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File: 189 KB, 280x356, Tomb_Raider_%281996%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980758 No.6980758 [Reply] [Original]

I want to try tomb raider but there's a 1.1 and 1.6 version of the rom online. is there any reason to use 1.1 or should I just do the 1.6?

>> No.6980902

game is the same, 1.1 -1.6 are just releases for different markets. difference is marginal if any

>> No.6980938

thanks that's what I was wondering

>> No.6980958


If I remember correctly the only difference is the included trailer for another game.

>> No.6981598

And the included demo.

>> No.6981628

No, the reason the revisions are different is because the 'Raider games are extremely buggy- submitting a patch involves incrementing the revision number along with a new pressing. If you want to really get bit in the ass hard by failing to grasp this, try playing the first revision or two of III, one of the buggiest in the classic series. It'll permanently fuck your shit up with spontaneously corrupting level geometry, failed switch presses, and refusal to load levelsets in a dazzling variety of circumstances. The PC version got an avalanche of patches, the PSX, not so much (just enough to stop the most egregious shit).

>> No.6982872
File: 279 KB, 1920x1080, OpenLara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use OpenLara. For the first one there is no reason not to.

>> No.6983983

what the fuck is that water?!?!? ewwwww

>> No.6983991

ayo niggas, I want to play the lost emperor but I don't have tr2 on the computer, where do you suggest I get it?

>> No.6984217

>Lost Emperor
What is this? Anyway you should just be able to grab the GoG version somewhere

>> No.6984231


>> No.6984253


>> No.6984261

it sells 1+2+3
I wonder if that will be a problem; do you install them individually?

>> No.6984285

>Trying to patch original release, two generations of OS after premiere
>Not just playing a modern re-release of the game
Why? Why are you doing this? What? It's some fake grog kind of shit, when you must prove to the world how "oldschool" you are?

>Still trying to push OpenLara
Nobody gonna touch that shit, m8

>> No.6984297

>Not just playing a modern re-release of the game
like what?

>> No.6984486

Why is it bad?

>> No.6985616

You can find TR 1 in this pack (DOSBox): https://mega.nz/folder/CldGAahb#yn_8LkRHraywPgKJMp5pqA
TR 2 and 4 here (should run on win10): https://mega.nz/folder/3t8nzSIS#947kyMN6Z80f8HS7q2XlqA

>> No.6986546

For the first Tomb Raider it's just fine. I believe there are still issues with 2-4 though.

>> No.6986918

what do I need to open these files after download?

>> No.6986925


>> No.6986928

ayo thanks nigga

>> No.6986936
File: 550 KB, 1280x1680, 1602544732133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will there ever be a vidya girl that can surpass Lara?

>> No.6987075

Man, these computer controls are making me wish there was a ps1 computer controller.

>> No.6987090

Spics are gross.

>> No.6987092
File: 157 KB, 640x554, 1499881457202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps1 doesn't use analog instead of dpad, you don't miss anything for playing with a keyboard.

>> No.6987097

you can use the ps4 controller on pc ive also seen off brand playstation but i doubt theyre actually good

>> No.6987330

wait am I supposed to play TR as a computer game? I thought they were best on ps1

>> No.6987396

what are you? a retard? do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.6987719

>I thought they were best on ps1
>what are you? a retard?
It seems so.

>> No.6987987

I found that emulating the PS1 games using a DS4 is the best balance between convenient and authentic for TR1-5.

>> No.6988403


Id love to open laras womb, womb raider kek.