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/vr/ - Retro Games

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699273 No.699273 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/ how do I button mash faster?
People have differing techniques like the one in the picture, and some do the thumb and index finger.
I am not very good at that shit, and my friends who are really good at it are skinny, that's what I notice.
Mario Party games and other stuff really relies on it, it's a pride thing and I'm trying to get great at it.
Any tips? Do I flex arm? is it in the wrist?
What do?

>> No.699306

I used a spoon the other day to get trough the torture scene in Metal Gear Solid without submitting.
Just mash the button with the tail end of the spoon, much easier than using your fingers.
But if you want to do it natural, don't use your thumb, use your index finger instead like you would with actual arcade controls.

>> No.699324

Fully extend your finger/wrist and keep it as stiff as possible.
Flex your bicep as hard as you can.
You should be trembling at this point.
Try to control the tremble and use it to your advantage.
You shouldn't have to consciously pull away. Your finger should bounce off the button if you do it with enough force. Instead just concentrate on pushing.

>> No.699345

I've been using that method since the mid-eighties.


That's how fast I can manage right now, tensing my arm and tapping my overpriced microphone. Or it's the sound of a helicopter masturbating.

>> No.699368

I love it. Once you master it things like the metal gear torture scene are laughable.

It can be a physical challenge to keep it up for more than a few seconds though. Remember to breath

>> No.699374

God, the end-of-stage button mashing competitions in the Simpsons arcade game were CAKE for me. If you pushed the button in juuuust far enough and got your vibe on, BZOOOOOOOP, WIN.

>> No.699392
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Get a Hudson Shooting Watch and start practicing.

>> No.699396

Flip your finger over. Get your fingernail (not the tip, the middle of it) just on the edge of the button. Slide it on/off the button. You should have your elbow resting on a table or something and jerking your whole arm back and forth.

>> No.699789
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Get an Ore Commander.

>> No.699793

Smoke 5 cigarettes at down a bottle of whiskey. Your hands will shake like mad and you'll tap all the buttons faster than the fist of the north star.

You're welcome!

>> No.699874

I used this method playing the most fucked up and misplaced minigame in the history of stealth genre.
My arm hurt after that.

>> No.699898

Learn from the best, Hudson's very own Takahashi Meijin's 16 shot per second


>> No.699952

fuck playing track and field against him

>> No.699957

extreme fapping

>> No.700041

He only does 130 taps in that video...

>> No.700432



>> No.700473

Guess he should have hit 320, but damn if I'm not still impressed by his stamina.

>> No.700543


Ha, I had always thought I was the only one who did this. Used to always impress my friends as a kid. Really cool to hear that others have figured out the very same technique.

>> No.700757
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Top tier mashing requires techniques such as demonstrated.

>> No.700795

Masturbation and fingering yourself.
I'm not trolling and please don't ask any questions.

>> No.700821

use your index and middle finger to mash each button

>> No.701004


This. This is exactly what I do. It started with Point Blank and has served me well.

>> No.702238
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I was a great button masher till the year I spent at foot ball where I learned muscle control from weight lifting. Does OP lift?

>> No.702298

Use the non-business end of a lighter if you need to, otherwise I tilt the controller somewhat (especially on modern day controllers), grab the button side in a rather hard to describe grip, with the thumb straight down towards the button and mash full speed.

>> No.702340
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>> No.702345

Wait, wait wait wait...


You got that anime? Where can I download it?

In exchange, I'll link you a Youtube video:

Dunno if you're good with raw Japanese, but 17:00 in has button-mashing tips from Takahashi himself.

>> No.702353

It's weird, me and my other brother always used the grip described in: >>699324

Then my other brother just flexed every single finger in his hand (even though he only used his thumb for the mashing) and moved his wrist around.

It was always a straight tie between all of us. We always figured it'd between me and the brother that used the same technique, but my other bro just defied all physics and logic in some way.

>> No.702367

It all started with FFVIII to me.
Mario Party has some fault, too, but boosting GFs took most of my effort, mainly because I knew another dude who boosted like no one ever boosted before, I believe he did it with his middle finger while keeping his thumb around the joint of it. Now, I'm able to do it with either of thum, index or middle fingers.

>> No.702373
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Did anyone else have an ultimate challenge of defining button mashing skills among their friends?

Sage for not retro, but ours was Domination in mario party 4.

>> No.702381

Not until College

By then we weren't playing retro games

>Pokey Pummel, MP7

>> No.702401

Try mashing your thumb by using the big joint of your thumb (the one near the fleshy part of your hand). Its how us classical guitarists play guitar ;)

Also, when mashing two buttons alternate your index and middle fingers, using the big joint of those (your knuckles). Especially when playing the Mario Parties.

>> No.702434

DSiWare and 3DS eShop have this as an app for like 2 bucks

>> No.702450

>2v2 minigame in mario party 5 where both teams have to mash A to aim the giant hammer
>mfw soloing my friends
button mashing 4ever

>> No.705264

Use a metal ruler. One of the only funny jokes in Lucky Star was about this.

>> No.705396

Here, I made this for you.

>> No.705534

that pokemon stadium game where you're sandshrews and you have to dig to the water

i suck at stadium but i wrecked their asses every time at that one. pure mashing. dont even look at the screen until you've won