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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6981349 No.6981349 [Reply] [Original]

15 years and still the best Resident evil game and best game Capcom has ever made, how did Shinji mikami did it?

>> No.6981359

Cause he based

>> No.6981364
File: 50 KB, 1213x607, fiona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aresident evil is fucking shit and killed the survival/horror genre.

>> No.6981368

Code Veronica is better, you bastard

>> No.6981398

Survival horror was already dead, that's why RE4 exists. It was never going to be like the old games.

>> No.6981413

not retro

>> No.6981426

RE4 is trash.

>> No.6981587

>makes RE4 and RE1
>Makes god hand
>makes vanquish
Mikami cannot be stopped

>> No.6981849

isnt Godhand and Haunting Ground Capcom though?

>> No.6981935

Because he wasn't afraid to stick to the same formula and it paid off by resulting in a timeless classic

>> No.6981954



>> No.6981956

Then why even make a new game if it's dead?

kike shit

They were trying to get both old and new to buy it while betraying the old buyer.

>> No.6981972

>and best game Capcom has ever made,
Zoomlet needs to play more of their arcade games, such as Ghosts 'n Goblins, Commando, Final Fight and UN Squadron.

>> No.6982342
File: 189 KB, 564x317, you're right hand comes off..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6982353


>> No.6982854

boomer fag shit

>> No.6982861
File: 158 KB, 194x266, 1589438981077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gargoyle Quest series is better than all four of those series and needs a proper modern day entry

>> No.6982867
File: 193 KB, 398x376, 1600396584079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commando, Final Fight and UN Squadron

>> No.6982878
File: 4 KB, 189x189, 1361743671087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard, none of those games come even close to RE4 in terms of... anything.

>> No.6983078
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, pathetic_wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby needs handholdy adventure/progression elements because he gets filtered by actual challenge that only arcade game design philosophy can deliver

>> No.6983095

True...they don't have any epic QTEs and cutscenes like this game

>> No.6983291


RE4 and the following ones are not resident evil games, except the remake of the first game.

>> No.6983321

It truly is great. Totally perfected what third-person-action games would turn into a few years before they were all like this, and they never were this good after that. honestly Mikami moving onto make Vanquish was almost too big-brained, people weren't and still aren't ready for it.

The Evil Within probably could have been cool if this wasn't such a fucking dire time for games that aren't supposed to be played for a decade while nickel-and-diming zoomers all through out.

Hopefully that Ghostwire thing is cool.

>> No.6983330

when I was a criminal sixth-gen-poster on the old /vr/ I could have never imagined my sixth gen brethren would be just as severely autistic.

>> No.6983384

I love the game but I dislike how its heralded as a great survival horror game when its mostly an action adventure game.

>> No.6983386

I think it was a mistake to let a bunch of clunky PS1 shitters provide the baseline for the genre but...a fair point. RE4 is an action game.

>> No.6983415

Yeah you don't need tank controls and fixed camera angles be a survival horror game, and to be honest those features only hinder the player and are kinda bad. But without any frame of reference re4 was looked at as the evolution of the RE formula, but I think re7/re2 remake is the true evolution of that formula because it improved everything while staying true to the genre.

>> No.6983561

>over the should third person shooter

Not a true RE

>> No.6983575

>re7/re2 remake is the true evolution of that formula because it improved everything while staying true to the genre

>> No.6983580

>Yeah you don't need tank controls
Aresident evil does have tank controls, though

>> No.6983582

Get bored with speccy posting? This meme really isn't going to catch on, you're going to have to do better.

>> No.6983605

Oh, that's what they said before 'belt scroller' caught on around here. I will ride this fucker until it dies. I am the final mayor of /vr/ and you cannot defeat me.

>> No.6983746

The day of the rope for 4niggers can't be soon enough.

>> No.6983890 [DELETED] 

Not retro

>> No.6984243


>> No.6984250

They should re master resident evil 4

>> No.6984278

>30 fps
It's shit

>> No.6984296

>how its heralded as a great survival horror game
I've literally never heard this

>> No.6984394 [DELETED] 

not retro

>> No.6984452
File: 12 KB, 189x267, 662441143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow of Rome is also another Capcom masterpiece...
Too bad and I don't know why it did not got the same notoriety.

>> No.6984457


>> No.6985373

15 years and still not retro

>> No.6985448

People got seething everytime they had to play a stealth mission between collosseum gory segments. Honestly Stealth is difficult to do without it being fucking frustating and in some cases when they do it well is not that fun. No wonder not a lot of developer try to make stealth games.

>> No.6986472 [DELETED] 

not retro