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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6945312 No.6945312 [Reply] [Original]

Behold, the three greatest games ever made.

>> No.6945319
File: 167 KB, 1024x489, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops wrong picture sorry

>> No.6945320

*Greatest Western games

>> No.6945328

Imagine being such a collossal faggot that you, an adult "male", would rather play NES games about a flying raccoon plumber instead of games about killing demons and blowing aliens apart with plasma orbs. You are everything wrong with society, my guy.

>> No.6945340

Wc3 is the deviantart fanfic of wc2

>> No.6945341

>2 warhammer ripoffs and a clicker game

>> No.6945351

World Editor alone validates the existence of WC3 and basically makes every other RTS irrelevant outside of StarCraft.

>> No.6945352 [DELETED] 

Yes Jamal, computer games typically involv

>> No.6945419

>Greatest games
>Greatest Western Games
Both of these are true. 9/10 times the west makes better games than Japan. Yeah there are exceptions but they are exceptions not the rule. There are a lot of people who jerked off so much most of their braincells died so these games might be a little bit out of their reach.

>> No.6945421

This is like complaining about JRPGs being a Wizardry ripoff.

>> No.6945429

The west absolutely made the best games of the 90s and early 00s. I used to think the Japs actually made decent shit long after the collapse of western game design but looking at the autistic number-crunching cumbrain anime garbage they produce now, it's pretty clear that good games aren't made anymore on all fronts. The west will always be king.

>> No.6945478

Starcraft/Broodwar is the single best game the USA has ever produced. DII was a little lackluster. Warcaft III was shit. Go home OP.

>> No.6945482

>shitting on Diablo 2
Into the trash it goes

>> No.6945536

>Warcraft III
Missed out on the golden age of custom games?

>> No.6945546

You'd think playing around in world editor for an hour would be enough to cement WC3 as a decent game to most functional humans but he probably played the campaign for 5 minutes, got bored and went back to reading mario creepypasta. Forgive him.

>> No.6945580

only one of those games is good, and I think everyone knows which one I mean.

>> No.6945591

Wrong reply?

>> No.6945597

Next you'll tell us that Super Mario World is the best in the series because of romhacks.

>> No.6945598

actually works for both

>> No.6945604
File: 87 KB, 632x756, Soy Wojak (110).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only one of those games is good, and I think everyone knows which one I mean.

>> No.6945723

What happened to Blizzard? They used to be good.

>> No.6945730

The Activision merger and replacing old blood devs with feminist women. I'm not even /pol/arizing here, the company demographics are like 60% women now and half the work is outsourced to chunks and pajeets. Almost none of the original devs are left. The company died the minute blizzard north was dissolved.

>> No.6945765
File: 2.56 MB, 2016x1512, Starter_pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got too addicted to the massive amounts of money from World of Warcraft.

>> No.6946771

So cool.

>> No.6946961

No Lost Vikings, no buy.

>> No.6947002

They are not.

>> No.6947271

t. shmup fan

>> No.6947280

I bought that diablo box set at least twice

>> No.6947281

Mario is an alpha working man who fucks up a giant dinosaur and his monster army for taking his woman, how dare you.

>> No.6947285

my favorite blizzard games are world of warcraft the burning crusade, hearthstone, and overwatch :)

but I quit all three cuz I played them too much. now my friendship with blizzard has ended.

>> No.6947287

Needs a Command and Conquer box set too.

>> No.6947291
File: 644 KB, 1920x1080, metroid_classic_trilogy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't post the first 3 WillyVanias

>> No.6948217

Scrolled for a while to find this thread.
Will make my own if this doesnt get any replies.

Anyone have a virtual machine image of diablo 2 lod with plugy installed?

>> No.6948516

Why would you need a VM?

>> No.6948541

>What happened to Blizzard?

World of Warcraft happened.

It was so massively successful and made them so much money that the corporate jew overlords wanted in and did what they had to in order to get their slice of the new, gigantic pie.

That's why >>6945730 happened.

>> No.6948546


>> No.6948559


>> No.6948562

These games don't get nearly enough credit for their cinematics. The intros to both SC and D2 are insanely good. I still can't wrap my head around how they made this stuff, especially 20+ years ago.

>> No.6948564

I was never really into RTS games like Warcraft and Starcraft but I can say that they're incredibly well made games of such genre. I really liked Diablo when I was a kid though.
Shame that Activision basically destroyed Blizzard from the inside-out like a virus but at least one of the co-founders created that new studio/publisher called Dreamhaven which holds promise.

>> No.6948570

I'm not big on RTS in general but SC and WC3 always held a special allure for me. For one, they're the only RTS games I've ever played that actually made me want to play for the stories. Characters like Raynor and Mengsk are ridiculously well-acted.

>> No.6948595
File: 110 KB, 800x800, 800px-Alvin_E._Roth_3_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooohhh forgive me Tyrael, it wasn't my fault, OHHHHhhhhh...

>> No.6948619

Add in Quake 3 and you've got just about every game still worth playing.

>> No.6948620
File: 485 KB, 1424x730, 1593081391950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the man responsible for their greatness

What is he working on with his new studio

>> No.6948621

I can see the merits of each game, but personally I never really enjoyed them much. Especially Diablo II, I don't like this type of clicker-looter-game. I think I made it to the jungle levels once or the level after that but I just can't keep going on with it.

>> No.6948624

Sounds like you just picked the wrong class. If you don't like a lot of clicking then melee classes and the like are off the table. I don't see how anybody couldn't enjoy something like necro though. Come on man, making corpses explode and raising undead cows isn't fun? I agree that act 3 is a slog but you missed out on the two best acts following it. Not to be one of those "it gets better 20 hours in" kind of guys but in this case it's really true, you can't appreciate Diablo 2 until you clear it once and open up access to the truly fun and interesting loot.

>> No.6948634

That's the thing, I always picked necro because it seemed like the class I'd enjoy the most. Maybe I ought to go back and play some other class but there's just something about the whole genre that doesn't appeal to me. (I've tried some other ones too like Torchlight and boy is that game shitty)

>> No.6948643

Torchlight is a very shitty game indeed. I agree the genre as a whole is lackluster, but man, trust me, if you give it enough of a chance you'll really enjoy it. Grinding through a horde of glowing neon demons and seeing that unidentified golden or green item pop out is one of the most boner-inducing gameplay experiences you can have. I also suggest taking time away from the combat to enjoy some of the game's side activities like gossiping with the characters or experimenting with horadric cube recipes. There's a lot more than meets the eye. Pick a class to try anew and look up a guide for it first so you can pick out a decent build and have a good time. I suggest Druid if you want diversity, but if the spellcasting side wasn't your schtick then maybe you just need a litte good old bloody Barbarian combat. Definitely give it another chance brother.

>> No.6949989

diablo2 doesnt worth well with windows10 and its easier to make a vm and run it in there with all the pluggy shit already configured.

>> No.6950007

hard pill to swallow:
Gaming in all forms is just as immature and onions as anything else. Nintenfags get the brunt of it because their culture is loaded with consooming and numale merchandise. But the activity is still the same - playing games when you could be outside or doing literally anything else less selfish with your time

>> No.6951138

Yeah, that's a fucking retarded argument. Not all games are made equal. Playing a multiplayer game with my friends and engaging in socialization and teamwork is not the same as playing pong by yourself. Some games provide a means to socialize, challenge yourself, exert creativity, improve your reflexes or introduce you to new ways of thinking, while other games are little more than glorified tinker toys or lottery tickets. By your logic, literally nothing has a purpose and everything is a waste of time. That is effectively true, but if you're going to engage in a recreational activity then playing a game which actually tests you and provides a means by which to become sharper and more creative is not the same as engaging in some dumbed down console faggotry. No matter what way you slice it, playing a game like StarCraft is infinitely less gay than playing Mario, sorry.

>> No.6951164

>"ohhhh nooooo! the heckin chud just said mean things about my games!!!!"
Seethe harder faggot. Keep telling yourself there's a difference between playing call of duty, mario, chess, or pong.
It's all masturbatory.

>> No.6951226

Add street fighter 2 turbo.

Starcraft and Street fighter 2 will be the kings of multiplayer skill games. I can never play enough and say "okay! I'm done! I know everything. I'm at the top."

Don't need any new games.

sc and st till I die.

ggs gl hf gp

>> No.6951263

t. assblasted mario nigger trying to convey himself that he isn't a faggot for playing children's games. you have no argument for what I just said because there isn't one and you know it. if I had a room full of women watching me play Quake and you playing Mario, take a guess who the holes would think was gayer?

>> No.6951268

what are you talking about, it works just fine. only thing fucked is the gamma slider which you just need the glide wrapper to fix. fucking virtual machine for diablo 2 , made my day lmao

>> No.6951270

w...what does that make world of warcraft then?
what is the level beyond deviantart fanfic?

>> No.6951281

>you girls strapped in nice and tight now?
>tighter than your momma's ass
>heheh, that's a good one mang, heh heh heh

>> No.6951538
File: 13 KB, 249x213, 1277797001124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blizzard used to do stuff like this

Feels bad bros.
Fuck Activison and fuck Kotick

>> No.6951918

I had a friend who interned there recently and he said it was mainly just a bunch of politically correct fratbros

>> No.6952110

Lmao nope, this was 3 fucking years ago. Imagine the cancer now.


>> No.6952615
File: 2.01 MB, 300x222, 1568635755896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close, but wrong. Best games ever made are:
1. Broodwar
2. vtmb
3. porn games

>> No.6952649
File: 27 KB, 900x675, Yes, the GB version.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> P R E A C H

First one because of its perfect introduction to understanding platformers and its very elementary design that still fascinates gamers today.

Objectively, the actual best game ever made:
> pic

>> No.6952654


>> No.6952692

Broodwar is an expansion and should go under Starcraft.
What is vtmb?
Which porn games? Mid 2000s flash games?

>> No.6952994
File: 1.59 MB, 640x470, broodwar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Broodwar is an expansion and should go under Starcraft.
In the scene we call it broodwar. Because broodwar is the game, the tournaments, the perfection. Also it makes it more clear we are not talking about starcraft in general, like starcraft2 for example. Broodwar is broodwar. It's the best game on this planet. Starcraft compared to broodwar is not very good.

>What is vtmb?
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines

>Which porn games? Mid 2000s flash games?
Yes, adult flash games in general. The best of them. They are lightweight, start quick, easy to store, easy to collect, have some of the best artists and creators and the most surprises, potential and variation.

>> No.6953283

dumb bongistani

>> No.6953287

Only 2 of those games were made by blizzard though wtf?
Why do they always take credit for Blizzard Norths work?

>> No.6953304

worms armageddon

heroes III


>> No.6953395

They were so good they defined and destroyed all hopes for future games of the same genre

>> No.6953959

Unfortunately this is pretty much true. 20 years later and no RTS has managed to match the refinement and level of balance present in Brood War nor the depth and quality of Diablo 2. But when you already have perfection, does it really even matter?

>> No.6954391

WarCraft II was just a great all around game. Wait a minute...

>> No.6954760

If you legitimately believe WarCraft 2 is more fun than WC3 you are either severely biased or haven't played custom content.