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6956995 No.6956995 [Reply] [Original]

Where my marathon chads at?

>> No.6956997

This has the best shotgun animation from any game in the 90s.

>> No.6957006

Absolutely. Very satisfying. Is this the first duel weild game?

>> No.6957065

Played the whole trilogy last year and enjoyed them thoroughly. Myth 1 and 2 are still the best games Bungie ever made though.

>> No.6957125

It's the first that I can personally think of.

>> No.6957137

Been playing through the Xbox 360/Xbone re-release of Marathon 2 lately. Fucking fun and the weird low gravity movement is cool though weird to get used to at first coming from shit like Doom and Duke. I'm at the first level you really have to do any swimming in and getting a little lost, idk if I'm supposed to go back to the computer and talk to the AI or what, otherwise its based. Weapon animations and sprites are nice too.

>> No.6957143

pretty sure Durandal gives you an objective then you leave from the same terminal in the first mission

>> No.6957201

A pity the direction Aleph One is heading in. There seems to be almost no community left around it.

>> No.6957227
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If A1 had a decent map editor, there would probably be a lot more content coming out. Weland is clearly unfinished but Forge requires Mac OS to use which is a major barrier to entry. Emulating OS 9 is difficult too since there's not a lot of documentation available.

>> No.6957284

I can't believe they've never found someone to write a decent map editor, myself. How the fuck did they ever expect it to survive, with no easy way to create more goddamn content? Some fucking hack written in a meme language doesn't count.

It's like the BUILD3D fiasco all over again, only infinitely worse 'cause at least DOS has robust emulation support.

>> No.6957313
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Marathon was so ahead of its time.
It had mouse-look but few people used it because we weren't used to it yet. And the story by Greg Kirkpatrick is insane and still to this day one of the most interesting complex stories in a video game, especially Infinity.

It's possible to run Forge with System 7.5 or 8 with BasiliskII but I remember it was a lot of steps to install it properly.

>> No.6957356

Never played this series before.

Looked into it. Im going to try to run the A1 source port psp version in PPSSPP on my switch

>> No.6957478

We out here....trust and believe

>> No.6957670

Did they fix the mouse sensitivity issues in Aleph One yet or are the devs still dragging their feet about it?

>> No.6957748
File: 1.46 MB, 640x400, forge2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to check to see that it actually works like I remembered.
At least on my OSX mac running BasiliskII with System 7.5.3, Forge works pretty good.

Forge was a pretty nice editor since you could edit the levels while walking around in them.

>> No.6957772

Cool shit, was that recorded today?
I want to setup an emulator just so I can do all the mapping in a single application, instead of having to work with 5 different programs to make a complete map.

>> No.6957804

yeah I did it just now. I already had BasiliskII installed though.
Unfortunately there's no easy one-click installation for Basilisk but I think I used this guide: https://www.emaculation.com/doku.php/basilisk_ii
and then you can get the Marathon Trilogy Box Set (which has both Forge and Anvil) from macintoshgarden.

>> No.6958038

I've been marathoning all three after not having played them in a long while. After going through a heavy Doom revisit phase I was afraid Marathon wouldn't hold up, but they still do in their own distinct way. The first two games are pretty much a joy all the way through, even Colony Ship for Sale when you know that level's gimmick. Easily the tightest combat of the classic 2.5D games: no hitscans, pixel-precise aiming, the physics is an important part of combat (I laughed out loud when two major troopers descended an elevator, lobbing a grenade which shot them to the back of the elevator and brought them back up before they knew what hit them), etc.

I just started Infinity today though and I have to say that Acme Station is still one of the most fucking annoying and trollish levels ever created for an FPS, and the preceding ghost level and proceeding second vacuum level make it such a slog. But now I'm back on Lh'owon destroying a dam in the middle of a swamp and having a blast. But on the plus side, it's the most atmospheric of the trilogy and the writing is the most intriguing, if sometimes a bit wanky (it's like Durandal suddenly started speaking at an English professor level at times).

Top 3 levels from each game:

G4 Sunbathing
Blaspheme Quarantine
Neither High nor Low
6000 Feet Under
If I Had A Rocket Launcher...
Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry
Eat the Path
A Converted Church in Venice, Italy
You Think You're Big Time?

>> No.6958101

it's definitely better but i still strafe to shoot rather than aim

>> No.6958183

1.3 was released a few weeks ago and fully incorporates the new mouse aiming style, but if you've tried the 1.3 betas the it's the same as that.

>> No.6958779

Just playing through Marathon 3 for the first time. What the hell is going on? I get that there's time travel and I'm in a loop but is Thoth the one sending me on that loop? I'm half way through Rage but my head is spinning. Game is cool though.

>> No.6958804

Recently got into Marathon. It was weird as hell at first until I got the FOV settings in /vr/ and then the gameplay felt great. Punching is satisfying as fuck. Feels great.

>> No.6958817

Zoom zoom

>> No.6959106

More like Chad chad

>> No.6959310
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Didn't super enjoy the gameplay of the first but everything else like the story really fascinated me. How much better is 2?

>> No.6959315

Neat. Make some fucking content for it now.

>> No.6959528

MUCH better

>> No.6959539

The fist game is trash.

>> No.6959556
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The first game starts off alright and then you get to that colony ship for sale level. Fucking hell, that level.

>> No.6959560

Can anyone help me running this on windows 10?

>> No.6959571
File: 3.83 MB, 2500x2250, Marathon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Aleph One. It'll run right out of the box so to speak. Only issue is the ugly XBLA HD texture pack that's included automatically and the fact that aliasing is on by default. Both can be removed though.

>> No.6959670

The one from two where you have to single handly kill an entire phor battle ship worth of enemies. Holy fuck kicked my ass but is so memorable. Its the one where theres like 4 levels with a "phor" joke in them all.

>> No.6959678

Way more action.

>> No.6959683

Was Marathon popular or well-known back in the day? Personally I feel like I only started hearing about it after Halo.

>> No.6959731

It was always a niche title since it was Mac exclusive for some time. They had OSwars back in the day.

>> No.6959939
File: 45 KB, 391x397, 1601494779635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start Infinity
>Wonder around for a whole hour
>Think I got some progress done
>Go to elevator
>End up in the beginning
This whole game is an entire casual filter, right?

>> No.6960460

Is the entire IP/games public domain or is the code just opensource? I’ve never been able to get a straight answer

>> No.6960528

I guess Aleph One is available under GPL but when it comes to the original games, this is what bungie.org says:
>can I do whatever I want with this stuff?
>NO. Bungie still holds the copyrights to these files. They're allowing them to be distributed for free (mostly because you can't buy them any more) - but they're still Bungie's intellectual property. You can't, for example, sell them.

>> No.6960769

Super well known if you were a Macchad, obscure if you weren't. Steve Jobs once shilled it in the context of the then upcoming Halo RTS, before Bungie sold out to Microsoft.

>> No.6960776

It's Marathon: The Lost Levels in more ways than one

>> No.6961560

>Recently got into Marathon. It was weird as hell at first until I got the FOV settings in /vr/
care to elaborate?

>> No.6961592

If you're talking about the prologue mission, you're supposed to hit 2 switches to open up two doors to progress to the end. Both of them are shown on the first terminal of the level. You'll have to go through a jumping area and do some swimming though. There's also a shotgun hiding behind a wall in a small room with boxes.

>> No.6961670
File: 48 KB, 454x282, games_marathon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i dual wield the pistol in marathon 1 in aleph one? my right click just makes the pistol shoot again but the grenade launcher works on the AR. is this just a modern port issue? is there a way I can play it in original form so i dont get this glitch?

loving the game by the way =) amazing story

>> No.6961721

>Emulating os9 is difficult
This works out of the box, all you have to do is download the original map editor.
I made several attempts at map making but it's just too much effort

>> No.6961732

If you found another pistol, alt fire should bring it up

>> No.6961742
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i guess i must have missed it somehow, im up to G4 Sunbathing and was having trouble with the mission so i checked out a guide and noticed the guy had the dual pistol out. where do i get one before G4? thanks for the tip. also does this game have 'secrets' in the stages like hidden walls or anything i should be mashing Use command on? i feel im getting my asskicked on G4 with single pistol and the plasma pistol

>> No.6961775

Don't know much about M1, always played 2 and 3. Yeah there's secret doors. For example in M2 there's a level where you have to grenade jump to get a second pistol, but you'll probably have one by then anyway.
You can find most of them pretty easily just by strafing along the walls (fastest way to move) and spamming use.
You can even use the level editor to find them yourself, but someones probably compiled a list somewhere

>> No.6961820


>> No.6961837

Shoot more Bobs.

They're voiced by Doug Zartman, who was the PR guy at Bungie.

>> No.6961953

You can set key bindings under preferences

>> No.6962024

Macfags knew about it enough that Bungie got death threats when Marathon 2 was ported to Windows.

>> No.6962148

Stuck in a loop

>> No.6962209
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Infinity doesn't give a good first impression. Twisty, claustrophobic tunnels in grey. Contrasted to Durandal's start in open space, with sky and water.
Took a while before I worked through that first level and things picked up.

>> No.6962218

The first level is kino though, some of the best geometry, lighting, and ambient sound design in a 2.5D FPS you'll find

>> No.6962228

The code for Durandal was open sourced and formed the basis of Aleph One.
The game data (artwork, story, etc) is released as freeware. Meaning you're free to copy, if not distribute. But you can't sell it. So no putting it all together on disc turnkey and selling that.

>> No.6962327

Ne Cede Malis is my favorite opening level in a game, ever. The sounds of alien machinery buzzing and metal grinding echoing through the flickering lights and broken doors is absolutely perfect for emotionally readying the player for a nightmarish battle through against a cosmic aberration. Too bad the later levels don't (quite) catch up to the same complexity and design, but at least the textures are really good.

>> No.6963881
File: 56 KB, 1000x1006, Marathon_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping because I dig Marathon.

>> No.6964341

I never got the hype over Marathon: Phoenix.

>> No.6964481
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I gotta give Infinity another shot. I loved the first two but got filtered by the vacuum levels

>> No.6964514
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Acme Station is a bitch of a level if you didn't have any oxygen from the previous one. There are only two oxygen canisters that pop up at the end of two corridors. The switches aren't that hard to find but good luck fighting the Cyborgs.
Post Naval Trauma is even worse, because you have to fight Juggernauts and the map is double the size of Acme Station. They're both some of my favorite levels though. The space station setting is kino.

>> No.6964598
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found an active community here, join up and let's play online some time https://discord.gg/c7rEVgY
i plan on streaming some single player in there tomorrow.

>> No.6964617

Yeah I still haven't beaten it myself. I don't think it's terrible but it's not exactly great. Replacing the shotgun with a crossbow-sniper wasn't fun nor is all the sniping they inevitably make you do, some of the larger levels are cool but they overuse that two-opposing-alient-fronts gimmick, and there's too much enemy teleportation to the point that you may as well just turn around every single time you enter a new room. My favorite level was the water one where you're way up high on a cliff side and sort of circumscribe the level and get higher up.

Rubicon, by contrast, is on par with Durandal and Infinity, great design and atmosphere, changed just enough to not feel like a mere map pack, etc. Tempus Irae is tons of fun too, blasting away Pfhor in Renaissance-era Italy and there shower you with shotgun ammo. I need to give Red another try, it always filtered me in the past although it's probably the most total conversion of all the Marathon-universe mods (e.g. excluding Morgana's Revenge)

>> No.6964620

>The switches aren't that hard to find but good luck fighting the Cyborgs.
Tip: for the two switches/circuits in the back, don't even try punching them or killing the cyborg. Just beam in, shoot the circuit with your shotty, and beam right back out.

>> No.6964685

Eternity, Red, and Rubicon seem like the best so far. Tempus Irae and Morgana's Revenge stray *way* too far from the source material for my taste (not to mention Irae's cringey "secret level"). Evil is just...Bad. Like, fanfic-tier bad. Was promised scary, got corny instead.

>> No.6964713

>(not to mention Irae's cringey "secret level")
Naked woman secrets are top-tier bro, you had to play it in the 90s to get it
>Evil is just...Bad. Like, fanfic-tier bad. Was promised scary, got corny instead.
Evil at least had a distinct set of levels, albeit a smaller set. That one level that out-Acme Stations Acme Station is pure misery but the rest are cool, the water level where you get the railgun and the second-to-last lava level with the liquid portals still remain fresh in my memory.

>> No.6964735

The assets are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. That basically means anyone can host the files for free as long as you don't impose any kind of paywalls and you have to give credit to Bungie. You can't also use them for your own game or whatever.
The source code is under the GPLv3 license, that I don't particularly like. You can use it commercially for your own video game (unlike the assets), but you HAVE to release your source code. There are other minor restrictions as well (no DRM).
By the way, open source ≠ public domain.

>> No.6964738

I think it's a tie between Marathon and ROTT if you count ROTT's shareware release.

>> No.6965309

ROTT had fake dual-wield, it was basically just a new weapon that replaced your single pistol, with infinite ammo. By contrast, Marathon's pistols are controlled independently both in firing and reloading. The fact that Marathon had pixel-precise aiming and non-hitscan fire on top of it all put its weapon mechanics above every other 2.5D shooter. And Marathon's demo released slightly earlier than ROTT's shareware anyways.

>> No.6965340

>>6964481 >>6964514
ok, so I'm not the only dumbass who got stuck on that (or some space station level and kept suffocating.) Fortunately I was a compulsive game saver and was able to backtrack enough to redo the previous level.

>> No.6965349

Evil, Rubicon and Red I enjoyed. Though Red brutalized me and I don't think I ever finished. Tempus Irae is beautiful and quite the creative departure. Morgana I think I just got confused by.

If Eternal is the one I'm thinking of, I found it boring as hell. It boasted the biggest levels ever. It felt like I was running through empty warehouses joined by miles of tunnels.