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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 256x358, Ecco-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6942453 No.6942453 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else like this game?

>> No.6942457


>> No.6942463

I do.
Wish the hitboxes were a bit more polished, and the controls a bit swifter, also wish levels were more action-based instead of so many crystal backtrack puzzle, but all in all the atmosphere and concept is super original, an experience worth having for sure.
The Sega CD game does add some more action-based levels so I highly recommend that version over the Mega Drive original (you can mount your own .iso and add the Mega Drive music if you want, but I recommend giving the Spencer OST a try too, it's equally amazing in its own way)

>> No.6942712

is it a scotformer?

>> No.6942720

It's nothing like a platformer, it's an action-adventure game. Also, fuck off with that stupid term, it will never catch on.

>> No.6942751

the best Ecco game is Ecco Jr.

also, is it just me or was James really mailing it in this episode?? I mean he has been for awhile, but this episode in particular was really bad

>> No.6942754

Imagine if Mario or Sonic only had underwater levels

>> No.6942757

It's the first survival/horror game.

>> No.6942775

Screenwave writes all the episodes now and films James in the studio they built, he literally just shows up and says his lines. Been that way since Earthbound. There will be one offs like The Immortal that he will still write himself but that is why the quality has been steadily declining to the point of this episode where you can predict where every shit unfunny cut away joke is going to be. Someone actually wrote this shit trying to emulate AVGN and then James just reads the lines. Definition of SOULLESS

>> No.6942780

I want to. The atmosphere and plot are very interesting, but the game is frustrating to play. Moving rocks and rings around is too finicky.

>> No.6942782

Go back.

>> No.6942798

It's from Hungary, not Scotland.

>> No.6942810

take your e-celeb fuckery somewhere else

>> No.6942934

too spoopy for me. But I finished DoF. But I shit my pants playing it. That game is worse than SH2 for me

>> No.6942995

rent free

>> No.6943028


No, you are the fist one

>> No.6943098

Never played it but saw it shilled in game stores. Also I watch the AVGN review a few hrs ago.

Frankly looks like a more annoying James Pond 1. Though I remember getting stuck in Jame Pond cause 1 of the levels was bugged and unbeatable.

>> No.6943114

>you can predict where every shit unfunny cut away joke is going to be
This has been bothering me for a while now. I wouldn't call the newer episodes shitty, but they're heading into soulless territory.

>> No.6943219

I still laughed at a couple of the cut-aways though.

>> No.6943307
File: 1.21 MB, 3020x2908, fuck you bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easily one of my favorite games ever.

I actually think the extra Sega CD levels are among the worst outside of maybe Open Ocean which just feels like easy filler. But what I like about the game is the labyrinthine levels where you have to explore a lot and then keep your patience while singing starfish to break rocks and the like while your air is draining. Also I've never bothered to play the patched CD version so every time was with that music which I find disappointing compared to the original.

>> No.6943453

That Dreamcast is old enough to drink Rolling Rock joke with the Lightweight punchline was pure cringe. When he says lightweight too the Rolling Rock bottle is a prop one with nothing in it and it almost looks like he rerecorded the line because it seems like it doesn't sync to his lips. Could just be me.

>> No.6943485

Avgn = fart

>> No.6943660
File: 3.03 MB, 4000x3000, 20200930_013831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen 1 person in my life that didn't like Ecco, and he was an older gentlemen who was just watching his son play.

Whats that RLM quote in the Blade Runner episode? Criticizing it is like criticizing Wizard of Oz. You can do it, but everyone will think you're an asshole.

>> No.6943689

I hate to admit it, but I never would have seen this alien shit had it not been for cheating. I got filtered hard on this game.

>> No.6943840

I love it. Nintendrones will never get the hang of it though.

>> No.6943870

I am terrible at video games, therefore the video game in your post is bad, OP.

>> No.6944053

The Sega CD version is the best.

>> No.6944485

i loved it

however i was just a kid and never got very far i just fucked around swimming and jumping

>> No.6944597

Nothing to be ashamed of. I dont remember making it past the 3rd or 4th level and spent hundreds of hours on that game. I wish I knew how to cheat back then.

>> No.6944614

Lovely soundtrack. Charming graphics. Atrocious gameplay.

>> No.6944621


Justice for Bootsy

>> No.6944625

I love games where you play as the bad guy.

>> No.6944637

Drop the act and either make an e-celeb thread or just make an Ecco thread. Fags.

>> No.6944650

>Screenwave writes all the episodes now and films James in the studio they built, he literally just shows up and says his lines. Been that way since Earthbound. There will be one offs like The Immortal that he will still write himself but that is why the quality has been steadily declining to the point of this episode where you can predict where every shit unfunny cut away joke is going to be. Someone actually wrote this shit trying to emulate AVGN and then James just reads the lines. Definition of SOULLESS

The problem with this video, was how fabricated the anger felt to me. Yes, Ecco is a hard game. But not as hard as some of the games he covered in the past. Also, all they play through is the first level of Ecco and comment on it in the most generic way.

>> No.6944678

You are not alone. I had to make a save state (the only time in the whole game) at the beginning of the boss fight because there was no way I was gonna play through the machine every time I died. No remorse

>> No.6944681

Yeah. they didn't go into the boss fight at all.

>> No.6944682

Who came here from AVGN? What a shitload of Fuck!

>> No.6944728


You can also switch to the old Genesis/Sega CD sprites and music in the options.

>> No.6944994

Maybe I am just bad, but I can't find any working link for this.

>> No.6945021


>> No.6945037

The adults didn't

>> No.6945178

How is that even possible? The first few levels are still pretty easy and not even that big. What were you even doing that whole time?

>> No.6945192

What the fuck is WRONG with James this time?

Shittin on Ecco 1 AND Defender of the future????

Two fucking masterpiece??!!

>> No.6945239

Bless you, anon.

>> No.6946191

Features improved graphics over other versions, redbook audio soundtrack from the Sega CD version, FMV sequences from Ecco the Dolphin: Tides of Time, new levels, selectable difficulty settings, and a save feature.

I don't understand. If this is a port of ecco, why does it have fmvs from it's sequel?

>> No.6946331

based ecco jr fan

awww man did james do a video on ecco?
this is going to be bad isn't it

>> No.6946338

I was thinking the same about the episode at first, and I kept thinking "man he's playing out the beer skit in this one", but then at the end the beer pool actually paid off, it was a real Nerd moment, same with the ending.
People complaining about Nerd shitting on Ecco are brainlets though, it's like this is your first time watching a nerd video, get over yourselves, fanboys.

>> No.6946345

Wooz sucks cock

>> No.6946385

What does based even mean when it's used for people who can only enjoy the children's versions of games?

I haven't seen his other videos or this one, but what's the point if he just complains about all games? Is that the whole shtick?

>> No.6946414

>but what's the point if he just complains about all games? Is that the whole shtick?
Uh... yes.
AVGN was never about "serious reviews", it's a comedy show.
I recommend watching his earlier stuff which is the funniest.

>> No.6946415

well i meant based as in hey somebody else recognizes that ecco jr is the best of three on the sega

also just checked out the avgn vid
he's not wrong about the spinny spikes being bullshit
i'm guessing he just couldn't get any further and that's why he just stops there

>> No.6946418


the fuck are u even meant to do?

>> No.6946432

Best in what ways? It looks by far the worst and is mind numbingly easy.

>> No.6946436

Ecco CD has checkpoints in levels, making it a bit less frustrating.
>git gud
Ecco is not about gitting gud honestly, it's not like people play this game because the mechanics are super addictive, it's mostly a trial and error sort of game, which is fine, but "git gud" doesn't apply here. Having checkpoints is literally an improvement and there's a reason why the creator included it on the CD enhanced version.

>> No.6946437

And what spiny spikes in which level is he talking about? I have zero interest in watching any of his videos but mildly curious what filtered him. If it was spikes that's pretty funny.

>> No.6946443

baby orca and the mini games are cute and fun

>> No.6946447

the lagoon
where you sonar push them to the little rock

>> No.6946448

>, it's mostly a trial and error sort of game,

I disagree with this. Outside of a couple of levels it's exploration very little trial and error. There's always fish and air in key spots so it's really just figuring out what to do then executing it. Asterite kind of and Machine especially I agree, other than that not really.

It's actually memes aside more like Dark Souls than anything, the difficulty is usually just being patient while being precise under pressure.

>> No.6946453

Okay the baby orca is cute I'll give you that.

This is hilarious. Does he always suck that hard or is that the humor?

>> No.6946464

>It's actually memes aside more like Dark Souls than anything

>> No.6946471

It's one of the spiky things you have to push that, instead of bouncing against walls, they can get stuck inside walls, so you have to backtrack for them to respawn and try again.
I think it's a legit criticism, it doesn't take any skill to backtrack, they could just have programmed the hitbox to bounce off walls instead of getting stuck inside them.

>> No.6946491

I mean neither are really that much trial and error when you get down to it. Other than that I wouldn't make much of a comparison, for example Ecco is actually a good game.

That would make the whole thing really easy and into just "spam sonar in the right direction till you get there." That's what I mean about being precise under pressure. You have to actually pay attention to your environment and how far the stars move when you sonar them. Even though you're slowly drowning the whole time you have to not rush and he careful in order to do well. That's what I love about the game. Also it gets way harder than the fucking lagoon lol.

>> No.6946504

Yeah but I don't think that spiky sonar part is especially challenging anyway, and you can easily go back to the top to breath air, so it's not exactly like you need real skill or anything, you just need to backtrack for it to respawn.
The game was never about precision controls to me anyway, it's more about the experience. There's a lot of parts in the game that I consider poorly designed (especially Welcome To The Machine), but I still enjoy the game because they nailed the atmosphere, and while the controls could be much better, controlling Ecco still feels nice (especially the few parts when you're allowed to jump above the water surface, damn that feels good). Other than that, moving blocks around (either with the nose or the sonar) was always clunky, and not particularly challenging either, just clunky.

>> No.6946531
File: 1.82 MB, 320x240, 1486325092440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure but it's more challenging than if you didn't have to pay attention to the level lay out and how far your sonar pushes them. The Machine I agree, that's just straight up bad trial and error. The autoscroll changes it's path so seemingly randomly that you just plain have to play it enough till it's memorized and then do it a whole bunch because unless you're amazing and lucky you're sure as shit not going to beat the queen on your first try.

I don't find it clunky in the same way others seem to but then I've played it a fuck ton over the years and am very used to how he controls. Parts like this are I think great examples of having to really have a handle on how the game works.

>> No.6946551

I don't really see it as challenging (with regards to the spiky chain pushing part), it's just backtracking and trying again.
The real challenge in the game is probably being aware of the space and being able to go through the mazes... I see it more like an adventure game (or "survival horror", if you will) rather than a skill-based game. That's why I think it's more about the experience, and a lot of the difficulty comes from the clunky controls and the sometimes janky collision detection - I still think items getting stuck inside walls and having to go back for them to respawn is something that could have been done better. It's not a matter of "spamming the sonar" either, they could have programmed the spiky thing to bounce off the wall if you didn't aim at the proper angle, having to reposition yourself, and trying again from a different angle, sorta like pool you know? But instead, the spiky chain gets stuck inside the wall, and the only option is to backtrack for it to respawn... it almost feels like a glitch.
I agree that jump on your screenshot is very hard to pull off and feels nice when you do, I managed to do it, but I didn't knew that there was a shortcut... the developers figured that jump was too difficult so they added the shortcut as a secret. There's other parts that are better in regards to jump though, like the iced levels where you can jump over the ice surface and slide (super cool), or the Sega CD-exclusive levels that are all about jumping above the sea surface. Some of the best moments in Ecco, gameplay-wise.

>> No.6946561


It's okay, but the difficulty is just ridiculous in a bad way. It's not "hard but fair" but more like "game will frustrate you and make you play the same bit 100 times"

I played it on the PS3 mega drive collection and am not ashamed to admit that I used save states.

I will get called casual or zoomer, but a game wasting my time through artificial difficulty is not fun or worthwhile

>> No.6946571

>I don't really see it as challenging (with regards to the spiky chain pushing part), it's just backtracking and trying again.

Yeah I hear what you're saying but just see it differently. If you're careful the first time you don't need to keep trying necessarily. It bouncing off the walls would probably end up the same anyways because you'd probably have to go back for air again. But really I think we just have different takes, I think the CD levels are generally the worst. Just my opinion though.

>> No.6948187

Please, keep this thread up until tomorrow by like 12 hours from now.

>> No.6949353


>> No.6949412

I like the avgn but I can't get over the whining. Like God forbid a game be difficult or require you to think about it to beat

>> No.6950330

But isn't whining about things being too hard his whole gimmick?

>> No.6950815

>I like the avgn except when he does what he's known for
also yeah he never complained about Ecco being hard (he didn't get to the actual shitty parts like welcome to the machine), he just complained about things getting stuck in walls and having to backtrack. But again, it's still a Nerd review, not a James review. Learn the difference.

>> No.6950915

>But again, it's still a Nerd review, not a James review. Learn the difference.

I agree with that. But I feel like even for a Nerd review, "The Nerd" hit his boiling point with this game a little too early. He's played plenty of games that were more problematic than this one, and it took him longer to rage out in those other videos. I like Ecco the Dolphin. But the game does have some annoying quirks for sure. Plus the game does get hard in the later stages. I liked some of the newest AVGN's, but this one didn't work for me.

>> No.6950927

Anyone still sad that Tides of Time kind of ended on a cliffhanger and it’s made out like Ecco died?

>> No.6950960
File: 61 KB, 340x222, 1374698167941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what the fuck? that never meant he died,
he just hopped into the time machine and disappeared.

And according to Ed Annunziata he was just going to meet the Atlanteans.

>> No.6950993
File: 164 KB, 763x1048, 976966870cf3bfd90d01e4b20c147db9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game's lore and setting are so fascinating, I think it's one of the more impressive sci fi games you'll find.

>> No.6951167

>what the fuck? that never meant he died,
>he just hopped into the time machine and disappeared.

Shame Ecco 3 never got made. Ecco the Dolphin on the Dreamcast was meant to be a reboot. There was even a sequel for the Dreamcast planned called Ecco II: Sentinels of the Universe:


>> No.6951314

I know it doesn't mean that he died, but it just kind of feels like it, kind of like the bad ending to the Sonic 2 on the Game Gear/ SMS

>> No.6951340

Other have mentioned that he doesn't write the episodes anymore.
The unlovable slobs that appear on camera way too much play the games, record them, and write the script. All james does is read it.

It's depressing to see him phone in every performance and make stuff this low quality.

Oh well, at least we have the first 5 seasons to rewatch, I frequently do.

>> No.6951354
File: 1.78 MB, 514x360, 1601503981780.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the Anon who recorded this.

>> No.6951372

Kid this is one of the most beloved Genesis games of all time.

Just because a bunch of obese, greasy unlikeable slobs have a hard time with it doesn't make it bad. AVGN isn't AVGN anymore, it's like watching your dementia ridden grandfather try and play the piano like he used to and you just wish he's stop.

>> No.6951382

I was surprised to see AVGN in his advanced age try to shit on this game like the good old days 20 years ago, I thought this game was remembered fondly by most people. That said I never cared for this game for the same reasons AVGN mentioned, it's a tedious game and I admit it filtered me hard in the first stage

>> No.6951410

Game looks gorgeous in screenshots but I hate how static and poorly animated everything except the dolphins and the basic jellyfish are. Its like they just scanned real pictures and converted them into sprites so when it came to giving them movement they had no reference to trace from. The crabs are particularly jarring.

>> No.6951430


>> No.6951592

I get filtered by the gameplay but I love everything else about it.

>> No.6951861
File: 210 KB, 1275x1600, BurianPteranodon_ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its like they just scanned real pictures and converted them into sprites so when it came to giving them movement they had no reference to trace from
I know that was certainly the case with the pterodactyl, pic related.
Personally, I actually like this because these old encyclopedia book illustrations are ultra comfy to me and take me back to when I was a kid into dinosaurs and sea creatures, so having a game that actually, literally uses them is more of a pro for me than a con, even if I understand it's lazy. But yeah would've been better if they added actual animation frames instead of being static.

>> No.6951912

>Ecco, if we breathe air, why do we live beneath the waves

>> No.6952013
File: 590 KB, 1422x1600, 861525a01fb280def9037b21e7a6fa56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most of the prehistoric elements particularly were taken from Zdenek Burian paintings.

>> No.6952050

Kek based.

>> No.6952052

Blade runner was never good

>> No.6952054

tfw no monster madness

>> No.6952132

sort of
but his real gimmick was getting so angry that he beats hard games even if theyre ass
nowadays he's just meh heres a few levels and i'm out

that white shirt in the ecco video looked sharp af tho

>> No.6952137

>and Sam Becket never returned home

>> No.6952505

oh yeah, what the fuck

>> No.6953417

Echo is universally loved and is unironically a great game, no matter what the teenagers writing James' scripts nowadays think

>> No.6953571

>what a shitload of fuck!
>*drinks beer*
>ass shitting diarrhea game!
>*drinks beer*
>omg why did they think this was a good idea for a game?
>*drinks beer*
>die you terrible game!!
>*drinks beer*

Well done James, another classic episode! another paycheck for a job.. well.. haha nevermind.

>> No.6953583

this might have been a decent burn like 10 years ago

>> No.6953625

What's a good place to get Sega CD roms, good retro anons? Vimm's doesn't seem to have any.

>> No.6953637

Just google something like "sonic cd rom (or iso)"

>> No.6953641

Yeah, finding them is easy, I was looking for some safe websites with virus-free downloads. Is coolrom cool?

>> No.6953645


>> No.6953657

Nice, I used Emuparadise before it died. Thanks.

>> No.6953680

I think you can still use that. I remember seeing people mentioning a script, this is the first result I got:
Just tried it and it seems to work.

>> No.6953696

I guess at this point that he's just milking the shtick it's not worth actually beating the game which is kind of funny in it's own right. No wonder modern /vr/ doesn't play games, even the youtube dolts they watch barely play them. He didn't even get a quarter of the way through the game and ragequit before it even gets hard.

It's like the guy who would come here claiming to like it but shitting on the game and complaining about too many labyrinths and then casually mentions how he actually level skipped most of them with the debug code lol.

>> No.6953703

Fathom on the 2600 is better

>> No.6953728

Dang, that's handy dandy.

>> No.6954830

In what ways?

>> No.6955009
File: 150 KB, 900x1233, Ecco Meets Trellia by Hericks on DeviantArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this today, thought It'd be worth posting.
Why didn't Trellia appear more in the game?

>> No.6955341


>> No.6955358

I found it funny.

>> No.6955437

What were they thinking?

>> No.6955450

They overestimated players but unironically.

>> No.6955472

>he beats hard games even if theyre ass
He literally never did this. He usually used passwords or cheats to review the final levels.

>> No.6955476

>well liked = good
A tip of my fedora to you, sir.

>> No.6955614

This game has passwords, he could have easily found them and be like
>And if you thought the beginning was shitty, they saved the worst for last

>> No.6955685


>> No.6955853

I also thought it was overused at first, but then it paid off at the end with the beer pool.
I agree with everyone that says the game review part of the episode was weak, but not because what he criticized about it wasn't true (he made some valid points), but it just wasn't one of the best episodes, and that's fine.
The beer pool and the ending were nice moments though, saved the episode from being totally worthless.

>> No.6955883
File: 235 KB, 900x1233, 1601795557742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956035


This is just a disguised "oh senpai you so lewd!" comic. I hate fags who draw this shit, just get a fucking girl already and stop dragging my childhood games into your shitty life.

>> No.6956646

Shit, I didn't notice the bad grammar. Thanks, and let the artist know if you'd want.
I know its stupid, but I found it funny. It's about 10 years old now, Jesus.
You don't need to get so pissed off, Anon.

>> No.6957105


>> No.6958084


>> No.6958967

I had been making ecco threads constantly for months on multiple boards and very few people were interested.

now the balding manchild eceleb did a video on it and everyone is suddenly interested.

>> No.6959025
File: 288 KB, 820x312, dxd0a5qq9n841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitty new intellivision console will have a spiritual successor to ecco

>> No.6959045

Wow that's some good news.

>> No.6959064

>Bland, empty background
Already soulless

>> No.6959129

Yeah who would've thought fifteen years of "angry guy plays an old game" might have gone stale at some point?

>> No.6959178

yeah shame he didn't mention the later levels or aliens at all

>> No.6959184

AVGN is still great retard

>> No.6959187

Wrong idiot. James still writes the scripts.

>> No.6959196

Kill yourself my man

>> No.6959204

OP did make an Ecco thread you retard

>> No.6959216

That is false. James still writes the scripts gaywad.

>> No.6959219

James still writes the scripts fag

>> No.6959221

James still writes the scripts you dumb homo

>> No.6959230

Cry more anon

>> No.6959287


>> No.6959490

The problem is that so few people have played the games more than just casually that most don't have anything to say about it beyond griping back and forth which soundtrack is better.

As with most games around here it takes watching someone on youtube showing them the game to make them think they have something to say. Such is life in memeland /vr/ where you'll get heated debates over hardware, console wars, names of genres and crts but none if you try talking about the actual game. It's a surreal board.

>> No.6959496

then you haven't been paying attention cause ecco threads usually hit hundreds of posts

>> No.6959508

even if that's true and whatever behind the scenes trickery there was
it has a level select cheat
how do you talk about ecco without mentioning it gets crazy with aliens and time travel?

>> No.6959519

Peak late 80s / early 90s save the whale nonsense. Zoomers don't know, but this is when the world was nerfed by faggots for faggots.

>> No.6959526

I really wanted to see Free Willy when I was a little kid and begged my parents to go see it. I ended up hating it.

>> No.6959536

>how do you talk about ecco without mentioning it gets crazy with aliens and time travel?

Did he seriously not? That's hilarious.

>> No.6959540

That whole era was pozzed with Captain Planet themed horseshit. I didn't even know it was Hungarian till now, but it makes perfect sense that it was produced in Europe around that time.

>> No.6959542

I didn't like Captain Planet either. Its weird how as a kid you know when something is lame, but you wouldn't really be able to explain why or how.

>> No.6959548

he stops at the lagoon
that's the end of it
he can't get past it and quits

>> No.6959568

>yes goy, you owe it to g-d's chosen people to allow us to take your natural resources and spoil whatever we don't need, otherwise you're a nazi. remember the 6 gorillion!

>> No.6959569

That's just embarrassing the game hasn't even started to get hard at that point. Is his show supposed to just be comedy or do people take it like a review? I've literally only ever seen him talked about here and it never seems positive.

>> No.6959570

Yeah, I knew instantly that cartoon was full of shit. I put it down to the steady diet of He-Man, Thundercats & Turtles I'd been raised on prior to that, but now I see it stands on its own two feet as a forced meme.

>> No.6959578

Mike said on stream that they stopped writing the show at Episode 100, arguably when the show started to decline. Cope.

>> No.6959582

Except the save the whale guys were proven right all along and you are the type of gay faggot whose been feminised by xenooestrogens in the water, in the air, in your food and sit around oblivious and wondering why you have sissy fantasies and think you might be trans.

>> No.6959583

>AVGN is great retard

>> No.6959584

like i said he used to play them like oh this game is bs!
i'm gonna get really drunk and use my retard anger like popeye spinach/hulking out and beat it

this one is odd because like i said he's just ehhh heres the first few levels they're hard see ya next time

>> No.6959586

Guess what, majority of pollution and over-hunting of endangered species comes from third world shitholes, whose massive population booms the west directly encourages with aid. We aren't the ones killing the whales and haven't been since like 1890.

>> No.6959598
File: 532 KB, 1920x1080, Aquaria 2017-10-22 11-11-57-030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spiritual successor to ecco
We already have one

>> No.6959606
File: 149 KB, 1024x723, 1024px-Number_of_whales_killed,_OWID.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be ridiculous, it's mainly first world nations that were killing whales and thanks to conservation efforts this was stopped. The other stuff you said is irrelevant to this argument now stfu.


>> No.6959607

Yes you never see the Greta types lecturing the shitskins who actually destroy the environment. Weird how that works.

>> No.6959697

As a kid I had Tides of Time on Gamegear and thought it was alright. Then years later I played the original on Genesis and remember thinking "wait, did I have Tides of Time or the original?" It turned out the two games just had a LOT of similar setpieces.

>> No.6960114

I guess one could call it a review of sorts, but it's clearly played for laughs. Every once in a while he actually reviews (mostly horror) movies, just not as the nerd.

>> No.6960175

I actually had it as a kid.

Fucking hated it because I could never figure out what to do or where to go. Usually just went back to playing Sonic.

>> No.6960197
File: 31 KB, 383x480, SSEGSATACC3D01A_l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, Ecco is exactly one of those /vr/ games that would have benefitted MASSIVELY from analogue controls. 8 way swimming doesn't really feel good. Unironically wish they made it a bit later.

Imagine Ecco but NiGHTS Into Dream's control scheme.

>> No.6960208

Nah it could control just fine with a d-pad. The problem was that the programming could have been a lot more polished. Turning around could be faster, collision detection could be more meticulously crafted... Ecco's sprite could be a bit smaller (although part of the appeal of the game is its visual style, so bigger sprites is a plus in that regard).

>> No.6960258
File: 39 KB, 1469x1016, ECCO - The Tides of Time (E)-201005-113020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a kid I had Tides of Time on Gamegear and thought it was alright. Then years later I played the original on Genesis and remember thinking "wait, did I have Tides of Time or the original?" It turned out the two games just had a LOT of similar setpieces.

I have never played the GameGear (or 8-bit) Ecco games, despite owning a GameGear back in the day. I had the original on the Sega CD. It was part of a bundle pack-in, that included Sonic CD, a 5-pack of Genesis "classics" and Sewer Shark. I rented Ecco II a lot for the Sega CD. Those are the ones I am most familiar with. I have played the original Genesis games through emulation. Never bothered with the GameGear ports cause they look like de-makes. But going from the first Ecco game to Ecco II: Tides of Time, the second game actually did have a lot of new tile sets, and even a different Ecco sprite. Yeah, the game still borrows common sprites and some tiles. But I always thought the second game was a nice visual upgrade over the first. They made good use of dithering, too.

>> No.6960920
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I think Ecco controls amazingly once you're familiar with all the animations and the momentum. It's not meant to be a twitchy action game, controlling like you're underwater all the time is part of the design.

>> No.6960973

James should make a second episode to actually complete the game.
He has completed hard shit like Pepsiman and Ghosts n' Goblins, so why not complete this one? It's worthy of a second part!

>> No.6961450

>Game has a section at the beginning that teaches you to slow down
>27 years later people still bitch about having to relax for just 5 seconds.
>WHAT A SHIT-LOAD OF FUCK! *drinks beer*

>> No.6961452

James barely ever played the games

>> No.6961716
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>> No.6962137

I like his videos on films. I always got the impression that he is more passionate about that. Even from the beginning he cared more about making videos than purely the games themselves. Now he has to do AVGN because it is product.

>> No.6962767

listened to the CD soundtrack recently and now im obsessed with this game. i've been looking for those old 90s dolphin motivational posters to put on my wall.

>> No.6962778

James has been completely shit after the earthbound video

>> No.6962779
File: 34 KB, 500x281, avgn mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that unholy obsession with the crowbar joke

>> No.6962783

Cinemassacre has a lot to answer for but this obsession with Bootsy who only appeared in Board james (which was never that good anyway) always seemed a little weird to me. Dude didn't even appear in an avgn.

>> No.6962806

Why does the dolphin have an Australian southern cross on his forehead?

>> No.6963560

Pitty we'll never know what Sentinels of the Universe was gonna be about

>> No.6963645
File: 1.78 MB, 270x188, snek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it (ecco) .. I dont like this review because its not a shitty game, its a hard game. (although i do agree how losing the spiky ring or the shell after it goes like 2 inches off screen is bullshit and bad design).

This review reeks of james and mike mondays. Where they complain about not liking a game because they refused to even read the manual or even a GFaqs writeup on what the controls are. Or maybe talk to an npc in the first area that tells them what to do to progress, then complain about it 30 minutes.

Also, Sentinels of the universe was awesome. i played the unreleased ISO thats out there, ecco swimming in 3d feels amazing. with the fine tuning and an actual release it would have been a DC top seller.

>> No.6963816

Why yes, I did watch the latest Angry Video Game Nerd too!

>> No.6963835

I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a road-killed skunk and down it with beer.

>> No.6964580

>This review reeks of james and mike mondays. Where they complain about not liking a game because they refused to even read the manual or even a GFaqs writeup on what the controls are.

Having not watched his videos it seems like he's stuck in something of a bind though. He has to keep making videos and the hook is he's this angry nerd mad at bad games. But Ecco isn't a bad game, it's just unusual so learning the control scheme takes some practice. And as pointed, he quit long before it even starts to get hard.

But there's the problem. If he did read the manual and try even a little he would understand, but that doesn't drum up YouTube hits the way inflammatory complaits do.

>> No.6964669

It was a pretty terrible video, he tried so hard to make these normal game mechanics seem like the worst thing ever.
>and then I push the button one time too many and the thingy shoots into the wall!
yeah, yeah that happened to me too. that's why the next time you're more careful around that part.

what an idiot, complaining about normal gameplay.

What's next? complaining about Street Fighter II mechanics?