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/vr/ - Retro Games

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696859 No.696859 [Reply] [Original]

sup guys,

i just found out a bro of mine passed away yesterday, we were gaming together since 88. really bummed and shit, yet happy when i think about all the crazy shit we did. trying to beat super c with just the normal guns, finally beating gauntlet 2 and our madcap weekends with super bomberman 2.

right to the point, he still has a few of my games at his moms house and i don't want to feel like a dick asking for my stuff back, wondering if i should wait a week or something.

/vr/ bro remembrance thread?

>> No.696869

I have no /vr/ bros. My best friend doesn't play vidya at all.

Feels bad. I wish I could have had a /vr/ bro like you.

>> No.696880

>Be 4th grade
>Meet some asian kid
>Go to his house to play smash 64 and mario kart 64 almost every day
>we beat Majoras Mask together with his dad's help
>one day he stops coming to school
>ask my mom what happened to him
>apparently the education at my school wasn't good enough for his parents

I tried finding him on facebook a while ago, but there was no luck.

>> No.696881

Get it back ASAP before it gets 'cleaned out'

>> No.696882

damn man, that sucks. i couldn't think of not growing up with him. though, i'd probably have much more single player games.

>> No.696886
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>education wasn't good enough
Stereotypes much?

>> No.696891

Yeah, I have almost exclusively single player games. All my favorite games all my gaming memories are by my self. I had neighbors when I was in first grade, and we played Super Mario World together... But our parents got in a fight, and they weren't allowed to play with me any more.

>> No.696897

I live in silicon valley, and we get a lot of asian immigrants. Apparently they advertise us in asian countries for education.

>> No.696910

>education wasn't good enough

I'm not surprised.

>> No.696934

i remember my neighbor ladies daughter, we used to play plok together. shit was hard as balls.

>> No.696967

So did you ever Plok her?

>> No.696980

Ask her if you can buy his game collection from her, because it meant a lot to you, playing games with him, and for god's sake, do NOT lowball her. Offer beyond your comfort level.

>> No.696981

Well, you'll probably never see her again so you might feel bad in the short run but video games are what's important.

>> No.696993

this. if i lost one of my bros i would try to obtain at least the games that we played together that only he had.

>> No.697000

>but videogames are what's important

oh god i'm laughing but I feel terrible. Yeah you should offer to buy the games from her or wait a little bit and...fuck i dont even know, how do you ask a woman to have the games back her son borrowed, man I got nothing......I would just visit her and take them and not get caught.

>> No.697013

Wait a lot. Wait for half a year.

She'll start talking about his stuff first. If she doesn't, your shit is lost and so be it.

>> No.697039

>Hey I know you just lost your son and that must be one of the hardest things to endure in this world. But, that little shitbag "borrowed" some games from me and never gave them back. Since he's dead, he probably won't need them so if you could give them back I won't have to press charges.

>> No.697064

don't say specifically what it is, just call her, say your peace and ask to come by and grab a few of your things. Bring a box to put the games in and a handful of flowers for the poor woman & only take your games.

>> No.697375

>anon, why are you taking my dead son's video games
>well, you see, he borrowed these from me years ago and I never asked for them back so I figured now that he's dead I can just grab them.

>> No.697449

> ask to come by and grab a few things
> "hurrr what are you doing here taking things anon?"

>> No.697494
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When I was 7 or so I had an awesome friend - a older girl about 13 or 14. While she was into the typical stuff of the day like New Kids on the Block (hah) she also had an awesome collection of Nintendo games. I used to drop by her place a few times a week and we'd play Contra together.

She's also the first one who introduced me to the Konami code. I sometimes wonder what she's up to now.

>> No.697528

I met this guy who lives across the hall in my campus who loves retro vidya. I came over to his house and he had a huge collection of saturn games that he managed to bring with him to college. He says his collection was way bigger at home

he also had PDS and told me to treat it gently

>> No.697563

not to be rude but she probably has a dick inside her right now. I always remember the little girls from my classes in elementary school and think how good friends we were or even some of my guy friends and they are doing stupid shit when i check facebook.

There is know easy way to do this OP, you either bring it up or just sneak them out like i suggested earlier. But with your luck she will probably give them to some jerk who she thought was his good friend and you won't find out until after.

>> No.697917

This. Do it, OP.

That is if she doesn't sell it before half a year from now. She might want to get rid of stuff quickly so she's not constantly reminded.

>> No.697972

Go to his mother's house and ask if you can look through his stuff, so you can have some of the games you guys made memories on.

Just word it better so it doesn't sound like you're being all homo.

>> No.697985

She's no doubt got a facebook.

>> No.697993

>she probably has a dick inside her right now

you mean having sex? what?

>> No.698015

>Go around one friend's house.
> SNES, Mega Drive, Mega CD, 32X
>Complete Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles together.
>Go back round years later
>Our save file is still there on S3&K.

>> No.698076

>be me, youngfag
>inb4 why are you even on this board hurr durr
>always hang out with my best friend and play video games when we were little
>guy is like a brother to me
>he always wanted to play games I wasn't interested in when I was younger
>baldur's gate: dark alliance
>I always played it anyways because he wanted to
>we grow up and he joins the marines
>haven't seen my brother in years and I play baldur's gate all the time now
>I fucking miss michael

>> No.698120

Like another anon said, talk to his mom and try to relate to her. Tell her about your memories playing games with your bro and how you can't believe you'll never get that chance again. Try to sound kinda sad and desperate and offer her like $100 for the games. If you're slick, she'll probably just give 'em to you for free.

Worst case is you have to pay her, but that's your bro's mama and she probably needs some cash to help with the funeral anyway.


>> No.698159

>youngfag aswell
>parrents give me shitload of games/consoles when i was 4-5
>Nes, Snes, Classic Game boy, N64. They liked nintendo I guess.
>Continue collecting till now
>Still own all of it and play it with current friends
>all jelly of my retro
My most recent addition is Paper mario for the N64.

>> No.698205

Where you from?

>> No.698252

Canada, you?