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6978615 No.6978615 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6978623

>american anti drug disclaimer
>half the country is on anti depressants

>> No.6978628

Arcades died is why.

>> No.6978697

as opposed to the majority of your country which is shit faced drunk 20 hours a day?
fuck off.

>> No.6978706


we needed the 1 dollar coin

>> No.6978724

Thank you based anon. Drug using degenerates need to understand how they have no place here. They need to kill themselves immediately.

>> No.6978759

The only problem with that message is that alcohol is obviously a drug as well. In fact, it's neurodegenerative, which the vast majority of illegal drugs are not (with some exceptions, like regular amphetamine use, inhalants, and PCP). Yes, you can literally smoke weed 24/7/365 or be addicted to painkillers for 20 years, quit, and you will not permanently lose any cognition. Alcohol, though, causes brain damage. Plus it's super addictive.

But normies don't view alcohol as a drug because they're all in denial. Normies hate cannabis and psychedelic users, but don't give getting drunk a second thought. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6978771

Retro gaming news! Williams S. Sessions died this year: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/12/us/william-s-sessions-dead.html

>> No.6978774

Americans forgot.

>> No.6978775
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Winners_Dont_Use_Drugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6978778

>The slogan was part of a long-term effort by the United States in its war on drugs started by President Richard Nixon in 1971. Part of this campaign was to publicize the message about the harm of drugs to the youth, with the FBI focusing on how to use public messaging to spread this message out widely. Sessions, who became FBI Director in 1987, established the FBI's Drug Awareness Program to get these messages to reach the youth and teenagers.[1]

>In 1989, Bob Davenport, the director of the FBI's Office of Public Affairs, was tasked by Sessions to get anti-drug public service announcements towards children. Various ideas were tried but without success. While at a dinner meeting with former FBI agent and Davenport's acquaintance Robert Fay, by then the president of the AAMA, the subject of this PSA came up. Fay's former role in the FBI had been part of a white collar crime unit who had led the investigation into a counterfeit video game ring, which led to Fay's transition to the AAMA. Fay had sway over the various companies in the AAMA due to having helped stopped this counterfeit ring, and thus was able to get the AAMA to agree to include the message, once it was decided.[1] Sessions, Davenport and Fay worked through several iterations of the slogan, eventually coming to "Winners Don't Use Drugs" as a short, uplifting message that not only applied to video games but other facets of life.

>Fay secured 20 arcade manufacturers to include the slogan in their games in exchange for these games being featured to the FBI. The slogan was shown in the arcade games' attract mode so that it would be highly visible across arcades.[1] The slogan made its official debut on January 10, 1989, when three major games that included the slogan were shown to the press.[1] A law was also passed that required all imported arcade games to carry the message

>> No.6978780

[citation needed]

>> No.6978793


>> No.6978808

whew lad

>> No.6978812
File: 464 KB, 1844x1333, 466C83BF-B954-4C6E-8D40-FCA2D0D8F14A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity the fool who does drugs!

>> No.6978832

why would i need OTHER drugs?
i already have videogames and the internet

>> No.6978915

sega always on the top

>> No.6979123

>sets neogeo region to europe
Time to do some drugs

>> No.6980505

The problem is that you pot sucking apologists seem to think if you sprinkle some pseudo intellectual bullshit in your incoherent weed fueled rants that it offers some validity to what you're saying.

You're the lowest form of life on earth and the grand sum of what you and your shitstain kind have contributed is "duuudeweedlol".

You are the normie, you mush brained piece of shit. Potheads are a protected class that normies love, even if they're just LARPing. You are human waste and I wish you could die from your shitty pot use. Then there'd be less of you inflicting your degeneracy on the rest of us.

>> No.6980531


>> No.6980563

Drugs are for losers

>> No.6980575

Ultra based.

>> No.6980593

You're projecting pretty hard here.

>> No.6980605

>False flagging

These aren't instant win buttons. You know that, right? Maybe even try using them relevantly for a start. But I'm proud of you for trying something other than "loldudeweeeeeedlmao"

>> No.6980617

Based retard

>> No.6980620

No you are just genuinely projecting. Nobody cares what you don't like.
I don't like that you show up to magic tourneys smelling like gym socks and cheetos had sex and created something unique to you

>> No.6980680

I know it's hard to put together coherent thoughts when you've fried your brain on a lifetime of pot consumption, but let me make it simple: you are a degenerate. Remove yourself from life and make things better for everyone else.

>> No.6981791

Wow you're really struggling with the concept that you're not remotely important and that your opinions are irrelevant aren't you?

>> No.6981802

Also allow me to explain this to you since your autism seems to get in the way of your comprehensional capability: you are a degenerate.
All you do is sit around playing 30 year old video games all day bitching about other people while contributing nothing to society. You don't even bathe. Good luck with your complete lack of self-awareness as you shit on other people for doing things you don't like. The hilariously unspoken irony here is that you wouldn't have the balls to say any of this to my face. Stay anon!

>> No.6981957

>smoke a ton of weed
>move to colorado
>save up some money, get medical card
>grow weed and sell it
>Literally never have to work a "real" job again

>> No.6982076
File: 52 KB, 500x423, 1369645295428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"winners don't use drugs"
>in an arcade game with captain america

>> No.6982132

back when society still pretended to have some integrity remaining

>> No.6982174

The Nobel laureate who invented the PCR process of DNA amplification credits his achievement to the influence of LSD. Guess he's not a winner according to the FBI.

>> No.6982194
File: 31 KB, 474x568, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your country have cannabis conventions? Go to one and tell us again that it's not neurodegenerative.

If you can't go to one, I suggest you this alternative:
1. Go to your local psych ward.
2. Count the number of alcoholics.
3. Count the number of psychedelic users.
4. Compare prevalence with that of the non-crazy population
5. Be thankful you're still not at that point.

>> No.6982210

>credits his achievement to the influence of LSD
Kek, that's exactly the kind of delusions LSD causes. If an ultra-christian engineer credited God for his invention, would you believe him too?

It's the same thing. Most human brains are simply not prepared to deal with that substance gracefully. No matter how little you think it affected you, it likely re-wired your brain, almost certainly for the worse.

By the way, I think everybody should be free to take drugs, as long as they're informed. That's why I fight disinformation.

>> No.6982213

ironically it was first seen in NARC arcade

>> No.6982646
File: 176 KB, 468x468, A8jH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plays Wrestlefest
>sees this message
oh no no no no

>> No.6982665

>or be addicted to painkillers for 20 years, quit, and you will not permanently lose any cognition.
This is totally false. Painkillers are well-known for permanent cognitive effects. It's only a matter how of how long and how strong.

Alcohol in small amounts infrequently doesn't cause brain damage. Isn't there even a theory about how it kills off a small amount of the weakest brain cells allowing the brain to grow better ones.

"you're just saying that because you don't want to give up drink"

I never drink. I never liked the taste but mostly it has other aging effects and ups your risk of cancer. So drink is bad, I'm just saying I don't think non-binge drinking causes the neurodegeneration you're describing. People find it so odd when I say I've never really liked/taken alcohol I'm considering changing my story to say I used to be massive drinker long ago and had to quit cold-turkey, because that would unironically make me seem less of a weirdo to them.

>> No.6982682

>Normies hate cannabis and psychedelic users

Lmao no they don't. Most people at bars and clubs are high off their ass.

>> No.6984034

You say that like 'murricans aren't also alcoholics lol