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File: 97 KB, 1280x720, space-harrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6959017 No.6959017 [Reply] [Original]

Is this considered a 3D flatformer?

>> No.6959024

Its a shmup

>> No.6959072

clearly a flight sim

>> No.6959076


>> No.6959138

It's an on-rail shooter you dumb faggot

>> No.6959140

shit aint 3d son

>> No.6959142

>play Galaxy Force
>fly a space harrier

>play Space Harrier
>get welcomed to the fantasy zone

>play Fantasy Zone

>> No.6959147

>has as much freedom of movement than normal shmup

>> No.6959381

>Time Crisis is a normal shmup because you're free to move the pointer across the screen
So this is what means being a retard

>> No.6959384

Did I actually beat it if I used 67 coins?

>> No.6959396

>but what about this game that is completely unlike Space Harrier that nobody was talking about
brilliant, thanks for contributing

sure but try to improve on that

>> No.6959423

a point n' shoot is nothing like a dodge n' gun

>> No.6959428

What about Panzer Draggon then.
There's a character on screen but it's still considered an on-rail shooter.

>> No.6959458

panzer dragoon has turns, which make it feel more on rail, but it's still inaccurate to call it like that. it's a semi-rail drag n' shoot

>> No.6959470
File: 4 KB, 609x456, ME SPECCY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what about Zaxxon, which has z-axis movement like Space Harrier but an isometric perspective

>> No.6959501

No games like Time Crisis are on-rails shooters. Space Harrier, Star Fox etc are simply a rail shooters. Similar names but quite different

>> No.6961298

sega system

>> No.6961325


Is this space harrier? Holy shit last time I saw this game I was like 6. Forgot all about it.

>> No.6961612

>Forgot all about it.
lol Forgot all about it.

>> No.6962013


>> No.6962135


>> No.6962229

>2D character sprite
>This is 3D

>> No.6962237

Where are the platforms

>> No.6962267

Are there floating rocks or exploding clouds

>> No.6963118

It's a head-on belt autoscroller with shooting game characteristics

>> No.6963128

3d means the game plays in 3 dimensions.
Polygon fags are retarded.
>but its not REAL 3d