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File: 45 KB, 256x362, Sonic_Adventure_2_Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6972731 No.6972731 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to hate this 3D masterpiece?

>> No.6972746

youtubers and game reviews told them it was bad

>> No.6972825

The Sonic/Shadow sections are fun (except Crazy Gadget that zone can fuck itself.)
The Tails/Eggman sections are fine.
The Knuckles/Rouge sections are tedious.
The Chao breeding is pretty much the whole game if you're into it enough.

>> No.6972842
File: 274 KB, 353x445, 55521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but I think it isn't for everyone. Sonic and Shadow have sick levels, but the other characters are much more divisive in terms of gameplay styles. Having multiple design philosophies in one game can either make or break it.
>the "everyone that doesn't like muh game is some dumb youtuber" strawman again
I know that this fanbase isn't very open to critcism, but c'mon, can you at least make a less repetitive and better excuse?

>> No.6972878
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, Shantae_ Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut_20160406094124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you get all emblems? It's horrible.

>> No.6973091


It's amazing

>> No.6973169

>Step down from SA1 in every way besides presentation and music

>> No.6973201

This thread is the exact opposite of those threads that say Super Mario 3/64 are bad games. In those cases the games are great. In this case, the game is bad.

>> No.6973375
File: 107 KB, 592x526, hedgehog's dilemma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love SA2 but it is absolutely one of those games you gotta adjust to in childhood. Grinding felt like shit, failing to spindash properly killed your momentum, hell, even the act of merely running around felt stilted (running down the half-pipes of Green Forest and *losing* speed comes to mind). And that's the "good" part of the game.

>> No.6973376

I always felt the general consensus was that it was a fun game despite the faults. I don't see the hate for it anywhere.

>> No.6973382

SA1 is borderline unplayable.

>> No.6973385

I'm trying to get all the emblems on steam, but I don't think there's any way I can get all A ranks. I'll probably settle for clearing all missions because I suck.

>> No.6973389

1/3rd of the game sucks.

>> No.6973392

You've obviously never played Sonic Adventure 1. I own it for the Dreamcast and I've beat the game plenty of times.

>> No.6973410

He's probably referring to the DX version

>> No.6973421

Yeah, the DX version isn't as good. That's the thing with ports, it's not as good as the original version that was made on the console it was intended for.

>> No.6973456
File: 70 KB, 398x450, 1583374832677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still lying and pretending that SA1 isn't a pile of dog shit
lmao sonic fans are so pathetic

>> No.6973467

>Joker incel prefers the edgier game
why am I not surprised

>> No.6973632

why do people pretend like the first one was better when it very clearly isnt?

>> No.6973715
File: 784 KB, 1280x1280, final rush g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish every 3D Sonic level was like Final Rush. That stage is so fucking fun.

>> No.6973739

>23-25 seconds in
I would always purposefully avoid that rail just to fall and land on the rail way at the bottom, I don't know if that's faster or not but I always thought it was cool that you could do that.

>> No.6973742

>Worships an Incel version of Joker.
That explains a lot.

>> No.6973746

>he actually uses that powerup that converts enemies into tiny balls
i always forget that thing even exists

>> No.6973754

>landing on a rail after performing a midair trick doesn't award you points
I will never not be mad

>> No.6974237

it got ported to soitendo and their entire autistic fanbase saw their chance to get back at the bullies who laughed at them on the playground for still playing bing bing wahoo.

>> No.6974239


>> No.6974308
File: 201 KB, 181x179, 1601952276266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sonic fanbase is incredible autistic and the lack of good games makes them lash out on anything that might signal where the departure from "good sonic games" began. 3D Era was popular, added a lot and tried a lot of new things as well.

There was shit like that awful Sonic party game, 3D Blast, some terrible gamegear titles, etc. Those get ignored because they don't really fit the narrative that Sonic going full 3D killed the series. I like the 2D and 3D games myself personally. They both have their highs and lows and I really enjoy the characters and story of Adventure while I liked Sonic 3 for blasting through in a single segment or two.

>> No.6974338

Shadow alone makes up for any gameplay flaws

>> No.6974414

>Those get ignored because they don't really fit the narrative that Sonic going full 3D killed the series
No, they get ignored because they were developed by third parties. I'm no classicfag but there was very clearly a downward trend until maybe Colors.

>> No.6974446

>the 3d games were bad until hold boost button to win
yeah fuck off you're exactly the autist he's talking about

like none of the problems of older 3d sonic games have to do with the 3d itself. in fact, the earliest attempts are still the most well-liked by everyone. then heroes hit and sega felt the need to arbitrarily reinvent the wheel with a shittier version of the wheel over and over again until the batshit, coddling gimmickry entirely took over in secret rings and beyond. then colors hit and autists pretended it was good cause they took out the 4kids voices

>> No.6974452

i liked this stage in of itself but i think rails in general were a bad idea cause they're pretty much the same gameplay concept as boost and i feel like theyre inclusion were what persuaded sega to go with boost mechanics to begin with

>> No.6974474

Colors was seen as good because they finally made a Sonic game that was okay from start to finish, no gotchas.

>yeah fuck off you're exactly the autist he's talking about
But you're the one who decided to
>lash out on anything that might signal where the departure from "good sonic games" began
Maybe >>>/v/ is more up your alley.

>> No.6974497

colors was seen as good because they nixed the 4kids voices and people weren't soured on boost yet because they were retarded and at that point their only metric for a good sonic game would be something that was as little like 06 as possible and colors was that
>lash out on anything that might signal where the departure from "good sonic games" began
i never said that but its a literal fact that post-sa2, sega had a real identity crisis wrt sonic's gameplay now that he wasn't sega-hardware exclusive any more and so made a bunch of batshit design decisions to casualize his gameplay for mass audiences that have literally all failed financially and/or critically because of their diversions from what people liked of the adventure games. and sega has still never recovered from this. to the point that all 3d gameplay has been reduced to hold x to win just to be sure none of the diaper-wearing nintoddlers who've said sonic is badly designed cause you run into stuff sometimes can never possibly screw up at all. but yeah sure i'm just being autistic and sonic is better than ever now that he's not even in any game at all for the foreseeable future.because of how much of a dumpster fire the culmination of all post-sa2 design trends in forces ended up being

>> No.6974572
File: 766 KB, 640x480, 1573562269499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold up to win
Good game design. Nuanced. Sophisticated. For mature adult gamers.

>hold up AND X to win
Bad game design. Gimmick. For drooling reatard.

I understand now. Thank you for enlightening me, brother.

>> No.6974610

see? the drooling retards who love boost can't even fathom what more to the game there was otherwise. in boost gameplay, boosting mitigates interacting with pretty much any part of the level sans forced rail sections which are the same thing anyway. simple, fundamental mechanics like enemies be damned and all.

>> No.6975985

>The Sonic fanbase is incredible autistic

Should have been the end of your contribution to this thread, fucking autismo

>> No.6976164

What? Anon, console war shitposting is affecting your brain.

>> No.6976179

Very true

>> No.6976203

Yeah bro there was so much more nuance to pushing the spin dash button than there is pushing the boost button. The nintoddlertards just don't get it.

>> No.6976213

Nah the reason Colors was seen as good was because the normalfag opinion was that friends and different gameplay styles are bad. Unleashed's Boost stages were well received but the Werehog was not, so when Colors came out and only had Boost Sonic with no friends it was well received despite the stages being shit and worse than Unleashed.

>> No.6976215

I gotta be real with you, it sounds like the normalfags have a point.

>> No.6976325


>> No.6976348

They usually do. They're called 'normal'fags for a reason

>> No.6976350

Back to /r9k/ you go, zoomer.

>> No.6976374

I'm in my 30s and first played this on the 360, I wasn't into console gaming in the dreamcast/cube eras. I fucking hated it. The levels are garbage. I liked Sonic Adventure 1 though.

>> No.6976404

this game is horse shit
I had it as a launch title for GC
the first level is good but it gives you a false sense of whats to come
the 'find the emerald' levels are the fucking worst and pissed me off to no end
such a fucking waste of time

>> No.6976428
File: 111 KB, 784x1019, sky rail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting another fun level with rails:

>> No.6976487

Can't say I agree. Most of the time they just believe whatever the nearest authoritative-sounding person tells them.

>> No.6976541

well one, you actually have to stop and charge a spindash so it's not the same on that level. and two, you ever tried to spindash kill an enemy in sa2? it's an incredible cumbersome way of going about it. certainly not nearly as convenient or automated as boosting. 3/10 made me post
so yeah, people liked it because it was as little like 06 as possible.

>> No.6976545
File: 4 KB, 367x101, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid not, incel.

>> No.6976697
File: 447 KB, 1920x1080, THE_CITYS_BEEN_FUCKING_DESTROYED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon wasn't the one that said that. That anon is just proving my point and sperging out like a retard. There's good in the boost formula just like there's good in the adventure formula.

You have a valid point but personally I dislike that in the boost games there is little to zero room for exploration without automation. Adventure games have an emphasis on speed wnd going forward but it never forced you to keep moving, you could stop and explore the area around you and you were rewarded for it. I never understood the point of the red coins in the boost games, they don't feel rewarding at all to collect.

>> No.6976707

The only positive SA2 had over SA1 was the fact that Shadow's model had a skin-colored butthole for some reason.

>> No.6976716

everything the boost formula does good are just adaptions it takes from the adventure games and classic. every actual new thing they add is superfluous fluff nobody likes

>> No.6977064

I enjoyed this game a lot as a kid

As an adult, I don't have the patience for Knuckles levels anymore, and feel like Tails are momentum killers

Really it's not the worst game, but man, the Adventure games have aged incredibly poorly

>> No.6978443

I want to unlock GHZ, but fuck it man.

>> No.6978458


>> No.6978502

back in the day i just downloaded a 100% vmu file to play ghz. fuck the dreamcast was awesome.

>> No.6978507

you've unironically been brainwashed by 4chan fyi If the majority of people don't like something there's usually a good reason and it's not just because you're super special and more 'awake' then they are

>> No.6978527
File: 81 KB, 669x397, sonic_dx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The low rating given to the Sonic Adventure games AFTER the Dreamcast is complete bullshit given how badly Mario 64 has aged.

I think the key problems were this:
1) Sonic Adventure DX came out in that frustrating period of the early '00s where retro games weren't really appreciated. Game reviewers were vapid Gen Xers that just wanted shooters and better graphics.

2) Before this view could be challenged in light of millennials directing the conversation on retro gaming, Sonic 06 came out - forever relegated 3D Sonic games are permanently bad.

Look at some of the original criticisms against Sonic Adventures on Gamecube. For context, the original game came out in 1998 and was released on Gamecube in 2003 - this is a huge time differential giving how rapidly 3D games were evolving:

>There are so many flaws in execution that can't be ignored, either, from one of the worst camera systems in a 3D game to the fact that Sonic himself catches onto the environment and sometimes comes to a dead stop in mid-sprint. And what the hell happened to the framerate in the GameCube port?

>It's a straight port, with a few minor alterations, and in this day and age it just can't stand up to the competition. Whatever your feeling about Mario Sunshine and it's crazy camera, it sprays water all over this.

Let's be honest - if Mario 64 was ported to Gamecube without any changes, it would also face the same criticisms from arrogant early '00s reporters.

>> No.6978549

>The low rating given to the Sonic Adventure games AFTER the Dreamcast is complete bullshit
You forget that Sega was once part of the big 3 in the video game business. Just like today, magazines and sites would suck the cock of many games that were made by popular companies, including Sega themselves.
When they got out of the console business to become a third-party developer, the gloves were finally off. Sega wasn't going to have the same privileges that Nintendo had and still has with the gaming media.

>> No.6979884

It's all about the achievement though

>> No.6980362

>Let's be honest - if Mario 64 was ported to Gamecube without any changes, it would also face the same criticisms from arrogant early '00s reporters.
no it wouldn't. journos have always worshipped soitendo and hated sega.

>> No.6980368

How can you defend these games but hate Treasure?

>> No.6980371


>> No.6980385

Wario World > any 3D Sonic

>> No.6980506

What a blatantly dishonest post. Wario World is mediocre drivel at best.

>> No.6981446

not retro