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6983369 No.6983369 [Reply] [Original]

What if all the zombies were crimson heads?

>> No.6983859

There should have been a sex scene in the remake. I know it wouldn't make sense, considering that they had to survive in a mansion infested with zombies, but come on? Who wouldn't want to see Jill Valentine having sex with Chris or Barry?

>> No.6984017

What if all the sex scenes were with crimson heads?

>> No.6984024

That would be a rape scene, not a sex scene.

>> No.6984094

>play as Chris
>Jill and Barry disappear, Wesker gone for the majority of the game
>play as Jill
>Chris and Rebecca nowhere to be seen, same deal with Wesker

>> No.6984134

It's been a while since I soaked in the LORE but aren't crimson heads pre-lickers by a few days time or something?

>> No.6984195

Yes, REmake was trying to link up the lore of 1, 2, and 3. Zombies become Crimson Heads, which become Lickers. It makes a lot more sense, really. Instead of accidental human infections becoming useless zombies, the T-virus organism purposefully mutates the host into a ferocious licker bioweapon form.

>> No.6984216

adding further to this the crimson heads have a rare animation where they move along the ground for a second while getting up similar to a licker just further backing up this theory

>> No.6984245

REmake is a fucking overrated garbage disgrace piece of shit.

The small inventory is even more of an issue, Chests are farther from each other, that fucking door which breaks after being opened twice WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?

HORRIBLE dog fights, the worst in the series, completely random and the literal definition of shitty game design and artificial difficulty from random-based design.

The fucking Crimson Heads and the retarded burning mechanics, the "expanded" story, Lisa Trevor, more fucking puzzles.

Man fuck REmake to the depths of hell. Even RE2 and RE3 remakes are far less shit than this.

>> No.6984443

Would be a perfect excuse to add a sex scene.

>> No.6984449

You suck at the game. Which is understandable as to why you hate it.

>> No.6984472

Gonna need a gif, webm or video link to this.

>> No.6984482
File: 30 KB, 546x546, 1557181066759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard with retard taste

>> No.6984489

>u u u just bad at dis game :(

>> No.6984494
File: 82 KB, 680x907, 742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984709

You can do that if you kill everything and don't burn anything.

>> No.6985934

I'm shit at this because I don't know where the fuck I'm going so I'm mostly stumbling around blindly and trying to not kill any zombies. I managed to figure out the crypt and shit and snagged a key but I just want some fucking matches so I can kill a zombie and feel like I'm doing something useful

>> No.6985941

Horrible opinions you got there, although last lines make me think it's bait