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6951275 No.6951275 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best retro Dragon Ball game? Don't bother telling me Budokai 3, I hate the Dragon Rush and rock paper scissors bullshit that constantly pervades that game and I'd rather play 2.

>> No.6951282

Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu for sure. The NES RPGs it is remaking are also good but its perfected in this one on SNES

>> No.6951283

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure

>> No.6951289

I've tried it before but couldn't into the whole card system. Is it good if you just get over that hurdle of learning how to play?

>> No.6951293
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This one is really fucking good. So fun and awesome sprites and animations. Also Legacy of Goku 2 and its sequel Buu's Fury on GBA are really fun action RPGs. I 100%'d both games on my GBA SP back in the day. Avoid Legacy of Goku 1 like the plague, its so fucking bad. Unbelievably bad. If you only try one of them, go with Buu's Fury, it has the most side content and the combat is improved over 2.

>> No.6951297

Yeah but if you really dislike the card thing you might as well avoid, you'll be doing it the entire game.

>> No.6951305
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Forgot to mention, the RPGs even have an open world map you get to fly around and explore like a Final Fantasy game, using Mode 7ish sprite scaling

>> No.6951308

The best Dragon Ball game ever made is Attack of the Saiyans. Not retro but to be fair it's basically a SNES JRPG with SMRPG timed hits.

>> No.6951365

Budokai 3

>> No.6951378

Advanced Adventure for beat em up
Legendary Super Warriors or Attack of the Saiyans for RPG
Super Dragon Ball Z for fightan

>> No.6951380
File: 56 KB, 416x744, Super Famicom - Dragon Ball Z - Super Butoden 2 - Cover (J).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1993, still the best.

>> No.6951389

The Legend

>> No.6951404


>> No.6951413
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It really is.
Butoden 3 is also underrated. Sure it doesn't have story mode which is one of the big highlights of Butoden 2, but 3 still has great gameplay (in some ways improved upon Butoden 2).
A shame Bandai never did a proper followup to these games. Shin Butoden on Saturn sucks bad, and the newer "Butoden" games on DS and 3DS are Butoden in name only.

>> No.6951437

The DS one was pretty fun, looked nice for the console and you could give people Piccolo's hat and Roshi's sunglasses.

>> No.6951456

Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3

>> No.6951485
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LoG1 is that typical licensed GBA shit, true (though it was slightly "PC midi" comfy, and I will say it is better than some other FR-Atari GBA licensed garbage of the time, such as the 0.5/10 Yu Yu Hakusho first GBA game). I went through it last year just for completion's and relevance's sake, as it was really popular when it came out. Why did they bother making its sequels good when they could have continued churning out shit and still sell millions?

>> No.6951495

Because the devs actually cared about the property and had a genuine vision for the game
The first one was obviously rushed

>> No.6951516

Budokai 3. Dragon Rush was flawed but was cool. Still, you could go to Infinite Word if you disliked it.
Reminder that Tenkaichi 3 love is a meme and that most of the characters were just skins.

>> No.6951551
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I haven't played that one, but I tried the 3DS Butoden a bit. It's fine, but it's not really a Super Butoden game (no split screen).
It was cool that they included a port of Super Butoden 2 though. Just goes to show how much of a legend Butoden 2 really is.
A shame that because of all that Kenji Yamamoto drama they removed the original soundtrack though. New soundtrack they did for 3DS is actually not bad, but pales in comparison to the original. Also it doesn't have any option to play VS mode with another player, so they fucked up there too. But still cool that Butoden 2 still keeps getting love after almost 3 decades of being released.

>> No.6951571

I tried completing it for completionist sake as well after I loved the sequels so much. Couldn't do it, think I made it to Snake Way and just couldn't do it anymore. God its so fucking shit. The soundtrack is comfy though, as are the other two.
It must've been extremely rushed. Its sad because that game was really popular when it came out and sold tons of copies on name recognition alone but I never met a single person who actually liked it and many people skipped the next two because it was so shit. Also dropping the Legacy of Goku title from Buu's Fury was probably a mistake because alot of people probably didn't even realize it was the third sequel, hell I can remember thinking it was a fighting game or something when I first saw it until I looked at the back of the box back in the day.

>> No.6951576

I tried the demo for the 3DS one and my biggest problem with it is that it was on the 3DS. I would like it better if it were a console game for sure
Back in 2015 when I was getting into Dragon Ball for real for the first time, I wanted a game that covered the part of the series that I had watched up to this point so I played decently deep into Legacy of Goku 1. I think I got up to the fight with Vegeta. All I remember is it being a pain in the ass and not worth the trouble.
It was actually the first GBA game I EVER played, my dad got a GBA for my distant half brother and I was allowed to play on it for a bit. I recognized DBZ so I tried playing it first, didn't even get off Roshi's before I got bored and turned it off

>> No.6951614

Yeah, the attack animations (Goku extending one arm straight out in the approximation of a punch) and the horrible hit detection killed it for me. You can get stunlocked by enemies really easy and the little fly pad gimmick just felt like a cheap way to include Goku flying. Just so many boneheaded decisions and horrible implementation. It's really shocking how better the next two games are.

>> No.6951619

It's cool in Buu's Fury how you can equip armor, boots, gloves and stuff. There was tons of different equipment and I thought it was super neat how you could wear weighted clothes and armbands/boots etc and gain more experience in combat at the cost of moving slower and attacking slower. Great way to functionally work the weighted training clothes from DBZ into the game.

>> No.6951639

>It was actually the first GBA game I EVER played
What a shit introduction to the unironically best handheld of the 2000s.

>> No.6951641

I feel like I spent a lot of time standing away from enemies, firing blasts at them, then waiting for my Ki to recharge

>> No.6951647

That's really the only effective way, melee is fucking atrocious. At least the ki blasts would slightly knock enemies back.

>> No.6951648
File: 90 KB, 500x710, dragon-ball-z-the-legend-sega-saturn-cover-france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Legend, Saturn port.
But actually Supersonic Warriors 2.

>> No.6951780
File: 191 KB, 256x360, Super_Dragon_Ball_Z_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best retro DBZ fighter. Budokucks and Tenkaisois need not apply.

>> No.6951798

Butouden 3

>> No.6951806

Budokai Tenkaichi 3 would be my nomination, still has one of the largest and most varied rosters of any Dragon Ball game

>> No.6951851
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The chad choice.

>> No.6951875

>I tried completing it for completionist sake as well after I loved the sequels so much. Couldn't do it, think I made it to Snake Way and just couldn't do it anymore. God its so fucking shit. The soundtrack is comfy though, as are the other two.
Yeah, I'm glad I played through it before the other two, then. I remember someone letting me borrow it back when it came out in 5th grade and I thought it was going to be a port of "Legend of the Super Saiyan" (Super Saiya Densetsu) for Super Nintendo, but I was so wrong and got bored almost instantly.

>> No.6951878
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Hyper Dimension, without question.

>> No.6951883
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>Tenkaichi 3 is now retro

>> No.6951885
File: 20 KB, 165x299, Super Famicom - Dragon Ball Z - Super Legend of Goku - Cover (J).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of the non-fighting games, it's this one for me (and it's prequel).

>> No.6951892

It's allowed.

>> No.6951916
File: 238 KB, 1148x1137, 71PRd3e5UCL._SL1148_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never able to fully come to grips with this game's mechanics but it goes through the entire DBZ series, looks pretty good, allows for a variety of tactics in battle, has RPG level up systems, and battles that can seriously feel like all out wars. Plus extra hidden unlockables including entire characters and a shockingly large number of playable characters for a Game Boy Color game

>> No.6952078

If only it played half as good as it looks

>> No.6952221

>as it was really popular when it came out
Until December 02 it was one of three DBZ games on the market, along with the CCG thing and LSW on GBC. Of these three I'm not surprised kids would go for LoG1 especially if they didn't know Budokai was coming in six months.

>> No.6952509

I've tried to get into Legacy of Goku 2 but it always starts to lose me at the beginning where you 1. go on dumb fetch quests and 2. have to actually grind at times

>> No.6952520

DB games > DBZ games

>> No.6952528

Yeah the required grinding (certain areas are blocked by doors with a level requirement on them and you can't pass till you meet it) turns alot of people off. I assume they did it so little retarded kids wouldn't get themselves stuck by going to far ahead without leveling. I don't mind the fetch quests, I mean it IS a licensed game, we gotta take what we get considering.

>> No.6952531
File: 112 KB, 800x571, 92773-dragon-ball-z-hyper-dimension-snes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Hyper Dimension.
Found a sealed copy in a French Hypermarket while travelling home from a holiday around the time the GameCube and Game Boy Advance were new. It was a must (also picked up Super Mario Advance at the same time, but who cares for Bing Bing Wahoo in a Dragon Ball Vidya thread?).

>> No.6952610

I wish this game didn't have such laggy ass input.

>> No.6952637
File: 532 KB, 1919x1079, dragonball8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6953950

And the third of fourth best combat system.

>> No.6953951

Did Americans even get DB? It has tons of sex and sex is not allowed in the States.

>> No.6954079

The original dragon ball got a lot of home releases in the united states and most of the modern releases are uncensored. If you're talking about television syndication, It did run on toonami during early 2000's but it was censored, not 4kids bad or even ocean dub DBZ bad, but it did removed or edit certain scenes when there was nudity or sexual content.
I recommend Advanced Adventures, Legacy of Goku, Buu's Fury, Hyper Dimension and Super Saiya Densetsu

>> No.6954182


>> No.6954362

man i played and replayed this shit so many times. log3 was so good.

>> No.6954468

No game will ever touch Tenkaichi 3's roster.

>> No.6954472

Probably one of the best gba games ever,

>> No.6954571

>Did Americans even get DB?
>It has tons of sex
If by sex you mean brief moments of fanservice occasionally, mostly frontloaded in the beginning
I wouldn't consider that "having sex" but whatever

>> No.6954630

Uh, I only ever played the first one when it launched. Got pretty burned out of running through corridors killing dogs. Never tried the sequels as I would’ve never believed they got significantly better.

There’s a GT beat em up too

>> No.6954637

I know, but I wasn't sure if this board was ready for that take yet

>> No.6954658

Was their an actual older gacha game similar to dokkan battle? because i remember playing something similar to dokkan battle when i was younger.

>> No.6954669

There have been some trading card games over the years one of which was adapted to the GBA. Besides that there's Dragon Ball Heroes which has gacha mechanics. Otherwise I think that about covers it. Not sure what else you could be referring to

>> No.6954682

this game had tiles if i remember correctly,much similar to dokkan,you could land on specific tiles to get equipments or items much similar to dokkan,but you couldn't build teams as the levels would give you a pre-built one.

>> No.6954691

maybe Harukanaru Densetsu?

>> No.6955465

Maybe, but roster isnt everything.
I prefer butouden 2 with its strange (yet soulful) roster rather than any bloated game full of characters but shit gameplay like ub22

>> No.6955617

If you're playing on an emulator check that runahead is disabled, this is one of the few games that feature fucks with. Otherwise the input is pretty snappy.

>> No.6955842
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I remember playing Budokai 1 a lot when I first was getting into DBZ. I loaded the GameCube ISO through my hacked Wii. It was kind of a frustrating, clunky game but I still got all the characters and fucked around a decent amount with capsules and stuff. The capsule system is nice because it incentivizes the player to engage with its mechanics.
Then I got Budokai 2 used from my local video rental store that was finally giving up, got a few other games like Halo (didn't even own an original Xbox), SmackDown vs. Raw (didn't work) and Metal Gear Solid 2 (didn't really feel like playing it) and Budokai 2 ended up getting the most play. I think I played Budokai 1 more but knew 2 was the superior game. The board game thing was stupid but besides that it was a nice update to Budokai 1, I think I had recently finished watching the Buu Saga and I was prepared to be excited for stuff like Vegito and Kid Buu by then.
Finally played 3 on PS3 at some point after that and it's a mixed bag. Well mostly I don't like Dragon Rush and don't like that you can't turn it off, I would prefer matches to be more like in Budokai 2 overall, and I didn't like the guess the button type nonsense. Maybe the rock-paper-scissors shit would be better if you were playing local multiplayer against your friend all the time and could use it as an opportunity to play mindgames. I never did that so it just felt like stupid RNG bullshit.
Besides that the entire game is better. The story mode is finally cool, there's pretty much every character you'd reasonably expect, it looks great, etc. So it's the best but it's tainted by that one problem for me. I'd say Budokai 2 is better but to be perfectly honest with you I'm not the biggest fan of actually playing a game like Budokai anymore anyway.

>> No.6955847

>I think I played Budokai 1 more but knew 2 was the superior game
To clarify I mean "I played Budokai 1 more at the time than I played Budokai 2 more at THAT time", I didn't bother playing 1 again until I got the dumb HD collection and even then I'd say it aged poorly.

>> No.6955865

this game is fucking expensive as hell. i'm glad i picked up a complete copy for $20 way back when. does anyone know why the price hike happened?

>> No.6955868

supply and demand I guess. the same happened with Astro Boy Omega Factor. I bought it for $4 in 2010, now it's like $50 minimum for a loose cart.

>> No.6955873

very strange. i can't even find a complete copy on ebay. wonder what it goes for nowadays. i should play it again too. i've been rewatching the series with my nephew. he's been on a dragon ball binge lately.