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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6971051 No.6971051 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the first installment of /LCD/; the inverse of /CRT/ where we discuss ways to take our classic SDTV consoles and find the best way to output them to modern all-digital displays with minimal sacrifice and clean upscales.

To open the floor, what is your opinion of the OSSC and what is your preferred way to hook up to it if you use one? SCART seems to be the choice connector but what's your take?

>> No.6971087 [DELETED] 

>Zoom to the zoom zoom of /ZOOM/; the zoom zoom zoom where we zoom zoom to zoom our zoom zoom zooms and find the best way to zoom zoom zoom zoom all-zoom zooms with zoom zoom and zoom zooms.

>> No.6971094

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.6971096

emulation threads already have all of the discussion you hope to get out of this thread

>> No.6971105 [DELETED] 


>> No.6971106

Emulation as in just playing ROMs on a PC or like using an FPGA?

Because the latter would still be a fair thing, even if it's kind of cheating.

>> No.6971135

>4:3 stretched to 16:9
Now this is shitposting.

>> No.6971138

just like the developers intended

>> No.6971159

What makes you think that's my setup?

I'm connecting a PS2, DC, and GC straight to an HDTV so I'm probably worse.

>> No.6971174

As garbage as this concept is, you could probably have some interesting discussions about handhelds and how their technically limited screens actually produce far better still images than modern IPS cancer. Putting an IPS screen in a gameboy is like putting an LCD in a MAME cab.

>> No.6971180

Ps2 has such horrendous image quality as it is and your adding another layer of shit to it by hooking it up to an hdtv

>> No.6971187
File: 3.93 MB, 4656x3492, 0330201254a_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plasma is the real sweet spot

>> No.6971203

You're not going to get decent discussion on this topic (or any other topic, really) on /vr/. But the answer to your question is that a chink OSSC and decent SCART cables is the way to go right now. If you need composite/S-Video, get a chink Retrotink-2X knockoff.

>> No.6971271

>Welcome to the first installment of shit that's been posted 3 times a day for the last few years
You zoomies are getting dumber and dumber every day

>> No.6971276

am I blind or have LCD screens never looked *that* bad to me
not as good as a CRT but not as bad as everyone says, I don't get the point of an OSSC or Framemeister either

>> No.6971293


No such thing as cheating. Just play the fucking game and enjoy.

P.S. You’re a faggot but I like you.

>> No.6971301

As someone that grew up playing on a CRT way back in the day. I hated playing on CRT. Small, bulky. I love playing my old school retro games on my large plasma TV. I want to actually see what I'm playing and not pretend like I'm still back in the 90's.

That's how you can tell if someone grew up around that time or are try hard retro kids.

>> No.6971319



>> No.6971324
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>> No.6971337
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>> No.6971338

How can you see anything when the entire screen blurs out as soon as something moves?

>> No.6971342


>> No.6971395


You must have played on a really shitty lcd/plasma. I own both, both have really low latency when set up correctly and an amazing image quality. It's also a lot about comfort of use - I changed work, don't have as much time as I've had before so instead of messing around with og hardware and crt I just plug in my laptop and emulate when I want to play something. I still have my old consoles and games but I'm thinking about selling - I'm not a hoarder and someone else might enjoy them.

Anyway, I'm not an autist and I see pros and cons to both solutions (og hardware + crt vs emulation and modern tv). I just chose the latter due to it being perfectly fine for my current needs.

>> No.6971625

hi guys! is this the faggot thread?

>> No.6971635

Zero lag upscaling. Giving the TV a signal it can better work with while also not introducing any delays that don’t come from the TV itself.

>> No.6971648

What's the appeal of "upscaling"? I never understood it.

>> No.6971705

You should get better lcd/oled displays if you think you have never seen one "as good as a CRT"

>> No.6971709

That isn't how sample and hold works. Your bait is weak.

>> No.6971825

This is a good guide for anyone buying a new flatscreen with the intention of playing retro games on it:


>> No.6971915

Step 1, buy a crt or just emulate with shaders.

>> No.6971917

why do crt and lcd bros fight?
why dont we all just use both?
even RF looks ok on certain sets that i have

>> No.6971919

You cannot see what you're playing on an LCD with all that motion blur. And with a fixed resolution it means even more problems in regards to image quality.

>> No.6971928

You should upgrade from your shitty 2003 LCD.

>> No.6972275
File: 262 KB, 451x451, unimpressed nights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of shitty monitor with stretched snes game
bait thread sage

>> No.6972316

OLED is several thousand dollars the last I checked into it.

>> No.6972328

They always do. Get ready for the next wave in a few years.

>> No.6972331


>> No.6972332

Dangerously based

>> No.6972443

The Chink Retrotinks cost more than the new mini they just released.

>> No.6972451

Why is 480p content usually stretched vertically on TVs?
I really hate that, I want to see the actual size of the video on the tv even if its a small portion of the screen

>> No.6972491

Why does any group of kids fight another group of kids about retro gaming stuff? One group doesn't care if they're perceived as being from a younger generation, and the other group is desperate to larp like they're in their forties.

>> No.6972505

OSSC's line doubling is great if your source is a 2d sprite game. 3d games shouldn't be subjected to it.

>> No.6972506


On most modern tvs you can set the aspect ratio to 4:3 with no stretching.

>> No.6972517

You aren't wrong. At least in regards to televisions. The layout of the pixels on a CRT TV meant that it was literally impossible to have a crisp horizontal line.

>> No.6972621

>You must have played on a really shitty lcd/plasma.

This is how this retarded meme got started. Poorfags bought cheap shitty lcds when they came out and noticed they have shit tons of display lag. Then coomlectors jumped on board because they need to validate their incredible waste of money on old technology to make themselves feel better.

If you have any kind of modern lcd or tv with game mode from the last 5 years, your fine.

And no, the 5ms of lag is not why you cant play anything, you just suck.

>> No.6972794

>The layout of brain cells in my head is 1x1x1

>> No.6972817

Hey guys, you like the news rules yet and the quality content that came with it?

>> No.6972884
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>> No.6972971

The display you use to play your retro games is platform agnostic, you FUCKING SHITLORD.

>> No.6972975

Blur is not lag. My LCD has no noticeable lag. It definitely blurs out more than my CRT though.

>> No.6973063

Interesting thread. I have my PS2 connected via expensive YUV cable and before I play I boot HD-exploder or launch the homebrew app mode-selector that forces the PS2 a into a progressive mode (480p-720p) which takes my TV's internal scaler out of the equation and makes games pop.

>> No.6973102
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Anyone know of a good analog framesync with support for 240p at 60/50hz?
I'm wanting to downscale 480i to 240p with analog in and out, so I don't get a delay when switching.
My current one only does 480i/60 and 240p/30 when genlocked.

>> No.6973417

That doesn't have component, though. But if you're getting both an OSSC and a Retrotink, then yeah, get the Mini.

>> No.6973670

Uh-huh, and what's your solution?

>> No.6973741


Blur is a form of lag - there is a lag when things appear on screen and then there is lag when things disappear. Too much of this second kind displays as blur or ghosting. Anyway, it's not the case on any 2012+ tv that is not walmart grade shit. The only lcd I had that had blur or ghosting visible was a hd (720p) Philips from 2004 or 2005. Never experienced it on either 43" (2015) and 65" (2019) Samsung, 42" Sony Bravia (2016) LCDs or 55" Samsung plasma from 2010.

>> No.6973751

LCDs draw images differently than CRTs. I'm not talking about ghosting like you'd see on a really old lcd like a psp screen. When a screen scrolls on an LCD, as in a sidescroller, the entire screen goes slightly out of focus as it redraws the entire image.
When I emulate on PC, I'm using my 144hz gaming monitor, not some old shitty lcd.

>> No.6973764


That's exactly what ghosting is and if you're using a 144 hz gaming monitor you should probably look for an overdrive option in the menus and set your monitor up properly.

>> No.6975317

Is it safe to use a universal remote on an LCD or can it damage them like a CRT?

>> No.6975339

Give up on this stupid forced meme.

>> No.6975960

You're probably going to damage your TV when you throw it in anger.

>> No.6975974

ohai buttblasted universal remote kid

I can't lift my TV. It's just a 19" LCD but I'm an obese zoomie who can barely lift my inhaler to my mouth like everyone else here so no way I'm going to throw any TVs.

>> No.6977041

>I can't lift my TV. It's just a 19" LCD but I'm an obese zoomie who can barely lift my inhaler to my mouth like everyone else here so no way I'm going to throw any TVs.

post face

>> No.6977773

My efforts to digitize (both in terms of video output and software) my Saturn and Dreamcast is probably not going to be as robust as getting a DCDigital for the Dreamcast but it's more egalitarian and ultimately a better value (plus I don't need to chase down a DCDigital just to maximize its potential).

>> No.6978046

>using words you don't know the meaning of trying to sound clever
It never worked once in the entire history of words

>> No.6978061

>composite and stretched
Off to a bad start, OP

>> No.6978171
File: 1.38 MB, 2016x1512, Chinastation3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got a modern LCD monitor, but it only has HDMI and display port. I thought 1440p should be good for 240p content line tripled to 720p, but it still ends out blurry. I am disappointed it does not align pixels perfectly, and one would imagine it has enough pixels to scroll smoothly without shimmer.

I am currently trying to put together some old 486/MMX/Pentium3/Athlon computers. What LCD would you recommend? The LCD panels of the past were not of the quality of modern ones, but modern monitors do not accept DVI-I nor VGA.

The OSSC is really cool. Waiting on the Pro. I have to start saving up to get the SCART cables but they should be worth it.

>> No.6978727

>but modern monitors do not accept DVI-I nor VGA
But they do?
Check out some cheap IPS-panels, they still should have what you need. Just look harder.

>> No.6978736

And PAL, too.

PAL=Phat-bordered And Laggy

>> No.6978754

>To open the floor, what is your opinion of the OSSC and what is your preferred way to hook up to it if you use one? SCART seems to be the choice connector but what's your take?
OSSC is good.
Finding cheap one is easy.
Setting it up with optimal timings is a little confusing, but result is worth it. Don't know why I ignored those for almost a year, it was like I rediscovered what OSSC is.
Prices on cables is absurd, that's why I homebrewed my own. It's cheap and much faster than to wait for "expensive" ones right now.
I first connect my consoles into PVM
Then pass-thru them to OSSC, which in turn splits into two cables with an HDMI-splitter.
One goes into some chinese capture-card for normalizing the signal and outputting beautiful 240p x5 picture.
Second one is just hanging there for when I feel like checking out what my TV can do by himself or for plugging into a second display or proper capture-card.