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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 933 KB, 1125x806, 38AE92AA-223E-4D83-973F-B12A73206CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6969293 No.6969293 [Reply] [Original]

dumping what ive found this week
>side note:
for fucks sake zoomies stay out & shit up a different thread you're not funny and no one loves you

>> No.6969294
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>> No.6969296

>obscure nes thread
>posts famicom games
Um, try again sweetie

>> No.6969302


>> No.6969315
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>> No.6969327
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>> No.6969340
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>> No.6969345

These are amazing, keep 'em coming. And post screenshots too if you have them.

>> No.6969347
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>> No.6969350
File: 600 KB, 1125x699, 51F8A2BC-52CE-45EE-8C55-3780400D3911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of the titles in this thread are on the "500 in 1" green turtles cart on ebay
my system cant do the everdrive n8 as it doesn't feed enough power so multicarts are our only option currently

everything posted has been curated and actually played feel free to contribute if you find/know of anything

>> No.6969351
File: 590 KB, 1125x964, 6325EA4D-1ADF-4070-BB60-5DF1AE5610A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're the same system ma'am
use a pin adapter or emulate

>> No.6969354
File: 965 KB, 1125x939, 93C194A8-CC1D-4D16-B514-3CA9EC4ECB36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if this includes unlicensed games

>> No.6969363
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>> No.6969368
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technically a math practice game -
shoot em up and portals take you to math problems that award options if correctly answered


>> No.6969373
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space harrier clone

>> No.6969380
File: 1.23 MB, 1125x1334, F9D1EDA9-BCC0-4DCE-B60F-5691F56F1D70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoot em up / puzzler

>> No.6969386
File: 481 KB, 1125x551, 23CF1809-E27B-4A47-B58C-C2C67454431C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoot em up / harrier clone

>> No.6969405
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decent shoot em up

>> No.6969414
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>> No.6969423
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be the change you want to see

>> No.6969497

It doesn't. VGL shows licensed games only.

>> No.6969512
File: 755 KB, 1125x1583, EC0FC7F2-0E3D-456F-BFDC-E0EB38BFBF69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread only had a few
most of them are nightmare-tier
but occasionally you do find enjoyable ones

heres a photo of the cart:
$20 has everything in the thread besides quinty&athena

>> No.6969821

I remember renting this

>> No.6970781

its pretty good
ill do another thread next day off

cheers /vr/

>> No.6970814
File: 48 KB, 367x256, Super_Chinese_3_(Cover).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Chinese series, localized as Little Ninja Brothers on NES, Ninja Boy 1 and 2 on Gameboy and Super Ninja Boy on SNES. Excellent action RPGs. The first game was ported and localized in NES as Kung Fu Heroes but its not an RPG.

Still can't believe we don't have English patches for the two America didn't get: Little Ninja Brothers 2 on NES and Ninja Boy 3 on Gameboy (Super Chinese 3 and Super Chinese Land 3 respectively in Japan)

>> No.6970885

>my system cant do the everdrive n8 as it doesn't feed enough power so multicarts are our only option currently

>> No.6971347

i have the original nes but use the hyperkin HD almost exclusively

it the only hd model that doesnt support the flashcarts, sega and snes both do

>> No.6971350

will definitely look into it

>> No.6971948

>inb4 hyperkin is shit
honestly for $35 hdmi out @ low latency it's totally worth it

i plan on snagging the retron77 as well

>> No.6972094

I wish someone designing new atari shit would have some brains and put the b/w switch on the controller.

>> No.6972186

i rarely use it
besides space invaders i have no idea what it would even be for

i never had a 2600 until i was an adult w/ expendable income

>> No.6974407


>> No.6974424
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>> No.6974516

I like this one

>> No.6974549

Nothing like a game where the final boss is Jesus Christ.

>> No.6974779

>Space Hunter
Is that game popular in Japan? At the very least it has that 20-something girl in space thing that Layla has.

>> No.6974916

i was happy to find it
loading on the list i really wasn't expecting much

but those simple coleco style games are somehow my favorite as i got older

ok im definitely checking it out now

i have no idea honestly
its a simple game with a small overworld map but the artdeco enemies and bomberman style combot got me hooked instantly

>> No.6974918


fucking phoneposting will be the end of me

>> No.6974976

Fancier games use it for additional input
e.g. Starmaster for switching to the galactic chart

>> No.6974983

It's known for being one of the earliest console games where people bought it for the girl on the cover and then were disappointed with the game

>> No.6975006


>> No.6975192

They're great games, the combat is a little rough but fun once you get used to its quirks.

>> No.6975514

its good
dont pay out the ass for it though
"100 best nes" multicart has it

>> No.6975518

holy shit

need to recheck the library now and see if it does anything on the existing carts we have

harmony cart is $60 might just snag one and start going through deep cuts
will make a different weekly thread for that though

>> No.6975532
File: 151 KB, 1200x824, o_SpaceShuttle_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Starmaster actually responds to toggling any of the three switches Black White/Color, Left Difficulty, or Right Difficulty for switching to the chart
Space Shuttle uses all the switches (pic related)

>> No.6975668
File: 105 KB, 472x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kick Master is a game I discovered on a Chinese bootleg NES mini. It's an action sidescroller with RPG elements like leveling up and being able to gain new kicks and magic spells. It also has some really beautiful sprite art and cut scenes. But most important, it's just fun as hell to play.

>> No.6975671
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an example of the sprite work. It's one of the first bosses in the game. Really has a Castlevania vibe to it.

>> No.6975725

its not bad also on the turtles multicart

ill have more to contribute to the thread soon

>> No.6975736

this one seems worth picking up CiB honestly

>> No.6975863

inb4 the atari bowling guy posts in here despite the OP literally saying not to