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File: 30 KB, 400x400, uXM1Odlb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6947110 No.6947110 [Reply] [Original]

What is the true origin of the Metroidvania? Jet Set Willy or Metroid?

>> No.6947118

Metroidvania started with SOTN
Everything before that is a sidescroll adventure game

>> No.6947125 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 729x342, 4gi0b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremy Parish says otherwise.

>> No.6947162

It's Metroid. Period. End of discussion. Don't tell me some British piece of shit with no scrolling, no combat, and no music invented the Metroidvania. Metroid has a dark and chilling atmosphere. Metroid has combat. Metroid has bosses. Metroid has weapon upgrades. Metroid has fucking Music. This meme has to die.

>> No.6947176


Pretty sure the guy who coined the phrase Metroidvania knows more than you

>> No.6947195

> Metroidvania
What a shit term. It's disingenuous to even include the word "vania". They should be called "Metroid-likes". Castlevania stuck with the linear level format until SoTN (besides Simon's Quest, which has much more in common with games like Faxanadu or Battle of Olympus than it does Metroid). This clown doesn't know a god damn thing about what makes Metroid so unique, incredible, and often replicated in an army of indie games.

>> No.6947234
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This fat fuck has given me a prejudice against jews and it makes me wish I was fucking dead.

>> No.6947239

It's a couple people here at most claiming Jet Set Willy invented the genre, none of whom are acting in good faith. It's just a means to get replies in the Spectrum threads being spammed.

>> No.6947247

but jet set willy is just a sequel to manic miner. wouldn't that be the genesis then?

>> No.6947252


Neither it was Pitfall.

>> No.6947290

Wow, should I listen to some brainlet zoomer on /vr/ or the worlds foremost expert on the genre? Fuck off pseud.

>> No.6947292

it's really just one guy, let him have his fun, he's been losing it since the zoomers took over the board...

>> No.6947293

Jeremy is the foremost expert in cocksucking. You'd be better trusting literally anyone on this board before him.

>> No.6947295

That's not a real quote.

>> No.6947296
File: 113 KB, 500x400, meetroid_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beat return of samus on a gray fucking brick eat a dick. you can't even defend your shit position.

>> No.6947412

>the opinion of some faggot who made up a retarded word is worth anything
>wow i really do suck that faggots cock
You're one sick puppy zoomie

>> No.6947421

Yes it is

>> No.6947476


>> No.6947558 [DELETED] 
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>When R&D1 began work on Metroid, our initial aim was to try to make something different from the typical side-scrolling platform games of the time. After many weeks of discussion about how to do this, it wasn’t until Yokoi-san returned from a business trip in England that we found our direction. Yokoi-san brought with him a micro-computer called the ZX Spectrum that was very popular in England at the time. I think its low cost and efficient use of mature microchip technology appealed to his famous design philosophy of "Lateral Thinking of Withered Technology” that informed his contributions to the creation of the Famicom and Game Boy. Yokoi-san showed us several games on the ZX Spectrum, but it was two that really stood out: Jet Set Willy and Technician Ted. Both games featured non-linear exploration of a vast, interconnected map and gave a strong atmosphere of solitude and isolation within the game world. It was obvious, almost immediately, that this was the direction we should go in. Yes, I would say that these two games more than any were a direct influence on Metroid.
—Yoshio Sakamoto, Nintendo, speaking at the 2010 Game Developer’s Conference

>> No.6947570

Post the source then.
Not a real quote.

>> No.6947583
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>> No.6947585

I did, the first Retronauts Metroidvania episode, they did a series

>> No.6947587

What kind of a retard watches this shit?

>> No.6947598

It's a podcast friend

>> No.6947603

That's even lazier.

>> No.6947618

Is this dude day?

>> No.6947643

It's (((Justin Silverman))) from Cringeamassacre

>> No.6947657


>> No.6947714
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>Iwata recalled, "We examined nearly every game console then on the market, including machines we imported from other parts of the world, such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, but none of them had the graphics fidelity we wanted. We came up with the idea for the game pad as we were worried that children could break conventional joysticks too easily. We were a bit obsessive about that; the Famicom's controller buttons were tested with a machine punch and pressed more than 1 million times, and still worked afterward."[45]

>Later when asked about Metroid, Iwata remembered, "Oh yes, I remember a particular game... Gunpei Yokoi was quite taken with it. It was called Jet Set Willy, on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. We had all become familiar with this British hardware during the design phase of the Famicom as I mentioned earlier. Gunpei based much of the gameplay design of Metroid on this game, Jet Set Willy."[46]

>> No.6947731

The Maze of Galious on MSX

>> No.6947736

Sorry you're not as cool as Justin

>> No.6947779

Can you stop writing such shitty scripts for James, Justin? Your jokes are cringe inducing

>> No.6947789

Iwata didn't work at Nintendo when they made the Famicom.

>> No.6947791
File: 76 KB, 575x862, (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=M-lnRXc-dw10sMiU)original_454671471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off, fatty. You're ugly as sin, and retarded ontop of it.

Also, that Doom film you rented at blockbuster was fucking fantastic. Leave it to a fat ugly fuck to have shit opinions on a good vidya film
Also also

You'll never be the next Red Letter Media, and James and Mike will never be Gamegrumps. Both those shows are Irate Gamer tier faggot shit.

>> No.6947793

Why are you lying?

>> No.6947794
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>> No.6947803

The Doom movie with The Rock? Its awful

>> No.6947805

lol why whyd he block you?

>> No.6947810

Ya'll are so delusional you think you're talking to him. Go outside you fuckin dorks.

>> No.6947814


No, the direct-to-streaming one that came out last year.

>> No.6947819

They're not entirely wrong, he wasn't nearly as high up as he ended up being, (IIRC his first game was balloon fight)

Can someone fill me in on this eceleb shit? I don't care about any of this and I don't know who this guy that keeps getting posted even is.

>> No.6947826

That was with HAL.

>> No.6947832

You are wrong, the correct term is Wonder Willy.

>> No.6947834

Shit I think you might be right, regardless my point is him being there at that time wasn't as big a factor as it'd be later on.

>> No.6947836


Some weird guy to commandeered the AVGN channel. He writes the episodes, sets up the scenes, and films. James has zero creative input. He is the reason AVGN got stale as fuck. He's also the reason why the channel is going after the RedLetterMedia audience, and failing miserably. He has no talent or charisma.

>> No.6947839

This guy just posts lies about people praising the Spectrum and pretends they're legit, but never has a source or anything. He's been spamming it nonstop for the last week at least.

>> No.6947842

I see. I mean it is what it is I guess, didn't people already mald about the AVGN going stale years ago? I normally don't say "don't like it don't watch it" but I don't have nearly enough time or energy to care about this shit.

>> No.6947845

I've given the source:
Interview, FAMITSU 【ポケモン剣盾】『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス』に関する新情報が9月29日(火)96時公開

>> No.6947847

Anyone with half a brain can tell they're lies, I don't know why people are giving troll posts like this attention.

I come back to this board for the first time in like two years and god is it such a fucking mess.

>> No.6947852

That's talking about the Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC trailer.

>> No.6947853

Why would a famitsu article on Sword and Shield have a quote from Iwata (if I'm getting this right, that's what you're saying the source on the Iwata quote is??)

Are there scans of this?? or any sort of link? I'm too lazy to check Nyaa or other sites right now.

>> No.6947859

Not sure what you mean here, thats not what I translate it as.

>> No.6947865


>> No.6947881

I can read the title, did you really think posting in Japanese was some way for people not to be able to read it? as if nobody on 4chan can read basic Japanese.

This is an article on Sword and Shield DLC

>> No.6947885

Nice attempt at gaslighting. You faggots can't even read Japanese.

>> No.6947897
File: 72 KB, 436x428, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this is pathetic.

>> No.6947909

I know. Why are you being such a lying faggot?

>> No.6947925
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>Often i get little hard stiffy when see little girl on an internet. Stiffy is little, because girl is little. You undersan?
—Shoichiro Johnnysaki, Matsumoto Co JP, talking to Hobby Japan magazine in 1997

>> No.6947926

I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.6947929

A metroidvania is by defination a side-scrolling action game in which you collect power ups which also act as keys.

So Jet Set Willy is out because it's 'keys' are not power ups.

If it was just about collecting things to open doors then any game with keys and doors would count.

>> No.6947939

> A metroidvania is by defination a side-scrolling action game
> side-scrolling action game
> side-scrolling
> scrolling

>> No.6947951

how do you wake up each morning looking like this and not slip a noose around your neck

>> No.6947962

How would one even fit?

>> No.6948043

I mean they make rope for farm and zoo animals. the hard part would be finding a tree branch that would hold

>> No.6948079

I don't know where it started but we should end the use of such a dumb term. It's a fucking Metroidlike. If SotN was when this term came into existence what makes it so different from Metroid, the RPG stats? Why do we use it for games with no shitty RPG stats then?

>> No.6948134

it really is a shit term for standardization of any notion. its fine if they used it personally, but insisting that it has any integrity for a game description beyond that is just...


i mean 1, its a ridiculously small window of video game history to decide to combine them for some strange reason, because it definitely wasnt really good for simons quest to be compared. The item collecting there barely makes any changes to your character's gameplay, so its obviously meant to compare SOTN, only one game in the series to metroid.

and 2, super metroid was what, 94? without any more games in the series? and sotn is 97? and ignoring the shitty 3d ones, the next one of that style was Circle on the GBA in 2001? its not like there was a wave of games of this style to even bother needing a term coined in the first place. Just a window of 3 years between the 2 titles that inspired.

ANyways, why the fuck did we need a branded term for this style of game? whats wrong with action adventure? We had plenty of them too that were only a couple degrees of seperation at most from Metroid, and never called them some branded name back then.

>> No.6948198

Axiom Verge
Shadow Complex


Cave Story

Hollow Knight

>> No.6948207

Where is the vania? There is none, it's just Metroid

>> No.6948210

no one knows these games, GTFO

>> No.6948229

Silvermania was cool
Free my nigga bob

>> No.6948284

All of these games fall clearly within the Willynician genre, of which Jet Set Willy and Technician Ted were the sole antecedents.

>> No.6948285

>he thinks Jet Set Willy doesn't have music

It's proven then. Jet Set Willy is a metroidvania. Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.6948434

If you really buy into this meme, you can suck my (jet set) willy, I'll tell you wot

>> No.6948469

you've literally never played neither Metroid nor SotN have you?

>> No.6948525

Given that he's never played Jet Set Willy either that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.6949786

Bob is out, been out for a while. Supposedly lives in a shitty trailer in the woods now and is bitter that Silvermania fans didn't support him more financially through all this

>> No.6949818

So how many more fucking threads of this before your ADHD riddled ass gets bored and comes up with another dumb "joke" to spam the board with for a month straight?

>> No.6949826

Jet Set Willy is demonstrably the first Metroidvania, even Jeremy Parish says this How about you seethe more nonce and then fuck off, you miserable little cunt?

>> No.6949832

Is this what you do for fun? Get a fucking hobby you mentally stunted child.

>> No.6949840

You sound like a fucking faggot, eat shite

>> No.6949851

>the spammer gets legitimately angry when called out

Good lord you are pathetic.

>> No.6949868
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>Jeremy Parish
Hey guise this one yootoober has an opinion and i base my entire argument around what he said because my Zoomer brain is incapable of independent thought

>> No.6949947
File: 1.05 MB, 577x900, JetSetBilly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jet Set Willy
more like

>> No.6950006

>this one yootoober
He's literally the man who coined the phrase Metroidvania, he's a journalist and gaming historian and the foremost expert on the genre in the West. He only started doing YouTube in the last couple years, he does it on the side. His books and consultant work for FanGamer and the Retronauts podcast is his main thing.

>> No.6950017 [DELETED] 

Do i have to shut you the fuck down twice this thread? >>6947195

>> No.6950028

> i base my entire argument around what he said because my Zoomer brain is incapable of independent thought
So why do you personally think with your own Zoombrain that Jet Set Willy is the first Metroidvania? tell me...

>> No.6950143
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I remember reading his articles on gamespite.net some 10 years ago. It was a nice page for retro gaming info.

>> No.6950394

What does this have to do with Rollerblading?

>> No.6950428

This is literally the worst game ever made.

>> No.6950576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6951154

They're just extra crybabies about him because 4chan is a bunch of antisemitism bottled up with a shot of autism

>> No.6951162

Sounds about right given how things look since I've come back here, what a mess.

>> No.6951179

>Metroidvania started with SOTN

Basically "Metroidvania" was used as a bit of a jab at the series, for blatantly copying many events from Super Metroid. Like the mapping system, and even some of the power-ups, like the charge run. The phrase "Metroidvania" really became popular with the kickstarter trend in 2012 - 2014. There were so many games marketed as indy "Metroidvanias", at that point.

>> No.6951181

It's always been like that as far as I know, but it sure seems less like of a joke then it use to be

>> No.6951190

Fuck I can't type

>> No.6951201

Yeah no that's my point, obviously annoying edgy humor has always been here that's not the issue, the issue is it's become far more of an actual opinion among the morons that post here.

>> No.6951219

Being ironically racist attracts actual racists who would have thought

>> No.6951228

How do you know it was a jab? Have you talked to the man who came up with it, Jeremy Parish?

>> No.6951234

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.6951286

So unexpected

>> No.6951443

He never said that at all.

>> No.6951656

Rat kikes are responsible for the subversion of western civilization and the proliferation of the misnomer "metroidvania"

>> No.6951676 [DELETED] 
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t. le pol face

>> No.6951709
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>> No.6951710

Nice ad hom shlomey. Evropa shall awaken to the realization of her stolen heritage and recognize the massive influence of Jet Set Willy.

>> No.6953449 [DELETED] 

ZOGnald is a fucking puppet for Israel you stupid nigger. He's literally their Golem. One doesn't need to be a shill for that faggot to call you a nigger for being a prude on an anonymous imageboard, the last bastions of free speech online.

>> No.6953504

Everyone in the US federal government is gay for Israel, you dumb faggot.

>> No.6953514
File: 49 KB, 760x428, lon_wallart_170522.focal-760x428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first sitting US President to visit the Wailing Wall
>first US President IN HISTORY to officially acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>said he was "the best thing to ever happen to Israel"
Fuck off shill

>> No.6953629


Personally, I was a fan of his from Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout up to the McCauley Culkin episode, which actually has a really fucking funny gag. I even liked him in his "excessive guest phase" that fans hated in around 2008/2009.

At this point, its like a sunken cost fallacy. I invested so much time and seen so many episodes, it feels like a waste if I don't keep up to date.

>> No.6953962

Where the fuck are you coming up with the notion the term started with Symphony of the Night? Jeremy Parish is credited with coining the phrase but he says it was actually fellow 1Up contributor Scott Sharkey. They were discussing the then recent Castlevania GBA titles when he called them "Metroidvanias". SotN of course falls into the category and was the first in the series to have this gameplay style but the term wasn't thought up until years after that in the mid 2000s.

>> No.6954096
File: 95 KB, 680x999, 89f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'er not that guy. You're not a popular youtubeman. who are you. nobody/
frat a rat u dumbell

>> No.6954103

they should call it metroid-battleforbakinibottomia.. too soon?

>> No.6954106

I'll have a hamburger and two cokes for my dog. Whats that? nevermind ,make that three cokes for my cat garfield. And a ton of turkey for my tuscanese friend george. here's your video games

>> No.6954203

Willyvanias are cute and valid

>> No.6954221

Technically; SOTN since is was the first Castlevania game with Metroid like exploration. If you use the word "metroidvania" to refer to anything else, you are retarded.

Lastly, your stupid meme sucks. Go fucking die in a hole.

>> No.6954226

Is that Mr. Silverheeb?

>> No.6954520

Why do you have cuck porn saved on your computer?

>> No.6954526

Please go back to where you came.

>> No.6955118

Sorry. Not fat enough.

>> No.6956249

lol kill yourself you disheveled pussy. No one gives a shit about your edgelord ass. You wouldn't be missed.

>> No.6956253

Cry about words some more nigger

>> No.6956261

What do you think you're doing you fucking 12 year old.

>> No.6956264

Why does nigger bother you so much? Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.6956303

>people are shitting on this guy, must be because he's jewish!
shove your victim complex up your ass nigger.

>> No.6956337

Even before kickstarter, there was a period where it was common to refer to games similar to Symphony of the Night as "Metroidvania-style games", but that eventually got streamlined down to just "Metroidvanias" (albeit, probably by people who only knew the term in this context, so they figured "Metroidvania" was a catch-all term for Metroid or Castlevania style games, and not specifically the Castlevania games that play like Metroid).

>> No.6956342

Jeremy Parish popularized the term in the mid 2000s.

>> No.6956346

Cry harder you baby

>> No.6956348

Should I call it Willy-like? Please anons I need some directions here!

>> No.6956351

Literally look at the people in this thread saying that you fucking retard

>> No.6956358

>n-no u
You know retard is an offensive term? If you're going to get upset about nigger or kike you shouldn't call people retards. Or are you just bigoted to people with mental handicaps?

>> No.6956484

Hey justin silverman, daily reminder you're a pedo apologist, and you've got no face. Go back to the burger room, fatso.

>> No.6956556

Imao pretend to have a backbone in the trash can

>> No.6956561

Youre prejudiced to the mentally challenged and you're a monster.

>> No.6957107


>> No.6957481

People were calling it "Metroidvania" long before Parish had his stupid podcast. I remember seeing it in magazines in the late 90s.
If you actually want to cite whatever this faggot has to say about Jet Set Willy he says it was influential on microcomputer games. There's no evidence this was known at all in Japan, and Parish says in this article that Pitfall II was much better of a game than JSW. https://www.usgamer.net/articles/jet-set-willy-trading-classiness-for-freedom

>> No.6957493

Jet Set Willy might have had some similar design elements, but it had absolutely no impact outside of the tiny domestic british market. If Metroid had never been released, there'd be no SotN and hence no "Metroid clones" or "Metroidvanias" as the term is used today.

>> No.6957539

>Iwata recalled, "We examined nearly every game console then on the market, including machines we imported from other parts of the world, such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, but none of them had the graphics fidelity we wanted. We came up with the idea for the game pad as we were worried that children could break conventional joysticks too easily. We were a bit obsessive about that; the Famicom's controller buttons were tested with a machine punch and pressed more than 1 million times, and still worked afterward."[45]

>Later when asked about Metroid, Iwata remembered, "Oh yes, I remember a particular game... Gunpei Yokoi was quite taken with it. It was called Jet Set Willy, on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. We had all become familiar with this British hardware during the design phase of the Famicom as I mentioned earlier. Gunpei based much of the gameplay design of Metroid on this game, Jet Set Willy."[46]

>> No.6957556

Post the source faggot

>> No.6957563

How much to kickstart Super Maze of Willynadu Boy 3: Cave of the Night

>> No.6957565

Nintendo had already been producing Game and Watch since 1980, why would they look to some obscure as shit computer in Europe for a D-pad?

>> No.6957569

Weekly Famitsu, No. 276, 1994.

>> No.6957573

They said they examined them all just to know

>> No.6957576

How would Iwata know what Gunpei thought when Iwata didn't start working for Nintendo years after Gunpei was already dead?

>> No.6957578
File: 81 KB, 500x652, weeklyfamitsu1994ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weekly Famitsu, No. 276, 1994
Says nothing about it in there. Post the fucking source faggot

>> No.6957598

You read ir cover to cover cunt?

>> No.6957609

Yeah and it says absolutely NOTHING about Jet Set Willy, or Iwata, for that matter
Iwata also wasn't part of Nintendo at the time either, and he had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the Famicom hardware

>> No.6957613
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double nigger kike faggot bitch cunt rape tranny 13/50/1488 cracker chink(seriously, FUCK China) gook spic dago mick

Now that the bullshit is out of the way, why are words so inflaming to you retards(oops missed that one above)? I assume you're 18 or older and mature enough to discuss the topic without raging about who coined what term.
Your shit's fucked, sort it out pls.

As for OP's question, simply ask what the first side-scrolling action platforming game was with enemies and power-ups. That is genesis.
Also, it's not going to be on either the FC/NES or the Speccy. It's probably an arcade game.

>> No.6957625

if that's the criteria then it's donkey kong
on consoles probably pitfall or miner 2049er, I honestly don't know if those two games had any impact on the japanese market

>> No.6957658

>if that's the criteria then it's donkey kong
I meant the screen scrolling around. Don't DK levels take place statically?
DK is a likely candidate for genesis anyway, as it has action platforming with powerups and enemies.
I guess people think Metroid or that Jet Set game invented backtracking in an action platforming game? Pretty sure they didn't, but that genesis won't be in an arcade because no arcade would let you backtrack and take up play time. Time is $$$ with arcades.

>> No.6957671

which makes me think it was more pitfall 2 that had the larger influence
esp a lot more than fucking jsw
I don't know how influential Pitfall was in Japan, I know it was ported to the major Japanese computers, even the SEGA system

>> No.6957745

>get caught
>bullshit about bullshitting
>get caught
>bullshit about bullshitting about bullshitting

>> No.6957758
File: 272 KB, 462x352, combat_avgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Jet Set Willy
> Pitfall II
> Fuckin Donkey Kong?! LOL
These games have no Combat. It's not just about backtracking and collecting items to unlock new areas. Combat is absolutely essential. Combat. Metroid not only has combat, but has upgradable weapons: which are an essential element of the ......sigh ....."MetroidVania". Not only do none of these games not have upgradable weapons, THEY HAVE NO WEAPONS AT ALL: Immediate disqualification. Metroid is the clear point of origin and genesis and ground zero of the "MetroidVania". Period. End of story. Finito. It's in the fucking name. /thread

>> No.6957809

Donkey Kong has combat. Grab the hammer, smash shit.
>Metroid not only has combat, but has upgradable weapons: which are an essential element of the ......sigh ....."MetroidVania". Not only do none of these games not have upgradable weapons, THEY HAVE NO WEAPONS AT ALL
See above. And was Metroid the first side-scrolling action game with upgradable weapons?

>> No.6957815

> Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong is a linear level based arcade platformer.
>was Metroid the first side-scrolling action game with upgradable weapons?
You're god damn right it was.

>> No.6957846

>You're god damn right it was.
You're sure about that? You've researched the libraries of everything that came before to verify this?
I have not so I can't honestly say what was first. I know metroid sucks. Zelda II got it right IMO. And Zero Mission rights the wrongs of Metroid.

>> No.6957867

Cant this living fecal mountain just go away from life?

>> No.6957875

> You're sure about that? You've researched the libraries of everything that came before to verify this?
Metroid came out in July of 86. That's early. That's less than a year after Super Mario Bros came out and years before the armies of clones it spawned. There isn't much before it to compare it to. The NES/Famicom was the first home console equipped with hardware scrolling. No Arcade game resembles what constitutes a "MetroidVania"; they were designed to be 5 minutes long. By those factors alone, it's reasonable to deduce that an earlier game meeting the essential criteria of a "MetroidVania" not only does not exist, but could not exist from a technological standpoint. And yes, i've played a metric fuckton of games.

>> No.6957906

His silvermania video were he plays ethnic cleansing is good.

>> No.6958135


Pitfall was the origin. How do you explain games like blaster master. It’s basically around the same time.

>> No.6958398


>> No.6958489

>absolutely no impact outside of the tiny domestic british market.
Zoomer revisionism or just american ignorance?
ZX spectrum was well known all around europe. I'm from finland and Spectrum was not as popular as C64 but definitely a thing here, and JSW was one of the most popular games on it. If you were a gamer in the 80's chances are you knew about JSW.

Now, claiming Metroid was influenced by JSW is more far-fetched, though considering Nintendo was a large company had a professional approach to game development I can believe someone at the company was keeping tabs on what was going on in the industry as a whole, including platforms like Spectrum that were more obscure in Japan. Still I doubt they would have been hugely influenced by this game, especially considering it wasn't the only platform game that had players explore a large map.

>> No.6958562

Metroid. It's in the name.
The other thing is just something some autist is trying to push for some unexplainable reason

>> No.6958610 [DELETED] 

"Metroidvania" was ONLY used to describe the Castlevania games that were similar to Metroid, to differentiate them from the classic Castlevania. It is NOT a genre because it makes no sense to apply that term to other games than Castlevania. If we consider Metroid to be the first of its kind, the genre should be METROID-LIKE.

Now, was Metroid really the first of its kind? Even Wikipedia says it's not, citing Montezuma's Revenge (1984) as an early example of the "Metroidvania" genre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montezuma%27s_Revenge_(video_game)
Jet Set Willy was released the same year, but the month is nowhere to be found, and Wikipedia doesn't mention Metroid in its article.
So until proven otherwise, the genre should be Montezuma-like.
Or Montevania if refering to Sotn.

>> No.6958626

Such irony and false equivalency. Are those salty tears or is that your dad's cum?

>> No.6958647

How did these barftards ever become the image of Retro gaming.

>> No.6958650

right place right time

>> No.6958868

Jet Set Willy was two years before Metroid nonce

>> No.6959240

I hate that fat Jew so much.

>> No.6959408

They are the root of most of your problems.

>> No.6959658

Yeah, and Pitfall II was the same formula and vastly more influential in America, the only country that matters.

>> No.6960590

JSW was 1984
Metroid was 1986

>> No.6960640


Pitfall 1: 1982
Pitfall 2: 1984

Pitfall is the father of them all.

>> No.6960664

> Jet Set Willy
No scrolling.
> Pitfall II
No combat.
You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that scrolling and combat are unessential elements of the "MetroidVania". Absolute lunacy.

>> No.6960679

Pitfalls are proto-Willyvanias
Scrolling is not a prerequisite of being a Willyvania

>> No.6960691

Scrolling is arguable, maybe, but combat is not. I'm done here. Good day sir. It's Metroid.

>> No.6960703

Someone would have stumbled upon the formula sooner or later, it's just a platforming game with backtracking.

>> No.6960791

You combat the environment in Jet Set Willy

>> No.6960806

Nobody cares about your poverty computer, Yuropoor

>> No.6960997

FUCK off sharter nonce

>> No.6961898

Based gaming scholar Jeremy Parish