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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6938093 No.6938093 [Reply] [Original]

Was the long time Nintendo kid. Played through OoT, MMs, aLttP, and the original NES and Adventures of Link (even though it was trash). I had a lot these games pre-ordered or day one and I loved them. Played Wind Waker even though everyone initially hated the art direction because the goal of games back then was to strive for realism (games couldn't do that back then). It was alright. Then Twilight Princess rolled around. Back to the 'realistic' look. I thought this was going to be the greatest game of all time: a realistic looking Zelda. Turns out, the boss battles were boring and I ended up not finishing the game. I was probably getting older and better at video games and it bored me. The puzzles were alright I guess, but up until then, any great game had me finishing until the end. Twilight Princess was the first Zelda to not compel me to finish it, unprecedented.

A decade passes and people start shilling OoT and the fans are absolute retards about it. Replaying OoT today is a massive and boring wait of a game. It was king for it's time, but Zelda has never reached that height since. They don't realize or they forget that back then 80% of OoT's selling point was that it was a 3D game and that alone made you want to play it, which is ubiquitous and sn alien idea now. Botw isn't even a Zelda game and it only had like 13 monsters/enemy types which was too small for the size of world. It's a massive disappointment and the only people that like it are not old-school Zelda fans.

>> No.6938102

I like BotW and Zelda 1 was the second video game I ever played. It's more of a Zelda than any game Aonuma ever made, but what can you expect from a director who hates Zelda. His biggest con was changing what fans defined Zelda as.

>> No.6938106

Damn that's crazy but who asked?

>> No.6938117


>> No.6938302

>Adventures of Link (even though it was trash)
Yes, this IS a shitty take

>> No.6938976

You need to go back

>> No.6940169

See >>6938976