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6961225 No.6961225 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it fail so badly?

>> No.6961226

No DVD player and piracy, you can just burn games CD-Rs and play, there's no copy protection (or very weak copy protection, any iso you download will already have it taken care of)

>> No.6961227

Sega ran out of cash marketing the thing.

>> No.6961228

honestly no DVD player and no funding to keep momentum

>> No.6961229
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Because of him

>> No.6961235

The Saturd made Sega lose too much money and they couldn't keep supporting the Basedcast due to all the debt, unfortunately.

>> No.6961239

This. It would've still lost, but not as badly if everything that preceded it since the Mega Drive wasn't putrid shit.

>> No.6961253

Pretty much.

>> No.6961285

Sega was never good. Their games and hardware aged poorly.

>> No.6961303

Pretty much this. At least they could pull a great library on the time it was on the market.

>> No.6961315

Financial mismanagement made it easy for someone like Sammy to swoop in and gobble up. They immediately tried to stop the hemorrhaging of money which led to Sega leaving the home console biz. It also marked the beginning of boring down to earth arcade hardware and using consoles like XBOX Chihiro or GameCube Triforce when appropriate.

>> No.6961387


>> No.6961403

bernie sold it at a loss, ensuring sega made no money over its success in america, sega then literally ran out of money so they had to shut down the dreamcast's production and support because bernie literally put them out of the console business.

>> No.6961454

dreamcast wouldn't have sold as many units that it did if it were priced any higher. did you learn nothing from the saturn's high price point?

>> No.6961471

it was a shit system i couldnt figure out how to get mine to even run sonic adventure when i got it so my mom took it back and got me an n64 with forsaken best xmas ever

>> No.6961548
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Most of the games are super weird, like experimental novelty games or party minigames. They're good, just not as substantial as what the competition was offering.

>> No.6961570

>launched right in the middle of PS1's best years, including having the same release date as a Final Fantasy game.
>PS2, Xbox and Gamecube right around the corner
>arcades were dying, yet it featured tons of arcade ports
>copied games easily produced and distributed very early on in it's life
>it ended up having tons of ports of PS1 and PC games that in general weren't as good as the original versions
>only 2 shoulder buttons, but also no additional face buttons to make up for that error
>No way to do more modern controls on it, as it had only 1 stick
>only good early games were fighting games most of the time
>it was the follow up to the Saturn. Which pissed off japs, who weren't ready to move on from saturn. The rest of the world felt "meh" about saturn at best and that cut down on the installed base for DC substantially.

The Dreamcast never had a chance. It aucks, but it's true.

>> No.6961572

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.6961646

It was a fucking piece of shit, that's why.

>> No.6961662

This. If you were there, you’d know.

>> No.6961663

the console had nothing but arcade ports, which are fine now that we're adults with an income but back then paying full price for a shallow arcade experience felt bad compared to the games that were actually built with consoles in mind.

>> No.6961795

Why, is marketing expensive?

>> No.6961817

Because people were already sick of SEGA by that time. Just completely burned for most people

>> No.6961951

It's was the better system for fighters by a long shot

>> No.6961969

Because its general design was painfully obsolete and the library suffered from N64 syndrome.

>> No.6961971

>system failed because piracy
>not because it was 90% arcade meme shit nobody wanted to play
Okay bernie.

>> No.6961975
File: 1.78 MB, 2720x3300, PS2-Fat-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path with DOA2 Hardcore, Tekken Tag Tournament, 4 and 5, SoulCalibur II (the worst version, but it still had it unlike MC) and III, Virtua Fighter 4, a better version of 3rd Strike, Neogeo Battle Coliseum, a version of Capcom vs SNK 2 that actually came out in the States, etc. etc. etc.*

>> No.6961994

and racing games
and shmups
and vs. puzzlers

>> No.6962014

Anybody else think the memecast is one of the ugliest consoles ever made? Especially the white one. Can't decide whether it wants to be a Chinese bootleg PS1 or an ugly late 90s PC in a box, so it fails at both. That Windows CE logo next to the controller ports really goes a long way in making it feel cheap as shit.

>> No.6962016
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I chuckled.

>> No.6962032

Would have failed even with a DVD drive since it was sold at loss.

>> No.6962034

ok sonytranny

>> No.6962041


>> No.6962064

It came out not long after the absolute peak of ps1 software so while I did play one in a game shop early I was still being amazed by gran turismo and ridge racer 4. I did get one a bit later and when I played sonic adventure I was like this is so much better than ps1 and it seemed like the DC was doing pretty good but the announcement of the ps2 made people go nuts with these rumous of it being able to do 60 million polygons and then it had dvd so heaps of people got it for that. When the ps2 finally launched the games were only decent. Fantavision looked particularly shitty. It was a couple of shitty years of gaming then until gt3 and metal gear solid launched.

In a nutshell it was basically people believing the bullcrap of the ps2 being so much better and possibly even Sega believing it too. Sony tried many more times and this trick never worked again.

>> No.6962078

it failed because the saturn failed

>> No.6962082

This was before the torrent protocol and before split compression.
It was virtually impossible to download an entire cdi or gdi without it failing.
The only way you'd be able to get pirated games on it was if you paid some sketchy guy for disc.

>> No.6962089

I like how most games ran at 60 FPS.

>> No.6962096

>Fantavision looked particularly shitty.
Are you nigging me? Find me a single Dreamcast game with better particle effects. And I will never understand the Fantavision hate, that game positively oozes a word that is spelled and pronounced like the capital of South Korea, minus the E.
>It was a couple of shitty years of gaming then until gt3 and metal gear solid launched.
Both those games were out by next November. Barely over a year, and they had demos from before the PS2 launched that were still graphically above most DC games.
>the bullcrap of the ps2 being so much better
It was though

>> No.6962102

Good one.

>> No.6962154

How american are you?

>> No.6962163

Sega ran out of money and had to leave the business. Horribly managed company that was doing shit like competing against itself in the previous generation (32x vs. Saturn) and doing shit like letting its developers make expensive art projects (Shenmue) in the current. Anyone saying anything else doesn't know what they are talking about.

>> No.6962249


>> No.6962486

As much as I like the DC, it’s controller is dogshit and way out of date by the time it hit store shelves. 6th gen was where everyone had at least twin sticks, and most every console had 2 shoulder buttons and triggers. Porting a game would require significantly more work to adapt to the DC controller.

>> No.6962901

this is back when gamers en masse loved larping that they weren't manchildren so they all picked the console that looked like an edgy dvd player over such garishly kiddy shit like the dreamcast

also no normie-attracting system seller like halo or whatever

>> No.6962905

at the time it looked fine. somewhat futuristic even. the real problem with the dreamcast's design is how clearly the hardware was agonized being forced into such a small case

>> No.6962915

PS2 hype was too real

SEGA low on money

Years of SEGA building distrust with their customer base and dev studios by releasing expensive new hardware every couple years and trying to support it all at once

Dreamcast was destined to fail unfortunately, never had a chance really

>> No.6962916

>it ended up having tons of ports of PS1 and PC games that in general weren't as good as the original versions
what PS1 ports were worse?

>> No.6962919

People who were into SEGA were into SEGA precisely because of the arcade games, that was the SEGA crowd, the hardcore arcade fans, I know it’s too foreign a thing for someone as young as you to understand since it’s before your time.

>> No.6962924

Maybe if you were still on dial up lol

I live in a major city and yeah we were downloading Dreamcast rips from IRC and burning them on day

>> No.6962925

*day one of some releases

>> No.6962929

All consoles of that gen where sold at a loss

>> No.6962945

not him but i think 'sega=arcade' was only ever a thing in the genesis era. the reason dreamcast got so many naomi ports is just cause they were easy to do

>> No.6963000

i agree at the start, but in the long run you would be better off with a ps2

>> No.6963020
File: 58 KB, 1000x560, intro-1596720426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought a Dreamcast just for Spawn: In The Demons Hand, the port of the Capcom arcade game, with money I saved up from my after school job
>get the game the day it launches plus the Dreamcast
>game is fucking awesome, as is Sonic Adventure that came with the DC
>have many awesome memories playing through games like Skies of Arcadia, and my first online console experiences with Quake 3 Arena and Pharmacy Star Online
>browse porn on my TV via the internet browser disc, based jpegs on dial up.
>bring VMUs to school and play mini games
>continue to play it to this day, have a full library of games burned on CD-Rs
Feels good to be a Dreamcast Chad

>> No.6963108

Truly the future console
>Feels good to be a Dreamcat Chad

>> No.6963161

>it’s before your time
It's before the late 80s?

>> No.6963226

so basically dreamcast was pioneer with internet features?(multiplayer, web browser)

>> No.6963237

Yes, it was. You had some shit like Sega Channel or whatever but Dreamcast had a dialup router right out of the box, just took up a phone line, connect to your ISP and go.

>> No.6963239

*had some shit before that like the Sega Channel (which was for Genesis)

>> No.6963242

*dial up modem

>> No.6963251



Yeah, you and about a few dozen other people dipshit and at a time when Sega was already exiting the hardware business.


>> No.6963254

>t. dialup poorfag
Seethe lol lots of people were doing this

>> No.6963276

>copied games easily produced and distributed very early on in it's life


Anyone posting piracy memes about the Dreamcast is a certified underage zoomer who only knows about the system third hand from millenials who got their Dreamcast as a hand me down. All of you need to shut the fuck up

>> No.6963280

>tfw no one I knew had a dreamcast
Everyone was waiting for the PS2 and Gamecube, and during that time I was pretty much 100% PC gamer, nothing consoles had could ever compete with StarCraft and Diablo 1 & 2 at the time. I've still never played a Dreamcast to this day (although i'd like to).

>> No.6963282

Wait, really? If I buy a Dreamcast right now I can just go burn games for it?

>> No.6963289

No they weren't. And even when they tried it they could inevitably fuck up the burning process
t. anon who tried burning two whole games in an entire afternoon in 2001 at 56k and had unreadable discs

And even if you were gettong it to work, piracy didn't enter the equation until Sega was already making moves to leave consoles. So once again

>> No.6963298

Yes, but some game rips are imperfect due to having removed pr further compressed assets to fit in 700 mb. This is mainly true for games that took up a full GDROM. Stuff like arcade ports should compress fine with nothing missing.

>> No.6963314

Not him, and stupid question: there is no virgin GD-ROM discs for sale?

>> No.6963319

If it has a 0 or a 1 but not a 2 in a circle on the bottom, or if it was manufactured before October 2000, then yes. Search for Dreamcast CDIs and burn as slooow as possible, no fancy tricks needed.

>> No.6963323

Blank GD-ROMs*
We calk it virgins on my cunt

>> No.6963324

Wires coming out of the wrong side of the controller certainly didn't help.

>> No.6963336

You're guaranteed not to have a GDROM drive. It was a proprietary format Sega chose because it was initially hard to pirate. When discussing DC piracy people mean burning games to CDRs, hence the compression and removed assets.

>> No.6963338

>t. anon who tried burning two whole games in an entire afternoon in 2001 at 56k and had unreadable discs
So you had shitty dialup AND you were retarded and had no idea what you were doing. I see.

>> No.6963345

Don't listen to this far, nothing significant is missing from any of the rips due to the size difference unless plainly stated

>> No.6963346

Ah, I see. Compression it is then.

>> No.6963352

I was 11 and my dad was a boomer with only minimal technical knowledge who knew how to download shit. Meanwhile big brain larpers like you were an outlier as 56k was still the norm and not everyone knew how to pirate games for the system. Moreover piracy did fuckall as once again


Which is my main argument.

>> No.6963357

idk I think you might just be retarded

>> No.6963362

>Don't listen to this far, nothing significant is missing
Oh really nigger? Then why does SA2 have its Japanese vouce track missing in most CDI rips, unless there's been a project to re-rip everything with just more compression?

>> No.6963373

Yeah, you are retarded, since you can't refute anything I said aside from
>hurr i pirate games in muh city that means everyone did
In the meantime, dilate.

>> No.6963382

Who the fuck wants that? Thats insignificant unless you're a weeb faggot.

>> No.6963394

It's a part of the game and some people might enjoy hearing Sonic speak bad Engrish. If you want missing shit go right ahead and download your incomplete games.

To the anon burning games, know that not all rips are created equal.

>> No.6963414

If you want to be some fag then buy physical copies of those games then, nothing significant is missing from most games and as I said if something is, if cut scenes are super compressed or whatever they will say it on the rip.

>> No.6963424

>nothing significant is missing from most games
But there is in a few cases, like SA2. I don't know why you're so defensive over CDI rips being incomplete. If you want to be some fag seething over being wrong about this, maybe you should do some research before determining what is significant.

>> No.6963432

>If you want to be some fag seething over being wrong about this, maybe you should do some research before determining what is significant.
Holy shit imagine being this self-unaware

>> No.6963452

Yeah, imagine being retarded about something you don't know about
>these rips are imperfect
>actually some bigger games remove assets to fit in the 700mb limit
>to some people that want a complete game it is
>well then these rips are suspect if they're incomplete
I'm sorry you invested in a bunch of cdrs to pad out your collection only to now find out they're not entirely accurate to the real versions. Cope

>> No.6963461

ya first have to lose that fat to be a chad

>> No.6963886

vidya press, they supposed everyone and his mother already owned a psx.

>> No.6964190

They lost to Sony because Sony was able to produce their own chips and components for less than what Sega were buying their third party ones for. They could have been selling consoles with identical specs and still would have had lower margins. Sure they bungled a lot of the marketing and business side of it but they knew long term that they couldn't sustain a position in the console market.

>> No.6964316

Being ahead of its time is an actual problem.

>> No.6964380

same reason everything lose to the playstation

>> No.6964397

technically you CAN buy blank GD-Rs, but you'd have a hell of a time burning them and it wouldn't be remotely cost efficient for pirating games.

>> No.6964425

SA2 having no japanese voice CDIs made me buy a GDEMU.

>> No.6964443

I’d like to buy one anyway. Should I just check eBay?

>> No.6964480

Piracy was a thing back then it just wasn't super common. It didn't kill the dreamcast but it def wasn't non existent like people on here make it out to be.

As for "no dvd" it came out a year before the ps2 and even sony had to sell that for a huge loss at launch so it wasn't really an option.

Their main problem was that they lost a lot of good faith from the customers by pumping out junk hardware for years. Not to mention all the financial burden from those past failures. There was a sort of wait and see with the dreamcast going in and then with the ps2 being just around the corner all sony had to do was not fall on its face for the DC to be in trouble.

>> No.6964483

That's basically been standard practice since the ps1.

>> No.6964502

they're pretty overpriced because 'rona made everyone vidya collectors but you can probably still get a console, cables, controller and VMU for under $100. a clone GDEMU would push you over that mark but they're worth getting.
one VMU won't hold all your saves so you should get one real VMU and one of those 4X memory cards for storage.
almost everything worth playing works with VGA so you should primarily use a VGA cable. bangai-o is probably the standout game that doesn't.

>> No.6964505

> Why did it fail so badly?
It didn't. They sold 10 million of them. It was heavily obsoleted very quickly by the other 2 big companies and newcomer Microsoft.

>> No.6964512

it felt more like gen 5 than gen 6, it has the same game styles you already played on gen 5, not having a second stick doomed a bunch of genres already.

>> No.6964538

I lived in Cali and plenty of people had something better than dialup or at the very least knew someone with better internet. Plus this was at a time when trading or giving shit out like copies of the anarchist cookbook or warez of doom to friends was still common.

Piracy wasn't what killed the dream cast but it was around while the dc was alive. Also didn't Sega even release a hardware revision in it's final years so that it couldn't read burnt discs.

>> No.6964558

>Also didn't Sega even release a hardware revision in it's final years so that it couldn't read burnt discs.
In Fall 2000 they updated the BIOS to remove MIL-CD support, which was used as the backdoor for burned games. For a while all hardware revision 2 consoles were thought to have this BIOS but many don't.

>> No.6964576

It didn't. It sold 10 million in 2 years. Vita and WiiU sold 15 million in 5.

DC could have sold 20 million units had it had a full lifespan. Sega went bust for a magnitude of reasons. It's not the DC fault.

>> No.6964605

I'm sorry you were still on dial up in the early 21st century. I'd be upset too.

>> No.6965746


>> No.6965763


Can we stop this piracy killed it meme? It did fine in Japan. The problem in America was Sega's shit management and bad timing. For the normies in the US the PS2 had better looking games and it had better hardware. It was pretty much doomed to die.

>> No.6965853

>Can we stop this piracy killed it meme? It did fine in Japan.
in japan you must commit sudoku if you get caught committing piracy. otherwise they gut you alive, stuff you with rice noodles and sell you to gaijins as a sexbodypillow. same thing if you get caught stealing a girl's panties instead of buying them from a vending machine like a normal person.

>> No.6965857

it feels like people have been asking this question for at least 15 years.

>> No.6966150

Rules before months ago settled the Dreamcast as the last retro console. After playing some of its games I actually agree more with thay former rule. Yet, I can't quite put my finger what makes it different tban other 6th gen consoles. Thoughts?

>> No.6966159
File: 89 KB, 600x800, h_ajklY8KioO61hhiKbtpzpdd2rolmdxYzywxinN2A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No only dreams now

>> No.6966226

It was actually doing fine, but not good enough to save Sega from the hole they dug themselves with the 32X and the Saturn. Would have had to sell at-least 50 million units or so by January 2001 to keep Sega alive which is insane to think, even the PS2 didn't get to 50 million that fast.

>> No.6966974

americans wanted sony.

>> No.6967164

adults didn't care for games, too expensive for normie parents to buy

>> No.6967192

People were burnt out on SEGA at that point and it's almost entirely due to the 32X. Piracy was negligible as most people didn't have hispeed broadband connections at that point.

>> No.6967359

I got a dreamcast with a blue controller, vmu, Legacy of Kain, Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio all CIB, along with a burned CD of genesis roms, all for $80.

>> No.6967393

lmao you sound like a fucking seething faggot because you were too poor to afford high speed internet and too much of a noob to use warez channels on IRC

>> No.6967405

Can you just fuck off forever? God you're worse than Babbage's Gramps, too bad that retard died of COVID

>> No.6967457

You can prove me wrong, right?

>> No.6967472

No one remembered the fucking 32x by 1999. Hardly anyone got burned on it because hardly anyone bought one.

>> No.6967478

People definitely remembered it AND the SEGA CD.

>> No.6967494

No one bought the 32x. It was completely out of the public consciousness in about a year. I saw 32x games on shelves and I completely forgot it existed until youtube and the like raised its profile. Friends who are a few years younger than me never even heard of the thing. The only system relevant to killing the Dreamcast was the Playstation 2.

>> No.6967515

Awful terrible controller, that was the main reason, everything else just added up.

>> No.6967525
File: 1.03 MB, 1914x2056, Hiroshi Iuchi sega post mortem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wanted to be a kooky PlayStation instead of a Sega console.

Funfact: The Dreamcast only needed an attach rate of 2. 2 full priced games for every console moved. That's all the DC needed to be profitable. Didn't happen.

>> No.6967708

Sega and failure cannot be separated.