FFVII Remake: not a remake at all but rather a completely different game. But in this case the game is good.

>> No.6996915

It took me a long time to get to the donkey kong land games. I was a huge fan of the first two dkc games, but I had seen the graphics and figured the dk land games were probably mediocre messes. Not the case at all. Somebody actually gave a fuck when making those games. Enough that I remember saying that to myself more than once playing through dk land one. Id say those cloud platform levels are harder than anything in dkc1. Gameplay and level design wise it holds up to the snes games. Graphics are obviously weak but its on the gameboy they did what they could. The amazing part is that Rare didnt just phone it in for some quick cash. soundtrack, level design everything was obviously worked on to make the best game possible.

>> No.6996921

i remember playing this for the first time. I already played the NES one hundreds of times, and for some reason i just wanted to see what the GB version was like. i thought i was done in the final level, then more game just showed up out of nowhere.

>> No.6996958

the Daikatana GBC version is unironically good

>> No.6997525

Very accurate

>> No.6997673

Heiankyo Alien. Boulder Dash. There's a few that improved on the original games.