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File: 3 KB, 256x224, sky destroyer 49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6940532 No.6940532 [Reply] [Original]

Sky Destroyer was a 1985 Taito arcade shmup where you control a Mitsubishi Zero pilot in WWII who has to shoot down American fighter planes. Sort of the reverse of 1942 which has you taking the American side against Japanese planes.

It also got a Famicom port but neither that or the arcade game were released in North America for reasons.

>> No.6940536
File: 41 KB, 384x280, Sky_Destroyer_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always included on multicarts for the famiclones.
Based as fuck game.

>> No.6940573
File: 212 KB, 252x358, 252px-Guerrilla_War_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this another case where Americans couldn't take the piss ala SNK having to change Castro and Che Guevara to some generic dudes for the US release of Guerilla War?

>> No.6940576

my father loved this shit lmao
fuck america btw

>> No.6940580

didn't Japan ban that Simpsons episode where they go to Japan and Homer throws the Emperor into a vat of used sumo thongs?

>> No.6940585

Simpsons isn't even popular in Japan, I doubt they were even aware of it, although it's possible that it was banned, I dunno.
Apparently, most people in Japan only know Homer as "that one yellow guy from the donut commercials"; it seems Homer was used as a mascot for some donut brand.

>> No.6940593

That would have been a terrible idea especially in the 80s when the Cuban exile lobby was very very powerful.

>> No.6940614 [DELETED] 

how cute, he hide behind anonymity like a little bitch since this isn't /int/ and we can't see what shithole he's from

>> No.6940646
File: 243 KB, 1102x614, 188855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or did the Famicom have a _lot_ of crappy shmups especially in the early days?

>> No.6940658

Crappy, compared to what exactly? Arcade games?
I liked Star Force, it was simple but fun.
Probably the best of the early Famicom shmups was TwinBee though, still love it and play it from time to time.

>> No.6940663

Japanese love the things and they're easy to program compared with platformers--there's little in the way of physics. Also seems that barely any of these made it to America. 1942 and I can't think of anything much else.

>> No.6940678

The NES 1942 was also a terrible port made by Micronics.

>> No.6940691

the amount of shmups released shrank after the early era of NROM/CNROM games. i guess as ROM sizes got bigger they could try other genres of game but when the Famicom was first starting developers were kind of limited in what they could program.

>> No.6940694

It's a shame Exerion only ever gets remembered for its shit famicom port.

>> No.6940708

The arcade original isn't even that great, basically another Space Invaders/Galaxian style game but with a trippy "3D" background.
The Famicom port is alright-ish, for being an early Famicom title, the background effect was well done.

>> No.6940728

Even in that screenshot you have quarth, star sodiler, xevious which have cultural significance and are far from "shitty".
And then Yagawa made summer carnival recca

>> No.6940729
File: 54 KB, 600x491, 159827947236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the japs made every other non-aligned country in the world bomb the fuck out of the yanks in a giga psy-ops move

>> No.6940737

The pic has B-Wings, Exerion, Star Force, Seicross, Quarth, F-15 City War, Burai Fighter, Baltron, Argus, Galg, Geimos, and Gyrodine. There's no Star Soldier or Xevious in there.

>> No.6940748

And there's some 3D ones too like Star Luster.

>> No.6940758

Star Force reminds me a bit of Uridium on the C64.

>> No.6940759
File: 77 KB, 819x614, 9BB01923-89F7-4043-9447-4ACCBE56EF18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s good and all, but stop posting commie fags when talking about Nippon

>> No.6940780

>i am a gay baby read my blog
No thanks

>> No.6940796

Hi assembly language larper.

>> No.6941002


Formation Z is another early one.

>> No.6941063


It's basically just an Atari 2600 game with higher resolution graphics. Even the sound effects could be ripped from any 2600 game.

>> No.6941210

Hi NPC that randomly posts Hi assembly language larper

>> No.6941218

This was one of my favourite games on an old bootleg GBA multicart that also contained a bunch of NES games to make up it's 999 in 1 or whatever. (Say, 4 GBA games and 995 NES games)

>> No.6941253

I'd love to see how the scrolling effect looks in the top right game, whatever it is

>> No.6941257


F15 City War, unlicensed AVE game made by Taiwan-based Idea-Tek.

>> No.6941274

It looks like the one guy who animated the little flappy birds fucking tried, at least
I don't know what I expected I guess, but I expected something at least not so clunky/chunky

>> No.6941278

Jaleco's famicom ports are always terrible, the arcade version is pretty decent for 1983. The sound effects are pretty bad though, and the lack of music is a bit odd.

>> No.6941282

Their version of Maniac Mansion was rejected by LucasArts for a North American localization and they decided to just make a completely new port from scratch.

>> No.6941290

Bases Loaded is what 90% of American gamers remember them for.

>> No.6941295

yeah Jaleco was one of those C-tier arcade companies like Irem and neither their arcade or home system releases were ever anything great except for like 1-2 games

>> No.6941297
File: 28 KB, 1200x768, Jaleco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The creator of Exerion, City Connection, and Momoko 120%
>Only C-tier
ok brainlet

>> No.6941582


>> No.6941636

>64th Street
>Avenging Spirit
>EDF: Earth Defense Force
>Operation Logic Bomb
>Fortified Zone 1+2
>Rushing Beat Ran/Brawl Brothers
>Rushing Beat Shura
>Tuff E Nuff
>Ignition Factor
>Game Paradise

Some of this is B-tier or clones of better games but they all have quirky personality and are likable, especially in the case of Logic Bomb, Rod-Land and the Rushing Beats. Jaleco ain't Konami or Capcom but I like em.