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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 434 KB, 800x636, ultima-games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941854 No.6941854 [Reply] [Original]

How did the longest running WRPG series died in a very tragic way?
It would have been a multi-million dollar franchise if EA and Origin Systems properly invested the series instead of beating the Ultima Online like a dead horse.

>> No.6941859

Betrayed its roots

>> No.6941880


>> No.6942276

Good thread.

>> No.6942932

I loved Ultima Online, but they fucked it up with some updates.
>ninjas and samurais

>> No.6944227
File: 1.95 MB, 2016x1512, But_then_EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fell out of favor with its audience and was unable to compete with all the great FPS and RTS games out. I guess the Elder Scrolls games are the closest facsimile, but Origin may make a comeback now that it is bundled with Xbox Game Pass. I hope that means they put in the work to make a good new entry.

>> No.6944243

EA. It's always EA. It's a death sentence onto itself.

>> No.6944250

Bloody roots

>> No.6944358
File: 116 KB, 1069x613, ultima-9-beta-pc-edge-41-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EA killed it by moving most of the staff to UO and then wanting it in 3D.

Originally looked like this.

>> No.6946180

Up to 6 Ultima was at the sole mercy of the whims of Garriott. After that it was still somewhat a their mercy. So when UO turned out to be a sudden surprise potential hit, Garriott lost interest, EA lost interest, and the project was mostly put on ice. Any later attempt at resurrecting it would fail because whoever EA could fit would not be Garriott or Spector (who'd been in charge of managing Garriott and Ultima in the 6-to-SI stretch).

>> No.6946458 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 375x375, 1601584613440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went soo horribly wrong?

>> No.6946783

the thing is that a 3D ultima is basically elder scrolls.

>> No.6946878

No RPG, western or Japanese, has ever been good.

>> No.6946895


>> No.6946943

Elder Scrolls has never had the level of world interactivity that Ultima had.
Especially when compared to Ultima VII.

>> No.6946956

Ultima 3D is Ultima Underworld, not TES shit.

>> No.6947414

Tbh if I made like nine games for a single IP I'd get sick of it and move on as well. It's funny, this is the same place where people will bitch about Tony Hawk being milked for all that it's worth but they won't bitch about the same thing happening with Ultima.

>> No.6947454

At least with the Ultima games there was more technological development going on through the series. That didn't happen as much with Tony Hawk games.

>> No.6947795

It's very typical of EA's operating practices.
They made a hostile takeover of Origin, rushed out a few titles for quick cash and then let the IP rot and drive all the original developers away.

>> No.6948414

Is that you, noah?