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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 96 KB, 1400x1400, analogue_pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6988123 No.6988123 [Reply] [Original]

i was one of the lucky few to be able to preorder one of these. i'm still super excited, however long away its arrival is.
my gba collection is still pretty expansive, but does anyone have recs for GB/GBC games, or more obscure GBA games? i had a GBC as a kid, but was mostly too young to explore outside of mario/pokemon/licensed crap, but my understanding is there's a decent amount of cool stuff for the original GB.

>> No.6988126

I was looking for retron jr but seems it won't happen anymore

>> No.6988151

Just download the entire No Intro set.

>> No.6988157
File: 24 KB, 220x216, catrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the horrible cover or name fool you, this is actually really fun.

>> No.6988180


>> No.6988186
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, moneytoilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i was one of the lucky few

>> No.6988189

It's a trap.

>> No.6988205
File: 111 KB, 321x543, basedboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you play every console up to and including dreamcast on your $200 handheld emulator?

I can on my $200 handheld emulator.

>> No.6988218

>wasting $200 on low quality software emulation

>> No.6988223

>Analogue Pocket does it all.
>Lists 3 handhelds
>Revolutionary 1600x1440 LCD
>10x Pixel Perfect Upscaling looks any different than 2x Pixel Perfect Upscalling
>dramatically less battery life for zero visual improvement

was this thing designed and marketed to actual retards?

>No Emulation
oh really? so you managed to fit a gameboy, neo geo pocket, and atari lynx pcb into that thing?

>> No.6988225

this just answered my question. this is for retards

>> No.6988226

>1's and 0's represented by hardware switches are so much better than 1's and 0's represented by ram registers

>> No.6988230

This is bullshit. Everything but shitty Sega systems are sold out at Analogue.

>> No.6988239

no way man. it's not the same. I can't load rom's from an sd card into my emulator's ram. that's not how the developers intended it. I have to buy an adapter so that the rom gets loaded into my emulator directly from the cartridge.

>> No.6988240

When it comes to how accurately and quickly you can do so in a given size, yes. Portable software emulation is a joke. That's not to say software emulation is a joke, far from it, I'd say that a high-end desktop will give you a roughly equivalent experience to an FPGA setup, but you can't fit a high-end desktop in your pocket, and any of these little portable software emulator setups on SBCs are pathetic.

>> No.6988284

Lol, broke fag. Still salty you couldn’t pre-order one back in August. Get fucked, nigger.

>> No.6988309

>That's not to say software emulation is a joke
It is a joke. Original hardware > FPGA >>>> software

>> No.6988327

I bought a DSi XL for $50 about two weeks ago. It has the entire GB/GBC/GBA/DS collection on an SD card which is 100% accurate. How much did you spend on the knockoff Nintendo product?

>> No.6988331

>buys a disgusting used handheld
>thinks the weak ds is fast enough for "100% accurate" emulation
>doesn't even realize that there isn't a single cycle accurate emulator for the gameboy, gameboy color, or gameboy advance
>is smug about his poorfag purchasing decision
That's a yikes from me, dawg.

>> No.6988335

>I'd say
Why would anyone care about a dumb kids opinion?

>> No.6988338

Good question, kiddo. Why are you here?

>> No.6988340

The DS doesn't emulate the GB line. Hardware built in, I think.

>> No.6988343

a raspberry pi 4, which is what powers the piboy dmg, can emulate SNES as well as a desktop. it runs the latest version of snes9x. I'm sure it has zero problem emulating weak ass gameboy, neo geo pocket, and lynx.

>> No.6988346

not in the DSi

>> No.6988352

what the fuck are you supposed to do with that thumbstick, use the palm of your hand?

>> No.6988357

>a raspberry pi 4, which is what powers the piboy dmg, can emulate SNES as well as a desktop
There's no way you're pushing 15 frame delay on a Pi 4, and you're probably running threaded video. It should be fast enough for some decent gambatte and genesisplusgx though.

>> No.6988368

Nintendo telling Foxconn to be cheap-asses again.
The regular DS does, right?

>> No.6988370

>100% accurate
I like my DSi too but that's a stretch. Gameyob, GBARunner, and nds-bootstrap all have some issues.

>> No.6988616
File: 244 KB, 752x1097, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.6988623

I really don't understand shit like this.

If you want the best experience for gameboy, buy a gameboy player for 20 bucks and use your GBA as a controller for it.

If you want the best handheld experience, get a backlit GBA/SP.

If you want garbage emulation on a shitty IPS screen on the go, buy a fucking controller for your phone.

>> No.6988654

>If you want the best experience for gameboy, buy a gameboy player for 20 bucks and use your GBA as a controller for it
The best experience for a console where the primary value is the portability is to use a gamecube in your living room?
>If you want the best handheld experience, get a backlit GBA/SP.
In what way is that a better experience? Be precise, because judging by your first declaration, you're talking like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
>If you want garbage emulation on a shitty IPS screen on the go, buy a fucking controller for your phone
What if you want cycle accurate emulation on a nice screen on the go? Well then you'd buy the analogue, of course :^)

>> No.6988676

I managed to preorder one too, a black one. Im pretty excited. Its one of the only handheld emulators I've found that looks decent, every flavor of the month chink portable ive tried has been horrible

The pocket looks like it does GB - GBA super well. I've been through a huge journey trying to find the best way to play portable games and the pocket looks to be my GB solution.

>the SP either has a bad front lit screen, or the AGS 101 screen which im not a fan of due to poor pixel response and motion clarity
>I like the og gba form factor, but the screen is garbage and again I dont like the ags 101 screen so the mod doesn't interest me
>micro has a great screen and i love the portability, but it can't plat GB/GBC games and its not very comfortable
>DS is kind of bulky, screen isn't fantastic and again lacks GB/GBC support
>DS Lite looks fantastic and is comfortable to hold, but the screens have the same motion response issues the ags 101 had and the buttons/dpad are shit
>DSi has a decent screen and good buttons, but only plays DS games. Same with the XL
>3DS can play the full library, but scalimg GBA and DS games looks like shit while playing them at native res makes them too small. The screens are also kind of bad and the dpad is in a bad position

The screen on the analog shows a lot of promise, everything runs at a clean integer scale, it can emulate the dot matrix grid for GB games, I like the form factor, hopefully the buttons are nice. And of it has expansive pallete options for GB games then it would be the perfect handheld for everything up to GBA. Then I'll stick to the DSi for DS and the regular N3DS for 3DS

>> No.6988697

>pushing 15 frame delay

>> No.6988698
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 1599650980030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have they seriously not released this yet? I swear I remember you dudes on /vr/ starting to talk/hype it in early 2019. What's the holdup? They've missed the COVID window to sell and ship a whole lotta units to people in quarantine.

>> No.6988702

move your thumb one inch below the dpad, maybe

>> No.6988710

>cycle accurate
Brawndo has what plants crave.

>> No.6988713

I have a i9-9900k at 5ghz and even that can't push 15 frame delay on nestopia. Something like bones i can barely get 1 or 2 while using runahead

>> No.6988802

>100% accurate
Now post a video of Sagaia running on your DS.

>> No.6988813

You can buy a switch lite for 200 bucks and hack it to do the same shit. The only thing kinda nice about this is the form factor and square screen. Id rather just buy an rg350m for the nice build quality if I want a portable emulation device for retro games

>> No.6989240

OP here, and i've really only received one recommendation so far.

>> No.6989279

The developers never intended you to play on an Analogue Pocket, either.

>> No.6989291

I don't know why anyone would post anything on 4chan expecting a sincere discussion.

>> No.6989380

Why didn't you just get the shitty IPS mod for the GBA instead of spending 200 bucks on something that you could get for 30?

>> No.6989401

Tfw no beautiful white American post-WWII housewife

>> No.6989609

Because the IPS mods have all sorts of issues, especially in regards to refresh rates and minor input delay. You also lose the characteristic lcd pattern found on native screens, which the pocket can replicate

>> No.6989628

What's the smallest resolution you could make a screen for clean integer scales of all the platforms it supports? While also being a standardized panel theyd be able to source. The obscene resolution also allows them to do dot matrix and lcd filters when are built into the pocket. Wouldnt be able to do that at 2x

>> No.6989717
File: 199 KB, 901x1200, DOXIHTVX0AAMYiK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw poorfags forget that electrons move through reality

>> No.6989807

It doesn't seem like that bad of a deal when you consider some official alternatives that rival it in visual clarity etc, cost as much as or more than this. An unplayed or CIB Game Boy Advance SP AGS 101 would cost the same as or more than this thing.

>> No.6990120

I can't imagine this being any better. And we're talking 30 bucks vs 200.

If I wanted to waste money on an emulation device, I'd buy a MiSTer, at least it can do more.

>> No.6990239
File: 35 KB, 700x700, H6QJVjl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ackshully it's not 100% because it isn't "cycle accurate. copywrite, tm jewnose inc."

I don't care if it's 100% or 99.9%. I've compared it to original games, and if there is any difference, you can't tell side by side. Go shill/justify your overpriced chinkbox more.

>> No.6990525

oh is run ahead what was meant by 15 frame delay? I never used that shit since I've never once experienced noticable lag when emulating on my hdtv, why would I need that for a device outputting to 480p screen, with a controller integrated into the pcb

>> No.6990529

if you want it to look like the real thing then just buy the real thing. I dont know why anyone would want to use any filters on a 3 inch screen.

>> No.6990541

honestly I've done nothing but talk shit on this thing, but if it could play nes, master system, genesis, and snes roms I'd consider getting one. is the shipping cost some $50 bullshit like all their other products?

>> No.6990563

Does it capture screenshots?

>> No.6990579

Show me on the doll where the fpga touched you.
No, runahead and frame delay are separate functions, I don't know why that guy would whine about not being able to crank his frame delay high on a 9900k while using some retarded shit like runahead.

I'll explain how this works. We're pushing out 60 frames per second, that's one every 16.66ms. That's the precise window of time that your system has to create the next frame. The problem is that if an input has not been queued up before you start drawing the next frame, the earliest instance that input can fire off is in the frame after that. If we were to use frame delay with a value of 15, we're telling the system that it needs to wait 15ms, in which time it's polling for inputs, and then it has 1.6ms to process that frame and deliver it on time.

Assuming your system is fast enough to handle squeezing the processing time that low, there are zero downsides to this.

Runahead uses save states to simulate every possible input, as fast as it can, and then rolls back to the correct one and syncs it up to correspond to your button press. It's a clever system, but no matter how much sp shills it as a gamechanger, it's inconsistent at best.

>> No.6991810


>> No.6991815

Runahead is a guaranteed 16-32ms response increase. Frame delay is, at best, 15ms. Im not sure why you wouldn't focus on runahead first

>> No.6991821

Cool it looks like it was made by Apppleeeee

>> No.6991823

>i'm totally not jealous guys
>pls believe me

>> No.6991854

Because it's buggy as fuck.

>> No.6991858

I use it all the way up through ps1 without issue. You just have to make sure you have the proper per-game setting

>> No.6991876

>I use it all the way up through ps1 without issue
lmao, no, you don't. if you're playing through games and beating them, you will regularly run into sync issues, and for games that abuse sram as scratch, enjoy your saves getting randomly bricked. it's conceptually a really cool feature right now, but cores need serious under the hood changes for full compatibility, otherwise it's yet another meme enhancement that is more useful for sp to advertise shit on reddit/youtube/twitter and bait patreon donations than something you would ever use for a serious playthrough. and good luck getting devs to spend the time making this fully compatible when sp spends most of his time antagonizing the real developers responsible for the emulators he leeches from when he isn't busy throwing tantrums on discord.

>> No.6991881

>per-game setting
I always laugh when people post shit like this. If something doesn't work perfectly with everything by default, all you're doing is using game specific hack garbage because the emulator in question is shit.

It's kind of a moot point in a thread about FGPA shit though, so many retards are convinced that FGPA is "perfect" even though 95% of the systems FGPAs support aren't anywhere close to fully mapped or running in real time. In 20 years? Sure, FGPAs will probably be the go-to, assuming something better hasn't come along. Now? They're no better than regular emulation in most real world use cases.

>> No.6991930

>If something doesn't work perfectly with everything by default, all you're doing is using game specific hack garbage because the emulator in question is shit.
Calm down buddy, its just a feature that gets around built in lagframes and not every game has the same amount, so obviously it's per game. You can just set it to 1 and leave it for every game if you're lazy and you'll be fine

Any examples? I'm sure there are some but nothing I've personally played through has had any noticeable issues with runahead. Last two games I emulated were phantasy star and metal slug x

>> No.6991967

Misters aren't portable

>> No.6992451

>n 20 years? Sure, FGPAs will probably be the go-to, assuming something better hasn't come along.
I wonder if there will come a time when well-debugged FPGA designs get mass-produced in standard chip form, replacing the old clone chips like Firecore

>> No.6992463
File: 81 KB, 260x333, picross-2-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preordered a Pocket too. I've torrented a ton of old gamepro magazines and am reading through them, picking up shit from ebay that looks interesting. Maybe try that.

And get Mario Picross 2.

>> No.6992762

You better stop posting this right now.

>> No.6993795

what's wrong with picross?

>> No.6994302

Not him but I agree with that anon. Personally if I wanted to play original carts I'd much rather buy a second hand GB than buy one that's the price of a fucking switch. You and OP are both consoomer faggots that get hypnotized by youtuber hype into these borderline psychotic purchase decisions.

>> No.6994592


>> No.6994603

Nifty. Im hoping for core ports for the NES and SNES as well